
Cookie clicker hacks! (πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯)

Sep 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Paste this in the cookie clicker console and press h and there you go :) Not what i am saying here right now xD
  2. πŸ’ƒ
  3. console.log('[== Starting NewBestPastebins cookie clicker hack... ==]');
  5. var ans = '';
  6. var confirmans = false;
  7. var forCookies = {
  8. iter: 0,
  9. ctr: 0
  10. };
  12. const hinfo = {
  13. version: '1.2',
  14. changes: 'Grimorie got patched ;( this will be changed on all the scripts'
  15. };
  17. var ac = {
  18. sure: false,
  19. click: function() {
  20. document.getElementById('bigCookie').click();
  21. },
  22. timer: null, // used for clearTimeout in ac.termtimer()
  23. termtimer: function() {
  24. if (ac.timer === null) {
  25. alert('false ac.termtimer() call');
  26. console.log(ac);
  27. } else {
  28. clearTimeout(ac.timer);
  29. }
  30. },
  31. warning: false
  32. };
  34. /*var spawnReindeer = function() {
  35. var newReindeer = new Game.shimmer('reindeer');
  36. };*/
  38. var mwheel = {
  39. active: false,
  40. active2: false
  41. };
  43. var getFree = {
  44. itemName: '',
  45. wrongItem: false
  46. };
  48. var buffs = {
  49. duration: 0,
  50. pow: 0
  51. };
  53. var CookiePatcher = {
  54. patchedGrimoireBackfire: function(spell) {var failChance=0;return failChance;},
  55. originalGrimoireBackfire: function(spell) {var failChance=0.15;if(Game.hasBuff('Magic adept'))failChance*=0.1;if(Game.hasBuff('Magic inept'))failChance*=5;if(spell.failFunc)failChance=spell.failFunc(failChance);return failChance;} // Pro hacks this script took me like a week to make lol.
  56. };
  58. document.onkeydown = function(e){
  59. e = e || window.event;
  60. var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
  61. if(key===72){
  62. hackMenu();
  63. } else if (key === 67) {
  64. ac.termtimer();
  65. }
  66. }; // thx to my friend MineGrawl xD
  68. var hmenuText = 'Welcome to NewBestPastebin\'s Cookie Clicker hack v.' + hinfo.version + '!\nPlease enter a number of the function below:\n1) Earn free cookies\n2) Spawn golden cookies\n3) Autoclicker\n4) Mouse Wheel mode\n5) Buy for Free\n6) Earn Sugar lumps\n7) Gain buffs\n999) Gain heavenly chips\n8) Grimoire hacks\n9) Max santa level\n10) Custom game title';
  70. function hackMenu() {
  71. // if (event.code = 'KeyH') {
  72. ans = prompt(hmenuText);
  73. if (ans == '1') {
  74. ans = prompt('How many cookies do you want to earn?');
  75. if (ans === "" || ans === null) {
  76. alert('Cancelled.');
  77. } else {
  78. Game.cookies += Number(ans);
  79. Game.cookiesEarned += Number(ans);
  80. }
  81. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  82. } else if (ans == '2') {
  83. ans = prompt('How many cookies do you want to spawn?');
  84. if (!(ans === "" || ans === null) && Number(ans) > 0) {
  85. forCookies.iter = Number(ans);
  86. for (; forCookies.ctr < forCookies.iter; forCookies.ctr++) {
  87. var newShimmer=new Game.shimmer("golden");
  88. console.log(`Golden cookie spawned.\nIteration ${forCookies.ctr} is finished.\nIterations remaining: ${forCookies.iter - forCookies.ctr}`);
  89. }
  90. forCookies.iter = 0;
  91. forCookies.ctr = 0;
  92. } else {
  93. alert('Cancelled.');
  94. }
  95. }
  96. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  97. /*else if (ans === '3') {
  98. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', 'Reindeer will be spawned in 2 seconds.');
  99. setTimeout(spawnReindeer, 2000);
  100. }*/
  101. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  102. else if (ans == '3') {
  103. ans = prompt('Enter delay between clicks in ms. (1000 ms. = 1 s.)\n(press \'c\' to disable autoclicker)');
  104. if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '0' || Number(ans) < 1) {
  105. alert('Cancelled.');
  106. } else if (Number(ans) <= 100) {
  107. confirmans = confirm('Delay lower than 100ms. can cause lags.\nAre you sure?');
  108. if (confirmans === true) {
  109. ac.sure = true;
  110. console.log(`ac.sure is set to true\n`); console.log(ac);
  111. }
  112. // if (ac.sure === true) { // here it goes
  113. ac.timer = setInterval(, Number(ans));
  114. // }
  115. } else {
  116. ac.timer = setInterval(, Number(ans));
  117. }
  118. }
  119. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  120. else if (ans === '4') {
  121. if ( === false) {
  122. confirmans = confirm('Mouse wheel mode is disabled.\nIn mouse wheel mode every mouse wheel movement counts as a click on the cookie.\nYou can still use mouse buttons.\nPress \'OK\' to activate mouse wheel mode.\n(sorry for bad English.)');
  123. if (confirmans === true) {
  124. mwheel.active2 = true;
  125. console.log('Mouse wheel mode is activated.');
  126. } else {
  127. alert('Cancelled.');
  128. }
  129. } else if ( === true) {
  130. confirmans = confirm('Mouse wheel mode is enabled.\nIn mouse wheel mode every mouse wheel movement counts as a click on the cookie.\nYou can still use mouse buttons.\nPress \'OK\' to deactivate mouse wheel mode.\n(sorry for bad English.)');
  131. if (confirmans === true) {
  132. mwheel.active2 = false;
  133. console.log('Mouse wheel mode is deactivated.');
  134. } else {
  135. alert('Cancelled.');
  136. }
  137. }
  138. if (mwheel.active2 === true) = true;
  139. else if (mwheel.active2 === false) = false;
  140. if ( === true) document.onmousewheel =; // yoink
  141. else if ( === false) document.onmousewheel = null; // null is default on
  142. }
  143. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  144. else if (ans === '5') {
  145. ans = prompt('Select what item you want to get for free:\n1) Π‘ursor\n2) Alchemy lab\n3) Antimatter condenser\n4) Bank\n5) Chancemaker\n6) Factory\n7) Farm\n8) Fractal engine\n9) Grandma\n10) Javascript console\n11) Mine\n12) Portal\n13) Prism\n14) Shipment\n15) Temple\n16) Time machine\n17) Wizard tower'); // Cursor, Alchemy lab, Antimatter condenser, Bank, Chancemaker, Factory, Farm, Fractal engine, Grandma, Javascript console, Mine, Portal, Prism, Shipment, Temple, Time machine, Wizard tower
  146. getFree.wrongItem = false;
  147. if (ans === '1') getFree.itemName = 'Cursor';
  148. else if (ans === '2') getFree.itemName = 'Alchemy lab';
  149. else if (ans === '3') getFree.itemName = 'Antimatter condenser';
  150. else if (ans === '4') getFree.itemName = 'Bank';
  151. else if (ans === '5') getFree.itemName = 'Chancemaker';
  152. else if (ans === '6') getFree.itemName = 'Factory';
  153. else if (ans === '7') getFree.itemName = 'Farm';
  154. else if (ans === '8') getFree.itemName = 'Fractal engine';
  155. else if (ans === '9') getFree.itemName = 'Grandma';
  156. else if (ans === '10') getFree.itemName = 'Javascript console';
  157. else if (ans === '11') getFree.itemName = 'Mine';
  158. else if (ans === '12') getFree.itemName = 'Portal';
  159. else if (ans === '13') getFree.itemName = 'Prism';
  160. else if (ans === '14') getFree.itemName = 'Shipment';
  161. else if (ans === '15') getFree.itemName = 'Temple';
  162. else if (ans === '16') getFree.itemName = 'Time machine';
  163. else if (ans === '17') getFree.itemName = 'Wizard tower';
  164. else if (ans === '69') getFree.itemName = 'Idleverse';
  165. else if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  166. alert('Cancelled.');
  167. getFree.wrongItem = true; // prevents you from buying nothing/error
  168. }
  169. else {
  170. alert('Wrong item.');
  171. getFree.wrongItem = true;
  172. }
  173. if (getFree.wrongItem === false) {
  174. ans = prompt(`How many \'${getFree.itemName}\' you want to get for free?`, '1');
  175. ans = Number(ans);
  176. if (isNaN(ans)) {
  177. alert('Your answer is not a number.');
  178. } else if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  179. alert('Cancelled.');
  180. } else {
  181. Game.Objects[getFree.itemName].getFree(ans);
  182. }
  183. }
  184. }
  185. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  186. else if (ans === '6') {
  187. ans = prompt('How many sugar lumps do you want to gain?');
  188. if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  189. alert('Cancelled.');
  190. } else {
  191. ans = Number(ans);
  192. // checking for NaN
  193. if (isNaN(ans)) {
  194. alert('Your answer is not a number');
  195. } else {
  196. Game.gainLumps(ans);
  197. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} sugar lump(s) is gained.`);
  198. // beautifying :D
  199. /*
  200. var ansLast = ans.slice(-1);
  201. if (ansLast == '1') {
  202. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} sugar lump(s) is gained.`);
  203. } else {
  204. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} sugar lumps is gained.`);
  205. }
  206. */
  207. }
  208. }
  209. }
  210. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  211. else if (ans === '999') {
  212. ans = prompt('How many Heavenly chips do you want to gain?');
  213. if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  214. alert('Cancelled.');
  215. } else {
  216. ans = Number(ans);
  217. // checking for NaN
  218. if (isNaN(ans)) {
  219. alert('Your answer is not a number');
  220. } else {
  221. Game.heavenlyChips = (ans);
  222. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} heavenly chip(s) is gained.`);
  223. // beautifying :D
  224. /*
  225. var ansLast = ans.slice(-1);
  226. if (ansLast == '1') {
  227. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} heavenly chip(s) is gained.`);
  228. } else {
  229. Game.Notify('Note from the hack', `${ans} heavenly chips is gained.`);
  230. }
  231. */
  232. }
  233. }
  234. }
  235. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  236. else if (ans === '7') {
  237. ans = prompt('Enter a number of a buff below:\n1) Frenzy\nNew buffs will be added soon.');
  238. if (ans === '1') {
  239. ans = prompt('Enter duration of the buff in seconds.');
  240. buffs.duration = Number(ans);
  241. if (isNaN(buffs.duration)) {
  242. alert('Your answer is not a number.');
  243. } else {
  244. ans = prompt('Enter the power of the buff.\nFor example: you have 100 cookies per second, power of the buff is 2, and now your cookies per second value is 200.');
  245. buffs.pow = Number(ans);
  246. if (isNaN(buffs.pow)) {
  247. alert('Your answer is not a number.');
  248. } else {
  249. Game.gainBuff('frenzy', buffs.duration, buffs.pow);
  250. }
  251. }
  252. } else if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  253. alert('Cancelled.');
  254. } else {
  255. alert('Wrong buff.');
  256. }
  257. }
  258. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  259. else if (ans === '8') {
  260. if (Game.Objects["Wizard tower"].amount <= 0 || Game.Objects["Wizard tower"].level < 2) {
  261. alert('Sorry, but this got patched');
  262. } else {
  263. ans = prompt('Grimoire hacks:\n1) Set backfire chance to 0\n2) Set backfire chance to normal');
  264. if (ans == '1') {
  265. Game.Notify('Cookie Patcher', 'Started to patch Grimoire backfire function while making this script...', null, true);
  266. Game.Objects["Wizard tower"].minigame.getFailChance = CookiePatcher.patchedGrimoireBackfire;
  267. Game.Notify('Cookie Patcher', 'Grimoire backfire function was patched ;-;');
  268. } else if (ans == '2') {
  269. Game.Notify('Cookie Patcher', 'Started to patch Grimoire backfire function while making this script...', null, true);
  270. Game.Objects["Wizard tower"].minigame.getFailChance = CookiePatcher.originalGrimoireBackfire;
  271. Game.Notify('Cookie Patcher', 'Grimoire backfire function was patched while making this script');
  272. } else if ((ans != '1' || ans != '2') && !(ans === null || ans === "" || ans === ''))/*rip*/ {
  273. alert('Wrong hack.');
  274. } else if (ans === null || ans === "" || ans === '') {
  275. alert('Cancelled.');
  276. }
  277. }
  278. }
  279. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  280. else if (ans === null || ans === "") {
  281. console.log('Prevented \'Function not found\' message');
  282. }
  283. else {
  284. alert('Function not found.');
  285. }
  286. // }
  287. }
  289. console.log('[== Hack is started. ==]\nVersion: v.' + hinfo.version);
  290. console.log('[== Whats new: New Heavenly token hack and grimorie is sadly patched. things will get patched ==]')
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