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Jul 13th, 2014
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  1. [03:11] <cst> why would anyone post this in the forum
  2. [03:11] <deggirsiemageht> I pasted the errors
  3. [03:11] <cst> This is the most suspicious and weird coin I've ever been in. I don't know what's going on, everything is confusing, people are being hacked, exchanges are being hacked. Lets hope everything checks out and the price hits above DRK's highs.
  4. [03:11] <cst> ^^
  5. [03:11] <cst> why would anyone post that its alluding to FUD
  6. [03:11] == pgokeeffe [~pgokeeffe@] has joined #cloakcoin
  7. [03:11] <cst> has nothing to do with the coin
  8. [03:12] <deggirsiemageht> Who knows if it does?
  9. [03:12] <deggirsiemageht> It could
  10. [03:12] <cst> plants seeds in the minds of investors
  11. [03:12] <deggirsiemageht> You're STIFILING DISCUSSION
  12. [03:12] <cst> that this is a suspicous coin aka a scam
  13. [03:12] <deggirsiemageht> BASED ON YOUR INVESTMENT
  14. [03:12] <zing96> All I can tell you is that I checked out the source code, followed build instructions and it compiled and ran for me. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  15. [03:12] <deggirsiemageht> Jesus
  16. [03:12] <cst> everything you posted on there has nothing to do with the coin
  17. [03:13] <cst> mintpal
  18. [03:13] <cst> malware
  19. [03:13] <deggirsiemageht> Every community an altcoin has is full of people bullshitting about FUD everywhere
  20. [03:13] <deggirsiemageht> fud fud fud
  21. [03:13] <deggirsiemageht> fud this fud that
  22. [03:13] <deggirsiemageht> i stubbed my toe, fud
  23. [03:13] <MrRGnome> deggirsiemageht you don't you take your attention starvation somewhere else?
  24. [03:13] <cst> aren't you kitaco on the fourms
  25. [03:13] <MrRGnome> Yep
  26. [03:13] <deggirsiemageht> Yep
  27. [03:14] <cst> so why would you post something baseless like that in the forum?
  28. [03:14] <deggirsiemageht> It's not baseless
  29. [03:14] <deggirsiemageht> Learn to read
  30. [03:14] <cst> This is the most suspicious and weird coin I've ever been in. I don't know what's going on, everything is confusing, people are being hacked, exchanges are being hacked. Lets hope everything checks out and the price hits above DRK's highs.
  31. [03:14] <cst> im reading it here
  32. [03:14] <deggirsiemageht> Learn to read.
  33. [03:14] <MrRGnome> Because she wants attention, she's just a sad fucked up girl.
  34. [03:14] <cst> like i said im reading it here
  35. [03:14] <deggirsiemageht> MrRGnome is trying to protect his top 10 richlist status
  36. [03:14] <deggirsiemageht> It's ridiculous
  37. [03:14] <MrRGnome> Wishing I was int he top ten richlist maybe
  38. [03:14] <cst> I don't knwo whats going on = follow the twitter feed
  39. [03:15] <cst> everything is confusing = read the whitepaper
  40. [03:15] <cst> people are bing hacked = malware + user network issue not related to coin
  41. [03:15] == Alty1 [~alty@unaffiliated/alty] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
  42. [03:15] <cst> exchanged being hacker = different coin
  43. [03:15] <cst> all baseless
  44. [03:15] <deggirsiemageht> I need to write a post on /r/bitcoin where the non dipshits are
  45. [03:16] <cst> when referring to the cloakcoin
  46. [03:16] <cst> i just laid it out for you
  47. [03:16] <deggirsiemageht> Where one person talking about a coin can't potentially take it down $500
  48. [03:16] <deggirsiemageht> Why are you so worried?
  49. [03:16] <cst> im not worried
  50. [03:16] <deggirsiemageht> Do you think one person can take down the coin?
  51. [03:16] <deggirsiemageht> Why do you give a shit what I say?
  52. [03:16] <cst> lol
  53. [03:16] <deggirsiemageht> Why?
  54. [03:16] == nOgAnOo [] has joined #cloakcoin
  55. [03:16] <cst> dude i dont give a fuck abotu the coin price or yoru statement im asking you a question
  56. [03:17] <deggirsiemageht> Because you want to protect your investment, so you stifle discussion.
  57. [03:17] <deggirsiemageht> Sure you give a fuck about the coin price
  58. [03:17] <cst> dude you made a baseles fucking statement
  59. [03:17] <svenp> cst, she is mentally ILL. stop trying to talk to her.,
  60. [03:17] <deggirsiemageht> Ah suck a dick and go back to your failure of a forum
  61. [03:17] <zing96> lol
  62. [03:17] <MrRGnome> Yeah, she's jsut haivng a hard time. She wants everyone to be as miserabl as she is
  63. [03:17] <cst> you made a baselss statement in the forum about cloak
  64. [03:17] <@Pysiek> cst this shitpost from thread was his?
  65. [03:17] <svenp> hers
  66. [03:17] <cst> all the issues you named have nothing to do with cloak
  67. [03:18] <zing96> I don't see a lot of discussion going on here.
  68. [03:18] <deggirsiemageht> And now you're crying about it because your investment may not be worth as much tomorrow
  69. [03:18] <deggirsiemageht> Oh no!
  70. [03:18] <cst> dude you need ot be banned form this forum youre just a useless troll
  71. [03:18] <deggirsiemageht> Yeah I'm a troll
  72. [03:18] <deggirsiemageht> Such a troll!
  73. [03:18] <cst> making baseless posts
  74. [03:18] == CrazyLoaf [~CrazyLoaf@unaffiliated/crazyloaf] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  75. [03:18] <cst> yeah you are
  76. [03:18] <MrRGnome> Yeah, just a little.
  77. [03:18] <svenp> troll OR crazy bitch
  78. [03:18] <deggirsiemageht> Count how many other people in that thread said shit way worse
  79. [03:18] <svenp> i vote latter
  80. [03:19] <cst> youre useless im going to make sure you get banned from here
  81. [03:19] <searchAndReplace> troll troll troll ur boat
  82. [03:19] <deggirsiemageht> cst: you said that last time
  83. [03:19] <cst> no i didnt
  84. [03:19] <deggirsiemageht> Want logs?
  85. [03:19] <deggirsiemageht> Because I have them
  86. [03:19] <cst> i will this time
  87. [03:19] <deggirsiemageht> Want logs?
  88. [03:19] <cst> i dont give a fuck about your logs
  89. [03:20] <deggirsiemageht> I have logs of every.single.little.thing. that happens in this channel, along with scanning for clone nicknames for people trying to fuck others over
  90. [03:20] <cst> its jsut amazing that someone sits in the cloak irc soaking up information and then turns aroudn and makes a baseless statmeent in the btctalk forum
  91. [03:20] <deggirsiemageht> Dude you're worried
  92. [03:20] <cst> nah
  93. [03:20] <deggirsiemageht> If you think 1 person is going to hurt cloak?
  94. [03:20] <cst> i jsut dont understand your logic
  95. [03:20] <deggirsiemageht> Really?
  96. [03:20] <cst> dude
  97. [03:20] <cst> stfu and read
  98. [03:21] <deggirsiemageht> You're stifling discussion
  99. [03:21] <@Pysiek> deggirsiemageht: i think many of us here dont threat this invesment as short term, and knows where the cloak place is. sorry but all i can do for ur buttheart is ban
  100. [03:21] <svenp> PLEASE
  101. [03:21] <deggirsiemageht> What?
  102. [03:21] <nOgAnOo> CLOAKCOIN TO DA MOON
  103. [03:21] * nOgAnOo buys
  104. [03:21] <cst> ban this fuck
  105. [03:21] == mode/#cloakcoin [+b *!*taco@*] by Pysiek
  106. [03:21] <deggirsiemageht> That made no sense
  107. [03:21] == deggirsiemageht was kicked from #cloakcoin by Pysiek [deggirsiemageht]
  108. [03:21] <cst> thank you
  109. [03:21] <svenp> TY
  110. [03:21] <MrRGnome> thanks
  111. [03:21] * nOgAnOo passes weed samples out
  112. [03:21] <MrRGnome> Might as well bacn charm too
  113. [03:22] <cst> that guy has done nothing but bring negativity to this irc
  114. [03:22] <MrRGnome> charm is her bot
  115. [03:22] <nOgAnOo> Just made a few dollars trading Cloak and other coins \o/
  116. [03:22] <cst> @pysiek thanks buddy
  117. [03:22] <@Pysiek> i ban him coz of his illogical way of thinking in arguing, for me he was typical troll
  118. [03:23] <cst> can only take so much of someone doing that. i jsut can't understand why someone who is in here all day would turn around and spread fud in the forum
  119. [03:23] <cst> coutner productive
  120. [03:23] <cst> counter*
  121. [03:23] <MrRGnome> Pysiek charm is the trolls bot
  122. [03:23] <svenp> so they can be the center of attention
  123. [03:23] <zing96> i don't think there was much discussion going on. i'm all happy to have civil discourse about talking points - but no reason to just argue back and forth.
  124. [03:23] <cst> thanks though
  125. [03:23] <svenp> because they are mentally ill and needy
  126. [03:23] <MrRGnome> she alsu sues the name taco and ocatocat, she will be back
  127. [03:23] <cst> @zing96 i agree
  128. [03:23] <cst> all the arguing came form that one person though
  129. [03:23] <cst> from*
  130. [03:24] <zing96> yep. I agree - there's weird things going on, but nothing to do with cloak.
  131. [03:24] <zing96> that's just life in crypto.
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