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Yuno Gasai's Top 5 Sweet Moments [Collab]

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Dec 14th, 2015
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  1. (Will be posted to AA.)
  3. Spoilers! This blog will contain content on a very important character in Mirai Nikki, Yuno Gasai.
  5. [white moon pic]
  7. "A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me..." -- Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
  9. For those who don't know her, Yuno Gasai is a pretty and intelligent pink-haired character from Mirai Nikki (Future Diary). She is one of twelve future diary holders that compete against the others for the prize of being the next god of time and space. She is well known among the anime community for being a yandere, a person that is caring and loving towards the one he/she is infatuated with and violent and destructive in order to protect that person or their relationship.
  11. In this blog I will mention the top five moments in which Yuno is a sweetheart to the boy she is in love with, the Mirai Nikki protagonist and future diary holder Yukiteru Amano. You can press [here] to view Ben's blog, which describes Yuno's top five psychotic moments.
  13. 5. Yuno kisses Yuki in an elevator
  15. [insert gifs]
  17. Yup, Yuno makes her very first move in the first episode. When Yuki discovers that Yuno is also a future diary holder, he is immediately shocked and frightened, realizing that his imaginary world has blended with reality. Unsure of her intentions and thinking that she'll kill him, he runs out of school into another building and into an elevator guided by his future diary entries. Yuno is fast, though, and she makes it into the elevator before the door closes. Yuki is cornered. Yuki is about to stab her with a dart from a set that he carries with him everywhere (for some reason), but Yuno prevents him from doing so by suddenly giving him a smooch.
  19. 4. Yuno and Yuki have fun at an amusement park
  21. [gifs here]
  23. Acting as bait for the terrorist and diary holder Minene Uryu, Yuki and Yuno go have fun at an amusement park. They ride roller coasters, eat junk food, run through a haunted house, swim in a pool, and ride a ferris wheel. When at the top of the ferris wheel, Yuki asks Yuno why she follows him around all the time. Yuno doesn't answer his question, but asks why he refused to go to the planetarium earlier, stating that he loves the stars. Yuki remembers that he said that a year ago, and Yuno comes up to kiss his forehead. Yuki knows that she is hiding something else from him, but she responds with, "It's a secret."
  25. 3. Yuno and Yuki attend a bridal fair
  27. [insert gifs]
  29. A friend of theirs named Aru Akise sets up the two of them on a date to a bridal fair where engaged couples are able to participate in a mock wedding to experience their special day and see how it can be arranged in the future. Yuki is initially embarrassed, but when he sees how eagerly Yuno wants to take part in it, he decides to make her happy and let them pretend to be newlyweds for the day. They get to indulge in expensive delicacies and try on outfits for grooms and brides. During the entire fair, Yuki is debating when he should tell Yuno that his declaration of love in the last episode was a lie, but after they get their photo taken, he looks up to see Yuno tearing up. She apologizes and explains that she was so happy that she couldn't help it.
  31. 2. Yuno nearly sacrifices her life for Yuki by using a bomb
  33. [gifs here]
  35. While chief investigator of the police force and diary holder Keigo Kurusu holds Yuki with a knife to his throat, Yuno faces him in a hallway with a grenade in her hand. Keigo threatens to kill Yuki if Yuno comes any closer, and Yuno vows to kill him and herself with the bomb if he does so. Yuki protests this, but Yuno says that Yuki was the one who gave her a future and is her only hope, so she doesn't mind dying for him. In the end Keigo lets go of Yuki and Yuki steps back, but Yuno pulls the string from the grenade anyway and leaps towards Keigo. None of them die, however, because what they had thought was a dangerous grenade was actually a flash bang used to stun enemies.
  37. Honorable mention
  39. [gifs here]
  41. A year ago, Yuno and Yuki were the last ones in a classroom filling out career forms. Yuno came up to see what Yuki was writing, and she saw that he wrote that he wanted to see the stars with his parents, who divorced last week. He was about to erase it, saying it was stupid, but Yuno stopped his hand and said that it wasn't. She suggested that they go see the stars at an observatory nearby. Yuki stammered that he meant he wanted to see the stars with his parents, and Yuno then offered to be his bride in the future. That way they would see the stars together some day. Yuki agreed.
  43. 1. Yuno commits suicide so Yuki can become god
  45. [gifs here]
  47. Yuki manages to escape from the dream world that Yuno trapped him in and confront Yuno before she kills her third self. When she inquires why he returned, he responds that he came back to save her. He notices their surroundings and that the world has changed, especially the future of the third Yuno. He then says that she should kill him and that she doesn't belong in this world. Though he has killed many people, he cannot kill her. He'll die and make a place for her. To his surprise, Yuno plunges the knife into her own body and commits suicide. They share a last kiss before she dies.
  49. Press [here] to read about Yuno's top five psycho moments.
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