

Aug 3rd, 2019
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  1. join voice channel of event-member
  2. purge {LastEmbeds::*} with event-bot
  3. set {_resulturl} to url of {resultados::5}
  4. replace all "" with "" in {_resulturl}
  5. set {_talresultdur} to duration of {resultados::5}
  6. set {_totalresultdur} to ("%{_talresultdur}%" parsed as text)
  7. replace all "minute" with "minuto" in {_totalresultdur}
  8. replace all "hour" with "hora" in {_totalresultdur}
  9. replace all "second" with "segundo" in {_totalresultdur}
  10. replace all "and" with "y" in {_totalresultdur}
  11. replace all "minutes" with "minutos" in {_totalresultdur}
  12. replace all "hours" with "horas" in {_totalresultdur}
  13. replace all "seconds" with "segundos" in {_totalresultdur}
  14. set {_totalresult} to "{_resulturl}%/maxresdefault.jpg"
  15. create embed:
  16. set the description of embed to "** **"
  17. set the author info of the embed to author named "PixelPC BOT" with no url and icon ""
  18. set the colour of the embed to Cyan
  19. add split field named "%emote ""PixelMC"" from guild with id ""545295982754004995""% ▶ Now playing %{resultados::5}%" with value "Duracion: %{_totalresultdur}% | Autores: %authors of {resultados::5}%" to embed
  20. add split field named "" with value "**%nl%**" to embed
  21. set the footer of embed to footer with text "" and icon ""
  22. set the timestamp of embed to now
  23. set the image of embed to "%{_totalresult}%"
  24. send the last created embed to event-channel with event-bot
  25. play {resultados::5}
  26. delete {LastEmbeds::*}
  27. delete {LatestAutorEmbed}
  28. delete {resultados::*}
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