
Arapocolypse (Part II)

Apr 21st, 2015
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  1. I dragged myself off to look for her, but I had no actual intentions of actually bringing her back. Maddie used to go to my school up until shortly after the Succubus disease broke out, when she decided to run away for some reason even she doesn't know. She always did extremely poorly in school, despite having tutoring after-school and remedial classes to help her. She is a runaway from filthy rich parents that are actually quite smart, her mother even has a Master's degree in electrical engineering. I have no idea how they made somebody so stupid or how she even managed to live this long out in the wilderness. She lives in a nearby cave with the entrance covered by leaves and branches in such a haphazard manner that it actually brings attention.
  3. The entrance was broken down, and I for a moment I imagined that a bear of some description must have had problems hibernating, went out and found her, and eaten her. But the opening was too small for a bear to make. I didn't really see that many animals out here considering its winter, but I didn't doubt something like a bobcat could be up here. I don't want to go in there, and I know that it could mean death or worse if I let my curiosity get the best of me, but I suppose that if I haven't froze to death yet than I have a good chance of survival.
  5. I quietly brushed aside some leaves small branches to let some light in. It was a mess of torn designer clothes that are probably still worth more than mine, doodles on the wall done with some sort of Sharpie (I'll admit that if there's one thing Maddie's good at, it's art,) a pan taken from home with smashed berries inside, and a subtle, unpleasant smell that I suspect comes from used tampons. Maybe something caught the smell of them and came to investigate. I brush the rest away with a sharp wave of my arm and hesitate at my own stupidity. Cursing under my breath at my hastiness, I shuffled in.
  7. Maddie's trash doesn't seem scattered beyond the first ten feet of the cave, said cave being quite a bit deeper than I expected. The light from the opening won't exactly get me very far, and I don't feel like tripping and breaking my neck today, so I rummaged around for matches or something. I found a small piece of wood and put it in my pocket, but felt something inside. Luck would have it, there was a small piece of flint; bizarrely convenient. I picked up a ripped pink tank-top, wrapped it around the top of the wood, and used the flint to light it.
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