
18+ Corruption of Champions - Stronghold/Doppelganger

Dec 11th, 2016
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  1. (NOTE: Adult Content. Text out of Corruption of Champions.)
  2. Everything feels so vague, so inconstent; your body and mind shimmer like a lake hit by rain, incapable of focusing, incapable of holding onto a shape, a slave to any force that wants to form you. Who are you? It is obvious, isn’t it. Your image floats in front of you, the only clear thing you can perceive. It grins triumphantly, and you grin back: it is all you can do. Its movements define you, dominate you utterly, within and without. When it steps forward and puts its hand out, it isn’t by choice you mimic the action - it is all you can do. Your fingers stretch out to meet their mirror image, but before they meet they touch a cold, invisible barrier. Glass. True understanding of your situation permeates you like spreading oil, but you cannot gasp, scream in horror, pull at your hair. You slowly pull away from the mirror’s surface, your grin widening, because that is what the demon who has taken your form is doing.
  4. “Beautiful,” you and she breathe. “I will do great things with this body, Tician, things you couldn’t have imagined, poor soulful innocent that you were. I will take my revenge with it, but first...” She stares at her reflection smoulderingly as she raises her hands to her armor. She forces you to take off your clothes with her, and you feel it just as clearly as if you were controlling the actions; the way your underclothes whisper off you, the way your naked flesh goose bumps in the coolness of the room, the way your vagina feels when you slide your fingers along its lips.
  6. You masturbate with her, forced to stand there and repeat her every pleasurable schlick, growing less gloating and more urgent with each flick of the finger as ten years of chastity step into the room and set their weight upon her groin. You feel that weight, terrible for a succubus to endure, and you cannot possibly last long against it. Your face contorts into one of unspeakable joy and release as you tap that urge, your snatch quivering, contracting and then wetting itself, your body caught in orgasm for what seems like an eternity.
  8. “Ahh...” your mouth says finally, as you step back from the mirror, your eyes half-lidded with contentment. “I really needed that.” Tician turns away from the surface you now embody to put her comfortable clothes back on and you follow suit, gazing dumbly at the reflection of the room behind you. You want to shout and scream at her now, begging her to give you your body back, for her not to do what you know comes next, but you can’t- you can’t stop turning back around, you can’t stop yourself touching the surface of your mirror one last time and, smirking, stride out of the room. You mimic your body exiting out of sight of the mirror’s edge, and then... then you mimic a grey, empty room. Staring back at you hollowly, inert and empty. Listening to a metal door shutting behind you with a terrible finality.
  10. With your body and brain full of memory of how to defeat demons, coupled with her own knowledge and thirst for revenge, your impostor surprises Lethice and manages to destroy her, taking her place and ruling the mountains and beyond with a mania born of horizons and insanity she never knew. You know all this because Tician is true to her promise not to inflict the same suffering she endured upon you, and you don’t have to stand in the mirror room for very long (although being a deserted storage chamber, you quickly learn, makes a mockery of concepts like “very long”). She has your glass prison brought to her lavish inner chambers and installs you there- nailed to the ceiling above her bed, specifically. From your vantage point you mimic her orgies, each more deranged than the last. You experience sensation even the doppelganger herself never knows, because you are forced to embody everything in the room. Not just every slave girl, boy and favored demon there, every bulging prick and tight, eager hole, not just your old body bucking, slithering and glorying in it all, but every dildo, butt-plug, whip, bead, chain, every satin sheet upon which soft flesh is urgently pressed. You encompass everyone’s thoughts, the slavering succulence of total submission, the coursing power and glory of Tician’s maddened domineering, every mind-wiping orgasm and sensation bordering between screaming pain and ecstatic pleasure is yours to endure.
  12. You quickly go completely insane, just like your bodysnatcher did, although not in a way she ever knew. You will never be able to express that insanity though. Every hour there is a new scene of complete depravity for you to reflect, personify and act out. A demon’s dearest wish - an eternity of constantly changing, mind-boggling sex - is your final fate.
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