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Apr 17th, 2019
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  1. Son, I know you are to young to remember the ETH crowdsale in the summer of 2014 but no worries, I still remember it like it was yesterday. The hype, the shills, the heated arguments about the technology, the relentless FUD, everything. So glad, I didn’t listen to the FUD and just bought 2450 ETH.
  3. FTM feels unironically the same. Here are the things you need to know:
  5. 1 - The technology
  6. FTM combines the scalability of a DAG with smart contracts. At the very least FTMs aBFT consensus model will reach between 20,000-300,000 TPS. ETH is at 15 TPS. Even if we assume, FTM will only achieve 20k TPS, this is still 1,333x faster than ETH.
  8. Fantom is downwards-compatible with Ethereum because it supports smart contacts for Ethereum VM (EVM) natively and out of the box. ETH devs can easily switch and deploy their dapps / smart contracts on FTM - there is NO learning curve. Solidity devs can easily code FTM smart contracts. No additional skills or programming languages required. This alone will catapult FTM into the TOP 10 by EOY, it's fucking revolutionary.
  10. FTM is everything ETH wanted to be, just that it actually scales.
  12. 2 - Tokenomics
  13. The tokenomics are amazing, seriously. Total supply is roughly 3.15 billion and a huge part of that will be LOCKED for stacking. This means that the actual circulating supply will be very low. Everyone can stake FTM tokens, staking reward is 15% per year iirc. Try getting that ROI at your local bank kek. If you own about 3.3 million tokens you can run a FTM validator node and even earn more FTM. Everyone who remembers the DASH master node gains, strap the fuck in! This is 10x better, unironically.
  15. 3 - The team
  16. The team is extremely talented. A large part of the team holds PhDs in CS from Yonsei University (the Harvard of Japan), the CEO is an award-winning tech entrepreneur. Not the type of guy that would dump on you just to pay rent.
  18. The developers are writing high-quality, secure code 24/7 - check the GitHub. On top of that, FTM is available in Rust, Java and Go. State-of-the-art coding languages that are supported by all devices imaginable. How much more can you ask for?  Most coders on the team have PhD’s in Computer Science from the Harvard of Japan (Yonsei University) as well and Andre Cronje (Cryptobriefing Chief Code Reviewer) is working full-time on FTMs aBFT concensus model. I have been following Andre Cronje for years and absolutely love his work. He is a code autist / genius coder on the level of Vitalik. He finished his 3-4 year CS degree in 5 months. There are less than a handful people on this planet that know more about Blockchain concensus models than Andre. I personally went all In after I learned that he is working full-time on the project.
  20. 4- The partnerships
  21. Oracle
  22. PosBank
  23. Danfoss Inc.
  24. Terra Payments
  25. Sikoba Research
  26. Yonsei University
  27. University of Sidney
  28. Several Government Agencies
  29. -- and many more --
  31. SOURCE:
  33. 5 - Mainnet Launch
  34. FTM mainnet launch is imminent. According to the current estimates the mainnet will launch in 5-7 weeks from today (16th April 19). The whole thing is WAY AHEAD of it’s schedule. The original release was planned for Q4 2019, now it’s in Q2. Talking about operational excellence and project management.
  36. Random FUD:
  38. >muh Andre Cronje doesn’t own any FTM tokens.
  39. That's bullish af, he doesnt hold ANY crypto because he isnt in it for the money grab he is a code autist like Vitalik. his goal as a researcher was to find the best aBFT concensus DAG. hint for the brainlets: its FTM. Andre joined FTM as a researcher because he is genuinely interested in the technology. A real leader who doesn’t care about 1000x gains. In fact, he hates moon boys, like Vitalik. They are on the same level. Just watch the FANTOM AMA with him on YouTube and I promise you will market buy immediately.
  41. >much it’s an ERC-20
  42. Every fucking crypto in history has been an ERC-20 before the mainnet launch. Look at EOS, they received billions of $ worth of ETH to fund the development of the EOS blockchain. How else would you want to fund a project of the scale of EOS or even FTM??? Tokens are either exchanged 1:1 or burned at mainnet launch. Has been happened countless times, no big deal. Taking this out of context to FUD really reeks of desperation. Easiest buy signal of the decade.
  44. >muh it’s a pajeet pnd / discord pnd
  45. Show me ONE SINGLE screenshot that actually proves that curryniggers are pumping and dumping FTM and I will fill your buy orders ASAP by selling 3.5 million FTM.  Actually believing there are Indians on /biz shows how mentally challenged most of you are. Ranjeesh and his friends left after the bullrun of 2017. The only “pajeets” that are left are eurofags/ameritards LARPing as Indians to FUD. You can’t imagine how much money I have made buying “pajeet scams”. It’s the biggest buy signal I know, seriously. Remember my words the next time you read curry FUD, sirs.
  47. >muh it’s a biz pump and dump
  48. >muh thanks for buying my bags biz I was the one who did the pnd and now I am shilling X
  49. imagine being so mentally retarded to believe FTM is only shilled on /biz or some shitcoin pnd flavor of the week. FTM has been the #1 in trade volume for weeks on all exchanges it's listed on. twitter is shilling it 24/7. this feels unironically like ETH. it's pointless to pretend this is a pnd - everyone who doesn't live in the biz echo chamber knows how big FTM is. it's the next big thing and you faggots will not get my bag. Everyone with half a brain bought the bottom below $0.007 anyways. No need to panic. Just hold, don’t be the faggot that sold ETH at $3 for a pathetic 10x. This will unironically reach $0.50+ in the next bull run.
  51. >muh look it’s dumping I told you it’s a pnd
  52. The recent correction was solely caused by the recent BTC movement. We would have seen higher highs for sure, if BTC had not mooned above 5k. If BTC goes up, altcoins bleed. Simple as that. How new are you??? ETH has seen similar dumps before it started to moon violently. Week hands get shaken out, that’s how it is and always will be. Don’t be that fag, son.
  54. >muh I am not FUDDING I am just here to help you sell
  55. Where's your buy order son? if you really thought FTM was shit, you wouldn't waste your time, writing this low effort FUD, filling out captchas, etc. You are here to buy in cheaper - actions speak louder than words anon you can't hide your intentions. I don't waste my time shitting on Chainlink even though I think it's garbage - why would I? I couldn't care less about the project and filter everything related to LINK. People only FUD if they are interested. But what you don't realize is that 4chan doesn't affect the price. This isn't a tradeogre shitcoin with zero volume
  57. >muh the CEO can't code
  58. It's not the fucking job of the top management to code. I don't expect Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos to do the coding. Top Management should manage the high-level business stuff, and software engineers should do the coding. That idea that CEO's in large companies should waste their time coding really reveals how little you fags now about business and efficiency.
  60. >muh the team changed, they exit scammed
  61. This is Reddit-tier FUD, just lies, zero proofs. Everything's going fine with the dev team. Re-watch the Andre Cronje AMA on YouTube or check the Telegram Channel. There were several teams working simultaneously on FANTOM. Some expert software engineers were actually hired by Andre Cronje. Overall however, the team is quite large and might have to get downsized in the future, simply because mainnet is almost ready and there is no need for 20+ software engineers anymore. Feel free to post proof that staff members actually exit-scammed, I am waiting....
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