

Sep 15th, 2019
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  405. <body>
  407. <div class="loading">
  408. <div class="bar">LOADING...</div>
  409. </div>
  411. <div class="bigwrap">
  412. <div class="first">
  413. <div class="strip"></div>
  414. <img class="back" src=""/>
  415. <div class="firstinfo">
  416. <span class="nametag">hatsune miku</span>
  417. <div class="infoinfo">
  418. <div class="center" style="width: 95%">
  419. <div class="emphasis"><span class="highlight">Miku</span>, the #1 Princess.</div>
  420. <br>
  421. Well, she was, until she'd gotten her fair share of the limelight.
  422. <br>A popstar, by design. She would play sold-out shows to thousands of adoring fans.<br>
  423. Miku's mellowed out since she first got her 'fifteen minutes of fame'.<br>
  424. She's a little more quiet and introverted now, being ten years older.
  425. The same girl still, just with a different outlook on life.<br>
  426. May have developed a bit of a temper, along with alcoholism that she's trying her best to get over.<br>
  427. P.S.: Don't call her old if you value your ability to breathe. She vehemently denies that she's nearing her thirties.
  429. <br><br>
  430. <div class="emphasise"><i style="font-size: 1.75vh"><b>Side note</b>: click the arrow on the right to see the rest of the profile.</i></div>
  431. </div>
  432. </div>
  433. <div id="arrow1" class="arrow"></div>
  434. </div>
  435. <div class="name"><span style="padding-left: 2vw">look this way, baby</span></div>
  436. </div>
  438. <div class="second">
  439. <div class="secondinfo">
  440. <div class="walking-container"><img class="walking" src=""/></div>
  441. <div class="infoinfoinfo">
  442. <div class="arrow2"></div>
  443. <div class="arrow3"></div>
  444. <div class="bigboxofstats">
  445. <div class="center">
  446. <span class="statname">height:</span> 5'4
  447. <br><span class="statname">weight:</span> 110lbs
  448. <br><span class="statname">age:</span> 28 (8/31)
  449. <br><span class="statname">hair:</span>sea green
  450. <br><span class="statname">eyes:</span> see above
  451. <br><span class="statname">likes:</span> music, good food, good company, girls
  452. <br><span class="statname">dislikes:</span> meetings, corporations, creeps, men
  453. <br><span class="statname">attachments:</span> her girlfriend + some others
  454. <br><span class="statname">orientation</span> 100% lesbian
  455. <br><span class="statname">relationship:</span> open
  456. </div>
  457. </div>
  458. </div>
  459. </div>
  460. </div>
  463. <div class="third">
  464. <img class="thelast" src=""/>
  465. <div class="thirdinfo">
  466. <div class="arrow4"></div>
  467. <div class="infoinfoinfoinfo">
  468. <div class="center" style="width: 98%">
  469. Standard OOC rules apply.
  470. <br>PM friendly, kinda.
  471. <br><br>
  472. Smut? Yeah. Story? Yeah. Other stuff? Probably.<br>
  473. I'm not interested in sharing my personal life with you, unless we happen to become great friends.<br>
  474. Outside contact, however, can be given if you ask me. I have a Discord account.<br>
  475. I'm fairly picky when it comes to writing. That doesn't mean i won't write with you, you'll find out what irks me. Please don't message me before sending me a post. I'm not one for discussing stuff first, just hit me with it and see if I pick it up!<br>
  477. If you're interested in knowing, she's a ruthless, unflinching top and a loud, whorey bottom.
  478. <br>
  479. Coded by <a target="_blank" href="">a trash can. Thank you x1000.</a>
  480. <br><br>
  481. <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">Here's</a> a gallery.
  482. </div>
  483. </div>
  484. </div>
  485. </div>
  486. </div>
  487. </body>
  488. </html>
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