
A Roo'd Awakening: Story Art [Updated 11/27/2019]

Oct 10th, 2018
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Warning: The following links marked with spoiler tags contain spoilers for the story found at the following link: A Roo'd Awakening

[Chapter 1, 4 and 5 Spoilers] - Full album containing all art related to the story and it's characters.

[Chapter 4 and 5 Spoilers] - Album containing various edits/alt versions of previous images by Anons from the thread.

[Spoilers for a scene in Chapter 4, Line 1178] Original and Alt

[Spoilers for a scene in Chapter 5, Line 2114] Original and Alt

[Spoilers for a scene in Chapter 6, Line 3444] Original and Dialogue-less Alt

[Spoilers for a scene in Chapter 6, Line 3608] Original

Relatively spoiler-free References/Miscellaneous Art (From most recent to least recent):

Art by GlacierClear:

Art by Zeek_Zag/Zkelle

Art by SpaceDimSum

Art by Botty-tanics

Art by Akella:

Art by GreasyMojo:

Art by Avante92

Art by Blkvkt

Art by Nark

Art by ChubbaChunks:

Art by Blokfort:

Art by Murl, Mur7 and Doodleanon:

Art by Armain:

Art by KanutWolfen:

Art by Kirkir:

Art by Deimos_Lynx

Art by Hiddenwolf:

Art by Dirpsaid

Art by Digiridoguy

Art by Sherlu/Darkluxia:

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