
Day one in Equestria pt 4

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. >Sleep takes you, and to your surprise you dream. Dreams of the colors yellow, red, white, and pink
  3. >You awaken with a start at an icy feeling in your hand
  4. >You've startled Twilight , and look to the pained hand, to see that it's simply resting against the window, and it's begun to rain pretty hard.
  5. >"Are you okay Anon, it looked like you were having a bit of a bad dream, so i was going to wake you but then i remembered that ponies say not to wake people in the middle…"
  6. >You tuned her out, You're still here, did you have a dream in a dream, or are you really here? Like REALLY here?
  7. >And what was this about a nightmare?
  8. >"…and when i reached over to try and shake you awake, your eyes popped open and you scared me."
  9. Sorry, I can't remember what the dream-nightmare-whatever was about.
  10. >"Do you want me to try and take a look? It could still be a part of your memories."
  11. No it's fine, if it were important i'd probably remember what happened.
  12. >It is at this point, having pretty much fully awoken, that you begin to notice a few things
  14. 1/?
  16. >The sounds of rain and thunder
  17. >The thirst that grips you
  18. >The hunger
  19. >An odd smell permeating the air
  20. What is that smell?
  21. >"What smell" Twilight answers quickly
  22. I don't know, smells kinda like flowers, but not exactly sweet. It's an odd odor, but it's vaguely familiar.
  23. >"I can't smell anything, are you sure you're not just imagining it?"
  24. Maybe I am. Whatever, is there a bathroom on the train?
  25. >"Yeah, it's in the next car over though, you want me to go with you?
  26. No it's fine i'll find it myself thanks
  27. >you rise from your seat, stretch out, and make your way to the door connecting the two carts . You slide it open, and are met with a fateful of rain, and a much louder thunder crash
  28. Jeezus christo!
  29. >You manage to get into the next car, which is about half full, and make your way to the bathroom.
  30. >Inside is a very normal bathroom, that wouldn't look too out of place in a human home. Aside from being rather lavish and small, it's good enough for jazz
  31. >You relieve yourself, and wash up, then begin to look around for some place you can get some water or maybe some juice, anything really, you feel parched for some reason.
  32. >You ask a really mustachioed gent if there's a bar on board, and after a few surprised blinks at you being some kind of monkey that can talk and wear clothes, he points back and says "one car over".
  33. Thank you sir
  35. 2/?
  37. >He goes back to whatever he was doing before you interrupted him, and you make the rainy trip over to the bar cart.
  38. >A young mare that has a killer smile, and is the color of wine greets you, and asks what you'd like.
  39. >You've gotta applaud that professionalism
  40. >You ask if you could just get some water, and she obliges, handing you a tall glass of liquid life
  41. >You down the drink, and instantly feel better, the headache that was beginning to form abates, and now your tongue doesn't feel like sandpaper anymore.
  42. >"Don't worry about any tab or anything like that mistah, this here oasis is compliment of the princess, for all her loyal subjects. So, now that we got the issue of price outta the way, whatta you say to me and you toasting to that lovely mare at the top.
  43. Toasting with what? My tolerance level is decent, but it isn't great, and i have an important meeting as soon as we get off the train.
  44. >"Just a little cider, nothing too hard, just enough ta work out the kinks, and ease ya soul."
  45. Well alright then, that doesn't sound too bad.
  46. >"Lovely." She pours two glasses of an amber liquid, that smells divine, and hands you one. "ta new Experience, and to our benevolent lord"
  47. To Celestia
  48. >You both down the glasses in one go.
  49. >"Not bad guy, I like ya."
  50. Thanks, you're pretty cool too.
  51. >"What say you to another toast?"
  53. 3/?
  55. Sure
  56. >Another round, and you begin to see doubles
  57. Whoa
  58. >"Aww c'mon baby-boy, I thought you were a man, One more, and let's make it interesting. Loser has to do what the winner says no matter what. And don't worry, I'm not gonna get you to do anything you won't enjoy
  59. SHHuure, I'm a Man!
  60. >"Yeah ya are big guy. Last one, bottoms up!"
  61. >Three down, still tied, you can't really speak too good anymore
  62. >"Oooh baby! You're better than most, and boy are we gonna have fun when you lose. One more last one i promise, if we tie it's your win."
  63. >You nod your head because you don't trust yourself to talk.
  64. >"Bottoms Up!"
  66. 4/?
  68. >Tie
  69. Vinnerrr!
  70. >She looks at you and smiles,
  71. >Yeah baby you win, now tell me how you want me!"
  72. Huh?
  73. >"Winner tells the loser what ta do remember big boy?"
  74. Right then
  75. Could you bring me back to my seat, i wanna sleep
  76. >"There's a bench here behind the bar, you can sleep off the cider here"
  77. OK
  78. >you lurch forward and over the bar, she helps you to lie down, and it turns out you're a bit long for the bed, so your legs lay on the floor.
  79. >You drift off with a pleasant bubbly feeling in your belly, and a lovely warmth in your mouth.
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