
Mall shit

Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad wandered through the mall, his smoothie in hand since this was an easy and painless way for him to get his daily serving of fruit. The straw seemed to be permanently in his mouth as he made his way through the corridor of the mall, his eyes scanning for any particular store that might catch his interest.-
  2. Tsaaq: Thaddeus sighed as he went to grab one of the tills in the front of the store. "I'm going to finish counting everything, call me if you need anything." Thad told his employees as he went toward the backroom.
  3. Covet: Kelsey had found out Brad was at the Mall wandering about. She made her way in and started to look around for him at a casual pace walking calmly along as she pulled her hair down having styled it a little different because now Nancy kind of had her freaked out about the public's reaction to her.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Sipping away on his fucking smoothie, he stopped to look in the glass case of one of those jewelry kiosk things in the center of the mall, leaning down to study the simple chains.-
  5. Tsaaq: He counted the till with a sigh, basically hanging out in the back room as managers do while the store was closing down. Thad got up when he heard a knock. "Coming." Thad called out, seeing that the employees had been finished with all the closing things. Thaddeus went to turn off all the lights and lock the door as everyone dispersed.
  6. Covet: Kelsey walked past Hot Topic seeing Thad inside the gate that was now closed along with a few other shops. She gave him a wave and then frowned, "Closing time already? I didn't think it was that late, but the sun does set a lot later now in the summer."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Pulling the smoothie straw from his mouth, he eased back away from the glass case, turning to head in the direction he'd been previously going until he saw the familiar blonde standing outside Hot Topic. Walking over to her, he swung an arm around her waist, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Hey there. Want some smoothie?"-
  8. iKamal: Dori pulled into the parking lot of the mall in her brand new junky camro. it was an older model of course and well it looked like it could give out any moment. She didn't care though it was her car and she loved it. shewent to go open the door and the driver side door wasstuck she huffed putting her shoulder into it but nothing.she huffed and put the window down crawling out the window and grabbing her keys and purse. she jogged the best she could in her wedges knowing closing time was coming and she jogged her way down to spencers just before the girl closed the gate."I-I"she had to catch her breath."I left my name tag in the back can I grab it." The girl nodded and let Dori go to the back and gab her name tag.she thanked the girl and made her way out lettign them close up and walkedabout the mall to see what stores were left that were opened. She tugged at her shirt and looked at herself. She wastrying outa new look and no one really had said anything about it. But then again not alot of people knew dori aroun here and she planned to change that.
  9. Tsaaq: Thad turned his head as he rose to his feet. "I closed a little early today, not gonna lie. But not by a lot. I can keep a secret if you can." He smiled at Kelsey then went to wave at Brad. "Hey man." He greeted timidly.
  10. Covet: "I won't tell anyone. I can't blame you for wanting to get out of here. It's a really nice night tonight." She said to Thad then turned to look at Brad as he walked up and offered some smoothie and gave her a kiss and was all boyfriendy. "I would love a sip. What kind did you get?" She asked him.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Peachy and banana." He smirked, holding the cup out to her so she could have a sip. He nodded his head to Thad, sending him a little grin. "Hey. Working hard?" he cracked up, because Brad doesnt do retail.-
  12. iKamal: Dori smiled seeing a few people outside of the Hottopic."Hey.."she looked at Brad."brad right?" she then looked at Kelsey and smiled."I don't think I have met you yet though. I'm Dori...Dori Sanchez"she offered her hand out to the girl and she noticed Thad. She waved her hand at him.
  13. Tsaaq: "So hard that I made everyone get the hell out." He laughed. "Oh, you guys seem like you're-" Thad paused with an awkward look, pulling off his lanyard. They were busy doing couplely things. He saw a girl approach and he furrowed his thick eyebrows as he looked at her. Thad's eyes widened when he saw it was Dori. "Oh, hey. What's up..." He trailed off.
  14. Covet: "Oh yum. Thank you Bradley." Kelsey said with a grin and took a sip from it, then looked over as another girl joined them. Kelsey gave a polite smile, "I have been gone for about a week, in LA doing some important things, I'm Kelsey Morgan. Nice to meet you Dori." She turned to Thad, "Sorry if we're holding you up at all, late night browsing and smoothie stealing."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Yep, that's me." he laughed, tugging Kelsey against him as he beamed with pride when Kelsey introduced herself to Dori. "Yeah. THE Kelsey Morgan. As in the Kelsey Morgan you probably hear on the radio every day. That one."-
  16. iKamal: Dori smiled at Brad and Kelsey."hmm I don't know if I have heard of her...I kind of mostly listen to spanish speaking artist."she shrugged her shoulders some."but I will Defiantly look you up."she chuckled a little. she looked over at Thad."Nothing just forgot my name tag at spencers. I got the job there. Plus I got a new car and figured I would see if i could find something for it. My abuela didn't agree with me riding the bus."
  17. Tsaaq: He nodded his head as Dori spoke. "Yeah?" He said in a bit of a daze. His eyes wandered down to her outfit. "Right, that's great. I'm so glad to hear that. The bus is awful." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "She's a pretty good singer. I reccomend her." He nodded in the direction of Kelsey.
  18. Covet: "Bradley.... Please..." Kelsey said with a bright blush because she was okay with nobody knowing her as some starlet at this point. "I might be a little famous right now, but I'm still a person I promise." She said using her fingers to denote the word "little". "Have you heard a little tune lately on the radio called Shake it off? If so.. that's me.. and Brad's work. He directed the video for it, but really I'm just a person please don't treat me differently." She said putting her hands up being genuinely humble about everything. She smiled at Thad, "Thank you, you are kind to say as much. I'm sad you don't do much of it anymore."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, the song is all yours. Anything anyone hears on the radio, is all you. Take the credit." He smirked, taking another sip of his smoothie. "You sing?" He asked, directing the question to Thad.-
  20. iKamal: Dori thought for a moment."Oh..." it was like a light bulb went off in her head."Me quedo despierta hasta demasiado tarde " She sang a little bit of Kelsey's song in spanish."I've heard it but in spanish of course."she chuckled a little. She noticed Thad's eyes on her and she pretended to not notice."I will defiantly listen to the english version since you recommended it it and all"
  21. Tsaaq: "Yeah. Definitely look into it." Thad looked away. His gaze bounced around the hall since he didn't know where to look now. He laughed and sighed a bit as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yeah I mean, I guess I miss it too but I wasn't all that good. Not as good as my brother." He told Kelsey. "Yeah. I did a whole song for this girl once then other shit. I sort of fell off. I also play guitar." Thad explained. He frowned a moment. "Well... Ever since Wyatt turned all Hollywood he's a little too big for his little brother... Singing about pinky rings and shit."
  22. Covet: "I didn't even know there was a spanish translation of it already, that's, amazing. I'm so happy it's becoming well known in other languages, the song has such a good message to it." She said with a delighted noise as she clapped her hands together. "He does, he performed at a thing at the park once, Caroline and I performed too, not together, but that was her first and only time she ever sang. " She said to Brad then directed her statement at Thad, "Your brother is good, but you have your own style. You aren't him, and I think you should get back into it more."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "The more you compare yourself to other people, the more disappointed you're going to be. It's kind of just a rule of thumb." Brad gave an easy shrug, taking another sip of his smoothie and finishing it off.-
  24. iKamal: Dori looked at Thad."I didn't know you sing."she smiled and brought her attention back to brad and kels"I use to sing in my uncles resturant. He owns an authentic mexican resturant back home. He has live music on fridays." she shrugged some.
  25. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "I was always more of a rapping type guy but I dabbled in song." Thaddeus told Dori before shrugging again. "Yeah well uh. That ship has sailed obviously." He said in response to Brad then sighed a bit. "I found some of my old songs though. I've been thinking about it-" He turned to Dori again. "Wow that sounds really nice."
  26. Covet: "Aww, how sweet. I bet that was really nice." Kelsey said with a smile then reached for Brad's hand lacing her fingers through it. "It's never too late, Thad. Who knows maybe you'd make it bigger than your brother, just in another branch of the industry."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, you should come by the studio and lay down some tracks. I'm sure we can work something out and find something you like. I've gotten pretty decent at mixing tracks. Can't hurt, right?" He asked, lacing his fingers with Kelsey's.-
  28. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."It was fun.I have only ever sang in spanish though. I have never sang in english so I might try that some time."she looked around some."I agree Thad. You should at least try your hand again."she looked back at Kel's."I guess I can tell my mom I met a star today."she chuckled
  29. Tsaaq: "Okay, let's do that. Sounds cool." He smirked a little before raising his eyebrow in surprise at the offer. "Cool." He laughed softly. "I'd have to be pretty abstract to do better than Wyatt but I can try." Thad chuckled. He looked over to Dori. "You should definitely try singing in English."
  30. Covet: "Just a minor one though. I'm not that big.. I swear. I only have one song out right now, I won't have an album release until probably the end of August beginning of September. But I'm going to be shooting a new video probably in the next few weeks, I'll post on squawks about it though, so if you follow that or are active on there you'll see it." She said with a humble smile then gave Brad's hand a squeeze, a little proud of his offer.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "See, everyone wins. You get to try out the singing thing, and I get to practice producing a little more." He laughed, nudging Kelsey a bit. "Was there anywhere you wanted to go before we head back to Talon?"-
  32. iKamal: Dori smiled."I am sure you will become a major star in no time."she nodded her head to Thad."I think I will sometime. Now that I have my own car I can sing as loud and as much I want." she looked back at KEl"I look forward to your next video. I bet it will be amazing."she shifted abit because the wedges she was wearing was starting to make her feet hurt."Did you guys want to go and sit down somewhere and chat?"
  33. Tsaaq: "If it's disaster we can scrap it." Thad looked at the now locked doors of Hot Topic then back at the store. "Well I was just closing up. I don't know what everone else's plans were."
  34. Covet: "No, I think the only places I was going to look at are probably already closed right now. I'm sure the mall is about to close too, so I assume we're headed back to Talon here before too long." She said looking between everyone, "Not that I'm not enjoying conversation or anything, but we can always hang out more tomorrow if need be."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm sure they're going to kick us out here soon enough. It's pretty late and all." He slipped his arm around Kelsey's shoulders, looking to the two. "Maybe we can all grab food or something."-
  36. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."Yeah you guys are right and I could go for some food." she smiled and she started to walk slowly towards the exit waiting for the others to follow.
  37. Tsaaq: Thaddeus looked at his phone and thought a moment. "Yeah. I had a blunt for lunch instead of an actual meal so eating seems like a good idea." He said wth a nod. "Okay. What are we getting?"
  38. Covet: "We could get pizza, or we could hit up the Cafe?" Kelsey offered, leaning into Brad as he started moving, walking along with him.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I like both pizza and everything at the cafe, so I'm really not picky." He spoke as they moved through the mall, heading toward the exit. "You guys pick."-
  40. iKamal: Dori thought for a moment."Pizza sounds good right about now."She kept walking with them and as they headed outside she pulled her keys out."What about you Thad?"
  41. Tsaaq: "Uhhhhh..." Thaddeus dragged out. "Pizza I guess?" He replied with a shrug as he walked behind the group. "I haven't had pizza in a while."
  42. Covet: "Pizza it is, Sounds fun and delicious to me." She said with a smile as they walked out of the mall together to do the pizza things.
  43. Covet: [I take it we are wrapping since it's just after midnight? and that's a good place to wrap?]
  44. Tsaaq: ((You're a wrap.))
  45. Tsaaq: ((Ranch wrap.))
  46. iKamal: [ i want a wrap]
  47. Alexithymiaa: (Ugh Im hungry.)
  48. iKamal: [gurl me too]
  49. Alexithymiaa: (Bro wrap me up.)
  50. Tsaaq: ((I can wrap you up but it'll be kind a bulky. I'm not good at it.))
  51. Alexithymiaa: (YEah Im not either. I dont know how the pros in Moes wrap my burritos so nicely.)
  52. iKamal: [i can wrap only cause i use to do the breakfast wraps at mcdonalds]
  53. Alexithymiaa: (This cat is better at wrapping than me.)
  54. Tsaaq: if you wanted to keep rping we can for a little
  55. iKamal: .where?
  56. Tsaaq: probaby och
  57. iKamal: .ok
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