
Criminal Anon

Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. Chapter 1
  4. >be me, the getaway driver from a decent crew
  5. >we stole some good shit today
  6. >some gold, some swords, some wands, some talking tree, and some knight armor
  7. >don’t care it was being sent to a school of magikids and special talents
  8. >this shit pays for our injuries and all of our dreams
  9. >not mine yet tho
  10. >closing up shop after we got back
  11. >toss my lizard head mask to the van
  12. >hide my glock 21 in passenger’s compart and a glow set of binoculars next to the road flares
  13. >.45 acp always shoots out tires or engines
  14. >The trigger or loading is not a problem I swear
  15. >binocs work in daylight and nightlight up to my ex’s house at night
  16. >I’m pretty sure we don’t need to see each other but damn her to lead hell if she gets to my stuff again
  17. >probly gonna get the cigar later
  18. "Heyy…"
  19. >oh it's the talking tree
  20. >the kind carved from a short log or a stone
  21. >maybe a mascot totem or something
  22. "You all will regret taking me away from the school..."
  23. >oh when will I not?
  24. >put some tape in its mouth for good measure
  25. >hear the secret knocking from outside
  26. >drag open the door
  27. >it’s the team leader, sniper Joe, looking pretty clean as always
  28. >He sniped the wyvern zappers before I got on the scene
  29. >I still don’t know how he got that gun he calls a HTR
  30. >what’s up?
  31. >he rips off his Richard Pryor mask (he's sure he got the hair and mustache right)
  32. >okay what's the trouble, we got everything right
  33. Anon, you fucked up
  34. >what do you mean
  35. >he shows me recorded newsfeed on his phone
  36. >oh shit it's Frank and Gizzard hauling the loot on mobility scooters for old giants coming to the right
  37. >you can tell because Frank wears George R. R. Martin and Gizzard wears George Lopez
  38. >they move slowly while the massive seat protects the two of them from flashes of light from the left
  39. >Frank the elf is dual wielding MP5s while Gizzard the ork is shooting back with a hi-power while driving
  40. >Frank isn't firing white tracers
  41. >he's firing calcification rounds
  42. >the police mages get pushed back faster than they can advance, but they put down heavy fire around the scooter
  43. >then blue wyverns with white and black stripes fly by
  44. >they have riders with electricity dancing at their lances
  45. >Frank and Gizzard looks like they're going shit themselves when they get surrounded
  46. >they fire accurately, but every shot seems to get stopped by an invisible shield on the wyverns
  47. >Frank gets shot in the arm by a zap lightning, making him lose his grip and have to hide behind the scooter
  48. >the scooter has to keep moving, despite the wyverns dive bombing and grabbing loot
  49. >the police mages decide to get closer
  50. >but then BOOM, spray of blood all over the street
  51. >Another BOOM, bucket o' blood covering the sidewalk
  52. >Then the last BOOM, red sunscreen coating Frank and Gizzard
  53. >all in just 10 seconds
  54. >then I come in
  55. >aw yeah, me running over a wyvern
  56. >it’s the van dropping rolling smoke bombs from doors
  57. >before I pulled over tho, I think my horn told the mages to get off the road
  58. >then the smoke fogs up the entire street
  59. >heavy smoke comes out of the van's roof like I hoped
  60. >so that the newsfeed couldn't see the loot filling up the van
  61. >and Frank and Gizzard running to hide in an apartment they got under totally normal conditions
  62. >thank you magic fire insurance for giving gypsum-based plaster sprays I used to fire proof the van
  63. >then it's when the newsfeed ends
  64. >how?
  65. >Like everything Joe planned, he forced the police to fall back by shooting the newsfeed camera
  66. >oh and so the smoke wouldn't get fanned away
  67. >and that's what happened
  68. >it's been 4 hours since
  69. >and nothing's happened yet
  70. >we’re fine Joe, but I can probably torch the van like last time
  71. "No, you can’t, I got a hold of police dossier and they say a fairy tracker is missing"
  72. >the fuck
  73. >I even put the anti-magic stickers and anti-spirits stuff
  74. >Those things even ward off tracker fairies like silver with vampires
  75. "Look at the traffic light."
  76. >he replays the video
  77. >I look and then I see it
  78. >something actually flew off before the smoke came and got close to the van
  79. >and then it flew to the scooter's large cart
  80. >fuck
  81. "Anon..."
  82. >that's crazy, my van's stickers...
  83. "Find that tracker NOW, or we'll be zapping dummies by next morning!"
  84. >tear open the chest
  85. >we poured it all out
  86. >just gold
  87. >acetylene torch the sords and armors to hear anything
  88. >nothing
  89. >ah fuck
  90. >it was the talking tree thing
  91. >Joe knows it too
  92. >because he grabbed it
  93. >and threw it on the ground
  94. >then there was the fucking fairy
  95. >plopped on the floor like a dead pigeon
  96. >covered in splinters and shredded blue cloth
  97. >holding a dull black plastic blinking thing
  98. >coughing up fairy blood
  99. >wings slowly disintegrating at the edges
  100. >a fallen angel
  101. >if it were not the vengeful smile
  102. >cracking but showing on a sallow face
  103. "Get fucked, thieves."
  104. >Joe suddenly jumps
  105. >like high
  106. >and then he lands on top
  107. >grinding to oblivion
  108. >I need to getaway
  109. >because I didn't know fairy blood made good dye for shoes
  110. "The tracker's signal was weak inside this place, but it kept going to make a blip on the police radar."
  111. "it's been 4 hours, but now we maybe got 10 minutes before we get ass raided."
  112. >then let’s get out NOW
  113. >pile the loot and heavy tools inside the van
  114. >lead a leaking can from inside and outside the shop
  115. >see the gas is on everything
  116. >light one, take a quick puff for the road, and throw it on the gas
  117. >Joe slams the shop door before the cig contacts
  118. >see under the door a bit of smoke
  119. >a shame
  120. >for the space loaners
  121. >we weren't going to build a medicinal shop for elves
  122. >but after this, it’s payd-
  123. >SLAM
  124. >-ay…
  125. >don’t even feel the ground when I hit it
  126. >sleep’s good
  127. >wake up
  128. >I'm at some beach under a city dock
  129. >shredded yellow stripe black tape in the sand
  130. >moonlight is leaking thorough the dock's open holes
  131. >I’m tied with tape to the van in the driver’s
  132. >I feel the pedal’s forced to neutral with a brick
  133. >this doesn’t look good
  134. >I hear footsteps coming from above, walking down closer
  135. >it's motherfucking Joe, looking too cool
  136. >he walks to the sand, chatting on the phone with his back to me
  137. "Anon’s going on vacation. He says we’ll see him in New Zealand if we want him again."
  138. >WHAT.disbelief
  139. "It’s good Gizzard. He got his share of the loot, and you’ll get yours soon."
  140. >No I didn't you sonuvabitch
  141. >wait why can't I hear my words, when I’m not taped?!
  142. Hold on, my daughter’s here. See ya.
  143. >struggle against the tape
  144. >but no one can escape waterboarding tape
  145. >Backstabber saunters over to me while I try to get out
  146. Anon, sorry to do this, but I really need your share.
  147. >spit in his face because I can but the motherfucker takes it
  148. You better not tell anyone about this okay?
  149. >I can and will if I get outta this
  150. Oh right you can’t. I did something to your throat. Now whatever thing down there gets ya, no one will hear
  151. >he bends MY side view mirror to show my throat
  152. >what the fuck is that?
  153. Permanent seal of silence Anon. Unless you wanna carve out a new tongue or get a new body, you’ll be silent for a long while, leaving me and the other guys to enjoy our new wealth in peace.
  154. Plus, I now have the leverage to fuck the elf detective and ask for immunity
  155. >it all makes sense
  156. >the dark elves were behind this
  157. >they must have paid joe to do this
  158. >shit
  159. >hear some swooshing
  160. "Looks like your ride ends here"
  161. >it’s a goddamn portal to the fantasy world
  162. >fucking shit
  163. >Joe pulls out my lizard head mask from his coat, just looking at it one last time
  164. "If only it was like Goblex Rolex at Vegas..."
  165. >what
  166. >Only My Ex and I met there
  167. >and we just broke up...
  169. "I should have cut you loose long ago, but Anon, you did do some good escaping for what it was worth"
  170. >I get hammered with a sucker punch
  171. >feel my mask being slipped on
  172. >really want a cigar right about now
  173. >black out when the van starts moving
  174. >everything is shaking for a little bit
  175. >then
  176. >I wake up
  177. >what in fresh hell is this
  178. >still stuck
  179. >vision isn't so good
  180. >but someone is here next to me in the van
  181. >it's someone in medical looking clothes
  182. >tight
  183. >she has a hand on my face
  184. OH my heavens, this man is alive! Quick I need an air tank here!
  185. >she...
  186. >she looks fuckable with eyes like those
  187. >kind innocent ones
  188. We have good people coming for you, just hang in there!
  189. >vision coming back
  190. >look outside
  191. >4 uniformed long haired or short haired shapes at some ambulance
  192. >One of them is extra curvy and wearing the overalls
  193. >She is REDHAIRED
  194. >gotta get out for dat poosy
  195. >fight against the tape
  196. Sir! Don't overexert yourself! We-
  197. >I can break these cuffs.jpg on my face
  198. >you can't break those cuffs.jpg on blonde's face
  200. >my muscles tense
  201. >the breathing outside also gets tense
  202. >hear the snaps
  203. >hear nearby buttons pop
  204. >And i'm free
  205. >well well, what do we have here
  206. >you didn't have to carry out the stretcher and air tank for big ol' me
  207. >you already have your heavy loads to carry
  208. >like your honking headlights and extra space trunks
  209. >strapped on so tight like locknuts on headlights
  210. >I could change oil all day with you lot
  211. >okay enough euphemisms
  212. >let's make them real
  213. >reach for the "special pills" next to the chloroform compartment
  214. >you know for handling extra girls
  215. *war horn*
  216. >what the fuck is that?
  217. >scrawny little things
  218. >no wait
  219. >it's damn kobolds riding horses with flaming spears
  220. Sex the females! Sex the females!
  221. >aw dammit
  222. >now they're taking the girls away just after their uniforms tore
  223. >even the redheaded one
  224. Shiny! Get the SHINY!
  225. >what
  226. >oh god they're going after me and the blonde
  227. >turn the key
  228. >6litergo
  229. >after accelerating for one second, shift to Drive4
  230. >reversedrive
  231. >I ram some kobolds on their stupid horses with my van's reinforced behind
  232. >shiny van's mine cave fuckers
  233. *war horn*
  234. >
  235. >the kobolds brought in backup
  236. >bigger and heavier looking horses with nastier looking kobolds
  237. >they look ready for a jousting?
  238. >and they're getting CLOSER
  239. >clutch to Drive1
  240. >tightly hold the hand of the blonde
  241. But-!
  242. >don't worry baby.johnny bravo
  243. >what_matters_is_that_youre_with_me.jpg on my face
  244. >let's ride
  245. >just before the bastards get close, I'm already gone
  246. >damn they're really persistent
  247. >reach for the glock
  248. >not there
  249. >wait WHAT
  250. >the blonde took my glock
  251. >she's one handing it at some chasers
  252. >her muscles tense vibrantly at every shot she makes
  253. >as delicate as she is, she's savage beautiful
  254. >rear mirror shows the bloodworks and fireworks she's making
  255. >aw yeah sparks are flying
  256. >gotta show my own firepower
  257. >I always have a spare gun in the vans I use
  258. >use the torn tape as rope to keep the van going in one direction
  259. >use suspiciously familiar brick to keep the pedal to the metal
  260. >right
  261. >drive safe kids
  262. >adults ride dangerously
  263. >unlock the side door and back door of the van
  264. >the blonde quickly moves her way to the side door
  266. >scottish?
  267. >eh that's okay
  268. >heft my spare out from under the seat
  269. >my 20 round ruger mini 14
  270. >take position at the back door
  271. >push my door open
  272. >oh the kobolds on their horses...
  273. >are just targets for me and my 5.56 thrower
  274. >after the first shot I make, I take it all in
  275. >we're driving over flat peaceful pasture
  276. >well not so peaceful
  277. >there's so much fucking grass and some yellow flowers here and there
  278. >but the wind washes over my face like the blonde's hand over mine
  279. >the chaser shrieking and horse feet thundering and engine humming
  280. >the smell of gunpowder and gunmetal discharge
  281. >shoulder thumping from the firing
  282. >each riderless horse running away
  283. >the sight of each fallen kobold
  284. >each dropped casing
  285. >ah this is bliss
  286. >is this a good time for a catchphrase?
  287. >yes
  288. ...
  289. >wait what
  290. >I can't say my catchphrase
  291. >ah
  292. >AH
  293. >AAAAAHHH
  294. >Why can't I say anything?!
  295. >wait what the kobolds are still getting closer
  296. WHAM
  297. >FUCK
  298. >the fucking van crashed
  299. >but there weren't any hills or holes I saw while I drove
  300. >not a thing I haven't experienced thankfully
  301. >but my head lodged under the seat is a new one
  302. >and that the van is in a big sinkhole with the back to the sky
  303. >shit shit shit
  304. >pull my head out
  305. >oh shit no the kobolds arrived
  306. >they're peering inside
  307. >where the fuck is my ruger
  308. >a kobold throws down a sword
  309. >wait what
  310. >a weapon
  311. >I feel like I should grab that
  312. >the blonde grabs it first
  313. >okay sure that's good
  314. >I'll just keep them at range with-
  315. Kill the man human girl, and we will spare you!
  316. >the blonde looks at the sword
  317. >then at me
  318. >come on you can't be serious
  319. Tell me sir, do ya like living
  320. >what an odd question
  321. >I do lady, but-
  322. Tell me, before I gut ya
  323. >now wait I can tell you, but I just can't say anything at the moment
  324. >nodding works right?
  325. Tell me
  326. >back away
  327. >I really do, but I just can't-
  328. >nodding is supposed to work
  329. >but IT'S NOT WORKING
  330. TELL ME
  331. >then her eyes
  332. >they're no longer kind
  333. >They're NOT INNOCENT
  334. >I back to the wall away from her
  335. >pull out pocket sand
  336. >throw it at her eyes
  337. >but eyes are just glass
  338. >she stares me down
  339. Kill the man! Kill the Man!
  340. >NO
  341. >ready my hands in defiance
  342. >pull the first punch
  343. >AH GOD
  344. >MY HAND
  345. >my blood leaks all around me and the fucking blonde
  346. >fall to my knees
  347. >my fucking stump
  348. >my hand twitches around, dirty and bloodied
  350. >it's getting dark
  351. >look up
  352. >the blonde is holding up the sword
  353. >the chanting and fire above us starts to fade from my sight
  354. >oh why
  355. >is it really it
  356. >I took you away from them
  357. >shouldn't we have stuck together?
  358. >we could have faced them all
  359. >goddamn it all
  360. >can't see anything by the time the sword comes down
  361. >feel like falling
  362. >like falling really fast
  363. >then I wake up breathing hard
  364. >my eyes are fucking wet again
  365. >I don't want to remember dreams like that
  366. >never again
  367. >now where am I
  368. >why am I in my van?
  369. >what is my mask around my face?
  370. >what are the twigs and broken glass on the seats here for?
  371. >oh shit I'm trapped in...tape?
  372. >waterboarding tape
  373. >how in the world did I-
  374. >oh I remember now
  375. >that goldman jew Joe just backstabbed me for extra money and pussy
  376. >I gotta get back at him for this
  377. >we were all supposed to live it down good after the portals started appearing everywhere
  378. >with richass CEOs to fucking furries drooling for magic stuff, special providers like me could get rich altogether
  379. >but no
  380. >I end up here taped to my anti-magic van trapped in some godforsaken other world
  381. >I'll be eaten by the wildlife here before I can get my revenge
  382. >but what can eat me alive in this forest?
  383. >I don't know
  384. >well living in da city all of your life does that for ya
  385. >ah fuck what is that in my chest
  386. >well
  387. >at least I didn't die in my sleep impaled by trees
  388. >but this twig hurts like a bitch
  389. >damn it smells like one of those greenhouses I passed by
  390. >shimmy my arms around
  391. >looks like the twigs that impaled me made a nice hole for the tape
  392. >damn it
  393. >my arms can't reach it
  394. >but the twigs that already stabbed me can probably cut through the tape if I just-
  395. >hear something knock on the van
  396. >what
  398. >go limp and close my fucking eyes
  399. >hear sharp heavy clangs against the floor of the van
  400. >come on stupid animal, i don't care just piss or poop and get outta here
  401. >the clangs get closer to me
  402. >oh shit I forgot animals can eat dead things too
  403. >did I take a bath before I got here?
  404. >the clangs stop
  405. >feel some sort of hand touch my neck
  406. >hear like the threads of long skinny metal bolts scratching across
  407. >at this point alarmed at how this thing is looking for my pulse
  408. >not gonna feel it through the mask's plastic
  409. …not long since for his passing. Looks like…fresh kill for me.
  410. >hoarse or not, that’s a fucked up voice
  411. >oh wait, is that thing that talked a fucking skinwalker!?
  412. >aw fuck my life more than it already it was
  413. >feel something go for my impaled chest
  414. Dry blood…Wearing soft garment. Close to Goochi ware. Black and white colors. Not sure why this is not iron skin or cow skin.
  415. >cow skin? Iron skin? Also I never wear that other brand
  416. >hear snipping sounds
  417. >hairraisingchills.jpg
  418. >surprise, I’m slowly carried out and placed outside
  419. >the grass tickles my hands, but play dead through it
  420. >my arms are lifted and placed across on my chest
  421. >hear something rustle and rest in front of me
  422. Thank you again, mysterious giver of gifts, for another gift today. Hopefully this lizardman will find a nice place in the afterlife.
  423. >wait this thing prays for the dead?
  424. Even if I do not like the light, the sun was out today and showed me where there were traveler’s tracks. I was able to find extra food-
  425. >fuck this
  426. >silently roll myself away from this thing
  427. >I think the van's this way
  428. >oh damn I can't roll up this hill
  429. >Oh WOAH
  430. >damn it gravity
  431. >my head is resting on something
  433. Oh! But-
  434. >aw shit
  435. I thought you were dead!
  436. >my eyes open
  437. >look up at ragged green and brown clothes
  438. >improvised camo would even make veteran hobos weep because I can clearly see a woman's torso
  439. >oh wait
  440. >my eyes open more
  441. >past the torn and taped green brown clothes
  442. >past the set of 6 splayed lithe gray arms
  443. >past the underside of 2 x 6 oz oil jugs
  444. >are 4 eyes owned by a face shrouded in shade
  445. >arranged like 4 green lasers in the dark
  446. >aimed straight at me
  447. >I roll away as this
  448. >woman
  449. >thing
  450. >darts away like a cobra from those nature shows
  451. >we lock eyes once we're separated
  452. >quickly size her up while getting up
  453. >ignore the pain
  454. >okay, she's wearing some sort of cloak
  455. >6 arms and 2 legs
  456. >wind picking up to show a fair angular face under the hood with messy brown
  457. >it's like bad ending Cinderella meets resident evil with these little things coming out of her mouth
  458. >best description I can come up with
  459. >but it tells me this isn't a person
  460. >this is a predator
  461. >one of those fast strike types
  462. >the types that kill with venom or savage slashes
  463. >but personally
  464. >I've felt I could always stomp on any one of these types
  465. >that's right
  466. >I still have my mask on
  467. >I've already intimidated her from how scared she looks
  468. >I'm much bigger than her
  469. >and with that
  470. >I get up and turn away
  471. >spot the van
  472. >fucking ignore how my chest feels being torn in 2
  473. >walk towards the van
  474. >walk slowly and confidently because my vertigo from being hammered is acting up
  475. >hear a crunching sound behind me
  476. Hey-you
  478. >elbow bash what's behind me
  479. >fuck my vertigo because my fear is stronger
  480. >jump in the back and lock it up
  481. >goddamn it now I have to hotwire from this angle
  482. >reach around
  483. >hear the familiar jangling
  484. >oh what the keys are still in the ignition
  485. >but why
  486. >not gonna question it yet
  487. >turn it, ignite it and gun it
  488. >look in the outside rear view mirror in reflex
  489. >when I backed up, I got close to the thing I elbow bashed
  490. Wait for me-
  491. >door bash the thing this time
  492. >get the fuck outta there
  493. >oh sigh of relief
  494. >it's a road that could only be made by city folk
  495. >little bumpy and looks a little dirty tho
  496. >right, current priorities
  497. >priority 1: find a place to fix my hole
  498. >road has to lead to a hospital or a clinic
  499. >priority 2: gotta find a place to hide this van
  500. >a cave, a hole, a really big hill, anything
  501. >priority 3: take inventory
  502. >how much money I have now and what I can make so I buy back something valuable
  503. >see my fucked up neck
  504. >oh yeah that fuck bent my side mirror
  505. >bend it back so I can see behind
  506. >what the trees aren't supposed to be swaying like that
  507. >oh my bleeding hole
  508. >it's the FUCKING
  510. >keep ignoring the bumps in the road
  511. >Cmon tires don't bust on me
  512. >the fucker better not be chasing in the thic-
  514. >weave through the trees like drunken niggs in public
  515. >Car boosters would be proud of the 50 mile speed I'm pulling
  516. >but the damage is gonna be a bitch to repair
  517. >okay getting off road
  518. >woah there is this clearing here
  519. >stumps and rocks and ditches everywhere
  520. >it's alright now that I can drive freely for a little bit
  521. >oh WHAT THE FUCK the scary bitch is still chasing me
  522. >then I see this great, large wall of wood made of trees
  523. >is this some sort of elf village?
  524. >I try to turn, but the terrain seems to turned into mud
  525. >can't change direction or pull the brakes
  526. >I've been moving fast on momentum the entire time I saw the wall
  527. >goddamnit
  528. >If I'm crashing, I'm gonna at least have the back meet wood first
  529. >clutch to drive 4
  530. >turn left like I'm backing up for cargo at the speed of deja vu
  531. >ye, turned the van around just in time to see the thing still chasing me
  532. >it looks sad for me
  533. >like I'm going to kill myself
  534. >why?
  535. >oh wait forgot the seatbelt
  536. CWRUNCH
  537. >jump up in my seat before I could do anything
  538. >see parts of wall falling down on the hood
  539. >it was all plywood and fake tree wood
  540. >the thing that was chasing me stopped at a hole that wasn't there
  541. >but it doesn't matter because it's going to be far away from the van
  542. >going far away...
  545. >slam my head hard on the wheel
  546. >aw shit
  547. >that's whiplash for ya
  549. >what's this smell of oil and rock?
  551. >is that a little red headed man I see
  552. >oh no the black is setting in
  553. >fuck, going dark
  555. >faint
  562. Chapter 2
  565. >be me
  566. >anon who was kicked into the new world expected to die in a forest
  567. >instead ran into a fucking scary spider thing and crashed into a village before passing out
  568. >now slowly waking up after passing out
  569. >why's the ceiling close to me
  570. >move my arm up
  571. >woah I already feel like I could smash my head if I jumped to it
  572. >try to get up
  573. >get pricked by something small in every spot I try to move
  574. >fucking tiny ass toolroom
  575. >small locked metal boxes, rows and rows of screwdriver sets,
  576. >tattered yellow blueprints, old looking power-tools,
  577. >oil cans, and other numerus tools stuff on surrounding, suddenly irritating shelves
  578. >a smaller bed meant for a kid was moved to the side
  579. >an open door that looks half my height
  580. >and a dozen oil rags covering my entire body except my head
  581. >how the fuck did I get in this
  582. >I want out
  583. >hear some thundering
  584. "-have a bleeding massive car in my own shop! And filled with human funs and other shite!"
  585. >what
  587. "-ana lil' bit more iron an gunpowder, I moight get to take on the godforsaken black bellend Queen!"
  588. >what the fuck's a bellend Queen
  589. >try to speak
  590. >oh right, I can't
  591. >"But I got this barely dead human with me that I got no business with-Then I gotta start feedin-No wait!"
  592. >oh it's a little man with a red beard
  593. >dirty blue overalls and little rubber boots
  594. >"OI! You awake human?"
  595. >I raise myself
  596. >and cause a few shelves to shake
  597. >"WOAH Keep it down! We don't want those bastards coming after us now!"
  598. >okay what bastards?
  599. >ah there we go, sitting up without making stuff all
  600. >"You know, those lizard things you find at least 3 of when ya see em?"
  601. >"The little lizard things that YIP YIP like your annoying rat dogs?"
  603. >shed shakes a little
  605. >angry little man noises.wav causes dust to stir
  606. >I guess 'everything' is not here, or there
  607. >but what do kobolds have to do with everything
  608. >now the little man is calming down
  609. >he unslings one of those flasks walking towards me
  610. >"alright hughman, you don't know what sugar factory you crashed into, didya?"
  611. >nod no?
  612. >the guy doesn't care and just blinds me with his teeth shining
  613. >little man then takes 2 glass goblets from the shelf and pours his stuff into them
  614. >I take the one with the browner color
  615. >not a bad sip of something warm
  616. >"this place you threw yourself into ain't a dwarven Brewster mountain fo your sunday blues. No NO!"
  617. >he pulls from behind this map of a mountain, titled Mountain of Malcara
  618. >"It's a War Fortress for the green scum under da rock, Queen Velda!"
  619. >cue an afternoon long tour of what is really a massive gun forge disguised as a mountain brewery
  620. >except inside an outside shed
  621. >deep beneath us, there are several big ass caverns where families of slaves mine metals
  622. >they also smash them into smaller pieces, and refine them into war steel in long processing lines
  623. >supposedly a whole power plant is down there getting electricity from volcanic heat
  624. >then over that, but both under and above the ground, are the factories, farms, and workshops
  625. >enough hardware and goods in there is enough to convince inspectors that it's only for brewing
  626. >and they skip the weapon rooms, soldier's quarters, and more
  627. >so much more
  628. >like stolen treasure, torture chambers, propaganda production, scary stuff
  629. >but how?
  630. >'dwarf ingenuity' says the little bearded man
  631. >"but it all belongs to the war mongering queen now"
  632. >the little man clenches his hands
  633. >"We got to the mountain first, before those little smelly whelps."
  634. >"and we fought"
  635. >the little man removes a large dusty pickaxe from a shelf
  636. >oh it's like a glorious royal stick of silver I saw in the museum, but a pickaxe
  637. >but there's missing stuff on it
  638. >wait a minute
  639. >"oh yes fought, and we were so good at it too"
  640. >suddenly he swings
  641. >like damn hard and fast into a can of oil
  642. >black drips all over it
  643. >"but then SHE came, and it went wrong. It went all wrong."
  644. >the little man throws the can out the door and puts back the pickaxe
  645. >"SHE made it all wrong."
  646. >he looks at me with white in his eyes
  647. >oh that is a red nose
  648. >you could say it glows
  649. >with age
  650. >and rage
  651. >"okay hughman, I know this is gonna be crazy, but what if you help me take back my mountain and brothers"
  652. >no
  653. >"and you get all the gold, jewels, and anything that bitch stole that can fit in the car I found ya in."
  654. >umm...maybe? Yes?
  655. >"don't worry, I know how to overthrow a queen. And work with hughmans."
  656. >okay you had me with gold and money I could make
  657. >fuck, my chest tho
  658. >"Aw, not feeling too good are ya? okay I'll be right back with someone I know"
  659. >I wait a little bit
  660. >nothing should happen for a little bit so I decide to get out of the room slowly
  661. >after kneeling and walking under the door, I'm out in this hangar like room
  662. >there's no light in this curved ceiling with the light coming from outside
  663. >plus it feels smaller than it should be when the doors
  664. >jeez, it feels like kids raised in a metal foundry made this place
  665. >oh maybe
  666. >but there it is, the van with all of my stuff lain out
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