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a guest
Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. Porumb : da?
  2. *** xCasianu killed Porumb with a headshot from deagle ***
  3. *DEAD*Ady : macar respect asa ca are grad
  4. "deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
  5. Porumb : stiu
  6. Porumb : din greseala
  7. xCasianu : vpo
  8. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  9. [Deathrun] th3fla is now the terrorist.
  10. anarqia19 dropped
  11. xCasianu : voi sunteti nesimtiti
  12. [Deathrun]: Ai ales Invizibilitate [Invizibil Complet]
  13. xCasianu killed self with trigger_hurt
  14. Porumb : intrasem din greseala
  15. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  16. xCasianu : ca nu va uitati si vorbiti aiurea
  17. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  18. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  19. anarqia19 connected
  20. anarqia19 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  21. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  22. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  23. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  24. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  25. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  26. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  27. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  28. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  29. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  30. *DEAD*Ady : ba mane esti invizibil ?
  31. []: Jucatorul xCasianu a terminat mapa in 1:02.
  32. th3fla killed xCasianu with knife
  33. [Deathrun] Type /knife to change your knife skins
  34. [SHOP]: Type /shop to buy items
  35. [FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
  36. anarqia19 killed self with trigger_hurt
  37. [Deathrun] Ady is now the terrorist.
  38. [Helper] Costy : e evip deci da e invi
  39. [Helper] Costy : vip*
  40. th3fla killed self with trigger_hurt
  41. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  42. Ady : aa okay
  43. "deathrun_mode" changed to "FreeRun"
  44. AK # >> MadCats << # dropped
  45. AK # >> MadCats << # connected
  46. AK # >> MadCats << # is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  47. Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
  48. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  49. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  50. Porumb : /r
  51. Welcome to Dr.WarGods.Ro
  52. Ady : aveti free barosanilor
  53. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : salut
  54. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : /who
  55. []: Jucatorul xCasianu a terminat mapa in 0:45.
  56. th3fla killed self with trigger_hurt
  57. [Deathrun] You will be respawned in 3 seconds!
  58. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  59. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  60. xCasianu killed Ady with knife
  61. xCasianu has left the game
  62. "deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
  63. [Deathrun] anarqia19 is now the terrorist.
  64. *DEAD*Ady : casianule
  65. xCasianu : scz
  66. xCasianu connected
  67. xCasianu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  68. [Helper] Costy : /kick cas
  69. ADMIN Costy: kick xCasianu
  70. Ady : clar
  71. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  72. Server protejat de WarGods Shield - powered by Tiger
  73. [Helper] Costy : i am zis
  74. Porumb : da
  75. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  76. AK # >> MadCats << # killed self with trigger_hurt
  77. xCasianu : baaa nu am vrut jur
  78. [CSGO Servers]: Cauti un server de CSGO? Intra pe sau
  79. [FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
  80. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  81. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  82. [Helper] Costy : 1,2,3a abatere ban
  83. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : am inteles..
  84. xCasianu : ba frate
  85. xCasianu : oricum nu ai ce sa imi faci =)))
  86. [Helper] Costy : sigur
  87. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : ba are ))
  88. xCasianu : degeaba te caci pe tine
  89. xCasianu : da-mi ban
  90. anarqia19 : /admins
  92. xCasianu : ca tot intru
  93. ] snapshot
  94. xCasianu : pe sv
  95. *DEAD*Porumb : :)))
  96. *** xCasianu killed anarqia19 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
  97. []: Ai terminat mapa si ai primit 500$.
  98. []: Jucatorul th3fla a terminat mapa in 1:12.
  99. "deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
  100. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : iei hashban
  101. "deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
  102. *DEAD*Ady : iei ban i
  103. [Deathrun] th3fla is now the terrorist.
  104. *DEAD*Ady : ban ip
  105. [DeathRun]: A inceput duelul cu Deagle: xCasianu Impotriva lui th3fla
  106. anarqia19 killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  107. [DeathRun]: Trageti strict cate un glont pe rand!
  108. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  109. Porumb killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  110. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  111. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  112. [Helper] Costy : si mai voiai helper casianu ,nu esti in stare
  113. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  114. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  115. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  116. anarqia19 killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  117. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  118. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  119. anarqia19 dropped
  120. anarqia19 has left the game
  121. []: Jucatorul xCasianu a terminat mapa in 0:35.
  122. Pastrati buna desfasurare a jocului!
  123. xCasianu : ai auzit de ip dinamic?
  124. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  125. []: Jucatorul AK # >> MadCats << # a terminat mapa in 0:44.
  126. AK # >> MadCats << # : ai auzit de hashban ? ))
  127. [FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
  128. [INFO]!y: You will no more use this trap!
  129. *DEAD*Ady : adevarat
  130. [Helper] Costy : e clar mersi ca ai zis
  131. *DEAD*Ady : hashban ai auzit
  132. th3fla killed xCasianu with knife
  133. []: Jucatorul Porumb a terminat mapa in 1:03.
  134. xCasianu : =))))
  135. *** Porumb killed th3fla with a headshot from ak47 ***
  136. Porumb killed AK # >> MadCats << # with ak47
  137. xCasianu killed self with trigger_hurt
  138. [Deathrun] Porumb is now the terrorist.
  139. "deathrun_mode" changed to "FreeRun"
  140. *DEAD*AK # >> MadCats << # : ah
  141. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  142. th3fla killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  143. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  144. AK # >> MadCats << # killed self with trigger_hurt
  145. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  146. []: Jucatorul xCasianu a terminat mapa in 0:34.
  147. [***] Acest server utilizeaza WarGods Shield! Pentru mai multe detalii viziteaza
  148. [Helper] Costy : xcasianu adica tu vrei sa zici ca ai ip dinamic ?
  149. *** xCasianu killed Porumb with a headshot from m4a1 ***
  150. Porumb : :)))
  151. "deathrun_mode" changed to "BUTTONS"
  152. [Deathrun] xCasianu is now the terrorist.
  153. Ady : costy
  154. *DEAD*Porumb : era free ma
  155. xCasianu : hai da ban
  156. xCasianu has left the game
  157. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  158. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  159. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  160. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  161. Ady : frate iti bati capu cu el degeaba
  162. xCasianu connected
  163. xCasianu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  164. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  165. [Helper] Costy : /kick ca
  166. [Helper] Costy : /kick xcas
  167. ADMIN Costy: kick xCasianu
  168. [ DeathRun ] xCasianu has left the game. Costy is now the terrorist.
  169. [FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
  170. "sv_restart" changed to "1"
  171. "sv_restart" changed to "0"
  172. The game will restart in 1 SECOND
  173. [Helper] Costy : 3 a abatere ban
  174. [Deathrun] No terrorist detected, restarting now.
  175. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  176. [Deathrun] Costy is now the terrorist.
  177. xCasianu dropped
  178. ADMIN Costy: a repornit jocul!
  179. xCasianu has left the game
  180. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  181. [Helper] Costy : /live
  182. xCasianu : urmeaza acuma
  183. xCasianu connected
  184. xCasianu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  185. Scoring will not start until both teams have players
  186. [Deathrun] xCasianu is now the terrorist.
  187. xCasianu : a 3-a
  188. [ DeathRun ] xCasianu has left the game. Porumb is now the terrorist.
  189. Porumb : da
  190. xCasianu : no hai da mi ban
  191. *** Porumb killed AK # >> MadCats << # with a headshot from usp ***
  192. th3fla killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  193. AK # >> MadCats << # : ce toxic esti vere..
  194. [Deathrun] No terrorist detected, restarting now.
  195. [Deathrun] AK # >> MadCats << # is now the terrorist.
  196. Ady killed self with trigger_hurt
  197. xCasianu killed self with trigger_hurt
  198. xCasianu : nu ma ca ii astept banul
  199. [Deathrun] You will be respawned in 3 seconds!
  200. "deathrun_mode" changed to "FreeRun"
  201. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  202. AK # >> MadCats << # : esti foarte toxic
  203. [Resetscore]: Scorul ti-a fost resetat cu succes!
  204. Welcome to Dr.WarGods.Ro
  205. Porumb : Casianu
  206. xCasianu : imd vine floodu pe sv
  207. Porumb : Nu vezi man ca esti penibil ?
  208. AK # >> MadCats << # : hai ca vine
  209. xCasianu : hai tigane
  210. xCasianu : da mi
  211. th3fla killed self with a headshot from trigger_hurt ***
  212. xCasianu : ban
  213. [Helper] Costy : ai ip dinamic zici,a?
  214. [Deathrun] Respawn-ul s-a incheiat. Sunteti pe cont propriu!
  215. AK # >> MadCats << # : cati ani ai ?
  216. xCasianu : 20
  217. **Type "bet" for help with betting! Type "odds" for chances to win! **
  218. Porumb killed self with trigger_hurt
  219. AK # >> MadCats << # : tu la 20 de ani
  220. AK # >> MadCats << # : joci
  221. th3fla connected
  222. Couldn't open file overviews/deathrun_arctic.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
  223. Couldn't open file overviews/deathrun_arctic.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
  224. xCasianu : nu folosesc discord
  225. [Deathrun] Type /knife to change your knife skins
  226. [SHOP]: Type /shop to buy items
  227. [FreeRun] To start vote of FreeRun use /free
  228. Porumb killed self with trigger_hurt
  229. [Helper] Costy : si pe cerere ai pus 17 ,esti redus mintal?
  230. l3g10ne_TiTaN___^ dropped
  231. Nume jucator - IP
  232. ---------------------------
  233. >ADD to FAVORITE -
  234. >VIP FREE Event / 23:00-10:00 -
  235. Ady - **********
  236. xCasianu -
  237. Costy - **********
  238. th3fla - **********
  239. Porumb - **********
  240. AK # >> MadCats << # - **********
  241. ---------------------------
  242. l3g10ne_TiTaN___^ connected
  243. l3g10ne_TiTaN___^ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  244. xCasianu : doar fb si instagram+ snapchat =))
  245. hostname: Dr.WarGods.Ro ~VIP FREE Event~
  246. version : 48/ 7882 secure (10)
  247. tcp/ip :
  248. map : deathrun_arctic at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
  249. players : 9 active (32 max)
  251. # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
  252. # 1 ">ADD to FAVORITE" 1615 BOT 0 19:33:03 0 0
  253. # 2 ">VIP FREE Event / 23:00-10:00" 1616 BOT 0 19:33:03 0 0
  254. # 3 "Ady" 1620 STEAM_0:0:1096865781 0 16:11 9 0
  255. # 4 "xCasianu" 1630 STEAM_0:0:72273656 0 02:07 33 0
  256. # 5 "Costy" 1619 STEAM_0:1:443195874 0 16:21 6 0
  257. # 6 "th3fla" 1622 STEAM_0:0:828948160 0 10:52 549 0
  258. # 7 "l3g10ne_TiTaN___^" 1634 STEAM_0:0:1265702314 0 00:05 10 0
  259. # 8 "Porumb" 1617 STEAM_0:0:1265876602 0 16:22 7 3
  260. # 9 "AK # >> MadCats << #" 1627 STEAM_0:1:506565612 0 07:42 6 0
  261. 9 users
  262. AK # >> MadCats << # : dar ce foloeti ?
  263. xCasianu : uita te pe cerere in pastele ma tii
  264. AK # >> MadCats << # killed Llama with knife
  265. Gametracker---LT connected
  266. Gametracker---LT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  267. Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
  268. xCasianu : sa vezi cat am pus
  269. xCasianu : dumnezei ma tii
  270. [Helper] Costy : /llama xcas
  271. [Helper] Costy : XDD
  272. Porumb killed self with trigger_hurt
  273. Ovi dropped
  274. Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
  275. (1)Gametracker---LT connected
  276. [Helper] Costy : hai zii ceva
  277. (1)Gametracker---LT is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  278. AK # >> MadCats << # : D
  279. xCasianu dropped
  280. xCasianu has left the game
  281. Llama connected
  282. AK # >> MadCats << # : xdxd
  283. Llama is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  284. VLERSON1 dropped
  285. Ovi connected
  286. Ovi is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  287. * Ajuta-ne cu un vot: !
  288. [Helper] Costy : hai ma injura-ma
  289. *DEAD*Llama : ma sugi jos?
  290. []: Jucatorul Costy a terminat mapa in 2:21.
  291. lezere dropped
  292. You have no access to that command
  293. *DEAD*Ady : doamne ce retardati sunteti unii.....
  294. VLERSON1 connected
  295. VLERSON1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  296. lezere connected
  297. lezere is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  298. jojo dropped
  299. *DEAD*Llama : suge ma vere pana la sange =)))
  300. Llama dropped
  301. Llama has left the game
  302. "deathrun_mode" changed to "DUEL"
  303. jojo connected
  304. jojo is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
  305. [DeathRun]: A inceput duelul cu Deagle: Costy Impotriva lui AK # >> MadCats << #
  306. *** AK # >> MadCats << # killed Costy with a headshot from deagle ***
  307. *DEAD*
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