

Jun 20th, 2020
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  1. command /ban <offline player> [<text>]:
  2. permission: ban.player
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 1 is set:
  5. if arg 2 is "-s":
  6. set {_player} to arg 1
  7. create new gui with id "ban" with virtual chest named " §7>-§4BAN§7-<" with 5 rows:
  8. format gui slot 4 with diamond sword named "§cBan %arg 1%"
  9. format gui slot 10 with bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks §a(ADMITTED) 7 DAYS":
  10. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  11. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 7 -s You have been banned for 7 days due to Non-malicious hacks (ADMITTED). This ban CAN NOT be appealed"
  12. format gui slot 16 with water bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  13. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  14. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 14 -s You have been banned for 14 days due to Non-malicious hacks."
  15. format gui slot 22 with bedrock named "§cPERM BAN":
  16. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  17. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 10000 -s You have been PERM BANNED"
  18. format gui slot 28 with lava bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  19. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  20. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 15 -s You have been banned for 15 days due to Malicious hacks (ADMITTED). This ban CAN NOT be appealed"
  21. format gui slot 34 with lava bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  22. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  23. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 30 -s You have been banned for 30 days due to Malicious hacks."
  24. else:
  25. set {_player} to arg 1
  26. create new gui with id "ban" with virtual chest named " §7>-§4BAN§7-<" with 5 rows:
  27. format gui slot 4 with diamond sword named "§cBan %arg 1%"
  28. format gui slot 10 with bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks §a(ADMITTED) 7 DAYS":
  29. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  30. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 7 You have been banned for 7 days due to Non-malicious hacks (ADMITTED). This ban CAN NOT be appealed"
  31. format gui slot 16 with water bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  32. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  33. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 14 You have been banned for 14 days due to Non-malicious hacks."
  34. format gui slot 22 with bedrock named "§cPERM BAN":
  35. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  36. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 10000 You have been PERM BANNED"
  37. format gui slot 28 with lava bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  38. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  39. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 15 You have been banned for 15 days due to Malicious hacks (ADMITTED). This ban CAN NOT be appealed"
  40. format gui slot 34 with lava bucket named "§cNon-malicious hacks &a14 DAYS":
  41. if {%arg 1%::bans} is not set:
  42. execute player command "/tempban %{_player}% 30 You have been banned for 30 days due to Malicious hacks."
  43. open gui with id "ban" to player
  44. else:
  45. send "/ban (player)" to player
  47. command /kick <player> <string>:
  48. permission: kick.player
  49. trigger:
  50. kick the player-argument due to "%arg 2%"
  52. command /tempban <offline player> <integer> <string>:
  53. permission: ban.player
  54. trigger:
  55. set {_test} to arg 1
  56. set {banned::%arg-1's uuid%} to true
  57. set {bantime::%arg-1's uuid%} to now
  58. set {banreason::%arg-1's uuid%} to "%arg 3%"
  59. if arg-3 contains "DoggoCheat":
  60. if arg-3 contains "speed":
  61. broadcast "&aDoggoCheat&7: %arg 1% has been banned for using speed hacks."
  62. loop arg-2 times:
  63. add 1 day to {bantime::%arg-1's uuid%}
  64. add 1 to {%arg-1's uuid%::bans}
  65. add ip of argument 1 to {banned::ips::*}
  66. execute console command "/kick %arg 1% &aDoggoCheat&7: You have been caught using speed hacks"
  67. else:
  68. loop arg-2 times:
  69. add 1 day to {bantime::%arg-1's uuid%}
  70. add 1 to {%arg-1's uuid%::bans}
  71. add ip of argument 1 to {banned::ips::*}
  72. execute console command "/kick %arg 1% %arg 3%"
  75. if arg-3 contains "-s":
  76. loop all players:
  77. if {rank.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to 3:
  78. if {rank.%loop-player%} is less than 10:
  79. send "%arg 1% has been banned for %arg 2% days due to %arg 3%" to loop-player
  80. else:
  81. broadcast "%arg 1% has been banned for %arg 2% days due to %arg 3%"
  84. command /unban <offline player>:
  85. permission: pardon.player
  86. trigger:
  87. set {banned::%uuid of arg-1%} to false
  89. on join:
  90. set join message to ""
  91. set {_now} to now
  92. loop {banned::ips::*}:
  93. if player's ip is the same as loop-value:
  94. loop all players:
  95. if {rank.%loop-player%} is greater than or equal to 3:
  96. if {rank.%loop-player%} is less than 10:
  97. send "%player% has joined with a banned ip!"
  98. if {_now} is more than {bantime::%player's uuid%}:
  99. set {banned::%player's uuid%} to false
  100. if {banned::%player's uuid%} is true:
  101. kick the player due to " You will be unbanned on %{bantime::%player's uuid%}% GMT"
  103. on quit:
  104. if {banned::%player's uuid%} is true:
  105. set leave message to ""
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