
Bryans dead the end.

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan turned the car down Main street and pulled up to the corner where a crowd of people were already gathering, pulling his car to the side of the road and putting it into park to glance over to Aubrey in the passenger seat. "So we're going to come around this corner, and over there is the finish line where you can wait for me to fuckin' take everyone's money." He lifted his hand, gesturing down the street.-
  2. Musik: "Sweet. I got the silly string." -She said pulling a can out of her purse, smirking slightly.-
  3. Alexithymiaa: "It better not be yellow. I can't gloat in my victory glory covered in yellow silly string." He pushed his door open and climbed out of the car, moving to lean his arms onto the roof of the car as he glanced around the crowd and the other racers with their cars along the same strip of road. Seeing Paul making his rounds, he dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out two thousand dollars in cash, leaning over to hand it off to him.-
  4. Musik: -She shoved it back down into her bag, climbing out of the car and put her bag over her shoulder.- "It's pink, don't worry." -She said with a smile, watching him hand over the money. She moved around the car to stand next to him, looking around at everyone else.-
  5. Alexithymiaa: "That's not better. Is that supposed to be better? C'mon..." He rolled his eyes and swung his arm over her shoulders, watching Paul start to round everyone up. "Alright, I need to get over to the starting line. Go watch me fuckin' kill these fucks." He leaned over and pressed a hard kiss to her lips before slapping his hand against her ass, ducking back into his car and closing the door.-
  6. Musik: -She kissed him back, jumping a little when he smacked her ass. She smiled and pushed her hair back out of her face as she move away from the cars, moving to the sidewalk to walk towards the finish line.-
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He put the car into first gear and started down the street, pulling up alongside the other cars where Paul was standing next to some probably half naked bitch because everything in my mind is the fast and furious. Swiping his hair off his forehead, he watched the half naked bitch do her little ready dance thing, dropping her arms and signaling the cars to take off. He shifted immediately and stuck his foot onto the clutch, the car rocketing off the starting line alongside the others to tear down the street.-
  8. Musik: -Aubrey watched the cars speed off, watching Bryan's car as best she could as they went around the corners, moving to the finish line to wait for him.-
  9. Alexithymiaa: -The group of cars whipped around the first corner with Bryan out in front of course, turning to come up the hill as a swarm of racing metal. He punched it into fourth gear and raced to the top of the hill and around the bend, pulling out in front as he approached the last turn.-
  10. Musik: -She watched as he whipped around the last corner, reaching in her bag to pull the silly string out, grabbing her phone too to try and get a picture of him passing finish.-
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He downshifted and pulled the E brake as he hit the last turn, his back wheels sliding across the pavement and making a loud shrieking sound as he drifted through the turn. The cars behind him finally started into the turn, the car in second place behind him taking the turn at full speed LIKE A DUMBASS and overshooting, his car barrelling after Bryan's. The nose of his car smashed into the Bryan's driver side door going about 90mph, pushing the car across the width of the street until Bryan's little white GTI lifted. The momentum and the lift sent the car rolling, the screech of metal loud as his car tumbled over itself and smashed into the brick side of Target, the roof of the car smashing in. Well I guess all around his entire car was pretty smashed in. Despite wearing a seatbelt, his body jerked around like a ragdoll inside the little car, his left leg crumpling under the caved in metal of the door with his head smashing into the roof. The car finally came to a stop on its side, pressed up against the brick building.-
  12. Musik: -She watched the cars as the sped around the corner, her eyes growing as she watched all the flipping and smashing and no. She dropped the can of silly string and took off down the street towards the cars, stopping near Bryan's car trying to look inside it.- "Bryan!" -She shouted trying to see if he was alive. She fumbled with her phone that was in her hand quickly dialing 911 even though the hospital is right there.-
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan was knocked completely the fuck out. // Paul came running down the black behind Aubrey but significantly slower because I picture him in oversized baggy pants and trying to hold them up as he ran. He stopped beside Bryan's car and looked to the other smashed one, reaching over to try to yank the door open, but it wouldnt budge because smashed. "No one call the police!"-
  14. Musik: -She heard Paul say don't call the police right before she could hit call, she furrowed her brows and looked at him.- "What do you mean don't call the police. Do you see this shit!? He's fucking hurt!"
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Paul turned quickly to look at Aubrey, his brows furrowed. "Yeah and this is illegal!" He moved to circle Bryan's car, trying to find a way to actually get in amongst the metal and broken glass.-
  16. Musik: "I don't care!" -She snapped slightly and shoved her phone down into her pocket, bringing her hands up to her hair pushing them quickly out of her face before moving closer to the car, trying to help Paul find a way into the car.-
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Sirens were heard from down the block because there's no way that NO ONE called. An ambulance followed by police cars and a fire truck came screeching down the block toward the accident. At the sound of the sirens, Paul's head popped up, his eyes going wide before he turned and just sprinted off in the opposite direction like a fucking douchebag.-
  18. Musik: -She lifted her head when she heard the sirens and then watched Paul take off.- "Really?! Fuck you!" -She shouted at him and looked back into the car at Bryan. She swallowed hard before watching the ambulance and cop car get closer.-
  19. Alexithymiaa: -The emergency vehicles came to a halt next to the cars, EMT's bursting out of the ambulance and darting over to peer into the car. "We're going to need to cut him out!" // The fire fighter people came running out of their truck with the jaws of life, jamming it into the side of the car and beginning to pry the door off.-
  20. Musik: -She backed away from the car, crossing her arms over her chest probably tearing up because she's terrified, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as she watched them do their shit.-
  21. Alexithymiaa: -The firefighter people ripped the door off, reaching inside and cutting Bryan's seat belt off of his limp body, gently lifting him up and out of the vehicle. They carried him to the board the EMT responders had set out, placing him down onto it. Blood gushed from an open wound somewhere amongst his hair, his face scratched and bruised from the broken glass and banging around. His left pant leg was torn to shreds, blood seeping through the fabric profusely with the shape of his left altogether mangled and twisted. The EMT's moved in around him on the stretcher, wrapping a neck brace around his neck to keep his head steady, already rushing him toward the ambulance. "BP is ninety over thirty and dropping!"-
  22. Musik: -She felt the tears pouring out of her eyes as she started closer to the ambulance, her voice raising as she croaked out.- "His name's Bryan!" -She eyed him on the board as they loaded him up, quickly wiping the tears off her face.-
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Listening to Aubrey, the EMT looked down into his face as she climbed into the back of the ambulance. "Bryan? Stay with me, Bryan." The other EMT climbed up into the ambulance, shouting to the driver. "We need to get him to the OR! NOW!" He leaned forward and looked to Aubrey quickly. "You can wait at the hospital. Portland General." With that, he pulled the doors shut quickly and the ambulance's sirens wailed, speeding off to the hospital.-
  24. Musik: -She watched as they drove off and started sobbing into her hand. She sniffed hard and grabbed her phone out of her pocket, quickly sending a text as she walked down the side walk. Once she had the text sent off she picked up the pace and fuckin' ran in her heels and all down to the hospital, pushing the doors open to walk inside. She walked straight up to the desk, shoving her phone into her pocket again.- "My b-Fiance was just brought in. He was in a car accident."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -The ambulance pulled into the back of the hospital and rolled him in, taking him straight to the OR as they paged some doctor for emergency surgery and shit. // The woman at reception looked up from her computer briefly, clearly not panicked or worried or really caring at all. "Name?"-
  26. Musik: "Bryan Robinson." -She said wiping her face off again.-
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Mmm..." She hummed as she typed into her computer, finding his information. "They just took him in for surgery. I can have someone come out to talk to you when he comes out."-
  28. Musik: -She nodded slightly.- "Please do." -She said and moved over to the chairs, dropping her purse into one, rubbing her hands over her hface back into her hair holding her hair back out of her face as she closed her eyes crying.-
  29. Alexithymiaa: -The receptionist watched Aubrey walk away toward the chairs. A page rang through the PA system calling for two other doctors to report to the OR immediately.-
  30. Musik: -She looked up at the speakers listening to them call the doctors. She instantly felt her gut spin and she dropped down into the chairs, chewing on her finger nails like a noob.-
  31. Alexithymiaa: -After a long while, a tall woman in scrubs and a surgical mask emerged from the swinging doors that led to the rest of the hospital, her eyes scanning the waiting room. "Who's here for Bryan Robinson?"-
  32. Musik: -She heard Bryan's name and quickly pushed up to her feet walking closer to her.- "I am. Is he okay?" -She asked quickly.-
  33. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor pinched her nose and removed the mask from in front of her mouth, letting it hang around her neck so she could speak.
  34. Alexithymiaa: (Oh okay fine)
  35. Alexithymiaa: -The doctor pinched her nose and removed the mask from in front of her mouth, letting it hang around her neck so she could speak. "He's stable right now. He suffered a severe cranial contusion which required nine staples to close. Our main concern right now is his left leg. Both the tibia and fibula were crushed in the accident, and rebuilding that kind of damage takes extensive time with a fairly low success rate."-
  36. Musik: -She nodded slightly and crossed her arms over her chest. "But he'll be able to walk again, right? I mean it's possible? Can I see him?"
  37. Musik: (nooo)
  38. Alexithymiaa: (HAH WERE EVEN)
  39. Musik: -Ash pulled his car into the parking lot, quickly climbing out and moving over to her side, opening the door and helping her out of the car.-
  40. Alexithymiaa: "His ability to walk is all dependant on how well his body accepts the foreign material used to rebuild the bones of his leg. Physical therapy will be recommended, I can assure you. As of right now, the doctors are still working on repairing the leg. We'll let you know when you can see him." She turned and walked off, moving her mask back to her face to disappear behind the doors. // Steph climbed out of Ash's car, pausing for a second to collect herself cause everything sucked before trying her hardest to walk fast up to the hospital when really it was like three fast steps and then like dragging herself.-
  41. MusikMusik : -She nodded sniffing hard as she watched her walk off. She turned back to the chairs, walking back and forth in front of them, just pacing.- // -Ash walked with her, keeping his hand placed on her back as he moved to the doors, pulling them open for her to walk inside, looking for Aubrey. When he spotted her he nodded to her.-
  42. Alexithymiaa: -She gripped Ash's hand hard as she walked over to Aubrey, her eyes searching Aubrey's sad face. "What happened? Is he okay?"-
  43. Musik: -She saw Steph and Ash and pushed her hand back through her hair, dropping her voice down.- "He and they were rounding the last corner and some guy took it too fast and smashed into him and he flipped and spun and it's bad. The doctor just came out..and uh.. He has a head..contusion and and..his leg is smashed and they're like rebuilding it or something." -The tears started falling down her face again, pacing back and forth as she covered her eyes with one of her ands.-
  44. Alexithymiaa: -Steph moved forward and wrapped her arms around Aubrey, hugging her tightly as her own tears sprung into her eyes. "He's going to be okay. He's Bryan. He's always fine. He was meant to do this."-
  45. MusikMusik : -Aubrey hugged her back, dropping her head down into her shoulder as she sobbed, hugging her tihglty but being careful because despite her sadness she knows steph went through some shit.- "It was supposed to be an easy race. Bam boom done..not bam boom hospital.." // -Ash stood off in the back, scratching at his face as he watched the two girls.-
  46. Alexithymiaa: -She eased back off of Aubrey, giving her arm a little rub. "I know. This is why I hate that he did this..." She let out a sigh and shook her head. "I need to sit down.." She turned and nearly fell into a nearby chair, twisting to sit sideways. // The same doctor emerged from behind the doors, walking straight to Aubrey, her voice solemn. "I'm really sorry, but we've done all we can. The tissue is just unable to support the new bone. We had to remove what was left. He still has from the knee and up, fortunately, which gives him more options for the future. He's not conscious, but you can go in to see him now."-
  47. MusikMusik : -She watched Steph sit down and turned to look at the doctor. She blinked back the tears as she listened to the doctor tell her that they had to cut his fucking leg off. She shifted uncomfortably and looked back to Steph then back to the doctor.- "Can his sister come with?" -She asked moving to grab her purse, throwing it up over her shoulder.-
  48. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her hand and swiped beneath her eyes, staring at the doctor with a hopeful expression. // The doctor looked at Steph, kind of just assuming Aubrey was lying because face it, they look nothing alike. "Yes... but we can't have more than one person in there for too long so you'll need to make it quick." The doctor turned and started to lead the girls back toward the ICU room Bryan was in.-
  49. Musik: -She moved to grab Setph's hand, following the doctor back to the room, probably sobbing when she saw him because she's a fucking cry baby right now.- // -Ash shoved his hands down into his pockets, watching as they walked back. He blew out a breath and paced around a bit.-
  50. Alexithymiaa: Steph walked with Aubrey as fast as she could, probably also crying because hormones and she's a baby lately. She stepped into the room to see Bryan lying in the bed, a respirator hooked up to his mouth with his face bruised and beaten and swollen and shit. A deep line was shaved from his head where the bloody staples closed his scalp, his left leg propped up and heavily bandaged, missing below the knee. She sucked in a sharp breath, just watching him lay still there. "I cant... I cant do this..."-
  51. Musik: -Aubrey looked back at Steph, then back to Bryan.- "I'll uh..I'm gonna stay here. Will you guys stop and let the dogs out?" -She asked turning to fac eher, letting her ag fall onto the floor.- "I can call you if anything changes."
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Yes." She said abruptly, turning quickly so she didnt have to look at him because it made her sad. "I'll go by there...." She started to walk away, the tears streaming down her face as she moved to the wall to put her hand out to keep her balance. She made her way slowly back down toward the waiting room, falling into a chair to sob hysterically. "We have to let the dogs out..."-
  53. Musik: -Aubrey shifted to sit in one of the chairs, keeping her eyes on his motionless body as she cried.- // -Ash nodded and ran his hands over her shoulders.- "Okay we can do that. C'mon, let's go." -He said helping her up and moving with her towards the exit, helping her out to the car and sleep because i'm tired af-
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