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May 6th, 2017
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  1. "Commune of Djunnbar"
  2. ={
  3. key="Commune of Djunnbar"
  4. name_list="FUN2"
  5. ship_prefix=""
  6. species_name="Djunn"
  7. species_plural="Djunni"
  8. species_class="FUN"
  9. species_adjective="Djunn"
  10. species_bio="Since the creation of basic tools, the cultures of the scattered Djunn societies on Djunnbar revolved heavily around architecture and construction. The might and brilliance of an individual Djunn state was determined by the level of complexity and creativity in its public architecture. The significance of this culture heavily contributed to the evolution of the Djunn, as they slowly grew in height and strength throughout generations, reaching to a height of 8-10 ft and weighing 900-1200 lbs in the contemporary era. The lack of militaristic sentiment within Djunn society allowed for a swift planetary unification, occuring centuries before initial FTL acquisition. This single state served as a single body for a collectivized species, with a goal of extending its productive capabilities to the stars."
  11. portrait="fun11"
  12. name="Commune of Djunnbar"
  13. adjective="Djunn"
  14. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  15. government="gov_irenic_bureaucracy"
  16. ftl=wormhole
  17. weapon="tech_missiles_1"
  18. planet_name="Djunnbar"
  19. planet_class="pc_continental"
  20. system_name="Djunnir"
  21. initializer=""
  22. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  23. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  24. empire_flag={
  25. icon={
  26. category="blocky"
  27. file=""
  28. }
  29. background={
  30. category="backgrounds"
  31. file=""
  32. }
  33. colors={
  34. "brown"
  35. "red"
  36. "null"
  37. "null"
  38. }
  39. }
  40. ruler={
  41. gender=male
  42. name="Jhulaad"
  43. portrait="fun11_green"
  44. texture=0
  45. hair=0
  46. clothes=0
  47. }
  48. spawn_as_fallen=no
  49. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  50. room="ethic_xenophobe_room"
  51. spawn_enabled=always
  52. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  53. ethic="ethic_fanatic_pacifist"
  54. civics={
  55. "civic_functional_architecture"
  56. "civic_mining_guilds"
  57. }
  58. trait="trait_very_strong"
  59. trait="trait_industrious"
  60. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  61. trait="trait_wasteful"
  62. trait="trait_repugnant"
  63. }
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