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Feb 20th, 2018
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  1. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  2. /* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 FIRST. All Rights Reserved. */
  3. /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
  4. /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
  5. /* the project. */
  6. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  8. package frc.team7242.robot;
  10. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot;
  11. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*;
  12. import;
  13. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SendableChooser;
  14. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;
  15. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Spark;
  16. import frc.team7242.robot.subsystem.ScalableSpeedControllerGroup;
  17. import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.CameraServer;
  18. import openrio.powerup.MatchData;
  22. public class Robot extends IterativeRobot {
  23. private static final String kDefaultAuto = "Default";
  24. private static final String kCustomAuto = "My Auto";
  25. private String m_autoSelected;
  26. private SendableChooser<String> m_chooser = new SendableChooser<>();
  27. Joystick driverStick = new Joystick(0);
  31. // double autonomousTime = 3;
  32. //double autonomousTime2 = 4;
  33. // double autonomousTime3 = 5.5;
  34. // double autonomousTime4 = 6;
  36. double autonomousTime5 = 2.9;
  37. double autonomousTime6 = 4.06;
  38. double autonomousTime7 = 4.55;
  39. double autonomousTime8 = 11.5;
  40. double autonomousTime9 = 12.3;
  41. double autonomousTime10= 14.5;
  42. double autonomousTime11= 15.2;
  43. double autonomousTime12= 15.7;
  45. boolean path7;
  46. boolean path8;
  47. boolean path9;
  48. boolean path10;
  49. boolean path11;
  50. boolean path12;
  53. public Spark leftFront = new Spark(0);
  54. public Spark rightFront = new Spark(2);
  55. public Spark leftBack = new Spark(1);
  56. public Spark rightBack = new Spark(3);
  58. double autonomousStartTime;
  60. ScalableSpeedControllerGroup right = new ScalableSpeedControllerGroup(0.75, leftFront, leftBack);
  61. ScalableSpeedControllerGroup left = new ScalableSpeedControllerGroup(0.71, rightFront, rightBack);
  64. DifferentialDrive drive = new DifferentialDrive(left, right);
  67. public void robotInit() {
  68. m_chooser.addDefault("Default Auto", kDefaultAuto);
  69. m_chooser.addObject("My Auto", kCustomAuto);
  70. SmartDashboard.putData("Auto choices", m_chooser);
  71. CameraServer.getInstance().startAutomaticCapture();
  72. left.setInverted(true);
  73. right.setInverted(true);
  75. // leftFront.setSafetyEnabled(false);
  76. // rightFront.setSafetyEnabled(false);
  77. // leftBack.setSafetyEnabled(false);
  78. // rightBack.setSafetyEnabled(false);
  79. }
  81. public void autonomousInit() {
  82. m_autoSelected = m_chooser.getSelected();
  83. System.out.println("Auto selected: " + m_autoSelected);
  84. boolean leftAuto = false; //variuable to see if the first switch from our perspective is on the left side, needed initialization so...
  85. boolean rightAuto = false; //variuable to see if the first switch from our perspective is on the right side, needed onitialization so...
  87. MatchData.OwnedSide side = MatchData.getOwnedSide(MatchData.GameFeature.SWITCH_NEAR);
  88. if (side == MatchData.OwnedSide.LEFT) {
  89. // OwnedSide LEFT means that the switch NEAREST to our station is on the left
  90. leftAuto = true;
  91. rightAuto = false;
  92. }
  93. else if (side == MatchData.OwnedSide.RIGHT) {
  94. // OwnedSide RIGHT means that the switch NEAREST to our station is on the RIGHT
  95. rightAuto = true;
  96. leftAuto = false;
  97. }
  98. else {
  99. // This literally shouldn't happen
  100. System.out.println("What is going on");
  101. }
  103. boolean leftStarting = false;
  104. boolean mediumStarting = false;
  105. boolean rightStarting = false;
  107. int station = DriverStation.getInstance().getLocation();
  108. if (station == 1) {
  109. leftStarting = true;
  110. }
  111. else if (station == 2) {
  112. mediumStarting = true;
  113. }
  114. else if (station == 3) {
  115. rightStarting = true;
  116. }
  118. /* boolean leftStarting = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(8) || driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(7) ;
  119. boolean mediumStarting = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(10)|| driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(9) ;
  120. boolean rightStarting = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(12)|| driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(11) ; */
  122. path7 = leftStarting && leftAuto;
  123. path8 = leftStarting && rightAuto;
  124. path9 = mediumStarting && leftAuto;
  125. path10 = mediumStarting && rightAuto;
  126. path11 = rightStarting && leftAuto;
  127. path12 = rightStarting && rightAuto;
  129. autonomousStartTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp();
  131. }
  133. public void autonomousPeriodic() {
  134. double deltaTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - autonomousStartTime;
  135. // if (deltaTime < autonomousTime) {
  136. // drive.arcadeDrive(0.80, 0.0);
  137. //} else if (autonomousTime < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime2) {
  138. //drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  139. // } else if (autonomousTime2 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime3) {
  140. // drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.56);
  141. // } else if (autonomousTime3 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime4) {
  142. // drive.arcadeDrive(1, 0.0);
  143. // } else {
  144. // drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  145. // }
  147. // }
  149. /*
  150. boolean path7 = true;
  151. boolean path8 = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(8);
  152. boolean path9 = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(9);
  153. boolean path10 = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(10);
  154. boolean path11 = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(11);
  155. boolean path12 = driverStick.getRawButtonPressed(12);
  156. */
  157. if(path7) { //start of program for path 7
  158. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  159. drive.arcadeDrive(0.8, 0.0); //0.56
  160. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  161. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.56);
  162. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  163. drive.arcadeDrive(2, 0.0);
  164. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  165. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0); //-0.65
  166. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  167. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  168. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  169. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  170. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  171. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  172. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  173. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  174. } else {
  175. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  176. }
  178. } //closing bracket for path 7
  180. if(path8){ //start of program of path 8
  181. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  182. // Forward
  183. drive.arcadeDrive(0.6, 0.0); //0.56
  184. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  185. // Turn right
  186. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.61);
  187. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  188. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  189. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  190. // Forward
  191. drive.arcadeDrive(0.7, 0.0); //-0.65
  192. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  193. // Turn left
  194. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.61);
  195. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  196. // Forward
  197. drive.arcadeDrive(0.72, 0.0);
  198. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  199. // Turn left
  200. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.62);
  201. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  202. // Ram the switch
  203. drive.arcadeDrive(0.7, 0.0);
  204. } else {
  205. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  206. }
  207. } //closing of path 8
  209. if(path9){ //start of program of path 9
  211. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  212. drive.arcadeDrive(0.6, 0.0); //0.56
  213. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  214. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.56);
  215. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  216. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  217. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  218. drive.arcadeDrive(0.36, 0.0); //-0.65
  219. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  220. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.7);
  221. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  222. drive.arcadeDrive(0.79, 0.0);
  223. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  224. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.71);
  225. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  226. drive.arcadeDrive(3, 0.0);
  227. } else {
  228. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  229. }
  231. } //closing of path 9
  233. if(path10){ //start of program of path 10
  235. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  236. drive.arcadeDrive(0.6, 0.0);
  237. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  238. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.62);
  239. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  240. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  241. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  242. drive.arcadeDrive(0.36, 0.0);
  243. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  244. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.61);
  245. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  246. drive.arcadeDrive(0.72, 0.0);
  247. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  248. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.62);
  249. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  250. drive.arcadeDrive(2, 0.0);
  251. } else {
  252. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  253. }
  255. } //closing of path 10
  257. if(path11){ //start of program of path 11
  258. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  259. drive.arcadeDrive(0.6, 0.0); //0.56
  260. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  261. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.56);
  262. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  263. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  264. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  265. drive.arcadeDrive(0.7, 0.0); //-0.65
  266. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  267. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.7);
  268. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  269. drive.arcadeDrive(0.79, 0.0);
  270. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  271. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, -0.71);
  272. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  273. drive.arcadeDrive(3, 0.0);
  274. } else {
  275. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  276. }
  277. } //closing of path 11
  279. if(path12){ //start of program of path 12
  280. if (deltaTime < autonomousTime5) {
  281. drive.arcadeDrive(0.8, 0.0); //0.56
  282. } else if (autonomousTime5 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime6) {
  283. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.56);
  284. } else if (autonomousTime6 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime7) {
  285. drive.arcadeDrive(2, 0.0);
  286. } else if (autonomousTime7 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime8) {
  287. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0); //-0.65
  288. } else if (autonomousTime8 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime9) {
  289. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  290. } else if (autonomousTime9 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime10) {
  291. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  292. } else if (autonomousTime10 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime11) {
  293. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  294. } else if (autonomousTime11 < deltaTime && deltaTime < autonomousTime12) {
  295. drive.arcadeDrive(0, 0.0);
  296. } else {
  297. drive.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0);
  298. }
  299. } //closing of path 12
  301. } //closing bracket for autonomous periodic
  303. public void teleopPeriodic() {
  305. double xvalue = (driverStick.getX())/-4;
  306. double yvalue = (driverStick.getY())*-1;
  307. double boost;
  308. double braking;
  310. boolean trigger = driverStick.getRawButton(1);
  311. if (trigger) {
  312. boost = 2;
  313. } else {
  314. boost = 1;
  315. }
  317. boolean brake = driverStick.getRawButton(2);
  318. if (brake){
  319. braking = 0;
  320. }
  321. else {
  322. braking = 1;
  323. }
  325. double sens = 1;
  326. double xsens = 0.5;
  327. double ysens = 0.8;
  328. double threshold = 0;
  329. double tres;
  330. if((Math.abs(xvalue)<threshold) && (Math.abs(yvalue)<threshold)){
  331. tres = 0;
  332. }
  333. else {
  334. tres = 1;
  335. }
  337. double xabs = Math.abs(xvalue);
  338. double yabs = Math.abs(yvalue);
  340. // x should be a value from -1 to 1, based on the sum of x and y value
  341. // -1 is the robot going full speed backwards, and 1 is the robot going full speed ahead/
  342. //double x = (((yvalue) + xabs) * boost * -1 * braking * tres );
  343. // double x = ((yvalue + xabs) * 1.2 * boost * braking * -1 * tres);
  345. // y should be a value from 0 to 1, based on xvalue
  346. // -1 is the robot going full speed to the left and 1 is the robot going full speed to the right
  347. // double r = (xvalue * -1);
  349. double rightMotor =((yvalue - xvalue/sens) * (0.8) * boost * braking * tres);
  350. double leftMotor = ((yvalue + xvalue/sens) * (0.8) * boost * braking * tres);
  351. drive.tankDrive(leftMotor, rightMotor);
  352. }
  353. }
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