
Juice on Kyo!

Oct 15th, 2018
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  1. KyoKidozaku AKA NinjinCaeles. "Heavenly Carrot", by the way.
  3. NeilHoshi has joined the chat
  4. NinjinCaeles has joined the chat
  5. ToshioFutoxyn has joined the chat
  6. AikajanaSoturi has joined the chat
  7. EliiClarke has joined the chat
  8. ambermariyuh has joined the chat
  9. IndraSoturi has joined the chat
  10. ElkHoshi has joined the chat
  11. NinjinCaeles: wb
  12. AikajanaSoturiAikajanaSoturi Whisper: should probably go grocery shopping...bleh...dun feel like leaving the house
  13. NeilHoshi: xD
  14. ElkHoshi: I was gonna today
  15. ElkHoshi: but
  16. Zakura: o.x It kicked me. Thanks.
  17. ElkHoshi: My phone was dying and nothing was good for sales
  18. ZakuraZakura : NEIL WHO IS THAT PERSON
  19. NinjinCaeles: xXD dont tell her lol
  20. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  21. NinjinCaeles: she gotta find out lol
  23. ambermariyuh: owo
  24. NinjinCaeles: thats a good sign then
  25. Zakura: You're clearly nobody important to me.
  26. NeilHoshi: XD
  27. NinjinCaeles: thats another good thing to know
  28. ambermariyuh: ouch
  29. NinjinCaeles: that's perfect actually
  30. Zakura: Oh.
  31. NinjinCaeles: lets keep it that way lol
  32. ZakuraZakura : you're that guy who harrassed girls in here before because they wouldn't let you have your way, aren't you?
  33. NinjinCaeles: what??
  34. NeilHoshi: O,O
  35. IndraSoturi: Back o3o
  36. ambermariyuhambermariyuh WhisperAdd Friend: O.o
  37. NinjinCaelesNinjinCaeles : z
  38. IndraSoturi: What de fack have i come back to o3o
  39. NeilHoshiNeilHoshi Whisper: wb o3o
  40. ZakuraZakura : I think I hit the mark.
  41. NinjinCaelesNinjinCaeles : the only time i come here is to see my sister
  42. IndraSoturiIndraSoturi WhisperAdd Friend: Ty
  43. NinjinCaelesNinjinCaeles NinjinCaeles : you most deff didn't
  44. ambermariyuh ambermariyuh WhisperNarrateAdd Friend climbs on toshi
  45. NeilHoshi: your welcome xD
  46. Zakura: Uh-huh.
  47. ambermariyuh: where's my army
  48. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  49. ToshioFutoxyn Points at all the loosers in the room.
  50. NinjinCaeles: loll im loving this tho
  51. NinjinCaeles: keep guessing
  52. ambermariyuh: o:
  53. ambermariyuhambermariyuh WhisperAdd Friend: Not that army
  54. ambermariyuh: the good army
  55. ToshioFutoxynToshioFutoxyn Whisper: o3o
  56. ToshioFutoxynToshioFutoxyn Whisper: Oh.
  57. ambermariyuh: o3o
  58. Zakura: I don't know any of Neil's siblings, so.
  59. ToshioFutoxyn ToshioFutoxyn WhisperNarrate Marches in the Pider army. o3o
  60. ambermariyuh: o3o my minions
  61. NeilHoshi waddles along ~o,o~
  62. IndraSoturi: -eats cookies- o3o
  63. NinjinCaeles: god i love my name now
  64. NeilHoshi has been sent a friend request.
  65. IndraSoturi: oh hey guys lol
  66. ElkHoshi Shakes Toshi bot. "I need a small loan of a million dollars"
  67. IndraSoturi: Just realized theres a lot of people who werne't here before lol
  68. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  69. IndraSoturi: weren't*
  70. ToshioFutoxyn Gives him a fiver.
  71. NinjinCaeles: sis you can tell her who i am lol idc anymore xD
  72. ToshioFutoxyn: Put it in the stocks, and invenst.
  73. NinjinCaeles: but brb
  74. ToshioFutoxyn What poor people are told to do in America. :T
  75. IndraSoturi: :T
  76. ToshioFutoxyn: *invest
  77. NinjinCaeles: bouta take instruments out these classrooms
  78. IndraSoturi: o 3o
  79. NinjinCaeles: going back home in like a hour from work
  80. NinjinCaeles: been here since 8
  81. ElkHoshi: I'm investing into the Toshi Relief fund o3o
  82. ToshioFutoxyn: ^o3o^
  83. ambermariyuh: o. o
  84. ToshioFutoxyn: Just so you know.
  85. NeilHoshi: kyo something i forgot his last name x'D
  86. ToshioFutoxyn: We're losing money. :U
  87. ToshioFutoxyn: xD
  88. NinjinCaeles: oh fuck you too sis lol
  89. Zakura: Kidozaku..
  90. NinjinCaeles: xD
  91. NinjinCaeles: bingo
  92. IndraSoturi: I wonder why o3o -slowly stacks truck with their money and drives off-
  93. NinjinCaeles: but yea brb lol
  94. Zakura: Smh.
  95. ambermariyuh: o.o
  96. Zakura: Says every girl wanna be with him, but he was the one who begged for me while he was dating another girl.
  97. NeilHoshi: tyt
  98. NinjinCaeles: ima invite ya to my empire when i get back tho
  99. NinjinCaeles: here we go
  100. NinjinCaeles: for the last time i dont beg lol you and your dreams are hilarious but ok
  101. NinjinCaeles: brb
  102. Zakura: If only I had saved those logs
  103. Zakura: Oh wait, I still have the texts though.
  104. NinjinCaeles: i like how you still keep me in ya phone xD
  105. Zakura: I don't have a phone
  106. NinjinCaeles: thats sweet
  107. Zakura: Remember?
  108. Zakura: It's a texting app.
  109. Zakura: or did you forget?
  110. Guest_jasmine123313681 has joined the chat
  111. Zakura: Smh, mixing me up with one of your hoes.
  112. NeilHoshi: XD
  113. NinjinCaelesNinjinCaeles : i barely remember anything about anybody i knew in the past few months besides people i talk to
  114. IndraSoturiIndraSoturi WhisperAdd Friend: -sends toshi nuclear launch codes- o3o
  115. NeilHoshi trys to steal them ~o,o~
  116. Zakura: Well, it's clear to me that Neil ain't your sister.
  117. NinjinCaeles: which isn't alot lol
  118. ToshioFutoxyn Pushes Neil over. o3o
  119. Guest_jasmine123313681 has left the chat
  120. ToshioFutoxyn Has the codes now. ~3~
  121. NinjinCaeles: she been my sis since last year xD
  122. Zakura: Ask her then.
  123. ambermariyuh: owo
  124. NinjinCaeles: thats why she responded to me when i said "wasup sis"
  125. NinjinCaeles: or did you miss that
  126. NeilHoshi wants the code 8l
  127. Zakura: Ask her.
  128. Zakura: Or are you afraid she'll say otherwise?
  129. Zakura: You hate when I prove you wrong.
  130. IndraSoturiIndraSoturi WhisperAdd Friend: -gives her the code to someone's safe- o3o
  131. NinjinCaelesNinjinCaeles : im not afraid lol if she not then she not
  132. NeilHoshi: why safe DX
  133. IndraSoturi: It might have diamonds in it o 3o
  134. NinjinCaeles: we still coo so idc lol
  135. NeilHoshi: o3o
  136. ToshioFutoxyn: Or a gun. o3o
  137. IndraSoturi: Or kittens ^o3o^
  138. NeilHoshi reads the codes @W@
  139. IndraSoturi: xD
  140. ToshioFutoxyn: O3O
  141. NinjinCaeles: but iight thi Neil, ima hyu later. Apparently people still butt hurt about a break up from 6 months ago so yea lol
  142. Zakura: Kindly drop dead <3
  143. NinjinCaeles: tho*
  144. Zakura: I was the one who broke it off anyway.
  145. NinjinCaeles: my point exactly
  146. NinjinCaeles: actually no you didint lol, we been broken up from the me moving thing
  147. NinjinCaeles: alll you did was bring drama into it by having people spam me
  148. IndraSoturi: o 3o
  149. Zakura: Since I met the girls who you had been fucking around with
  150. NinjinCaeles: people i didnt even know at that lol
  151. Zakura: while you were with me
  152. ambermariyuhambermariyuh WhisperAdd Friend: o. o
  153. ambermariyuh: o .o
  154. NinjinCaeles: i wasnt fukin with none of them hoes lol
  155. NeilHoshi: ohh boy o,o
  156. NinjinCaeles: and they were exposed for it
  157. Zakura: Uh-huh. Sure.
  158. IndraSoturi: o _o
  159. ElkHoshi: anyways
  160. ElkHoshi: I must sleep
  161. ambermariyuh: NO
  162. NeilHoshi: but dad DX
  163. ambermariyuh: knew it
  164. ElkHoshi Shuts down
  165. Zakura: Why wouldn't i believe that when you cheated on your gf before me WITH me?
  166. NinjinCaeles: literally the whole naruto community exposed them
  167. NinjinCaeles: AND you
  168. ElkHoshi hugs Neil
  169. NeilHoshi huggles dad <3
  170. Zakura: Bruh, I ain't heard nothing but shit on you
  171. ElkHoshi: Work has to have me up by 5 am ;-;
  172. IndraSoturi: Bye elk
  173. NeilHoshi: damn o_o
  174. Zakura: "Kyo is a godmodder and a cheater"
  175. ElkHoshi: Bye Kane unit o3o
  176. IndraSoturi: Be safe, these bank robbers are being very shady today o3o
  177. Zakura: THat's all I ever fucking hear
  178. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  179. NinjinCaeles: i dont god mod lol
  180. ToshioFutoxyn: Later Canada. o3o^
  181. NeilHoshi: XD!
  182. NinjinCaeles: you just dont know basic rp
  183. Zakura: I siad that's what I hear.
  184. Zakura: Shithead.
  185. NinjinCaeles: you're a scrub lol
  186. Zakura: Smh
  187. NeilHoshi: -3-
  188. Zakura: Can't even read
  189. IndraSoturi: :|
  190. Zakura: :I
  191. NinjinCaeles: i saw im just ignoring you
  192. ElkHoshi has left the chat
  193. Zakura: "oh you dont know basic rp" "youre a scrub
  194. Zakura: That's totally ignoring.
  195. Zakura: You misread, obviously.
  196. NeilHoshi: your talking to her so no your not ignoring her o,o
  197. NeilHoshi: XD
  198. Zakura: And now you're trying to roll it off as an ignored.
  199. Zakura: But it's obvious
  200. IndraSoturi: -Picks up Neil and passes her some poptarts, then puts her on a floating cloud- o3o
  201. NinjinCaeles: anyways lol
  202. NeilHoshi noms on poptarts @W@
  203. Zakura: Look, kid. I keep catching your mistakes. I keep hearing shit. You're just another shithead trying to be badass, but you can't pick up the blunt.
  204. NinjinCaeles: Neil how you been
  205. Zakura: Even your own "sis" thinks you're a fucking idiot.
  206. Zakura: A player.
  207. IndraSoturi: Someone might hate me for this but I don't like pumpkin spice poptarts lol
  208. ambermariyuh: ^ agreeeeed
  209. NeilHoshi: pumpkin what O.o
  210. Zakura: You only go to her and call her sis when you're single.
  211. Zakura: That's some sad shit.
  212. NinjinCaeles: she dont even know about the other lol
  213. NinjinCaeles: and i tlk to her anytime is ee her so wym
  214. NinjinCaeles: you sound stupid af xD
  215. NeilHoshi: no you only talk to me when your single owo
  216. AikajanaSoturi: dude. I'm always here, I've never seen you
  217. Zakura: See?
  218. NinjinCaeles: i've talked to you plenty times when i wasnt single
  219. Zakura: Oh, so you were set as single, flirting around when you was with someone then?
  220. NinjinCaeles: and i have a whole ass girl irl lol i just dont imvu
  221. NeilHoshi: no you have not when the naruto group was there yes but that group is gone so no owo
  222. ToshioFutoxyn: Not true. o-o
  223. NinjinCaeles: i've talked to you after that too
  224. ToshioFutoxyn: Unless it's been a really long time.
  225. ToshioFutoxyn: Cause like her, I am also always here.
  226. ToshioFutoxyn: And I never forget. o-o
  227. NeilHoshi: indeed and my ass always in here o,o
  228. NinjinCaeles: and i had my status as in a relationship the past 3 months when i still did imvu relations
  229. Zakura: Right, totally.
  230. NinjinCaeles: yoou let this scrub get in ya head xD
  231. Zakura: Once again, I've proven your ass wrong.
  232. ToshioFutoxyn Slowly hits Zaku with that cloroform rag. o3o
  233. NinjinCaeles: you havent actually lol
  234. Zakura: >:O
  235. NinjinCaeles: but glad you think so
  236. IndraSoturi: -Slowly pulls out gun- We're going to play a game. o3o
  237. NeilHoshi: O3O
  238. Zakura: Uh oh
  239. ToshioFutoxyn Hits Indi with the rag too. o3o
  240. Zakura: xD
  241. IndraSoturi: -tags toshi and runs- o3o
  242. Zakura slaps Toshi with the same rag.
  243. NinjinCaeles: this just funny to me now
  244. ToshioFutoxyn 360-no scopes Zaku. o3o
  245. NeilHoshi: damn :O
  246. NinjinCaeles: my "sis" got corrupted by a goofy thats been exposed as a lier by the entire rp community
  247. NinjinCaeles: literally
  248. NeilHoshi: me was never corrupted o,o
  249. Zakura: xDD Everyone I know calls you the liar.
  250. NinjinCaeles: you just was lol
  251. NeilHoshi: nope o3o
  252. AikajanaSoturi: Okay, we're not doin this anymore.
  253. NinjinCaeles: you barely know anybody that know me
  254. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  255. NinjinCaeles has left the chat
  256. NeilHoshi: thank you x3
  257. Zakura: Sorry about that, Kane-san.
  258. AikajanaSoturi: What a fucking moron.
  259. NeilHoshi: he causes trouble wherever he goes
  260. ToshioFutoxyn: I came in too late there. ~3~
  261. Zakura: Yup.
  262. ToshioFutoxyn: What I miss? o3o
  263. NeilHoshi: XD!!
  264. IndraSoturi: There was a murder o3o
  265. Zakura: He thinks he has shit on me XD
  266. Zakura: I got a shit ton on him.
  267. ToshioFutoxyn Kicks Indi. o3o
  268. ambermariyuh: owo
  269. AikajanaSoturi: and now the carrot is banned
  270. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  271. Zakura: It's funny how he has his relationship status set to single though xD
  272. Zakura: Yet he says he got a girl
  273. IndraSoturi: -wonders why he stayed and didn't read the room and realize that he was causing problems and not appreciated- o3o
  274. NeilHoshi: ohh wow he blocked me :O
  275. ambermariyuh: owo
  276. Zakura: LMAO
  277. ToshioFutoxyn: 030
  278. NeilHoshi: i wonder if he think i was going to cry :O
  279. Zakura: I always prove his ass wrong.
  280. ToshioFutoxyn: What a baby. o3o
  281. Zakura: Ik
  282. NeilHoshi: yes cause he knows its the truth
  283. AikajanaSoturi: Lying liar lying. That's what you missed.
  284. NeilHoshi: when hes single that is when he wants to come with me and try to get in arealtionship with me
  285. NeilHoshi: 8l
  286. ToshioFutoxyn: Damn. -3-
  287. AikajanaSoturi: I like how we all called him on his bullshit and he jus kept going
  288. Zakura: Ik
  289. ToshioFutoxyn: xD
  290. Zakura: I do that to him all the time
  291. Zakura: I actually forgot about him for a while though
  292. NeilHoshi: XD
  293. NeilHoshi: XD
  294. Zakura: Imma pastebin this and post it somewhere
  295. NeilHoshi: you know how much girls he been with since the start of this year and how many times he got married 8l
  296. NeilHoshi: about 20
  297. NeilHoshi: 8l
  298. AikajanaSoturi: oof. I have seen how that story ends.
  299. ToshioFutoxyn: o3o
  300. NeilHoshi: every week like his ass is with someone else
  301. ToshioFutoxyn: xD
  302. NeilHoshi: XD
  303. AikajanaSoturi: He'll very likely have a full mental breakdown later this year and fuck off permanently
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