
"Selected Works of Gaia part I"

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 1)
  4. PART I
  8. ______________________________________
  10. Edited by Alayna and Narses
  15. Published in 441 AF
  16. Lake Bitterflow (+12 Mana)
  17. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  18. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 2)
  21. At this moment, those who have witnessed the Earth Mother as Patroness
  22. of our Guild are in their seventies, and those who have seen Her before
  23. her tragic departure in 305 are well in their fifties. It is for the
  24. benefit of the younger generation of Druids that we have published the
  25. writings of Gaia on the Druid boards in two volumes - especially for the
  26. benefit of apprentice Druids who have no access to these boards.
  28. A collection of posts, however profound, can, of course, not replace the
  29. teachings of Gaia to Her followers as She still roamed the lands.
  30. Nevertheless, Gaia's missives to the Guild she founded and patroned -
  31. not taking into account a number of legal changes to Patronage
  32. throughout the years - from its founding in 174 until 293, often deal
  33. with concepts central to our ideology and values, and were of
  34. fundamental importance in shaping them. Hence we felt it would be of
  35. great value to have a collection of Her writings in a readily accessible
  36. format. Later, collections of Her posts on the Public and the Oakstone
  37. boards may appear, whereas an elaborate biography of Gaia is currently
  38. being worked on.
  40. We have endeavoured to publish all of Her posts without any
  41. pre-selection, as it would be hubris to pre-select the postings of a
  42. Divinity. We have divided her posts into six parts - a division that is,
  43. of course, highly subjective but may nevertheless be of help to the
  44. reader. Also, a register of words and names with references to volume
  45. and page numbers is supplied at the end of each volume.
  47. My thanks go to my co-editor Alayna, who has been of great help in
  48. transcribing these posts.
  50. In memory of the Earth Mother,
  52. Narses
  53. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  54. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 3)
  57. PART I
  59. PREFACE..............................2
  60. TABLE OF CONTENTS....................3
  64. Welcome..............................6
  65. The Druids Guild.....................7
  66. Welcome to new Druids................8
  67. Temple of Gaia.......................9
  68. Druids Guild.........................10
  69. Druids Guild II.....................11
  70. Theology............................12
  71. The Spawn...........................13
  72. Your Prayer.........................14
  73. Kharon..............................15
  74. Kharon..............................16
  75. Guildmaster & Secretary Positions...17
  79. Guildmaster & Secretary............19
  80. Leadership..........................20
  81. Guild Patronage.....................21
  82. Guild War...........................22
  83. Guild Protection....................23
  84. The Guild...........................24
  85. The Guild II........................25
  86. Treaty..............................26
  87. Treaty..............................27
  88. Cactus Weed.........................28
  89. Shadowsnakes........................29
  90. Dormant Players.....................30
  91. Patronage...........................31
  92. Me..................................32
  93. Hard Times..........................33
  94. Everything..........................34
  95. The Guild...........................35
  96. This Situation......................36
  100. This Madness........................38
  101. One more thing......................39
  102. Armies despoiling the forest........40
  103. Cities..............................41
  104. Firefox.............................42
  105. Firefox's Crime.....................43
  106. Firefox.............................44
  107. Guild Patronage.....................45
  108. Druids..............................46
  109. Well spoken Dignity.................47
  111. REGISTER............................48
  112. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  113. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 4)
  114. PREFACE.............................2
  115. TABLE OF CONTENTS...................3
  119. Outbreak of War.....................6
  120. Rituals and so forth................7
  121. Rituals and so forth................8
  122. The Guild and its leadership........9
  123. Warfarin............................10
  124. The Druids Guild...................11
  125. Recent Guild Events................12
  126. Your Behaviour.....................13
  127. The Guild..........................14
  128. The Guild..........................15
  129. Guild Matters......................16
  130. Shrines and Priests................17
  131. Congratulation.....................18
  132. Grove Preservation.................19
  133. Guildmaster Contention.............20
  134. Congratulations....................21
  135. The Guild..........................22
  136. Personal Views.....................23
  137. New Shoppe for Druids..............24
  138. Oakstone, Sentinels and Druids.....25
  142. Today's events.....................27
  143. Credit.............................28
  144. The Book of the Sphinx.............29
  145. Secret Elixirs.....................30
  146. Spies..............................31
  147. My disfavours......................32
  148. Opinions...........................33
  152. Landmarks..........................35
  153. Deals, neutrality and persecution..36
  154. Clarification......................37
  156. REGISTER............................38
  157. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  158. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 5)
  160. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  161. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 6)
  162. DRUIDS NEWS #1
  163. From: Gaia, the Earth Mother
  164. To : Everybody
  165. Subj: Welcome
  167. Greetings, and welcome to the Druids.
  169. Hopefully, you are here out of a deep, abiding love for the earth and
  170. all she has to offer.
  172. You will see and learn many things that you may never have thought
  173. possible. Find your homes, a haven in the forest, and strive to use your
  174. powers wisely.
  176. The path you have chosen is one of deep, personal growth and challenge.
  177. Though not easy, the rewards are great and shall bring you nearer to
  178. perfect harmony with the earth and Myself.
  180. Just as nature surrounds you and us always, so too am I always with you.
  181. Do not hesitate to call on me.
  183. Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Ero, in the year 174 AF.
  184. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  185. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 7)
  186. DRUIDS NEWS #120
  187. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  188. To : Everyone
  189. Subj: The Druids Guild
  191. Greetings Druids
  193. I have been reading the postings here recently, and see there is some
  194. friction between Haidion and Buckthorn, that is only damaging the guild.
  196. As I have been ever fond of the druids ideals, I am willing to spend a
  197. little time, helping mediate this situation to a amicable solution.
  199. Also any comments from younger druids to myself will be welcome, this is
  200. your guilds dears, speak out for what you want from your elders.
  202. Buckthorn & Haidion you are charged with arranging a meeting for us 3 to
  203. resolve your bickering.
  205. Gaia
  207. Penned by my hand on the 18th of Miraman, in the year 191 AF
  208. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  209. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 8)
  210. DRUIDS NEWS #147
  211. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  212. To : Everyone
  213. Subj: Welcome to new druids
  215. Greetings to you druids both young and old alike.
  217. Indeed as Lady Vivien pointed out I do watch over you all, so if you
  218. ever need guidance in your days of travel through Achaea, never hesitate
  219. to ask for direction and help from myself.
  221. Whilst Haidion continues his travels, which will bring you as a guild
  222. ever closer to having a guild hall, feel free to ask for divine lessons
  223. in your guild skills, having walked through the forests of Achaea since
  224. timepast, I am familiar with your mortal skills and will always try and
  225. teach my ways to such delightful children as you druids.
  227. Blessings be upon you children.
  229. Gaia
  231. Penned by my hand on the 16th of Ero, in the year 193 AF
  232. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  233. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 9)
  234. DRUIDS NEWS #163
  235. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  236. To : Everyone
  237. Subj: Temple of Gaia
  239. Greetings Druids
  241. Today i have opened a hidden entrance to a Realm beyond this land, a
  242. place of unspoilt forest and nature.
  244. This realm is considered my temple, and I welcome all those that come in
  245. peace and wisdom. However due to this realm being forested I would ask
  246. you druids NOT to place your groves therein, this is due to the danger
  247. of overburdening the magic that keeps open such a ancient and unspoilt
  248. realm.
  250. For those druids that are in my order, be welcome and enjoy my sanctuary
  251. of nature, for it is yours to share with me.
  253. Gaia
  255. Penned by my hand on the 24th of Miraman, in the year 194 AF
  256. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  257. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 10)
  258. DRUIDS NEWS #177
  259. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  260. To : Everyone
  261. Subj: Druids Guild
  263. Greetings Children
  265. Lord Buckthorn, Lady Vivien and noble druids
  267. I am much pleased this day that you have asked my patronage of your
  268. guild. I have often pondered how we became seperated, but suspect my
  269. long abscence from the land, may be the cause.
  271. However it is with fond regard that I accept your offer, and welcome you
  272. all unto my fold.
  274. Let it be known, those mortals foolish enough to offend the guild as a
  275. whole, will be offending myself, but I treat that you hold my wrath in
  276. the most direst circumstance.
  278. Gaia, Earthmother, Goddess of Nature
  280. Penned by my hand on the 18th of Valnuary, in the year 194 AF
  281. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  282. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 11)
  283. DRUIDS NEWS #178
  284. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  285. To : Everyone
  286. Subj: Druids Guild II
  288. To continue children
  290. A few points I think of guidance,
  292. Your guild believes are still helmed by your Guildmaster, Secretary and
  293. elders, as is proper.
  295. The guild hall I agree should be kept seperate from the halls that my
  296. beloved children worship in, know that you are all welcome to enjoy the
  297. sanctuary of my temple, but be wary I will not tolerate any abuse of
  298. this reclusive place.
  300. Those that seek further instruction of my Order, please seek out the
  301. ever growing number contained within your own guild, I shall leave them
  302. to make themselves known if that is their will.
  304. Gaia
  306. Penned by my hand on the 18th of Valnuary, in the year 194 AF
  307. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  308. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 12)
  309. DRUIDS NEWS #187
  310. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  311. To : Everyone
  312. Subj: Theology
  314. Greetings forest children
  316. I would like to say a few words on the subject of creatures and the like
  317. in realm.
  319. Yes all non sentinent creatures fall within my keeping, however in
  320. Nature, life is a game of survival, the hunted the hunters all have a
  321. place within my kingdom, there is no definition between them, they act
  322. as they need.
  324. Here is where the druids guild direction of balance goes hand in hand
  325. with nature, as also does my order, I understand your need for survival
  326. amongst the land of mankind, the need for gold, the need for learning
  327. experiences they all increase your worth, this perpetuates you as a
  328. living being. However I ask that balance and compassion be shown a place
  329. in your hearts, the continued unneeded murder of those lesser creatures
  330. is both dangerous for the forest survival and tugs upon my heart.
  331. Remember everything has its niche, and survival has its part to play, so
  332. killout of need not out of lust. I hope this clears up any problems on
  333. this matter, but of course feel free to discuss such matters with
  334. myself.
  336. Gaia
  337. Goddess of Nature
  339. Penned by my hand on the 14th of Chronos, in the year 194 AF
  340. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  341. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 13)
  342. DRUIDS NEWS #200
  343. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  344. To : Everyone
  345. Subj: The Spawn
  347. Greetings Druids
  349. Upon reading Jarok's post on the public board concerning secret druidic
  350. cult, I questioned him further. This cult apparently is his view of
  351. certain druids attempting to raise the spawn from the void where it lays
  352. dormant.
  354. Being your guild patron, and I back Buckthorns idiom of letting you all
  355. tread your own path following your hearts, but i would point out two
  356. issues.
  358. The spawn kills indiscriminately but whilst killing its very existence
  359. throws the surroundings into chaos and inbalance.
  361. The very act of raising the spawn, ie the murder of innocent children,
  362. and the spawn itself I Gaia, Goddess of Nature find detestable and alien
  363. to my realm, heed this if you ever need to seek my aid.I shall hope this
  364. message perpetuates your true hearts feelings.
  367. Gaia
  369. Penned by my hand on the 21st of Sarapin, in the year 195 AF
  370. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  371. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 14)
  372. DRUIDS NEWS #247
  373. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  374. To : Solana, Keeper of the Grove
  375. Subj: Your Prayer
  377. Dear Child
  379. Your sweet prayer certainly set of a chord with me, I shall talk to the
  380. Logos and see what he think about such a plan.
  382. Meanwhile any ideas for this world should be submitted through the
  383. normal channels - IDEA text.
  385. Gaia
  387. Penned by my hand on the 8th of Mayan, in the year 196 AF.
  388. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  389. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 15)
  390. DRUIDS NEWS #248
  391. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  392. To : Everyone
  393. Subj: Kharon
  395. Dear Children
  397. It seems that the Kharon have decided to overstep their bounds as
  398. mortals and insult me personally. Their foolish behaviour will be costly
  399. for them, maybe more than some of them can bear, however in their
  400. foolish attempt at hurting me, they will certainly strike at you my
  401. guild.
  403. I ask children that you bear such attacks with courage and a full grove
  404. of thorns, and send prayers to me and I will deal with any unprovoked
  405. names caused due to their unreasoned hatred of the earthmother.
  407. Particularly Mordicarnon and Uldrais, and be aware of Morpheus however
  408. he has since learnt that respect is required with all dealings with
  409. immortals.
  411. Gaia
  413. Penned by my hand on the 8th of Mayan, in the year 196 AF
  414. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  415. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 16)
  416. DRUIDS NEWS #251
  417. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  418. To : Everyone
  419. Subj: Kharon
  421. Beloved Children
  423. It seems Mordicarnon has seen the error of his ways, but never drop your
  424. guard dears. This guild will not become a target for easy kills.
  426. Gaia
  428. Penned by my hand on the 19th of Mayan, in the year 196 AF.
  429. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  430. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 17)
  431. DRUIDS NEWS #261
  432. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  433. To : Everyone
  434. Subj: Guildmaster & Secretary postions
  436. Greetings Children
  438. Haidion as beloved old man of the guild, has a very valid point thats it
  439. appears that the Guild heirarchy has dropped back into the hedgerow.
  441. Before we start election fever, lets just leave a short period for
  442. either Buckthorn or Vivien to respond, as there may be factors unknown
  443. to you all. If after a few days its apparent that there is no response,
  444. I shall call upon you the guild members to elect suitable candidates for
  445. succession.
  447. Any thoughts and ideas, as always are welcomed by myself.
  450. Gaia
  452. Penned by my hand on the 20th of Miraman, in the year 197 AF
  453. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  454. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 18)
  456. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  457. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 19)
  458. DRUIDS NEWS #264
  459. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  460. To : Everyone
  461. Subj: Guildmaster & Secretary
  463. Greetings children
  465. With the stepdown of Buckthorn and Vivien, and hibernation from this
  466. land, the guild is left in a position of having no GM, a serious
  467. position.
  469. Looking through the druid archives, we find two active elders, Ragnorak
  470. and Haidion. Haidion by his own admission is not going to stand for the
  471. position, I would suggest that the guild turns to Ragnorak in this
  472. period of time, to stand by the guild as he always has and steer the
  473. guild with Treant by his side as secretary to a stronger guild.
  475. I have spoken to both of the individuals, and this arrangement seems
  476. suitable to them both, the reasoning of age and experience leaning
  477. towards a guild elder, with the strong young Treant whose young head
  478. strains for the leadership he deserves.
  480. I shall not force this decision but ask every druid to message me your
  481. wishes, either simple agreement or disagreement, we need to bring about
  482. a swift change in power to enable the continued functioning of the guild
  484. When more elders emerge to replace the hibernating few, then will be the
  485. time to have elections and campaigning, not now when there is much to
  486. risk in a growing strengthening guild.
  488. Gaia
  490. Penned by my hand on the 16th of Ero, in the year 197 AF.
  491. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  492. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 20)
  493. DRUIDS NEWS #269
  494. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  495. To : Everyone
  496. Subj: Leadership
  498. Greetings Druids
  500. I have recieved many messages, mostly agreeing with my thoughts on the
  501. guild leadership.
  503. Therefore from this day Ragnorak and Treant assume the roles of
  504. Guildmaster and Secretary.
  506. May they both be treated with the respect they deserve and both serve to
  507. the betterment of this guild.
  509. Gaia
  511. Penned by my hand on the 13th of Glacian, in the year 197 AF.
  512. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  513. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 21)
  514. DRUIDS NEWS #284
  515. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  516. To : Everyone
  517. Subj: Guild Patronage
  519. Greetings Druids
  521. I would like everyone to know that the members of this guild are free to
  522. choose whatever patron they feel is their life path it is to follow.
  523. Being guild patron doesnt mean you are obliged to follow myself.
  525. I hope and am fairly sure that the reason that so many choose to join my
  526. family is my close bonds to this guild and the amount of my will that I
  527. direct in guiding the guild young and old alike. That aside, I shall
  528. continue always to watch over this guild and its well being and of
  529. course welcome all those that would flock to my growing family with open
  530. arms as the "typical" druids path is entwined close to those goals of
  531. mine.
  533. Gaia
  535. Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Ero, in the year 198 AF.
  536. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  537. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 22)
  538. DRUIDS NEWS #290
  539. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  540. To : Everyone
  541. Subj: Guild War
  543. Greetings Druids
  545. As is the right of Treant he may call forth a council of the moon to
  546. decide the guilds fate, and Ragnorak has made plain his views, the
  547. balance of your two guild leaders can so clearly be seen, it pleases me
  548. greatly.
  550. However I would warn thee all that, the events leading to this situation
  551. may have been engineered at a higher level to throw this guild into
  552. disarray, or some other hidden purpose, Treant may be the puppet of some
  553. greater mind than his mortal one.
  555. I will speak privately with Treant and seek to divine what lies in our
  556. path.
  558. For now all matters of unfair and unjust killing should be treated with
  559. contempt, and pray to myself of such matter, I will not tolerate such
  560. lewd behavior.
  562. Walk in peace my dears
  564. Gaia
  566. Penned by my hand on the 7th of Lupar, in the year 198 AF.
  567. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  568. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 23)
  569. DRUIDS NEWS #307
  570. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  571. To : Everyone
  572. Subj: Guild Protection
  574. Dear Druids
  576. This subject troubles me greatly, why have i recieved no message of such
  577. trangressors, Ragnorak your GM along with Treant will submit to me a
  578. list of names of such aggressors.
  580. I shall then speak to these individuals, until i have posted further, i
  581. would be inclined to agree with Zandramas's post on the nature of
  582. revenge. The guild as a whole however does need to bolster some sort of
  583. training to increase its defence, and not make yourselves such available
  584. targets.
  586. Unwilling as I am, the mortals named on the previous posts have often
  587. drawn the attention of even me, the Goddess of nature, and whence
  588. stirred I sleep not easily.
  590. Gaia
  592. Penned by my hand on the 10th of Chronos, in the year 199 AF.
  593. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  594. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 24)
  595. DRUIDS NEWS #321
  596. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  597. To : Everyone
  598. Subj: The Guild
  600. Greetings druids
  602. Here's an idea, why not follow the order that most of you belong, and
  603. have a two way split Fauna and Flora.
  605. Aside from that, the problem your guild faces is revenge attacks upon
  606. others than the offender, an example would be :
  608. A kharon kills a druid for no real and genuine reason, this offender is
  609. killed by (Treant) a bigger druid, this then beaten Kharon decides he
  610. has to then take his revenge ? upon smaller weaker druids.
  612. This is a circle we have to break as a guild, I know dying is hard, and
  613. the reflex action is to smite that has hurt us.
  615. But we as a guild have to decide our path, if it is one of neutrality,
  616. we must turn the other cheek and try and stop the violence with words
  617. and warnings in the first degree.
  619. I have spoken with Arawn who killed Mimic because he was practising and
  620. she was in the area, I find this unacceptable, but I have warned him and
  621. given him one chance (this btw is after Treant has killed him)
  623. If causes such action again, he shall suffer and suffer terribly.
  625. Gaia
  627. Penned by my hand on the 18th of Mayan, in the year 199 AF.
  628. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  629. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 25)
  630. DRUIDS NEWS #322
  631. From: Gaia, the Earthmother
  632. To : Everyone
  633. Subj: The Guild II
  635. I thought if Haidion could write lots why cant I (g) The serious problem
  636. for tit for tat killing will continue and then abate if we can control
  637. our revenge and try and use words and warnings.
  639. But the dear druids it is your lives and you as a guild must decide, I
  640. have spoken with Treant and we are both willing to try if you guys are.
  642. To this end I shall post a public post to all mortals about this guild,
  643. and how the path has been refound as it were, please do not throw this
  644. into your neighbours faces, as this action deserves such retribution.
  646. Walk in peace my dears.
  648. Gaia
  650. Penned by my hand on the 18th of Mayan, in the year 199 AF.
  651. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  652. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 26)
  653. DRUIDS NEWS #333 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Everyone Subj: Treaty
  655. Greetings Druids
  657. If you skimmed through Haidions post go back and read it again, this
  658. will effect your lives greatly.
  660. After the negotiations many of the druids within this guild listened to
  661. Gretyl's immediate outburst, sadly this outburst was fueled on
  662. misconception and I ask every one of you to bare these facts in mind
  663. before acting.
  665. The treaty will ensure those that DO NOT want to get involved with
  666. politics can do so without fear of retribution from Kharon due to acts
  667. caused by some other druid.
  669. If you feel that the Kharon does manifest itself harshly on the
  670. continent of course you can take up arms as is your right, this right
  671. HAS NOT been compromised in anyway, you will of course be liable to
  672. attack from the Kharon, but they will not be directing their attacks on
  673. any other druid than on their enemy list.
  675. Gaia
  677. Penned by my hand on the 17th of Scarlatan, in the year 200 AF.
  678. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  679. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 27)
  680. DRUIDS NEWS #334 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Everyone Subj: Treaty
  682. Greetings again druids
  684. One further point that warranted a new post, the empire to date has all
  685. been posts on the notice board. Do not be tricked into considering it
  686. will grow unhindered, because it will, it will be based from Ashtan as
  687. the last time, but I doubt that it will rise in Shallam.
  689. I would ask that those who still have problems with this treaty come
  690. speak with Haidion, Treant Ragnorak or me before acting.
  692. Gaia
  694. Penned by my hand on the 17th of Scarlatan, in the year 200 AF.
  695. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  696. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 28)
  697. DRUIDS NEWS #345 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Everyone Subj: Cactus
  698. weed
  700. Greetings Druids
  702. Well dears, I predict your guilds popularity increasing manyfold,
  703. rightfully as druids, you can harvest and dry the Logos given cactus
  704. weed.
  706. This plant has a very interesting effects but grows only in the desert
  707. areas of the continent, pick it wisely because there will be great
  708. demmand for this plant.
  710. Also whilst not holding the rest of Achaea to ransom, use this as a
  711. benifit to the guild as a whole.
  713. One final note, the 10 plants growing in my grove are all mine !! so
  714. hands off (g)
  716. Gaia
  718. Penned by my hand on the 19th of Lupar, in the year 200 AF.
  719. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  720. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 29)
  721. DRUIDS NEWS #349 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To : Everyone Subj:
  722. Shadowsnakes
  724. Greetings druids
  726. With these seemingly sport the snakes have developed, I would advise you
  727. all to be wary whenever a snake is near you and make sure you have
  728. immunity sipped.
  730. I spoke with Jordi last night, he seemed sorry about his accident with
  731. Mimic, so I shared some weed with him and then believe it or not, I too
  732. had a wee accident, needless to say he didn't seem to regard my accident
  733. as any less important than his.
  735. He ranted and raved about vengeance, but I think after he cools off, he
  736. should be a little less of a handful, so just avoid his sort and
  737. obviously if they offend you don't let share your dried weed with them
  739. Gaia
  741. Penned by my hand on the 10th of Phaestian, in the year 200 AF.
  742. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  743. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 30)
  744. DRUIDS NEWS #400 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Everyone Subj: Dormant
  745. Players
  747. Greetings Druids
  749. There are many great and wise druids who sadly haven't been around in
  750. recent times, however the idea of booting them from the guild is a
  751. little harsh my children.
  753. The logos is his wisdom already has a system where people who have not
  754. travelled this land in an age become dormant, who knows what valuable
  755. skills and teachers could be lost if we threw those members out.
  757. Gaia
  759. Penned by my hand on the 19th of Scarlatan, in the year 204 AF.
  760. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  761. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 31)
  762. DRUIDS NEWS #442 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Everyone Subj:
  763. Patronage
  765. Greetings dear druids
  767. Once again I thank this guild for making me its patron, I of course
  768. shall continue to support you as i have done so in the past.
  770. Feel free to approach me children, as I have a great affinity with your
  771. skills and demeanour in life.
  773. Fare well
  775. Gaia
  777. Penned by my hand on the 11th of Chronos, in the year 206 AF.
  778. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  779. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 32)
  780. DRUIDS NEWS #470 From: Gaia, the Earthmother To: Druid Ragnorak, Keeper
  781. of Lore Subj: Me
  783. I am certainly not leaving this land!
  785. Penned by my hand on the 21st of Valnuary, in the year 209 AF.
  786. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  787. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 33)
  788. DRUIDS NEWS #673 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj: Hard
  789. Times
  791. Hello dear Druids! Just a little note of encouragement in these hardest
  792. of times. I have seen with joy the effort you have exerted in replanting
  793. and caring for our once lush and lovely forest. We have been through
  794. difficult times....we will get through this as well. Be strong and
  795. continue to love andsupport each other. Your perseverence and loyalty
  796. will see you through. I am exceedingly proud of your undaunting nature
  797. and your devotion to what is beautiful, humble and true.
  799. Penned by my hand on the 7th of Glacian, in the year 218 AF.
  800. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  801. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 34)
  802. DRUIDS NEWS #740 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj:
  803. everything
  805. I have read the recent postings with much sadness. Although the blame
  806. must certainly be focused primarily on me. I realize I have been away
  807. and I should not have been so presumptuous as to assume that I would not
  808. be missed. I am horrified by the behaviour of this once loving and
  809. supportive guild. I do not even know where to begin admonishing.
  811. First of all, those of you who believe you own the forest are making a
  812. grave error in judgement. You do NOT own it. You have chosen a grove,
  813. yes. It is yours in that YOU care for it, nurture it, grow things there.
  814. But WHY do you do this? What is a druid's purpose? Perhaps some of you
  815. need to rethink why you are here. Those of you who are planting and
  816. harvesting with the sole purpose of self promotion are sad proof of ever
  817. growing commercialism and are not represented the Druid ideals and
  818. values.
  820. I suggest you pull together and agree to a solution. I will help you as
  821. I see fit. If outguilding is required, so be it. I have the utmost faith
  822. in the administration of this guild. Charnley, Sog and Mysti are
  823. excellent leaders. Look to them for help and trust in their decisions.
  824. Pull together and work as a team, a family. I know you can do this.
  826. Penned by my hand on the 7th of Phaestian, in the year 222 AF.
  827. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  828. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 35)
  829. DRUIDS NEWS #854 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Everyone Subj: The
  830. Guild
  832. Hello my dear little Druids and Druidettes,
  834. I have read with mounting unrest the latest posts. I remember not too
  835. long ago, in fact, posting to you to pull yourselves together. I see
  836. this is not being done. I could write an entire post on loyalty,
  837. devotion, teamwork and the like. However, it would fall on deaf ears.
  838. What I see happening here is selfishness, ignorance and cowardice.
  840. I have seen many of you attempting to remain loyal to your guild leaders
  841. even though you are unsure. I have seen some of you attempting to voice
  842. your opinion and subsequently being punished for HAVING one. I have seen
  843. the leaders sit idly by in hopes that things will change. This
  844. disappoints me. I suggest you pull yourselves together, decide what is
  845. right for the guild and act on it.
  847. If that means getting in the way and stepping on a few toes, so be it.
  848. (However, everyone is entitled to their opinion and NO ONE should be
  849. disrespected for having one.)
  851. I know there are those of you who are unhappy with Charnley's leadership
  852. thus far. You are quite capable of taking a stand. Contest him if you
  853. feel it is the right thing to do. If you don't, you have no one to blame
  854. but yourselves. I certainly hope this situation is resolved soon.
  856. Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Mayan, in the year 224 AF.
  857. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  858. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 36)
  859. DRUIDS NEWS #896 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Everyone Subj: this
  860. situation
  862. I am merely the guild patron, and far be it from me to have an opinion
  863. after having read Dashel's public post #2241, I can only come to the
  864. unhappy conclusion that the nay-sayers (Portis and Claryssa) are
  865. correct. You are running your guild by tyranny of the majority. As
  866. Dashel said, the majority of people wanted Claryssa gone, so that was
  867. reason enough. Dissension will only be tolerated up until the point
  868. where it becomes too annoying, and then we'll squash the annoying
  869. voices, and go back to our lives spent being yes-men and yes-women.
  871. It's wonderful to see you getting along in these last posts, but you did
  872. it by simply eliminating anyone who didn't agree with you, and who
  873. refused to have their objections silenced.
  875. Penned by my hand on the 21st of Aeguary, in the year 225 AF.
  876. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  877. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 37)
  879. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  880. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 38)
  881. DRUIDS NEWS #1005 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj: this
  882. madness
  884. I have watched, apalled, as the Druid leadership has betrayed everything
  885. that a Druid stands for. It has made an alliance with the city who
  886. officially worships the worst enemy of the forests in history, Twilight.
  887. For those youngsters, or those with short memories, let me remind you
  888. that Twilight nearly killed off all the forests in the land once, and it
  889. was only the intervention of Aurora and Oneiros that saved Me. Yet here
  890. I find out that Hashan is oocupying, apparently at the request of the
  891. Druids, part of the Western Ithmia. It's madness! Have you been infected
  892. by Eris? I have read some of the posts, and it seems you are actually
  893. trusting Nimos, the highest ranking follower of the duplicitous Goddess
  894. of Chaos. Make no mistake, my children, Ashtan is no friend of the
  895. Druids.
  897. I know many of you may not want to hear this, but Shallam is the city to
  898. court an alliance with. Their leaders are far more well-intentioned than
  899. Ashtan, and their Goddess is a good and decent Goddess. I have spoken
  900. with Zaklin, their Minister of War, and left a message for Isildur,
  901. their Sultan, about establishing a treaty that would keep them forever
  902. out of the Western Ithmia, unless I request their aid to expel Ashtan or
  903. Hashan invaders.
  905. I have heard some of you saying that Hashan is somehow more benevolent
  906. than Ashtan or Shallam, but this is clearly untrue. They have already
  907. invaded the Western Ithmia, home to My temple, and to Sarapis' cave.
  909. Hashan is our enemy, and I am going to do something about these people
  910. marching their troops into our forest. For the time being, I suggest
  911. that the Druids hinder all those who put troops into the Western Ithmia.
  912. Those of you who have groves in the Northern Ithmia, I sympathize with,
  913. I really do. It's just that we are the underdogs here, and we can't
  914. afford to stretch ourselves too thin. The Western Ithmia shall be our
  915. centre, and perhaps in the future, we will be able to expel the
  916. offensive soldiers from your groves in other parts of the world.
  918. I have also cast Lalanya out of My order for her offensive action
  919. against the forests.
  921. Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Sarapin, in the year 227 AF.
  922. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  923. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 39)
  924. DRUIDS NEWS #1006 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Everyone Subj: one
  925. more thing
  927. Do not mistake my decision to only protect the Western Ithmia (for now)
  928. as meaning that those of you whose groves have been violated by armies
  929. should not take action of whatever sort you can. Perhaps cities will be
  930. allowed to free land, rather than just capture it. If I had a grove, I
  931. would absolutely ally offended at someone putting troops there. Wait a
  932. minute! I do have a grove, and I have a temple, and it's in the Western
  933. Ithmia. The mortal who marches troops into there is going to have a lot
  934. of repenting to do.
  936. Penned by my hand on the 24th of Sarapin, in the year 227 AF.
  937. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  938. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 40)
  939. DRUIDS NEWS #1023 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Zandramas, Lord of
  940. Nature Subj: armies despoiling the forests
  942. Zandramas, you made a very serious mistake...a very serious error in
  943. judgement. Why anyone thinks that Hashan troops are better than
  944. Shallamese troops is beyond this simple Goddess. Shallam (or
  945. Ashtan)troops only _may_ have been in the Northern Ithmia at some point.
  946. Thus, in order to stop a possiblity, you have assured occupation of the
  947. Northern Ithmia, by a city that is certainly FAR more suspect in its
  948. motives towards the forest than Shallam is.
  950. I may have overreacted by casting you out of My order instead of merely
  951. demoting you, but given that you don't even seem to feel you have made
  952. an error. We have the armies of Hashan, city of Twilight, occupying one
  953. of Achaea's three forests, due, directly, to your You say you would
  954. never endanger our homes, but you invited the armies of
  956. Hashan is foul city, run by a foul patron. The words of Twilight's
  957. followers cannot be trusted, as he is well-known for his like of lying
  958. and deceit.
  960. Penned by my hand on the 14th of Aeguary, in the year 227 AF.
  962. EDITORS NOTE: The scroll in question had been blotted to some extent,
  963. rendering some sentences unreadable. Narses
  964. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  965. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 41)
  966. DRUIDS NEWS #1054 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Apprentice Druid
  967. Mirland Subj: cities
  969. What use do Druids have for cities? If I were given patronage of Hashan,
  970. all I would do is shut the city down. Druids do not belong in cities,
  971. whether I am the patron or not. It's just not Druidic!
  973. Penned by my hand on the 6th of Valnuary, in the year 227 AF.
  974. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  975. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 42)
  976. DRUIDS NEWS #1099 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj:
  977. Firefox
  979. The forest is now Firefox's enemy. A druid, supposed protector of the
  980. forests, has sold them out to further his own laughably petty ambitions.
  981. By lying to people (he borrowed money, supposedly for a shop, and then
  982. donated it to Hashan), and by simply collection gold and such, Firefox
  983. singlehandedly significantly helped to fund Hashan's recent murder and
  984. rape of the Northern Ithmia forest.
  986. When Hashan attacked the Northern Ithmia with its filthy troops, Firefox
  987. assured me that he was only a citizen and member of the government in
  988. order to undermine it. Clearly this isn't true, or that statue of him
  989. (which I'm sure he's so proud of in his immaturity) in Founder's Square
  990. in Hashan wouldn't be there.
  992. I feel strongly enough about this issue that I will renounce patronage
  993. of the guild if Firefox is allowed to stay in it. I will not be part of
  994. that kind of hypocrisy.
  996. Penned by my hand on the 13th of Lupar, in the year 230 AF.
  997. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  998. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 43)
  999. DRUIDS NEWS #1110 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj:
  1000. Firefox's Crime
  1002. Greetings Druids
  1004. Following the recent events concerning Firefox's crimes against the
  1005. forests, if as he says he was misled, then in order for him to obtain
  1006. forgiveness of such a heinous mistake he must perform the following ..
  1008. 1. Quitting the city of Hashan and publically denouncing them for
  1009. misleading him.
  1011. 2. Petitioning Sarapis to remove this statue (this is nothing more than
  1012. a monument to his own egotism and folly).
  1014. If he is truly sorry this will be actions close to his heart. Let his
  1015. actions speak for him.
  1017. Gaia
  1019. Penned by my hand on the 7th of Chronos, in the year 230 AF.
  1020. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  1021. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 44)
  1022. DRUIDS NEWS #1113 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Apprentice Druid
  1023. Cyril, the Tree Hugger Subj: Firefox
  1025. You are young, and ignorant, Cyril, so I will not disfavour you for your
  1026. heresy. I do find it funny though that a Druid would want to tear a
  1027. shrine to Nature down.
  1029. Firefox knew what the money was going to be used for, end of story. The
  1030. Hashan news is full of posts saying what the money was for, and there
  1031. was a formal competition to see who could donate the most money for the
  1032. city's expansion.
  1034. Penned by my hand on the 10th of Glacian, in the year 230 AF.
  1035. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  1036. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 45)
  1037. DRUIDS NEWS #1122 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To : Everyone Subj:
  1038. Guild Patronage
  1040. Druids
  1042. A few days I posted against my better nature what i thought were lenient
  1043. conditions for this guild to retain my blessing as patron, but if you
  1044. prefer to continue your endless debate over this mortal "firefox"
  1045. heresey against me so be it.
  1047. This leave me no choice to believe that this guild has finally turned
  1048. itself away from the protection of the forests over its ever non
  1049. decisive reaction to events.
  1051. Remember i created this guild and set its path many ages ago, you should
  1052. like myself find those actions i have advised you of totally
  1053. unacceptable and act accordingly.
  1055. You have failed to do so.
  1057. Hence forth from this day i shall turn my back on this guild until, like
  1058. the Oakstone Council they show that they are here to protect natures
  1059. domain as they were created.
  1061. Zandramas I expect your immediate answer on behalf of the guild whether
  1062. you shall continue on the path of enemies to the forest.
  1064. Those druids who belong to Oakstone, you will of course continue to be
  1065. under my spirit and love as do those within my order.
  1067. Finally those who did join the druids for its original and true
  1068. intention of protection of nature, feel free to offer messages to me of
  1069. your allegiance, I will remember those who don't fail me when the
  1070. forests need you most.
  1072. Farewell Druids until call upon me again when you have again found your
  1073. path.
  1075. Gaia, Earthmother, Goddess of Nature.
  1077. Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Mayan, in the year 230 AF.
  1078. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  1079. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 46)
  1080. DRUIDS NEWS #1164 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Everyone Subj:
  1081. Druids
  1083. Greetings dear children
  1085. I have returned to you children do not take my patronage for granted.
  1087. On that subject i wish to make clear what i expect from this guild in
  1088. return for my gift of the forests.
  1090. Druids should and will be expected to live a druidic lifestyle. I frown
  1091. upon cities and the harm that the visit upon this guild and my entire
  1092. realm. Learn from Firefox's mistake do not be taken in by them. On this
  1093. note I personally will not enforce the non citizenship of cities but I
  1094. shall and I expect all the forest living druids will always view those
  1095. who take up citizenship with a degree of suspicion.
  1097. My realm is open to all men & women of all races, as long as no harm is
  1098. causes, the matter of shrines is one of politeness between yourselves
  1099. and the church.
  1101. Next issue is the one of harvesting of plants, use your judgement
  1102. druids, if you all act selfishly you only harm yourselves. And of course
  1103. if you make any plants extinct you will have my wrath & vengeance upon
  1104. you.
  1106. The matter of hunting is a moral individual one to you all, nature is
  1107. based upon the whole matter of hunter and hunted therefore hunting
  1108. within my realm is permitted again its a question of extent, too much
  1109. harms us all.
  1111. Finally those druids who feel they would like to be counted as truely
  1112. one with nature shall step forward and be counted as an Oakstone druids,
  1113. within this treaty you will side with other likeminded individuals
  1114. guided by myself for the protection of the forest.
  1116. Since my release and purge of the insanity I seek only to safeguard my
  1117. realm. Follow that path druids and you will receive my favoured council.
  1119. Gaia, Earthmother.
  1120. Goddess of Nature
  1122. Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 231 AF
  1123. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  1124. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 47)
  1125. DRUIDS NEWS #1207 From: Gaia, Goddess of Nature To: Zandramas, Lord of
  1126. Nature Subj: Well spoken Dignity
  1128. Greetings Zandramas
  1130. My child I have watched you grown from newborn to the druid you are
  1131. today, your concern for the guild has overcome any personal feelings for
  1132. power and control you are once again the druid that I nurtured as a
  1133. young sapling.
  1135. Rest your heart for you are now taken from this guild back to the family
  1136. you belong. From this day Zandramas you are welcomed back within the
  1137. Order of Nature, your pendant and my symbol await thee.
  1139. Welcome my druid
  1141. Gaia, Goddess of Nature
  1143. Penned by my hand on the 5th of Sarapin, in the year 234 AF.
  1144. You read what is written on a black leather journal:
  1145. "Selected Works of Gaia part I", By Dreaming Druidess Samakhulis Moonflair (Page 48)
  1146. REGISTER
  1148. Animals.................................I: 12; II: 17
  1149. Arawn....................................I: 24
  1150. Ashtan...................................I: 38; II: 6, 35
  1151. Atheism.................................II: 13
  1152. Aurora....................................I: 38
  1153. Balance..................................II: 36 (see also: Landmarks)
  1154. Buckthorn..............................I: 7, 10, 13, 17, 19; II: 15
  1155. Cactus Weed........................I: 28, 29
  1156. Chaos.....................................I: 13, 38
  1157. Charnley................................I: 34, 35
  1158. Cities......................................I: 41, 46; II: 6, 9
  1159. Citizenship............................I: 46; II: 9 (see also:
  1160. Neutrality)
  1161. Claryssa.................................I: 36
  1162. Cliques...................................II: 11
  1163. Cynne.....................................II: 11
  1164. Concoctions..........................I: 34
  1165. Council of the Moon............I: 22
  1166. Crystal Leaf Shop...................II: 24
  1167. Darkenwood Ritual...............II: 27, 28, 36, 37
  1168. Dashel.....................................I: 36
  1169. Dormancy...............................I: 30
  1170. Druidettes...............................I: 35
  1171. Dryads....................................II: 27
  1172. Elections................................I: 17, 19, 20, 35; II: 12, 14,
  1173. 20, 21
  1174. Elixirs, Secret.........................II: 30, 31
  1175. Eris..........................................I: 38
  1176. Firefox.....................................I: 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
  1177. Freedom of speech...............I: 35, 36; II: 9, 33
  1178. Gaian Tree/Thoth's Bough...II: 35 (See also: Landmarks)
  1179. Galadriel................................II: 15
  1180. Greenhouse...........................II: 7
  1181. Groves....................................I: 9, 34
  1182. Grove Preservation..............II: 19
  1183. Guild Journal.........................II: 16, 29
  1184. Guildhall.................................I: 8, 11; II: 16
  1185. Gunthar................................II: 20, 22
  1186. Haidion..................................I: 7, 8, 17, 19, 26, 27; II: 15
  1187. Harvesting.............................I:46
  1188. Hashan...................................I: 38, 40, 42, 43, 44; II: 27
  1189. (see also: Twilight, Neutrality)
  1190. Hunting..................................I: 12, 46 (see also: Animals)
  1191. Isildur.....................................I: 38
  1192. Istavan..................................II: 23, 25, 30
  1193. Ithmia....................................I: 38, 39, 42 (See also:
  1194. Hashan, Firefox)
  1195. Jallah.....................................II: 28
  1196. Jordi.......................................I: 29
  1197. Kadessa................................II: 33
  1198. Kharon...................................I: 15, 16, 24, 26, 27
  1199. Krissandra............................II: 6, 9
  1200. Lalayna..................................I: 38
  1201. Landmarks............................II: 35
  1202. Lastharvest..........................II: 19
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