

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. [22.06.2016 23:10:19] Penny Bristow-Wendt: Hi there
  2. [22.06.2016 23:10:26] Александр Лящук: Hi
  3. [22.06.2016 23:10:26] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I have very bad news on this build
  4. [22.06.2016 23:10:39] Александр Лящук: Besides cancellation?
  5. [22.06.2016 23:10:42] Penny Bristow-Wendt: since my ipad was acting up we had Nick create the meetings from his end
  6. [22.06.2016 23:10:42] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yes
  7. [22.06.2016 23:10:53] Penny Bristow-Wendt: Nick added a person to the series.
  8. [22.06.2016 23:11:25] Penny Bristow-Wendt: the added person got three invites. One for the series (expected) one for the time modification (expected) and another for a 10 minute meeting on November 29th
  9. [22.06.2016 23:11:45] Penny Bristow-Wendt: that last one was no way expected
  10. [22.06.2016 23:12:24] Александр Лящук: What exact city is set on Nick’s device?
  11. [22.06.2016 23:12:43] Александр Лящук: In settings
  12. [22.06.2016 23:12:52] Penny Bristow-Wendt: auto is turned off and its Moncton
  13. [22.06.2016 23:12:58] Penny Bristow-Wendt: and its a wifi only device
  14. [22.06.2016 23:13:16] Александр Лящук: And iOS version and kind of device?
  15. [22.06.2016 23:13:53] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ipad mini 2 9.3.2
  16. [22.06.2016 23:15:23] Александр Лящук: ;( no cancellation problem on my side
  17. [22.06.2016 23:15:49] Александр Лящук: No description problem on my side
  18. [22.06.2016 23:16:54] Александр Лящук: And I’m pretty sure it won’t be a strange autoadded meeting
  19. [22.06.2016 23:17:27] Александр Лящук: I simply can’t recreate problems
  20. [22.06.2016 23:17:32] Penny Bristow-Wendt: oh I can
  21. [22.06.2016 23:17:36] Penny Bristow-Wendt: unfortunately
  22. [22.06.2016 23:17:41] Александр Лящук: I know
  23. [22.06.2016 23:17:41] Penny Bristow-Wendt: and not on purpose either
  24. [22.06.2016 23:18:01] Александр Лящук: But it doesn’t help me to discover what’s wrong
  25. [22.06.2016 23:18:15] Penny Bristow-Wendt: haha
  26. [22.06.2016 23:18:30] Penny Bristow-Wendt: the Nov 29th meeting from 7:40 to 7:40 is for the year 1600
  27. [22.06.2016 23:19:01] Александр Лящук: (rofl)
  28. [22.06.2016 23:19:16] Александр Лящук: nice
  29. [22.06.2016 23:19:17] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I don't think we sync calendar back that far to check it
  30. [22.06.2016 23:19:43] Александр Лящук: We do, at least sync
  31. [22.06.2016 23:19:53] Александр Лящук: I don’t know what’s up to UI
  32. [22.06.2016 23:20:26] Александр Лящук: But we will show it if UI will allow to see that day or month
  33. [22.06.2016 23:21:42] Penny Bristow-Wendt: we cant even open it on outlook in his sent items to try and view it
  34. [22.06.2016 23:22:12] Александр Лящук: It was .com account
  35. [22.06.2016 23:22:14] Александр Лящук: ?
  36. [22.06.2016 23:22:30] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yes
  37. [22.06.2016 23:23:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: was adding to the series that had already had one time change and our goofy cancel item
  38. [22.06.2016 23:23:48] Александр Лящук: What password is on
  39. [22.06.2016 23:23:55] Penny Bristow-Wendt: val3ntin3
  40. [22.06.2016 23:24:46] Александр Лящук: I don’t see email, did you delete it?
  41. [22.06.2016 23:25:18] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I accepted it
  42. [22.06.2016 23:25:24] Penny Bristow-Wendt: we can add another person
  43. [22.06.2016 23:25:44] Penny Bristow-Wendt: devtest or demo or whatever you have active
  44. [22.06.2016 23:25:52] Александр Лящук: I’d found it
  45. [22.06.2016 23:25:54] Penny Bristow-Wendt: it would be in the deleted items
  46. [22.06.2016 23:27:17 | Изменены 23:27:30] Александр Лящук: What if he cancels the whole series?
  47. [22.06.2016 23:27:43] Александр Лящук: This autocorrection (devil)
  48. [22.06.2016 23:28:14] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yike he has teeth
  49. [22.06.2016 23:28:19] Penny Bristow-Wendt: trying now
  50. [22.06.2016 23:28:26] Penny Bristow-Wendt: from SS correct?
  51. [22.06.2016 23:28:30] Александр Лящук: yes
  52. [22.06.2016 23:28:46] Penny Bristow-Wendt: you have the acct
  53. [22.06.2016 23:28:51] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I wont touch on owa
  54. [22.06.2016 23:28:51] Александр Лящук: yes
  55. [22.06.2016 23:28:54] Александр Лящук: OK
  56. [22.06.2016 23:29:00] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok he just cancelled
  57. [22.06.2016 23:32:13] Александр Лящук: It’s really there =)))
  59. [22.06.2016 23:32:24] Penny Bristow-Wendt: it seems to have cleaned up both and calendar, didn't get the on the one occurrence though but I think we noted that on yesterdays list
  60. [22.06.2016 23:33:54] Penny Bristow-Wendt: LOL
  61. [22.06.2016 23:34:03] Penny Bristow-Wendt: but we were not old enough to attend
  62. [22.06.2016 23:34:09] Александр Лящук: ))))
  63. [22.06.2016 23:34:39] Александр Лящук: But the cancellation seems OK
  64. [22.06.2016 23:34:52] Александр Лящук: No raw ics data
  65. [22.06.2016 23:35:09] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yes it was fine that time
  66. [22.06.2016 23:35:28] Penny Bristow-Wendt: that was a series cancel vs an instance
  67. [22.06.2016 23:35:31] Penny Bristow-Wendt: let me try sending you one
  68. [22.06.2016 23:35:35] Penny Bristow-Wendt: on
  69. [22.06.2016 23:35:37] Александр Лящук: OK
  70. [22.06.2016 23:35:38] Penny Bristow-Wendt: hang on
  71. [22.06.2016 23:35:41] Александр Лящук: Waiting
  72. [22.06.2016 23:37:40] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok should get the invite
  73. [22.06.2016 23:38:04] Александр Лящук: Yes, accepted
  74. [22.06.2016 23:38:20] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok waiting on ipad to allow me to move to the 29th to cancel it
  75. [22.06.2016 23:39:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: it hasn't synced yet, trying to force it now
  76. [22.06.2016 23:39:43] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok there it is
  77. [22.06.2016 23:40:12] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok I didn't do the time change first
  78. [22.06.2016 23:40:17] Penny Bristow-Wendt: if it works got to do one more
  79. [22.06.2016 23:40:25] Александр Лящук: one more)
  80. [22.06.2016 23:40:29] Александр Лящук: It’s ok
  81. [22.06.2016 23:40:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  82. [22.06.2016 23:41:56] Александр Лящук: accepted
  83. [22.06.2016 23:42:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: changing time by 30 min on 29th
  84. [22.06.2016 23:43:11] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ooh "Warning" changes for the event cant be saved, the operation was rejected by the server
  85. [22.06.2016 23:43:13] Penny Bristow-Wendt: let me try again
  86. [22.06.2016 23:43:21] Penny Bristow-Wendt: maybe it was still syncing
  87. [22.06.2016 23:43:25] Александр Лящук: Nope
  88. [22.06.2016 23:43:37] Александр Лящук: It’s server behavior
  89. [22.06.2016 23:43:49] Александр Лящук: But why we still don’t know
  90. [22.06.2016 23:43:59] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok no error this time
  91. [22.06.2016 23:44:09] Penny Bristow-Wendt: did you get an invite?
  92. [22.06.2016 23:44:12] Александр Лящук: Accepted too
  93. [22.06.2016 23:44:14] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  94. [22.06.2016 23:44:14] Александр Лящук: Yes
  95. [22.06.2016 23:44:19] Penny Bristow-Wendt: moving on to July
  96. [22.06.2016 23:44:32] Penny Bristow-Wendt: once ipad lets me
  97. [22.06.2016 23:44:37] Александр Лящук: )))
  98. [22.06.2016 23:44:40] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok the 6th
  99. [22.06.2016 23:44:44] Penny Bristow-Wendt: cancelling
  100. [22.06.2016 23:45:24] Penny Bristow-Wendt: only this instance selected
  101. [22.06.2016 23:45:25] Penny Bristow-Wendt: dang
  102. [22.06.2016 23:45:27] Penny Bristow-Wendt: error again
  103. [22.06.2016 23:45:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: same warning
  104. [22.06.2016 23:45:35] Александр Лящук: Yes
  105. [22.06.2016 23:45:35] Penny Bristow-Wendt: let me try again
  106. [22.06.2016 23:45:46] Александр Лящук: And it can be several times
  107. [22.06.2016 23:45:54] Александр Лящук: Its weird
  108. [22.06.2016 23:45:57] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok I think it went
  109. [22.06.2016 23:46:04] Penny Bristow-Wendt: still on my jalopy calendar
  110. [22.06.2016 23:46:25] Александр Лящук: Cancelled looks OK
  111. [22.06.2016 23:46:50] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok I'm not sure other than AT time zone
  112. [22.06.2016 23:46:57] Penny Bristow-Wendt: one more test
  113. [22.06.2016 23:47:01] Александр Лящук: OK
  114. [22.06.2016 23:47:01] Penny Bristow-Wendt: Ill have Nick do it from AT
  115. [22.06.2016 23:47:05] Александр Лящук: OK
  116. [22.06.2016 23:47:52] Александр Лящук: Previously it happened both on your and Nicks devices?
  117. [22.06.2016 23:48:11] Penny Bristow-Wendt: no just nick, but I got the odd cancellations on my device/outlook
  118. [22.06.2016 23:48:32] Александр Лящук: Maybe the build got installed incorrectly
  119. [22.06.2016 23:48:57] Penny Bristow-Wendt: could be, I can have him wipe and replace if it happens on this one
  120. [22.06.2016 23:49:01] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok here it goes
  121. [22.06.2016 23:49:25] Александр Лящук: Invite OK, accepted
  122. [22.06.2016 23:49:57] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok he changing next week by 1 hour
  123. [22.06.2016 23:50:25] Александр Лящук: 1 hour ff, accepted
  124. [22.06.2016 23:50:28] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok now for the cancel
  125. [22.06.2016 23:51:11] Александр Лящук: And if OK I’ll request one more test
  126. [22.06.2016 23:51:41] Александр Лящук: Just to sleep still)
  127. [22.06.2016 23:52:26] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yep
  128. [22.06.2016 23:52:31] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok here is the cancel
  129. [22.06.2016 23:52:43] Penny Bristow-Wendt: and it looks fine
  130. [22.06.2016 23:52:55] Александр Лящук: yep
  131. [22.06.2016 23:52:57] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok go to sleep Ill try to have him recreate
  132. [22.06.2016 23:53:01] Александр Лящук: now my request
  133. [22.06.2016 23:53:12] Александр Лящук: no, one more, from Nick’s device
  134. [22.06.2016 23:53:17] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  135. [22.06.2016 23:53:48] Александр Лящук: meeting name should be as long or longer then that from screenshot
  136. [22.06.2016 23:54:25] Александр Лящук: one cancel for occurrence and one for exception with time change
  137. [22.06.2016 23:56:39] Александр Лящук: accepted
  138. [22.06.2016 23:56:47] Александр Лящук: Now simple occurrence cancel
  139. [22.06.2016 23:58:09] Penny Bristow-Wendt: cancel then exception? we were doing exception then cancel before
  140. [22.06.2016 23:58:21] Александр Лящук: no, now occurrence
  141. [22.06.2016 23:58:31] Александр Лящук: and if Ok then exception
  142. [22.06.2016 23:58:40] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  143. [22.06.2016 23:58:43] Александр Лящук: two cases
  144. [22.06.2016 23:59:39] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok one series do one cancel to one occurrence and another series to do one exception to one occurrence, correct?
  145. [22.06.2016 23:59:49] Александр Лящук: no
  146. [22.06.2016 23:59:56] Александр Лящук: this series)
  147. [0:00:14] Александр Лящук: There will be no differrence
  148. [0:00:37] Penny Bristow-Wendt: 13th cancel coming
  149. [0:00:50] Александр Лящук: OK
  150. [0:00:55] Александр Лящук: Now exception
  151. [0:01:30] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok for the 29th time change
  152. [0:01:47] Александр Лящук: Accepted, now cancel
  153. [0:02:09] Penny Bristow-Wendt: cancel another occurrence or series?
  154. [0:02:26] Александр Лящук: No, cancel this exception, on 29
  155. [0:02:38] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok cancel coming
  156. [0:03:03] Александр Лящук: Looks OK
  157. [0:03:06] Penny Bristow-Wendt: yep
  158. [0:03:09] Penny Bristow-Wendt: not sure how he did it
  159. [0:03:13] Penny Bristow-Wendt: or what he did
  160. [0:03:18] Александр Лящук: it seems it were iOS problems
  161. [0:03:36] Александр Лящук: We found similar cases before
  162. [0:03:59] Penny Bristow-Wendt: should we have him rip and replace the install?
  163. [0:04:01] Александр Лящук: they were connected with NSString processing on OS side
  164. [0:04:17] Александр Лящук: I don’t know, now it seems to be OK
  165. [0:04:25] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I know
  166. [0:04:29] Penny Bristow-Wendt: that is what bothers me
  167. [0:04:30] Александр Лящук: It should be Ok I think
  168. [0:04:32] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  169. [0:04:36] Penny Bristow-Wendt: tomorrow I should have the new ipad
  170. [0:04:40] Penny Bristow-Wendt: but not till evening
  171. [0:04:44] Penny Bristow-Wendt: I can retest
  172. [0:04:53] Александр Лящук: This will be nice
  173. [0:05:02] Penny Bristow-Wendt: you did find something you thought for the button
  174. [0:05:18] Penny Bristow-Wendt: should I wait for a new build to retest or just keep on this one
  175. [0:05:51 | Изменены 0:05:57] Александр Лящук: Button was fixed, it was merge between mine and Aleksey cnahges
  176. [0:06:42] Александр Лящук: I’d ask you to retest yesterday report steps, I think that spinners affected much
  177. [0:06:49] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok
  178. [0:07:14] Penny Bristow-Wendt: ok we will retest then on the new device so I don't pull out my hair
  179. [0:07:19] Penny Bristow-Wendt: go to bed now
  180. [0:07:23] Penny Bristow-Wendt: need you rest the brain
  181. [0:07:25] Александр Лящук: So I’m going to sleep and wait for good news in the morning)
  182. [0:07:27] Александр Лящук: )
  183. [0:07:30] Александр Лящук: yes
  184. [0:07:36] Александр Лящук: Good night
  185. [0:08:02] Penny Bristow-Wendt: you too
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