

Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. W ALL S TREET J OURNAL P ROJECT I NSTRUCTIONS For this project, you are required to read and analyze 5 recent articles from the Wall Street Journal, each covering a different topic addressed in the course. You will then write a 1-page review of each article. Access the Wall Street Journal either through the Liberty University Online Library or through a personal subscription. Once you have access, choose 5 articles (300 words minimum) that cover any 5 of the following topics: -Economic growth-Federal government taxation-Banking-Unemployment-National debt-Monetary policy-Inflation-Fiscal policy-Gross Domestic Product-Federal budget-Social Security-Exchange rates-Federal government spending-Interest rates-Foreign economic issues-Federal Reserve-Keynesian Economics No more than 1 article can be on a specific topic. Gather your articles over a few weeks’ time, ensuring that they are both interesting and appropriate. Make sure to select articles (300 words or more) that address all of the needed information below. Short articles will often not provide you
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