

Mar 8th, 2018
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  1. command /tdms [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: tdms.admin
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is not set:
  5. message "&9Help> &7/tdm join ?ゲームに参加します。"
  6. player is an op
  7. message "&c/tdms create <マップ名>"
  8. message "&c/tdms setspawn <マップ名> <1 or 2> ?1の場合、赤。2の場合、青。"
  9. message "&c/tdms stop ?ゲームをストップします。"
  10. message "&c/tdms start ?ゲームを開始します。"
  11. if arg-1 is "create":
  12. if arg-2 is not set:
  13. message "&c/tdms create <マップ名>"
  14. if arg-2 is set:
  15. if {} is true:
  16. message "&4&lそのマップはすでに存在します。"
  17. else:
  18. message "&b%arg-2% を作成しました。"
  19. set {} to true
  20. stop
  21. if arg-1 is "setspawn" :
  22. if arg-2 is not set:
  23. message "&c/tdms setspawn <マップ名> <1 or 2> ?1の場合、赤。2の場合、青。"
  24. if arg-2 is set:
  25. if {} is true:
  26. if arg-3 is "1":
  27. message "&b%arg-2% の&c赤&bのスポーンを設定しました!"
  28. set {tdms.setspawn.%arg-2%.1} to location of player
  29. stop
  30. if arg-3 is "2":
  31. message "&b%arg-2% の&1青&bのスポーンを設定しました!"
  32. set {tdms.setspawn.%arg-2%.1} to location of player
  33. else:
  34. message "&4&lそのマップは存在しない可能性があります!"
  35. stop
  36. if arg-1 is "start":
  37. if arg-2 is not set:
  38. message "&c開始したいゲームを入力する必要があります。"
  39. message "&c/tdms start <マップ>"
  40. if arg-2 is set:
  41. if {} is true:
  42. if {tdms.gamestart} is true:
  43. message "&c現在出来ません。"
  44. else:
  45. if {tdms.list} is greater than 1:
  46. loop all players:
  47. if {tdms.join.%loop-player%} is true:
  48. send "&b&lTDM> &e&lまもなくゲームが開始します。" to loop-player
  49. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  50. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lTeamDeathMatch"
  51. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  52. set score "&e&lStatus" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  53. set score "&f進行中..." in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  54. set score "&d" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  55. set score "&e&lKill/Death" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  56. set score "&c未実装" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  57. set score "&e" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  58. set score "&e&l制限時間" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  59. set score " &f00:00" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  60. set score " &f" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  61. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  62. set {tdms.gamestart} to true
  63. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l10秒でスタート" to loop-player
  64. wait 5 seconds
  65. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l5秒でスタート" to loop-player
  66. wait 1 second
  67. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l4秒でスタート" to loop-player
  68. wait 1 second
  69. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l3秒でスタート" to loop-player
  70. wait 1 second
  71. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l2秒でスタート" to loop-player
  72. wait 1 second
  73. send "&b&lTDM> &e&l1秒でスタート" to loop-player
  74. wait 1 second
  75. else:
  76. message "&cそのマップはありません。"
  78. if arg-1 is "stop":
  79. set {tdms.gamestart} to false
  81. command /tdm <text>:
  82. trigger:
  83. if arg-1 is "join":
  84. if {tdms.join.%player%} is true:
  85. message "&c&l参加済み"
  86. else:
  87. message "&a&l参加しました"
  88. set {tdms.join.%player%} to true
  89. add 1 to {tdms.list}
  90. if arg-1 is "leave":
  91. if {tdms.join.%player%} is true:
  92. set {tdms.join.%player%} to false
  93. message "&c&l退出しました"
  94. remove 1 from {tdms.list}
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