

Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. This summer’s heat was near unbearable. Anyone who didn’t need to be outside was holed up indoors where there was at least a fan or air conditioning. That included any kid who would normally be playing outside.
  3. Such was the case with Rumble, who found himself standing in the dry heat outside Scootaloo’s house. Thunderlane and the twins were out training with Rainbow Dash, and she had the idea for him to come over and have him hang out with Scootaloo so neither would be by themselves. Her house wasn’t too far away, so they thought it would be fine for him to just walk there. Even dressed in his gray tank top and black shorts, he was still sweating like crazy.
  5. It felt like forever since he rang the doorbell before Scootaloo finally opened the door. Dressed in an orange tank top and dark purple shorts, she looked quite comfortable. Upon seeing Rumble sweating and waving weakly, she smirked and held back a laugh.
  7. “You look worse for wear,” she laughed. “Come on in!”
  9. “Thanks for letting me stay here, Scootaloo!” said Rumble, wiping off his brow as he walked inside.
  11. “It’s no trouble! I don’t know how your brother and Rainbow Dash can train out in this heat!” Scootaloo replied, closing the door. “Sit down!”
  13. As soon as Rumble walked into the main room, he could already feel the difference. The cool air from the central AC felt so refreshing compared to the outside, it was blissful. Making himself comfortable, he took off his shoes, sat on the couch and laid back to just feel the air.
  15. “Oh! This feels so good!” Rumble said with a sigh.
  17. “You wanna know what’s even better?” Scootaloo called from the kitchen, before coming back into the main room holding a slice of watermelon in each hand. “Tah-dah!”
  19. “Whoa! Awesome!” he cheered, taking one of the slices and immediately biting down. It was the perfect ripeness, extra sweet. “Mmm! Now it’s perfect!”
  21. “Isn’t it?” Scootaloo asked as she took a seat right next to Rumble and began to munch on her watermelon slice. “Nothing says summer like this!”
  23. Rumble nodded to her, his mouth full of watermelon. He had to agree that this was enjoyable. Relaxing in some cool air, eating watermelon with a pretty cool girl. Wait…
  25. His thoughts stopped for a moment. Scootaloo was never the “girliest” of girls, so he and the other boys never thought twice about how they acted around when she was by herself. But when it came down to it, she was still a girl, right? Still with all the inherent parts underneath those clothes of hers…
  27. Rumble quickly shook those thoughts from his mind. She may have been a girl, but Scootaloo was still a kid like him. Nothing like Cloudchaser and Flitter, those two beautiful young women he spent some very special time with. Even if it had been a while since that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about it as though it happened the day before. Nor could he stop thinking about other girls as well.
  29. Now that he knew what girls looked like without clothes, his curiosity lead him to wonder what the girls in his own class looked like naked. Obviously, their chests and hips weren’t grown out, but some of the more interesting aspects of the female body were still there. As he pondered, he hadn’t realized that he was staring at Scootaloo until she started laughing.
  31. “What’s up with you?” she giggled. “Can’t get enough of my girlish charms, huh?”
  33. “Urk! Who’d be charmed by a tomboy like you?!” Rumble snapped back, looking away. “There’s hardly anything girly or charming about you!”
  35. “Hmph! Okay,” Scootaloo scoffed, putting her slice down. “Then I guess you won’t mind if I did this!”
  37. She stood up from the couch, and put her hands on her shorts. Before Rumble could ask what she was doing, down they went, revealing a pair of light blue underwear with a rainbow-colored lightning bolt right on the butt. His heart skipped a beat, partly from the shock that she would do something like this. Not bothered at all with her display, Scootaloo picked up her slice of watermelon, sat back on the couch and continued to eat.
  39. “W-Why did you take off your shorts?” Rumble asked.
  41. “I always hang around the house in my undies when it’s hot,” she answered nonchalantly. “I was only wearing shorts because I was expecting company. But, since you don’t think of me that way, I can relax the way I want to. You don’t mind, do you?”
  43. “Not at all!” he shouted back, completely unaware his face was incredibly red. “In fact…”
  45. Rumble put down his slice and immediately began to peel his shirt off. The sweat made it a little difficult for him, but he managed to pull it off completely and tossed it to the side. Despite him doing this purely to call Scootaloo out on her bluff, it actually did feel much better.
  47. “Phew! That does feel good!” he said, taking back his slice. “Maybe I should try this at home.”
  49. “You know what? That actually does look really comfortable!” Scootaloo chimed in, putting her slice down again. “I should try it too!”
  51. Without another word, she crossed her arms in front of her and began to pull off her tank top. Rumble nearly choked on his watermelon seeing her bare stomach and chest being exposed. Everything was flat, but Celestia help him if it didn’t stir up something in him. Now clad in only her panties, Scootaloo finished the last few bites of watermelon before Rumble’s stunned silence.
  53. “Ahh…that was good,” she said with a sigh as she reclined on the couch, resting her head on the armrest. “You should go down to your skivvies too, Rumble! It feels great!”
  55. Rumble finished his own slice as he weighed his options. Either agree to strip down to his underwear and expose himself to more embarrassment, or refuse and be seen as a coward. From the start, he knew this whole thing was a power play by her because of the comment he made. If he backed out now, she’d reveal her true colors and he’d never hear the end of it, he believed. What could he do?
  57. That’s when a thought occurred to him. It was risky, but if he took everything off now, he might be able to scare her off from pursuing this little game any further. He’d have to be naked in front of her, but if she called it off, he could put his clothes back on right after. It certainly sounded better than letting this continue.
  59. “I’ll do one better!” he finally said, standing up from the couch and unzipping his shorts before pulling down his shorts and underwear along with them. For extra measure, he even took off his socks, so now he had absolutely nothing on him. “Whew! You’re right! It feels much better without all those sweaty clothes sticking to me!”
  61. “I’m glad you feel comfortable!” Scootaloo said with a very sly smile, which caught Rumble’s attention. She wasn’t grossed out? “I can see something else that feels better, too!”
  63. “What?” Rumble asked looking at Scootaloo, whose line of sight was leading right to his waist, where he and she could clearly see his boyhood sticking straight up. Quickly, he sat back down on the couch, crossed his legs, and turned his face away from Scootaloo. “That doesn’t mean anything! That’s normal for a boy!”
  65. “Oh, it’s normal alright,” Scootaloo said as she crawled towards Rumble on the couch, the smirk never leaving her face. “It’s normal for a boy’s penis to get stiff like that when he sees something he really likes, isn’t it?”
  67. “Gulp!” This was bad. His gambit had failed big time! With his body saying what his mouth wasn’t, it’d be hard to get back from this. The best he could do was clear his throat and say, “I was thinking about something else! Like I’d get hard from someone who looks so much like a boy anyway!”
  69. As soon as he asked that, Rumble found himself being tackled onto the couch. Looking up, he could see Scootaloo crawling up on him, much too quick for him to properly react. With an annoyed scowl on her face, Scootaloo simply sat on the boy’s chest.
  71. “‘Like a boy’, huh? Then what do ya call this?” Scootaloo lifted herself up slightly, her hands on the sides of her underwear. Like a scene in slow motion, Rumble watched as they were slipped down, revealing more of her skin. Finally, he saw that familiar slit that he saw on the twins. There was no hair, but the reaction his body had was still the same.
  73. “You…you actually took them off!” Rumble could only say once he regained his composure.
  75. “Heh. Didn’t expect that, did you? Thought I’d be too scared to get naked because I’m a girl?” Rumble was so distracted from the conversation, he didn’t notice Scootaloo’s hand moving until it already gripped his erection. “Heheh. Hard to say that with this, huh?”
  77. “Urk! Hey! Let go!” Rumble shouted, now paralyzed and at her mercy. “What are you doing?”
  79. “Why don’t we keep our little game going?” she asked, climbing off of Rumble. “I touch you and you touch me down here. First one who gives out loses and has to do whatever the winner says.”
  81. “Grr. You’re on!” Rumble sat back up on the couch while Scootaloo took the same position, sitting with her legs spread open. He reached in between, trying to remember that one spot the twins told him about where girls really like being touched. It was a different experience from them, being smaller and completely devoid of hair, but he knew the same parts had to be present.
  83. “Ha! Might as well give up, though. It’s not as if a boy like you knows how to – AH!” Scootaloo was cut off when Rumble’s finger managed to brush her clitoris, sending a surge of pleasure through her body. Once she screamed, his finger went straight for the small bump and immediately started rubbing. “H-Hey! How do you know about that?”
  85. “That’s a secret!” Rumble said with a smile. “How do you know so much about a boy’s body?”
  87. “That’s my secret!” she barked back. “It won’t help you, though! I’ll still get you to come first!”
  89. They both started off vigorously, Scootaloo running her fingers up and down Rumble’s shaft, while Rumble gripped tightly and treated Scootaloo’s clitoris as though he was mashing a button on a controller. The two of them nearly lost themselves a few times, but held on, winning this contest mattering more than their own pleasure. It was a very close race, but neither was giving up.
  91. Eventually, their bodies jerked up, Rumble letting loose a little semen from his cock and Scootaloo becoming absolutely soaked between her legs with a sharp yelp. After, their bodies limped, unable to hold back anymore. They drew back their hands, and seeing their works, they smiled and said simultaneously…
  93. “HA! You came first! ...No, I didn’t! Stop that!”
  95. “If you didn’t come, what’s with all this white stuff all over my hand?” Scootaloo demanded, holding up her cum-stained hand.
  97. “So what? My fingers got all sticky!” Rumble replied, moving his fingers, showing a clear thick fluid between them.
  99. “Are you trying to tell me we tied?! I won’t accept this!”
  101. “Same here! Let’s do a tie-breaker!”
  103. “You’re on…right after I pee.”
  105. “Me too. Is there another bathroom here?”
  107. “Yeah, first door on the left!”
  109. Immediately, both children ran off the couch, hands firmly between their legs. Rumble followed Scootaloo into the hallway and took the first door on the left as he was instructed. Right before closing the door, he could see Scootaloo dashing further through the hallway, turning towards what looked like a bedroom. That room likely belonged to her parents, and had its own bathroom.
  111. Relieving himself, Rumble grimaced at the current turn of events. Scootaloo was so hung up on that Rainbow Dash, nearly everyone was convinced she had a crush on the woman. How could she of all girls know a boy’s universal weakness? Was it possible that she’s had…previous experience…?
  113. Rumble shook his head of the idea. Impossible, he thought. It was more likely that she looked it up in a book or something. There was no way she would get close enough to a boy to try out something like that. Not like himself, who’s had the company of two lovely older girls already.
  115. An idea struck him. That’s it! Even with all her bravado in stripping in front of a boy and giving him a handjob, she was probably clueless when it came to sex itself! Girls turn into pudding when penetrated by a nice hard cock, his prior knowledge told him. If he could get Scootaloo like that, this little game of hers would be over, with him on top! Now he just had to think of a strategy…
  117. After flushing and washing his hands, Rumble exited the bathroom just in time to see Scootaloo come out of the other room. She reached her arms up, stretched and yawned, the sight of it nearly making Rumble hard again. Taking notice of the boy, the familiar smirk was donned on Scootaloo once more.
  119. “Hey. Looks like you’re ready for round two,” she said, glancing down at his waist. “I guess you do see me as a girl after all if you’ve gotten stiff twice.”
  121. “Shut up! Once I’m done with you, you’re gonna want to be so girly, you’ll be growing your hair out and wearing dresses for the rest of the school year!” he boasted.
  123. “Oh ho ho! Now you’re in for it!” Scootaloo sneered and grabbed Rumble by the wrist. Before he knew it, he was being pulled into another room in the hallway. Didn’t take a genius to see whose room it was.
  125. Scootaloo's room wasn't anything particularly extravagant. About the only unique thing about it, from its wooden drawers, to the white windows, was the incredible amount of Rainbow Dash posters on the wall and other memorabilia that lined her shelf. Rumble found himself looking at all of them before he was violently yanked forward, turned around, and pushed back. Upon landing on the bed face up, he tried to set himself right and sit up, but was stopped when Scootaloo sat right on his stomach, trapping him.
  127. “Alright, fine. You caught me off guard, but now what?” Rumble asked indignantly.
  129. “We’re gonna see just how long you last when you’re experiencing the real thing,” she answered with a mischievous smile.
  131. “‘The real thing’? As if you’ve ever had sex before!” he responded. She was trying to bluff him again, he was sure of it!
  133. “And you have?” Scootaloo’s smirk hadn’t left her face. “Prove it then, and show me what you know!”
  135. “With pleasure!” Rumble was going to show her that letting him lead was a mistake. Grabbing her arms, he flipped the two of them over, putting him in the perfect position to plant a kiss on her lips.
  137. Taken aback at first, Scootaloo quickly caught on and allowed him to continue, while she in turn began to run her hands across his body. Rumble could feel her hands moving in different directions, carefully running along his back, gripping the nape of his neck, and the tips of her fingers deftly touching the curve of his butt. All this made his erection throb excitedly, and him more eager to go forward.
  139. “Heh. You’re pretty soft for a boy,” Scootaloo joked after they separated. “At least you’re a decent kisser.”
  141. “I’ll show you who’s just decent!” Rumble growled. With her legs around his waist, she was in the perfect position to penetrate. Holding his boyhood carefully, he navigated the tip between her legs until he felt that familiar slickness that told him she was ready.
  143. Slipping in, his penis inside her felt different to Rumble, but still similar. It was tighter, obviously with her being much younger than the twins, so he could feel much more along his shaft as he moved his hips back and forth. There was also no worry about him hurting her if he decided to go all out, on account of them being the same size. Rumble could definitely get used to this.
  145. “Mm! Ooh! Not bad! You got a good rhythm going!” Scootaloo panted out. “But you know speed is the wrong strategy for this, don’t you? Go too fast, and you’ll come before I do.”
  147. Shoot. She was right. He always came quickly when he jerked himself off at a fast pace. Getting caught up in a competitive mood almost made him forget that fact. Slowing his pace a bit, Rumble made his thrusts much more direct and poignant. This didn’t go unnoticed, as Scootaloo shuddered and moaned.
  149. “See? I know what I’m doing! Convinced yet?” Rumble asked with a confidence not seen since this whole game started.
  151. "Fine, I’m convinced,” she grumbled. “But now that you got me like this, you better deliver and make sure I lose!"
  153. "Don't worry about that," Rumble grinned. "Just relax and let me work." As he continued his assault on her hips, he lowered his head to her neck, giving her little pecks at its base and her collarbone. Her breathing quickened, hinting to Rumble that she liked it. Remembering one thing the twins liked, he moved his head down to one of her nipples and began to lick it just the slightest bit.
  155. "Aah!" Scootaloo wriggled underneath Rumble. "No! Not there!"
  157. "Why not?" Rumble asked teasingly as he licked her nipple again. "Did I find a weak spot?"
  159. "Sh-shut up!" She shouted in response. "I'm not...gonna burst just from this!" Even as she said this, her body convulsed and her toes curled as she came close to orgasm.
  161. "And what are you gonna do about it?" Rumble laughed as he brought his body over Scootaloo once more.
  163. "How about this?" With her last ounce of composure and strength, Scootaloo grabbed Rumble's head, moved it next to hers and gently nipped at his ear lobe.
  165. Suddenly, signals of arousal raced through Rumble's brain and body faster than he could register. That little bite on his ear lobe was the last thing he needed to be sent over the edge. In the span of a small yelping moan, his penis finally released the payload he had been hoping to hold back until after Scootaloo climaxed. Alas, this match would end in a tie, as Scootaloo had also let go, the warmth reaching her belly being too much for her to handle.
  167. With no energy left to continue, Rumble rolled off of Scootaloo's body and onto his back. Catching his breath, he felt just the tiniest bit of semen still dripping from his now loose penis. He had been hoping that releasing inside Scootaloo was just his imagination, but it clearly was not, and he cursed himself at that fact. Looking next to him, Rumble could see that see that she was in just as much a state of exhaustion as he was.
  169. "That was pretty good, Rumble," Scootaloo panted out. "I didn't expect to get tired from that."
  171. "You're not bad yourself, Scootaloo," he replied. "Didn't think you'd pull out that trick at the end."
  173. "Heh. Don't you know that you're supposed to save your best tricks until the end?" Scootaloo asked with a smirk. "To be fair, though, I didn't think it'd actually work."
  175. "I didn't, either. I'm learning a lot today," he simply stated.
  177. “Same here,” she replied, rolling on to her side. “Say… would you be interested in making this a thing?”
  179. “A thing?”
  181. “Yeah, a thing. Like Sweetie Belle and Button Mash.”
  183. “You mean…you’d be my girlfriend?!” Rumble asked in a panic, bolting upright.
  185. “What’s so weird about that?” Scootaloo asked, sitting up and poking Rumble on his cheek. “You talk a big game, but you’re not even going to commit? What kind of man are you?”
  187. “Talking a big game?!” Rumble exclaimed, red in the face. “I play the big game, or did you forget how hard I made you come?”
  189. “Maybe…but you came too, after my treatment,” she responded with a jab to Rumble’s chest with her finger. “So don’t go talking about your big game just yet!”
  191. “Care to try again, then?”
  193. “Absolutely…right after a shower.” Scootaloo hopped off the bed and walked over to the doorway before turning around. “You gonna join me or what?”
  195. “Uh…right!”
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