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- **********************************************************************
- *************************** Host.dumpxmls ****************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter {u'dcb5705b-de32-4d6a-8e5e-cfdebac97ff0': '<domain
- type=\'kvm\' id=\'1\'>\n <name>backup_vm</name>\n
- <uuid>dcb5705b-de32-4d6a-8e5e-cfdebac97ff0</uuid>\n <metadata
- xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ovirt-
- vm="">\n <ns0:qos/>\n <ovirt-vm:vm
- xmlns:ovirt-vm="">\n <ovirt-
- vm:clusterVersion>4.2</ovirt-vm:clusterVersion>\n <ovirt-
- vm:destroy_on_reboot type="bool">False</ovirt-
- vm:destroy_on_reboot>\n <ovirt-vm:launchPaused>false</ovirt-
- vm:launchPaused>\n <ovirt-vm:memGuaranteedSize
- type="int">128</ovirt-vm:memGuaranteedSize>\n <ovirt-
- vm:minGuaranteedMemoryMb type="int">128</ovirt-
- vm:minGuaranteedMemoryMb>\n <ovirt-
- vm:resumeBehavior>auto_resume</ovirt-vm:resumeBehavior>\n
- <ovirt-vm:startTime type="float">1538573481.26</ovirt-
- vm:startTime>\n <ovirt-vm:device devtype="disk" name="vda">\n
- <ovirt-vm:domainID>ae4068a7-16df-4a92-831b-c76b94d298d3</ovirt-
- vm:domainID>\n <ovirt-
- vm:imageID>0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f</ovirt-
- vm:imageID>\n <ovirt-
- vm:poolID>27a822be-5ff9-4529-84ee-5485d3a4f7bc</ovirt-vm:poolID>\n
- <ovirt-vm:volumeID>1ab22cf9-c0b2-479a-abb4-21b4e326b730</ovirt-
- vm:volumeID>\n <ovirt-vm:specParams>\n <ovirt-
- vm:pinToIoThread>1</ovirt-vm:pinToIoThread>\n </ovirt-
- vm:specParams>\n <ovirt-vm:volumeChain>\n
- <ovirt-vm:volumeChainNode>\n <ovirt-
- vm:domainID>ae4068a7-16df-4a92-831b-c76b94d298d3</ovirt-
- vm:domainID>\n <ovirt-
- vm:imageID>0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f</ovirt-
- vm:imageID>\n <ovirt-vm:leaseOffset
- type="int">0</ovirt-vm:leaseOffset>\n <ovirt-
- vm:leasePath>/rhev/data-center/mnt/
- e1/ae4068a7-16df-4a92-831b-c76b94d298d3/images/0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-
- a065-f6aa10acf00f/</ovir
- t-vm:leasePath>\n <ovirt-vm:path>/rhev/data-center/
- mnt/
- 94d298d3/images/0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f/1ab22cf9-c0b2
- -479a-abb4-21b4e326b730</ovirt-vm:path>\n <ovirt-
- vm:volumeID>1ab22cf9-c0b2-479a-abb4-21b4e326b730</ovirt-
- vm:volumeID>\n </ovirt-vm:volumeChainNode>\n
- </ovirt-vm:volumeChain>\n </ovirt-vm:device>\n <ovirt-
- vm:device devtype="disk" name="hdd">\n <ovirt-
- vm:specParams>\n <ovirt-vm:vmPayload>\n
- <ovirt-vm:volId>config-2</ovirt-vm:volId>\n <ovirt-
- vm:file path="openstack/latest/meta_data.json">ewogICJhdmFpbGFiaWx
- pdHlfem9uZSIgOiAibm92YSIsCiAgImhvc3RuYW1lIiA6ICJWTTAiLAogICJsYXVuY
- iLAogICAgImRzbW9kZSIgOiAibG9jYWwiLAogICAgImVzc2VudGlhbCIgOiAiZmFsc
- yZi00ZGI2LThlNDgtMGQ5MGY2ZDg5NGM4Igp9</ovirt-vm:file>\n
- <ovirt-vm:file path="openstack/latest/network_data.json">ewogICJsa
- sCiAgICAidHlwZSIgOiAidmlmIgogIH0gXSwKICAibmV0d29ya3MiIDogWyB7CiAgI
- sCiAgICAiaWQiIDogImV0aDAiLAogICAgImlwX2FkZHJlc3MiIDogIjE5Mi4xNjguM
- yLjE2OC4yMDEuMSIKICB9IF0KfQ==</ovirt-vm:file>\n
- <ovirt-vm:file path="openstack/latest/user_data">I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZ
- wpvdXRwdXQ6CiAgYWxsOiAnPj4gL3Zhci9sb2cvY2xvdWQtaW5pdC1vdXRwdXQubG9
- nJwpwYXNzd29yZDogc2VjcmV0CmRpc2FibGVfcm9vdDogMApydW5jbWQ6Ci0gJ3NlZ
- CAtaSAnJy9eZGF0YXNvdXJjZV9saXN0OiAvZCcnIC9ldGMvY2xvdWQvY2xvdWQuY2Z
- nOyBlY2hvICcnZGF0YXNvdXJjZV9saXN0OgogIFsiTm9DbG91ZCIsICJDb25maWdEc
- ml2ZSJdJycgPj4gL2V0Yy9jbG91ZC9jbG91ZC5jZmcnCnNzaF9wd2F1dGg6IHRydWU
- KY2hwYXNzd2Q6CiAgZXhwaXJlOiBmYWxzZQp1c2VyOiByb290Cg==</ovirt-
- vm:file>\n </ovirt-vm:vmPayload>\n </ovirt-
- vm:specParams>\n </ovirt-vm:device>\n <ovirt-vm:device
- devtype="disk" name="hdc"/>\n</ovirt-vm:vm>\n </metadata>\n
- <maxMemory slots=\'16\' unit=\'KiB\'>1048576</maxMemory>\n
- <memory unit=\'KiB\'>262144</memory>\n <currentMemory
- unit=\'KiB\'>262144</currentMemory>\n <vcpu placement=\'static\'
- current=\'1\'>16</vcpu>\n <iothreads>1</iothreads>\n
- <resource>\n <partition>/machine</partition>\n </resource>\n
- <sysinfo type=\'smbios\'>\n <system>\n <entry
- name=\'manufacturer\'>oVirt</entry>\n <entry
- name=\'product\'>oVirt Node</entry>\n <entry
- name=\'version\'>7-5.1804.el7.centos</entry>\n <entry
- name=\'serial\'>2728691F-DA32-404D-8131-2E149E25559D</entry>\n
- <entry
- name=\'uuid\'>dcb5705b-de32-4d6a-8e5e-cfdebac97ff0</entry>\n
- </system>\n </sysinfo>\n <os>\n <type arch=\'x86_64\'
- machine=\'pc-i440fx-rhel7.3.0\'>hvm</type>\n <boot
- dev=\'hd\'/>\n <smbios mode=\'sysinfo\'/>\n </os>\n
- <features>\n <acpi/>\n </features>\n <cpu mode=\'custom\'
- match=\'exact\' check=\'full\'>\n <model
- fallback=\'forbid\'>Haswell-noTSX</model>\n <topology
- sockets=\'16\' cores=\'1\' threads=\'1\'/>\n <feature
- policy=\'require\' name=\'spec-ctrl\'/>\n <feature
- policy=\'require\' name=\'vme\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'f16c\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'rdrand\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'hypervisor\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'arat\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'xsaveopt\'/>\n <feature policy=\'require\'
- name=\'abm\'/>\n <numa>\n <cell id=\'0\' cpus=\'0\'
- memory=\'262144\' unit=\'KiB\'/>\n </numa>\n </cpu>\n <clock
- offset=\'variable\' adjustment=\'0\' basis=\'utc\'>\n <timer
- name=\'rtc\' tickpolicy=\'catchup\'/>\n <timer name=\'pit\'
- tickpolicy=\'delay\'/>\n <timer name=\'hpet\'
- present=\'no\'/>\n </clock>\n
- <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>\n
- <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>\n <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>\n
- <pm>\n <suspend-to-mem enabled=\'no\'/>\n <suspend-to-disk
- enabled=\'no\'/>\n </pm>\n <devices>\n
- <emulator>/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm</emulator>\n <disk
- type=\'file\' device=\'cdrom\'>\n <driver
- error_policy=\'report\'/>\n <source
- startupPolicy=\'optional\'/>\n <target dev=\'hdc\'
- bus=\'ide\'/>\n <readonly/>\n <alias name=\'ua-
- ba7eeb17-18fb-4aff-b6d4-dee3d4192f40\'/>\n <address
- type=\'drive\' controller=\'0\' bus=\'1\' target=\'0\'
- unit=\'0\'/>\n </disk>\n <disk type=\'file\'
- device=\'cdrom\'>\n <driver name=\'qemu\' type=\'raw\'
- error_policy=\'report\'/>\n <source file=\'/var/run/vdsm/payl
- oad/dcb5705b-de32-4d6a-8e5e-cfdebac97ff0.fa71a2dc7da42c4bd79933114
- 091d4af.img\' startupPolicy=\'optional\'>\n <seclabel
- model=\'dac\' relabel=\'no\'/>\n </source>\n
- <backingStore/>\n <target dev=\'hdd\' bus=\'ide\'/>\n
- <readonly/>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-2a1fdc5b-c3f1-471e-a98a-f09ab4f54461\'/>\n <address
- type=\'drive\' controller=\'0\' bus=\'1\' target=\'0\'
- unit=\'1\'/>\n </disk>\n <disk type=\'file\' device=\'disk\'
- snapshot=\'no\'>\n <driver name=\'qemu\' type=\'qcow2\'
- cache=\'none\' error_policy=\'stop\' io=\'threads\'
- iothread=\'1\'/>\n <source file=\'/rhev/data-center/mnt/192.1
- 68.200.4:_exports_nfs_share1/ae4068a7-16df-4a92-831b-c76b94d298d3/
- images/0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f/1ab22cf9-c0b2-479a-abb
- 4-21b4e326b730\'>\n <seclabel model=\'dac\'
- relabel=\'no\'/>\n </source>\n <backingStore/>\n
- <target dev=\'vda\' bus=\'virtio\'/>\n
- <serial>0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f</serial>\n
- <alias name=\'ua-0fb0e1d8-8dcd-45cd-a065-f6aa10acf00f\'/>\n
- <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x07\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </disk>\n <controller type=\'scsi\'
- index=\'0\' model=\'virtio-scsi\'>\n <driver
- iothread=\'1\'/>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-1ee38b7f-8206-44f7-8a97-8d8daa700be1\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x04\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller
- type=\'usb\' index=\'0\' model=\'ich9-ehci1\'>\n <alias
- name=\'usb\'/>\n <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\'
- bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x05\' function=\'0x7\'/>\n </controller>\n
- <controller type=\'usb\' index=\'0\' model=\'ich9-uhci2\'>\n
- <alias name=\'usb\'/>\n <master startport=\'2\'/>\n
- <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x05\'
- function=\'0x1\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller
- type=\'usb\' index=\'0\' model=\'ich9-uhci1\'>\n <alias
- name=\'usb\'/>\n <master startport=\'0\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x05\'
- function=\'0x0\' multifunction=\'on\'/>\n </controller>\n
- <controller type=\'usb\' index=\'0\' model=\'ich9-uhci3\'>\n
- <alias name=\'usb\'/>\n <master startport=\'4\'/>\n
- <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x05\'
- function=\'0x2\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller
- type=\'virtio-serial\' index=\'0\' ports=\'16\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-77d5c99b-dc3a-4845-9ed2-5b6aca91b7b5\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x06\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller
- type=\'pci\' index=\'0\' model=\'pci-root\'>\n <alias
- name=\'pci.0\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller type=\'ide\'
- index=\'0\'>\n <alias name=\'ide\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x01\'
- function=\'0x1\'/>\n </controller>\n <controller
- type=\'ccid\' index=\'0\'>\n <alias name=\'ccid0\'/>\n
- <address type=\'usb\' bus=\'0\' port=\'1\'/>\n </controller>\n
- <smartcard mode=\'passthrough\' type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-8097d99a-000c-4e29-8e71-6c7b5f662009\'/>\n <address
- type=\'ccid\' controller=\'0\' slot=\'0\'/>\n </smartcard>\n
- <channel type=\'unix\'>\n <source mode=\'bind\' path=\'/var/l
- ib/libvirt/qemu/channels/dcb5705b-de32-4d6a-8e5e-cfdebac97ff0.ovir
- t-guest-agent.0\'/>\n <target type=\'virtio\' name=\'ovirt-
- guest-agent.0\' state=\'disconnected\'/>\n <alias
- name=\'channel0\'/>\n <address type=\'virtio-serial\'
- controller=\'0\' bus=\'0\' port=\'1\'/>\n </channel>\n
- <channel type=\'unix\'>\n <source mode=\'bind\' path=\'/var/l
- ib/libvirt/qemu/channels/
- qemu.guest_agent.0\'/>\n <target type=\'virtio\'
- name=\'org.qemu.guest_agent.0\' state=\'disconnected\'/>\n
- <alias name=\'channel1\'/>\n <address type=\'virtio-serial\'
- controller=\'0\' bus=\'0\' port=\'2\'/>\n </channel>\n
- <channel type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <target type=\'virtio\'
- name=\'com.redhat.spice.0\' state=\'disconnected\'/>\n <alias
- name=\'channel2\'/>\n <address type=\'virtio-serial\'
- controller=\'0\' bus=\'0\' port=\'3\'/>\n </channel>\n
- <input type=\'mouse\' bus=\'ps2\'>\n <alias
- name=\'input0\'/>\n </input>\n <input type=\'keyboard\'
- bus=\'ps2\'>\n <alias name=\'input1\'/>\n </input>\n
- <graphics type=\'spice\' port=\'5900\' tlsPort=\'5901\'
- autoport=\'yes\' listen=\'\'
- passwdValidTo=\'1970-01-01T00:00:01\'>\n <listen
- type=\'network\' address=\'\' network=\'vdsm-
- ovirtmgmt\'/>\n <channel name=\'main\' mode=\'secure\'/>\n
- <channel name=\'display\' mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel
- name=\'inputs\' mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel name=\'cursor\'
- mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel name=\'playback\'
- mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel name=\'record\'
- mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel name=\'smartcard\'
- mode=\'secure\'/>\n <channel name=\'usbredir\'
- mode=\'secure\'/>\n </graphics>\n <sound model=\'ich6\'>\n
- <alias name=\'ua-a72cc1c2-590d-4066-9d1b-5efea829e641\'/>\n
- <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x03\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </sound>\n <video>\n <model
- type=\'qxl\' ram=\'65536\' vram=\'32768\' vgamem=\'16384\'
- heads=\'1\' primary=\'yes\'/>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-453c87eb-a2bd-4bb1-9935-df09ce7bd5ed\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x02\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </video>\n <redirdev bus=\'usb\'
- type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-01b37c13-cbac-4444-850d-3d467de8a77f\'/>\n <address
- type=\'usb\' bus=\'0\' port=\'2\'/>\n </redirdev>\n
- <redirdev bus=\'usb\' type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-a8b4884f-990b-4a25-ae99-9de0fc27c238\'/>\n <address
- type=\'usb\' bus=\'0\' port=\'3\'/>\n </redirdev>\n
- <redirdev bus=\'usb\' type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-c68a2a3e-81da-4740-8be6-aaa0acbe2f0d\'/>\n <address
- type=\'usb\' bus=\'0\' port=\'4\'/>\n </redirdev>\n
- <redirdev bus=\'usb\' type=\'spicevmc\'>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-f6737b08-f74e-43b9-878e-e21975be4621\'/>\n <address
- type=\'usb\' bus=\'0\' port=\'5\'/>\n </redirdev>\n
- <memballoon model=\'virtio\'>\n <stats period=\'5\'/>\n
- <alias name=\'ua-2616b19b-dfd1-43bb-9e53-cf46e536ba42\'/>\n
- <address type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x08\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </memballoon>\n <rng
- model=\'virtio\'>\n <backend
- model=\'random\'>/dev/urandom</backend>\n <alias
- name=\'ua-280d1770-4a11-4562-baff-e1c9463bcd70\'/>\n <address
- type=\'pci\' domain=\'0x0000\' bus=\'0x00\' slot=\'0x09\'
- function=\'0x0\'/>\n </rng>\n </devices>\n <seclabel
- type=\'dynamic\' model=\'selinux\' relabel=\'yes\'>\n
- <label>system_u:system_r:svirt_t:s0:c237,c922</label>\n <imagel
- abel>system_u:object_r:svirt_image_t:s0:c237,c922</imagelabel>\n
- </seclabel>\n <seclabel type=\'dynamic\' model=\'dac\'
- relabel=\'yes\'>\n <label>+107:+107</label>\n
- <imagelabel>+107:+107</imagelabel>\n </seclabel>\n</domain>\n'}
- is not a list (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.dumpxmls'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ******************** Host.getAllVmIoTunePolicies *********************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Unexpected issue with response type verification for
- Host.getAllVmIoTunePolicies (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmIoTunePolicies'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************* Host.getAllVmStats *************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['lunGUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['readLatency',
- 'lunGUID',
- 'flushLatency',
- 'readRate',
- 'writeRate',
- 'writtenBytes',
- 'truesize',
- 'apparentsize',
- 'readOps',
- 'writeLatency',
- 'readBytes',
- 'writeOps'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VmDiskStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['lunGUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['readLatency',
- 'lunGUID',
- 'flushLatency',
- 'readRate',
- 'writeRate',
- 'writtenBytes',
- 'truesize',
- 'apparentsize',
- 'readOps',
- 'writeLatency',
- 'readBytes',
- 'writeOps'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VmDiskStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['lunGUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['readLatency',
- 'lunGUID',
- 'flushLatency',
- 'readRate',
- 'writeRate',
- 'writtenBytes',
- 'truesize',
- 'apparentsize',
- 'readOps',
- 'writeLatency',
- 'readBytes',
- 'writeOps'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VmDiskStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'migrationProgress',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['lunGUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['readLatency',
- 'lunGUID',
- 'flushLatency',
- 'readRate',
- 'writeRate',
- 'writtenBytes',
- 'truesize',
- 'apparentsize',
- 'readOps',
- 'writeLatency',
- 'readBytes',
- 'writeOps'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VmDiskStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['lunGUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['readLatency',
- 'lunGUID',
- 'flushLatency',
- 'readRate',
- 'writeRate',
- 'writtenBytes',
- 'truesize',
- 'apparentsize',
- 'readOps',
- 'writeLatency',
- 'readBytes',
- 'writeOps'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VmDiskStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'migrationProgress',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for balloon_cur parameter in
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['balloon_max', 'balloon_min', 'balloon_target', 'balloon_cur'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BalloonInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter bandwidth is not int type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'int'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['end',
- 'cur',
- 'imgUUID',
- 'blockJobType',
- 'bandwidth',
- 'id',
- 'jobType'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockJobInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter end is not int type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'int'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['end',
- 'cur',
- 'imgUUID',
- 'blockJobType',
- 'bandwidth',
- 'id',
- 'jobType'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockJobInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'session',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property network is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'migrationProgress',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'memUsage',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'pauseCode',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'memoryStats',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property pid is not provided when calling
- Host.getAllVmStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vcpuCount',
- 'hash',
- 'acpiEnable',
- 'displayInfo',
- 'guestFQDN',
- 'vmId',
- 'cpuUsage',
- 'guestIPs',
- 'session',
- 'vcpuPeriod',
- 'timeOffset',
- 'memUsage',
- 'balloonInfo',
- 'vcpuQuota',
- 'username',
- 'kvmEnable',
- 'network',
- 'vmJobs',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'disks',
- 'monitorResponse',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'vmType',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'guestCPUCount',
- 'appsList',
- 'clientIp',
- 'statusTime',
- 'vmName'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'RunningVmStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getAllVmStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************ Host.getCapabilities ************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'ipv6autoconf', u'gateway'] were not
- recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['iface',
- 'ipv6autoconf',
- 'addr',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'ipv6addrs',
- 'vlanid',
- 'mtu',
- 'dhcpv4',
- 'netmask',
- 'ipv4defaultroute',
- 'ipv4addrs',
- 'ipv6gateway',
- 'gateway'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'NetInfoVlan'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'kernelFeatures',
- u'openstack_binding_host_ids'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'speed'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'addr',
- 'speed',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'ipv6addrs',
- 'netmask',
- 'active_slave',
- 'mtu',
- 'dhcpv4',
- 'switch',
- 'ipv4defaultroute',
- 'ipv4addrs',
- 'hwaddr',
- 'slaves',
- 'ipv6gateway',
- 'gateway',
- 'opts'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'NetInfoBond'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter mtu is not uint type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'uint'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['iface',
- 'ipv6autoconf',
- 'addr',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'ipv6addrs',
- 'vlanid',
- 'mtu',
- 'dhcpv4',
- 'netmask',
- 'ipv4defaultroute',
- 'ipv4addrs',
- 'ipv6gateway',
- 'gateway'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'NetInfoVlan'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Provided parameters {u'iface': u'ovirtmgmt', u'ipv6autoconf':
- True, u'addr': u'', u'dhcpv6': False, u'ipv6addrs':
- [], u'switch': u'legacy', u'bridged': True, u'southbound':
- u'eth0', u'dhcpv4': True, u'netmask': u'',
- u'ipv4defaultroute': True, u'stp': u'off', u'ipv4addrs':
- [u''], u'mtu': u'1500', u'ipv6gateway': u'::',
- u'gateway': u'', u'ports': [u'eth0']} do not match
- any of union NetInfoNetwork values (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'union'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Provided value "openvswitch" not defined in SoftwarePackage enum
- for Host.getCapabilities (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'enum'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['HBAInventory',
- 'packages2',
- 'numaNodeDistance',
- 'cpuModel',
- 'nestedVirtualization',
- 'liveMerge',
- 'hooks',
- 'supportsIPv6',
- 'realtimeKernel',
- 'vmTypes',
- 'liveSnapshot',
- 'cpuThreads',
- 'kdumpStatus',
- 'networks',
- 'kernelArgs',
- 'bridges',
- 'uuid',
- 'onlineCpus',
- 'nameservers',
- 'nics',
- 'software_revision',
- 'hostdevPassthrough',
- 'clusterLevels',
- 'cpuFlags',
- 'kernelFeatures',
- 'ISCSIInitiatorName',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'selinux',
- 'autoNumaBalancing',
- 'reservedMem',
- 'containers',
- 'bondings',
- 'software_version',
- 'supportedENGINEs',
- 'cpuSpeed',
- 'numaNodes',
- 'cpuSockets',
- 'vlans',
- 'version_name',
- 'lastClientIface',
- 'cpuCores',
- 'hostedEngineDeployed',
- 'hugepages',
- 'guestOverhead',
- 'additionalFeatures',
- 'openstack_binding_host_ids',
- 'kvmEnabled',
- 'memSize',
- 'emulatedMachines',
- 'rngSources',
- 'operatingSystem'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'VdsmCapabilities'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getCapabilities'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************* Host.getDeviceList *************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['user'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['initiatorname',
- 'connection',
- 'iqn',
- 'portal',
- 'user',
- 'password',
- 'port'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'IscsiSessionInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vendorID',
- 'capacity',
- 'fwrev',
- 'discard_zeroes_data',
- 'vgUUID',
- 'pvsize',
- 'pathlist',
- 'logicalblocksize',
- 'discard_max_bytes',
- 'pathstatus',
- 'devtype',
- 'physicalblocksize',
- 'pvUUID',
- 'serial',
- 'GUID',
- 'productID'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockDeviceInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getDeviceList'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['vgUUID'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vendorID',
- 'capacity',
- 'fwrev',
- 'discard_zeroes_data',
- 'vgUUID',
- 'pvsize',
- 'pathlist',
- 'logicalblocksize',
- 'discard_max_bytes',
- 'pathstatus',
- 'devtype',
- 'physicalblocksize',
- 'pvUUID',
- 'serial',
- 'GUID',
- 'productID'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockDeviceInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getDeviceList'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter password is not string type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'string'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['initiatorname',
- 'connection',
- 'iqn',
- 'portal',
- 'user',
- 'password',
- 'port'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'IscsiSessionInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vendorID',
- 'capacity',
- 'fwrev',
- 'discard_zeroes_data',
- 'vgUUID',
- 'pvsize',
- 'pathlist',
- 'logicalblocksize',
- 'discard_max_bytes',
- 'pathstatus',
- 'devtype',
- 'physicalblocksize',
- 'pvUUID',
- 'serial',
- 'GUID',
- 'productID'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockDeviceInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getDeviceList'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter pvsize is not uint type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'uint'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status',
- 'vendorID',
- 'capacity',
- 'fwrev',
- 'discard_zeroes_data',
- 'vgUUID',
- 'pvsize',
- 'pathlist',
- 'logicalblocksize',
- 'discard_max_bytes',
- 'pathstatus',
- 'devtype',
- 'physicalblocksize',
- 'pvUUID',
- 'serial',
- 'GUID',
- 'productID'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'BlockDeviceInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getDeviceList'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Provided value "3" not defined in BlockDeviceType enum for
- Host.getDeviceList (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'enum'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.getDeviceList'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************ Host.getHardwareInfo ************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- No default value specified for systemProductName parameter in
- Host.getHardwareInfo (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['systemProductName',
- 'systemUUID',
- 'systemFamily',
- 'systemVersion',
- 'systemManufacturer'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HardwareInformation'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getHardwareInfo'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- **************************** Host.getJobs ****************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Parameter progress is not uint type (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_check_primitive_type', {'schema_type_type': 'uint'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['status', 'progress', 'job_type', 'id', 'description'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostJobInfo'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getJobs'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- *************************** Host.getStats ****************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['duplex'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['rxErrors',
- 'txErrors',
- 'speed',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'name',
- 'tx',
- 'txDropped',
- 'duplex',
- 'sampleTime',
- 'rx',
- 'state'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostNetworkInterfaceStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['cpuStatistics',
- 'numaNodeMemFree',
- 'thpState',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'vmCount',
- 'memUsed',
- 'storageDomains',
- 'incomingVmMigrations',
- 'network',
- 'txDropped',
- 'anonHugePages',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'cpuLoad',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'diskStats',
- 'cpuUserVdsmd',
- 'memCommitted',
- 'vmMigrating',
- 'memAvailable',
- 'bootTime',
- 'haStats',
- 'momStatus',
- 'multipathHealth',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'outgoingVmMigrations',
- 'swapTotal',
- 'swapFree',
- 'hugepages',
- 'dateTime',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'memFree',
- 'cpuIdle',
- 'vmActive',
- 'v2vJobs',
- 'cpuSysVdsmd'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['duplex'] were not recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['rxErrors',
- 'txErrors',
- 'speed',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'name',
- 'tx',
- 'txDropped',
- 'duplex',
- 'sampleTime',
- 'rx',
- 'state'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostNetworkInterfaceStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['cpuStatistics',
- 'numaNodeMemFree',
- 'memShared',
- 'thpState',
- 'ksmMergeAcrossNodes',
- 'vmCount',
- 'memUsed',
- 'storageDomains',
- 'incomingVmMigrations',
- 'network',
- 'txDropped',
- 'anonHugePages',
- 'ksmPages',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'cpuLoad',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'diskStats',
- 'cpuUserVdsmd',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'memCommitted',
- 'ksmState',
- 'vmMigrating',
- 'ksmCpu',
- 'memAvailable',
- 'bootTime',
- 'haStats',
- 'momStatus',
- 'multipathHealth',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'outgoingVmMigrations',
- 'swapTotal',
- 'swapFree',
- 'hugepages',
- 'dateTime',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'memFree',
- 'cpuIdle',
- 'vmActive',
- 'v2vJobs',
- 'cpuSysVdsmd'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['hugepages'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['cpuStatistics',
- 'numaNodeMemFree',
- 'thpState',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'vmCount',
- 'memUsed',
- 'storageDomains',
- 'incomingVmMigrations',
- 'network',
- 'txDropped',
- 'anonHugePages',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'cpuLoad',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'diskStats',
- 'cpuUserVdsmd',
- 'memCommitted',
- 'vmMigrating',
- 'memAvailable',
- 'bootTime',
- 'haStats',
- 'momStatus',
- 'multipathHealth',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'outgoingVmMigrations',
- 'swapTotal',
- 'swapFree',
- 'hugepages',
- 'dateTime',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'memFree',
- 'cpuIdle',
- 'vmActive',
- 'v2vJobs',
- 'cpuSysVdsmd'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters ['hugepages'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['cpuStatistics',
- 'numaNodeMemFree',
- 'memShared',
- 'thpState',
- 'ksmMergeAcrossNodes',
- 'vmCount',
- 'memUsed',
- 'storageDomains',
- 'incomingVmMigrations',
- 'network',
- 'txDropped',
- 'anonHugePages',
- 'ksmPages',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'cpuLoad',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'diskStats',
- 'cpuUserVdsmd',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'memCommitted',
- 'ksmState',
- 'vmMigrating',
- 'ksmCpu',
- 'memAvailable',
- 'bootTime',
- 'haStats',
- 'momStatus',
- 'multipathHealth',
- 'rxDropped',
- 'outgoingVmMigrations',
- 'swapTotal',
- 'swapFree',
- 'hugepages',
- 'dateTime',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'memFree',
- 'cpuIdle',
- 'vmActive',
- 'v2vJobs',
- 'cpuSysVdsmd'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property txDropped is not provided when calling
- Host.getStats (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['memShared',
- 'ksmMergeAcrossNodes',
- 'vmCount',
- 'memUsed',
- 'storageDomains',
- 'incomingVmMigrations',
- 'anonHugePages',
- 'ksmPages',
- 'elapsedTime',
- 'cpuLoad',
- 'cpuSys',
- 'netConfigDirty',
- 'memCommitted',
- 'ksmState',
- 'vmMigrating',
- 'ksmCpu',
- 'memAvailable',
- 'cpuUserVdsmd',
- 'haStats',
- 'momStatus',
- 'multipathHealth',
- 'outgoingVmMigrations',
- 'swapTotal',
- 'swapFree',
- 'dateTime',
- 'cpuUser',
- 'memFree',
- 'cpuIdle',
- 'vmActive',
- 'cpuSysVdsmd'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'HostStats'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStats'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- *********************** Host.getStorageDomains ***********************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Provided value "1" not defined in StorageDomainImageClass enum for
- Host.getStorageDomains (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'enum'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.getStorageDomains'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************** Host.setKsmTune ***************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property merge_across_nodes is not provided when calling
- Host.setKsmTune (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['pages_to_scan', 'run', 'sleep_millisecs'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'KsmTuneParams'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setKsmTune'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property sleep_millisecs is not provided when calling
- Host.setKsmTune (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['merge_across_nodes', 'run'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'KsmTuneParams'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setKsmTune'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property sleep_millisecs is not provided when calling
- Host.setKsmTune (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['run'], 'schema_type_name': 'KsmTuneParams'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setKsmTune'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Unexpected issue with response type verification for
- Host.setKsmTune (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['verify_retval', {'rep_id': 'Host.setKsmTune'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ******************** Host.setMOMPolicyParameters *********************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Unsupported type dict in Host.setMOMPolicyParameters please fix
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setMOMPolicyParameters'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ************************* Host.setupNetworks *************************
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'STP', u'bridged'] were not
- recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'vlan',
- 'ipaddr',
- 'switch',
- 'mtu',
- 'netmask',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'STP',
- 'bridged',
- 'ipv6addr'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'STP', u'bridged'] were not
- recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'mtu',
- 'switch',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'STP',
- 'bridged',
- 'defaultRoute',
- 'bootproto'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'STP', u'bridged'] were not
- recognized (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'vlan',
- 'mtu',
- 'switch',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'STP',
- 'bridged',
- 'bootproto'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'bridged'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'vlan',
- 'ipaddr',
- 'switch',
- 'mtu',
- 'netmask',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'bridged'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'bridged'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'vlan',
- 'mtu',
- 'switch',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'bridged'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'bridged'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'nic',
- 'vlan',
- 'mtu',
- 'switch',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'bridged',
- 'ipv6addr'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Following parameters [u'mtu', u'bridged'] were not recognized
- (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['ipv6autoconf',
- 'vlan',
- 'ipaddr',
- 'bonding',
- 'mtu',
- 'switch',
- 'netmask',
- 'dhcpv6',
- 'bridged',
- 'ipv6addr'],
- 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkNetAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- with message:
- Required property nics is not provided when calling
- Host.setupNetworks (vdsmapi:277)
- with backtrace:
- [['_verify_object_type',
- {'arg_keys': ['remove'], 'schema_type_name': 'SetupNetworkBondAttributes'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'object'}],
- ['_verify_complex_type', {'schema_type_type': 'map'}],
- ['verify_args', {'rep_id': 'Host.setupNetworks'}]]
- **********************************************************************
- ******************************* TOTAL ********************************
- **********************************************************************
- Host.dumpxmls: 1 errors
- Host.getAllVmIoTunePolicies: 1 errors
- Host.getAllVmStats: 28 errors
- Host.getCapabilities: 6 errors
- Host.getDeviceList: 5 errors
- Host.getHardwareInfo: 1 errors
- Host.getJobs: 1 errors
- Host.getStats: 5 errors
- Host.getStorageDomains: 1 errors
- Host.setKsmTune: 4 errors
- Host.setMOMPolicyParameters: 1 errors
- Host.setupNetworks: 8 errors
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