
Dry Bowser's Sexy Kinks (Waluigitacostand)

Aug 27th, 2019
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  1. Dry Bowser yawned.
  3. "Did you really expect anything else?" Dry Bowser said. "I apologize."
  5. "Why would you apologize for this?"
  7. "Because we should strive to be better, not do this stupid shit." Dry Bowser explained.
  9. =
  10. ch92
  11. Waluigi watched as the rain stopped pouring, the dark storm clouds breaking through to reveal the bright sunshine. He sighed as he looked up, smiling.
  13. "Ahh, this is going to be a great day for business!" Waluigi exclaimed as he pulled out a fresh plate of tacos, all of them different kinds as he rang the shiny silver bell on his counter. "Come and get them, they're all ready!"
  15. Princess Daisy tackled Waluigi, both of them on the steel floor behind the counter within the Taco Stand. Daisy giggled as she was face to face with Waluigi.
  17. "Hiya, Wally! You got tacos ready?" Daisy asked as she winked.
  19. Waluigi groaned as he rolled his head. "Great, just when it couldn't get any worse..."
  21. Daisy farted loudly, the tuba poot echoing throughout the taco stand's interior. Waluigi pushed Daisy off out of disgust, rubbing his dark purple overalls as he growled in annoyance, with Daisy giggling as she turned around, sitting on the floor as she pooted again.
  22. .
  23. ch93
  24. Waluigi placed a plate of fresh tacos on the green counter, waiting for Daisy to come and snatch them. Daisy sensed the delicious scent, and she dashed towards the counter, ready to pounce on the plate as Petey Piranha emerged from the sandy ground, snapping up Daisy and trapping her inside his mouth. Waluigi popped back up as he laughed, giving Petey a thumbs up as Petey chuckled, flying away.
  26. "What the hell was that all about?" Toadette innocently asked as she skiped to the counter, her hands behind her back as she watched Daisy getting gobbled by Petey. "Was Daisy just eaten right now?"
  28. Waluigi laughed heartily as he patted Toadette on the head. "That's right! I got fart face caught off guard! Now I can sell my tacos without her interrupting!" He laughed heartily as he placed his hands on his hips. Toadette looked on, innocently confused.
  29. .
  30. ch114
  31. Waluigi sighed as he placed both of his elbows on the yellow counter, being bored as ever. There were several plates of fresh tacos surrounding him, but he was just not as motivated to do anything with them.
  33. "Well, I got gypped out of getting that stupid squirrel's money..." Waluigi muttered to himself as he sighed, shaking his head. "Maybe I'll just make a bed out of tacos and rest on it..."
  35. Suddenly, Petey Piranha and Toadette both collided into the taco stand, causing it to shake. Waluigi screamed as he felt his balance loosen up, causing him to fall back, the tacos falling right on him as the plates fell to the ground, breaking up. Petey Piranha and Toadette looked over the counter to see the knocked out Waluigi, then turned to themselves, wondering what to do.
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  37. ch132
  38. Waluigi walked towards his taco stand, to see that seagulls were all over it again, much to his dismay. He screamed as he pulled down his purple cap, pulling out his purple colored tennis racket and trying to wack the seagulls, which started to fly away.
  40. "Go on! Beat it!" Waluigi exclaimed furiously as he panted frantically, watching all of the seagulls flying towards the north. He shook his head as he tossed his tennis racket away, grumbling to himself as he inspected his taco stand. "Dumb birds... I'll never understand them..."
  42. Upon going behind the yellow counter, Waluigi discovered Daisy and Toadette, who were both having some of the leftover tacos from the other night, both of the girls having slightly pudgy stomachs. Toadette burped loudly while in response Daisy farted loudly, lifting her legs up to reveal her orange shorts being puffed up by her tuba like flatulence. Waluigi groaned in annoyance as he picked up both Daisy and Toadette, tossing them over the counter as he got started immediately on a new batch.
  43. .
  44. ch134
  45. Waluigi had his taco stand up and running again, filled with plenty of hungry customers of all different sorts, all of them willing to pay hefty amounts of cash for tacos. Waluigi looked around, smiling as there was no sign of Daisy nearby.
  47. "Excellent!' Waluigi exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together. "Now I can finally sell my tacos in peace!"
  49. Suddenly, popping out of nowhere was Daisy's big butt farting up in front of Waluigi, letting out a loud, tuba like blast into his face, followed by a rotten eggy smell. Waluigi fanned the stench away with his right hand, his facial expression being extremely annoyed as Daisy giggled, her hands behind her back as she was in her sports uniform.
  51. "Did you like my little surprise for you?" Daisy asked as she blinked several times, letting out a cute little poot.
  53. Waluigi grabbed Daisy and stuffed her into a giant taco, then placing the taco inside a giant microwave. Daisy screamed for help as Waluigi continued serving tacos to the hungry customers.
  54. .
  55. ch135
  56. Waluigi stretched his arms as he returned to his taco stand, having been wrecked from a certain earlier encounter. He was too weak to go behind his taco stand, groaning in pain as he fell flat on his face.
  58. "Well, on the plus side, at least this place is nowhere as bad as Windy..." Waluigi muttered as he coughed in pain, "It may be boring as hell, but at least there's no jerks who mindlessly attack me for no reason..."
  60. Suddenly, Daisy landed on top of Waluigi, munching on several tacos while wearing her sports outfit. Waluigi groaned in pain as he whimpered, hoping it wouldn't get worse. Daisy farted loudly, giggling as she moved her butt a few times, letting out more silent, but deadly farts. Due to Daisy being on him, Waluigi couldn't move, and he screamed in horror and pain as he was forced to smell Daisy's awful farts.
  61. .
  62. ch137
  63. Waluigi yawned as he stretched his arms, standing behind the counter as he folded his arms, shaking his head. "What am I doing?" He asked himself as he glanced up at the clear blue sky. "No, what the actual hell am I doing?"
  65. Silence. Waluigi sighed as he rolled his eyes.
  67. "Why am I still selling tacos?" Waluigi asked himself as he blinked. "I mean, I have plenty of parties to attend and ruin! I have many sports to participate in! I have many lives to ruin for my own personal enjoyment!" He sighed as he grabbed a taco, looking at it as he held it in his right hand. "But no, I decide just to be in this overused tropical place, doing nothing but selling tacos!"
  69. Glancing at it for a few seconds, he took a couple of bites out of it as he sighed, looking at the nearly finished taco.
  71. "This is my life. Just abandoning the things I was solely created for just to make tacos." Waluigi sighed as he shook his head, "And the only actual friends I have are Wario, Toadette, and that fart factory Daisy." He closed his eyes as he looked down, holding down his purple cap. "What is my life...?"
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