
Tutoring charms [one shot write prompt][AU-Ravenclaw Merula]

Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. It wasn't a good day for Merula Snyde, a perfect model student from Ravenclaw. She had finished learning a new charm in record time, but she didn't get the expected results from her professor.
  3. "I learned the charm within fifteen minutes of your first demonstration, I do believe I am entitled to the usual 15 points, instead of the 10 I got this time." Merula tried to reason with Flitwick.
  4. "ah, Ms.Snyde... Yes, you learned the charm and yes I usually give you 15 points... But I really can't give you 15 points every time you perform up to your usual standard." Flitwick smiled slightly forcedly.
  5. "So, what you're saying, is because I perform so consistently well... You can't reward me with as many points anymore?" Merula asked annoyed.
  6. "Well, when you put it like that... I'm sorry, your performance is somewhat detrimental to other student's confidence, also there are talks of me playing favourites..." Flitwick said trying his best to get past the stubborn Ravenclaw.
  7. "But professor McGonagal always awards me with 15 points..." Merula said not letting Flitwick off so easily.
  8. "Well, that is up to her, please excuse me as I try to assist with other students." Flitwick said annoyed, but Merula wasn't budging. "Fine, why do you want the extra 5 points?"
  9. "Ravenclaw is in the lead, but our score is currently 1995..." Merula said with a straight face.
  10. "You... How do you even know that? What does it matter, someone might win or lose points before this class is over..." Flitwick asked in disbelief.
  11. "I know it, and knowing it bothers me. I also feel like I haven't performed well, if I get less points than last time, even though I learned the new charm 4 minutes faster."
  12. Flitwick was speechless. He was about to open his mouth when he heard a flash and a bunch of swearing from the back of the class. Which gave him an idea.
  13. "Alright, Ms.Snyde, you want those 5 extra points?" He said smiling at the girl. "Go help Mr.Ymous, if you can teach him the charm during this class, I will give you 5 extra points."
  14. "What! Teaching that troglodyte anything should net me atleast 50 points!" Merula said angrily, before composing herself.
  15. "Well, in that case you're just going to have to hope that some other student earns that 5 missing points." Flitwick said and pushed the girl aside.
  16. Merula was seething, but she couldn't let that show.
  17. "Fine, I'll teach that buffoon the charm, even if it's the last thing he does."
  20. Merula walked up to Anon, who was faffing about, not really focusing on the class.
  21. "Ahem..." Merula started, trying to get the boy's attention.
  22. "Hey, Merula, check this out, I learned how to focus flipendo to a smaller area, it has bigger sting now."
  23. Merula was speechless, Anon was still focusing on such low level spells with very little application, other than fighting. The whole thing was so juvenile it was giving the girl a headache. She was about to lecture Anon on mechanics behind flipendo, but she couldn't get sidetracked.
  24. "Nice, sounds useful..." She said forcedly.
  25. "You're rarely impressed, Meru... Have you started to fall for me?" Anon laughed and smiled at the girl.
  26. "N... No, I wasn't... I wasn't impressed, I was being polite." Merula said trying not to get riled up by the boy.
  27. "Oh, okay then." Anon said and went back to practicing completely unrelated spells.
  28. "Ymous..." Merula started.
  29. "I've told you to call me Anon." The boy said focusing on his wrist movement. "Or you could think of a pet name, if you like."
  30. "And I've told you specifically not to call me Meru..." Merula said annoyed, I'll think of a pet name for you... You big hairless gorilla... She thought to herself.
  31. "Alright, Anon..." The said composing herself again. "Professor Flitwick has asked me to assist you with today's subject."
  32. "Cool..." The boy said uninterested.
  33. "So, can we focus on the subject at hand?" She asked annoyed.
  34. "Eh, don't feel like it..." Anon said smiling at the girl.
  35. "Y-you... Don't you want to... Do you want to leave the class without learning anything?" Merula stammered, trying to make sense of the boy's stupidity.
  36. "Heh, you're cute when you get flustered like that." Anon said.
  37. "I am not flustered, I am annoyed by your stupidity." The girl declared.
  38. "Fine, fine, why do you want to teach me the spell?" Anon asked smiling at the girl. "Flitwick didn't ask you to teach me the spell, you made some kind of a deal with him. I want to know what's in it for me."
  39. Merula was annoyed at the boy, he realized something was up, but she would be damned if she let the boy dictate any terms over her.
  40. "Please, just let me help you with the spell." Merula pleaded.
  41. "Alright... If it's so important to you." Anon said.
  43. The rest of the class was Merula trying to get Anon to follow simple instructions.
  44. "You're pronouncing it too harshly, you need to say the vovels softly and punctuate the incantation properly."
  45. "D'mnuend-oo~" Anon said trying to annoy the girl, flicking his wand.
  46. "No... Not... Wrist, use your wrist, not your brute arm, just your wrist." Merula tried to hold the boy's flailing arm. She glanced at the clock, she was running out of time.
  47. "Please, Anon just try to focus!" Merula tried pleading.
  48. "It's important to you that I learn this spell before the classes are over, isn't it?" The boy said.
  49. "Y-yes." Merula felt forced to answer.
  50. "Alright, I'll cast it before the class is over under one condition." Anon said staring at Merula in the eyes.
  51. "Which is?" Merula asked annoyed.
  52. "If I walk up to Flitwick now and cast the spell perfectly, you will give me a kiss." Anon said with a straight face.
  53. "WHAT! Never!" Merula snapped.
  54. "Well, there's always next week..." Anon said.
  55. "This is extortion!" Merula said.
  56. "Yup."
  57. Merula glanced at the clock, she considered just imperiusing the boy... But 5 points isn't worth a trip to Azkaban, she would have to deal with the eyesore on the hourglasses...
  58. "Fine..." She said begrudgingly.
  59. Anon just got up and walked to Flitwick, who smiled at him. Anon pointed his wand at an inkwell and cast Diminuendo perfectly.
  60. "Well done, Anon!" Flitwick clapped his hands together. "15 points to Gryffindor"
  61. "Thank you professor, you're too kind, but I couldn't have done it without the invaluable tutoring from Meru." The boy declared loudly and bowed at the Ravenclaw who had turned completely red.
  62. "Ah, yes, I noticed..." Flitwick smiled. "Very well, 5 points to Ravenclaw! And with that, Class dismissed!"
  64. Merula ran out of the classroom and went to the large hourclasses, she enjoyed the sight of Ravenclaw being at a steady 2000 points for a while.
  65. "Ahem..." She heard from behind her and turned around.
  66. "You made a mockery of me, Ymous." Merula said annoyed.
  67. "I did, I learned the spell while you were bickering with the professor." Anon admitted.
  68. "Well, that kinda devaluates our agreement, doesn't it?" Merula said looking away.
  69. "I guess it does. I wasn't going to force you to do anything you don't want to. I just like teasing you..." Anon came clean.
  70. "Right... Well... I guess I will just leave then." Merula said and moved to walk away from the boy, but stopped. She walked back up to the boy.
  71. "Close your eyes." She demanded.
  72. The boy closed his eyes as told, and Merula pulled the taller boy down by his robes and kissed him gently.
  73. Anon smiled wider than she had ever seen the troglodyte gryffindor smile, even wider than whenever he won quidditch matches. It was slightly contagious, the girl turned her head away immediately.
  74. "Don't get used to this, I only did it because of our agreement. And don't try to pull a fast one on me ever again."
  75. "I promise you will not realize it." Anon said mischievously.
  76. Merula smiled as she walked to her next classes.
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