
Assorted One-Shots (Updated 11-15-16)

Nov 15th, 2016
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  1. 3Hip - [bugfucking] [dank]
  2. -
  3. >It's a warm spring day as you head out the door, the scent of flowers thick in the air as pollen streams through the air in visible clouds.
  4. >All around you, rolling fields of wildflowers stretch out as far as the eye can see, cut only by rough trails and large, evenly placed apiaries.
  5. >Double checking your gear, you hop on your four wheeler and set out to the first hive.
  6. >The rumble of the motor clearly registers with the colony on your approach, as their buzzing becomes frantic.
  7. >Though lacking a keepers suit, you have no fear as you dismount and approach the modified hive. There's a matter of trust between you and your girls, and you've both got a job to do.
  8. >Opening a simple, protective hatch, you reveal an opening directly into the queens chamber, which quickly fills with her progeny as the larger than average bee locks eyes with you before giving an excited flutter of her wings.
  9. >Smiling, you free your hardening mass and slide it carefully into the hole, grabbing metal bars on the apiary's sides for support.
  10. >Instantly, they're on you. Dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of bees layering over your cock in a careful, coordinated manner, the workers already pressing their soft chitin bellies into your length.
  11. >And on your tip, the young queen, her slit flush to your cock head, eager to start the next generation.
  12. >All at once, it starts, the deep, throbbing buzzing sending shivers down your spine, all coordinated in pulses that prevent any adjustment.
  13. >All the while, the tiny, unused sexes of the worker swarm grind themselves firmly into your length, coating it in moisture as tiny limbs and mandibles work you.
  14. >The sheer coordination of the effort pushes you ever closer to the edge, better than any woman could.
  15. >As the dense numbers begin raising the temperatures to almost-uncomfortable levels, you feel yourself peak.
  16. >Gripping the handles with white knuckles, you unleash, coating the queen, and ensuring the next generation.
  18. >Taking a moment to catch your breath, you pull out, watching as the majority disperse, leaving only a small grouping to collect the beads of your semen to store for later use.
  19. >As you close the hatch, you see the sticky insect of your affections giving you the closest thing to a "call me" face her buggy features allow.
  20. >Hopping back on your four wheeler, you start off to your next apiary.
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