
twenty questions (L5R)

Aug 8th, 2015
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  1. 1. What clan is he? He belongs to the Lion clan.
  3. 2. What family is he? The Matsu family.
  5. 3. Bushi, Shugenja, or Courtier? He is a Bushi.
  7. 4. How would others describe his appearance? He is smaller than his brothers by almost a full head, despite being around the normal height for a Rokugani. For this, he has been called "little Hitoshi" by some of his closer family. This, along with his more level-headed attitude compared to the stereotypes of the Matsu make him seem almost meek in comparison, though his grandmother more wisely described him like an 'Akodo in the skin of a Matsu'.
  9. 5. What is your character's primary motivation? Being a male of the matriarchal Matsu clan (especially one of smaller stature compared to his brothers) he knows it is his destiny to one day be married off and manage the estate of his future wife. His sincerest wish is to prove his worth and bring great honor to his clan before that time comes.
  11. 6. Who does your character trust most in the world?
  13. 7. What is your character's greatest strength and weakness? His greatest strength is his conviction and devotion to all tenets of Bushido, not merely Honor; especially Courtesy and Compassion. His greatest weakness is his inability to see the world past the black and white and into the nuanced shades of grey. He doesn't understand that there isn't a solution to every problem, or how dangerous the courts can truly be.
  15. 8. What does your character think of Bushido? He attempts to hold the entirety of the code in reverence, with a naive and idealized idea of how a samurai should behave in his mind. If asked which he holds in highest regard, he would be hard-pressed to answer - but the truth of it is he holds Compassion and Honor in equal and most regard. the former of which is sometimes forgotten by his clan. He does not think any specific portion of the code to be inconsequential, but is wary of Courage without caution, perhaps better thought of as Arrogance.
  17. 9. What is your character's opinion of his clan? Of course the Lion are the greatest of the Clans. They alone were chosen to be the defenders of the throne. Their sheer size, controlled lands, bountiful harvests, plentiful ore, and military might combined are what grant them the right to make that claim. He fails to understand, however, why his clan is so antagonistic with the other members of the Empire.
  19. 10. Is your character married? He is not! He will accept, with some sadness, the duty assigned to him when it is time for him to marry.
  21. 11. Does your character have any prejudices? It's hard to be brought up in a clan like the Lion who looks down on everyone else without having at least some prejudices. In Hitoshi's case, more often than not they take the form of pity. He pities the Crab who live without courtesy. He pities the Scorpion, who eschew Bushido, especially Honor. So on and so forth. He believes all of the clans might one day be as great as the Lion should they try, but that in itself is somewhat presumptuous of him to think.
  23. 12. To whom is your character most loyal? I'm not sure how to answer this one! I imagine it would be the family daimyo or clan champion, though.
  25. 13. What are his favorite and least favorite things? While being more than competent in the strong-armed fighting style of his family, he prides himself on learning. Studying various subjects or practicing the fine arts are his leisure-time activities, just as he imagines a samurai should. His least favorite things are his brothers and sparring with them, as it tends to be a practice in being bulled by their superior physical abilities.
  27. 14. Any recurring mannerisms? During long periods of waiting or when he's nervous, he tends to grind his right foot back and forth.
  29. 15. What emotions? Concern and guilt are among his most betrayed emotions. He can be somewhat of a worrywart, especially if he's preoccupied with worrying about whether his etiquette was adequate. Surprisingly, anger is the emotion he keeps best in check, but one button of note that can be pushed is when a clearly superior opponent is merely toying with him. Much like the sibling rivalry with his brothers, the shame of being played with can cause him to lose his carefully honed temperament.
  31. 16. How would he handle a subordinate's improper behavior? The failing of his subordinate is his own failing. He would do his best to understand why the offending behavior occurred and take steps to correct it.
  33. 17. How would his parents describe him? Hopelessly with his head in the clouds. Rokugan at large will be his teacher where they left off, and while his effort is to be applauded, he will find he is just one man and no amount of trying can change that. His mother has taken to an unfortunate illness for the past three years.
  35. 18. What is his highest ambition? To bring some sort of glory to the Matsu before he's eventually married off.
  37. 19. How religious is he? Around average, but in his own eyes that's not quite enough and is a point of shame to him.
  39. 20. How will your character die? Suddenly and not when he would expect, but with honor.
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