Guest User


a guest
Aug 7th, 2017
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  1. function initLoginScreenForPlayer(player)
  2. -- show blur screen or w/e
  3. fadeCamera(player,true,2.0,0,0,0)
  4. showChat(source,false)
  5. triggerClientEvent(player,"USGaccounts.showLogin",player)
  6. end
  8. addEvent("checkForBan",true)
  9. addEventHandler("checkForBan",root,
  10. function()
  11. local serialBan = exports.USGbans:getSerialBan(getPlayerSerial(client))
  12. if (serialBan) then
  13. setElementData(client,"occupation","Banned")
  14. triggerClientEvent(client,"returnPlayerIsBanned",source,serialBan)
  15. elseif not ( isPlayerLoggedIn(source) ) then
  16. initLoginScreenForPlayer(source)
  17. end
  18. end)
  20. local LATEST_VERSION = 0
  22. addEvent("onPlayerAttemptLogin",true)
  23. addEventHandler("onPlayerAttemptLogin",root,
  24. function (username, password)
  25. if(username and password) then
  26. local username = username:lower()
  27. local player = getPlayerFromAccount(username)
  28. if(player) then
  29. triggerClientEvent(source,"showStatusNotice",source,
  30. "This account is in use by "..getPlayerName(player),
  31. 255,0,0)
  32. return false
  33. end
  34. local accountBan = exports.USGbans:getAccountBan(username)
  35. if(accountBan) then
  36. triggerClientEvent(source,"showStatusNotice",source,
  37. "This account is banned until "..exports.USG:getDateTimeString(accountBan.endtimestamp).."\nReason: "..accountBan.reason,
  38. 255,0,0)
  39. return false
  40. end
  41. local q = query(attemptLoginCallback,{source,username, password},"SELECT password,playtime,version FROM accounts WHERE username=?",username)
  42. if(not q) then
  43. triggerClientEvent(source,"showStatusNotice",source,"Database offline, can't login! Try again later.",255,0,0)
  44. end
  45. end
  46. end
  47. )
  49. function attemptLoginCallback(result, player, username, password)
  50. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - attemptLoginCallback")
  51. if(not result or not result[1]) then
  52. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - no result")
  53. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,username.." doesn't exist! register it to use the username.",255,0,0)
  54. return false
  55. end
  57. local account = result[1]
  58. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - calculating hash with version "..account.version)
  59. local verified = verifyPassword(username, password, account.password, account.version)
  60. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - comparing")
  62. if(verified or account.version == 2) then -- log in
  63. if(false and account.version ~= LATEST_VERSION) then
  64. local newPass = hash(username, password, LATEST_VERSION)
  65. exports.MySQL:execute("UPDATE accounts SET password=?,version=? WHERE username=?",newPass,LATEST_VERSION,username)
  66. end
  67. if(account.version == 2) then
  68. local newPass = hash(username,password,0)
  69. exports.MySQL:execute("UPDATE accounts SET password=?,version=? WHERE username=?",newPass,0,username)
  70. end
  71. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - checking for mods")
  72. if ( not exports.USGanticheat:doesPlayerHaveIllegalMods(source) ) then
  73. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - no mods, logging in")
  74. loginPlayer(username, player, account.playtime)
  75. else
  76. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - has mods, sending info to client")
  77. triggerClientEvent(player, "USGaccounts.onShowModInfo",player,exports.USGanticheat:getPlayerAntiModInfo(player))
  78. end
  79. else
  80. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - pass incorrect")
  81. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"Password is incorrect! please try again!",255,0,0)
  82. return false
  83. end
  84. end
  86. function loginPlayer(username, player, playtime)
  87. if(not username) then return false end
  88. setElementData(player,"account",username)
  89. setElementData(player,"loginTick",getRealTime().timestamp)
  90. if(playtime) then
  91. setElementData(player,"playTime", playtime)
  92. end
  93. triggerClientEvent(player,"USGaccounts.closeLogin",player)
  94. fadeCamera(player,false,1)
  95. triggerEvent("onServerPlayerLogin",player)
  96. triggerClientEvent("onServerPlayerLogin",player)
  97. exports.mysql:execute("INSERT INTO logins ( loginaccount,loginserial,loginnick,logindate,loginip ) VALUES (?,?,?,NOW(),?)",
  98. username, getPlayerSerial(player), getPlayerName(player), getPlayerIP(player))
  99. end
  101. addEvent("USGaccounts.onRegister",true)
  102. addEvent("onPlayerAttemptRegister",true)
  103. addEventHandler("onPlayerAttemptRegister", root,
  104. function (username,password,email)
  105. if(username and password and email) then
  106. local username = username:lower()
  107. if(#username > 64) then
  108. triggerClientEvent(source,"showStatusNotice",source,"Your username is too long ( "..#username.."/64 ).")
  109. return false
  110. end
  111. local q = singleQuery(attemptRegisterExistsCallback,{source,username,password,email},"SELECT username,email FROM accounts WHERE username=? OR email=? LIMIT 1",username, email)
  112. if(not q) then
  113. exports.USGmsg:msg(source,"Database offline, can't register! Try again later.", 255,0,0)
  114. return false
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
  118. )
  120. function attemptRegisterExistsCallback(result,player,username,password,email)
  121. outputServerLog("USGaccounts - attemptRegisterExistsCallback")
  122. if(result) then
  123. if(result.username == username and == email) then
  124. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"Username and email are already registered! Try to recover your password.",255,0,0)
  125. elseif(result.username == username) then
  126. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,username.." is already registered! Please choose another username!",255,0,0)
  127. elseif( == email) then
  128. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,email.." is already registered! Please choose another email!",255,0,0)
  129. end
  130. return false
  131. end
  132. local pass = hash(username,password)
  133. if (exports.mysql:execute("INSERT INTO accounts (username,password,email,registerserial,registerdate,registerIP) VALUES (?,?,?,?,NOW(),?)",
  134. username:lower(),pass,email,getPlayerSerial(player),getPlayerIP(player))) then
  135. exports.mysql:execute("INSERT INTO accountsdata (username, staffnotes) VALUES(?,?)",username,"") -- make the data row for this player
  136. exports.mysql:execute("INSERT INTO accountstats (username) VALUES(?)",username) -- make the stat row for this player
  137. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"Your account "..username.." was successfully registered!",0,255,0)
  138. triggerClientEvent(player,"closeTab",player,"register")
  139. exports.system:log("Account - Register",getPlayerName(player).." has registered account "..username,player)
  140. loginPlayer(username, player)
  141. else
  142. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"An error occured while trying to register "..username..", please contact a administrator.")
  143. exports.system:logError("USGaccounts","An error occured while trying to register "..username.." for "..getPlayerName(player).."!")
  144. end
  145. end
  147. addEvent("USGaccounts.requestPassword", true)
  148. addEventHandler("USGaccounts.requestPassword", root,
  149. function (username, email)
  150. if(username and email) then
  151. username = username:lower()
  152. singleQuery(requestPasswordCallback, {username, email, client}, "SELECt * FROM accounts WHERE username=? AND email=?",username,email)
  153. end
  154. end
  155. )
  157. function requestPasswordCallback(result, username, email, player)
  158. if(result) then
  159. local newPassword = generatePassword()
  160. if(exports.MySQL:execute("UPDATE accounts SET password=? WHERE username=?", hash(username,newPassword), username)) then
  161. callRemote("",function () end,username,email,newPassword)
  162. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"Check your email for your new password ( wait a few minutes and make sure to check the spam folder ).",0,255,0)
  163. else
  164. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"Something went wrong trying to change your password, try again later.",255,0,0)
  165. end
  166. else
  167. triggerClientEvent(player,"showStatusNotice",player,"No account found with this username and email!",255,0,0)
  168. end
  169. end
  171. function verifyPassword(username, password, dbPassword, version)
  172. if (username and password) then --make sure both are supplied
  173. if(version == 0) then
  174. return hash(username,password,version) == dbPassword
  175. elseif(version == 1) then
  176. return bcrypt_verify(username.."+"..password, dbPassword)
  177. end
  178. else
  179. return false --unable to hash, due to the username + password being required!
  180. end
  181. end
  183. function hash(username,password,version)
  184. if (username and password) then --make sure both are supplied
  185. if(not version) then version = LATEST_VERSION end
  186. if(version == 0) then
  187. local salt = tostring(#username + #password)
  188. return sha512(username.."-"..password.."-"..salt)
  189. elseif(version == 1) then
  190. local salt = bcrypt_salt(50000)
  191. return bcrypt_digest(username.."+"..password, salt)
  192. end
  193. else
  194. return false --unable to hash, due to the username + password being required!
  195. end
  196. end
  198. function checkForOldHash(username, password, inputPassword)
  199. return false
  200. --[[local passwordV2 =, "SHA512")
  201. local passwordV3 = hash(username, inputPassword)
  202. if (password == passwordV2) then --Account is using the old hash
  203. outputDebugString("Account "..username.." has V2 hash, updating to V3 hash...",0,0,255,0)
  204. exports.mysql:execute("UPDATE accounts SET password=? WHERE username=?",passwordV3,username)
  205. return true
  206. else
  207. --outputDebugString("Account not found / account already has new hash!",0,0,255,0)
  208. return false --Account not found / Already has new hash.
  209. end--]]
  210. end
  212. local chars = {"a",'b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}
  213. function generatePassword()
  214. local pass = ""
  215. for i=1, 16 do
  216. pass = pass..(chars[math.random(#chars)])
  217. end
  218. return pass
  219. end
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