
Giant Alien Robot Ball

Sep 12th, 2015
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  1. Gi00:27 Sylum Neon City, or correctly, about ten miles out of Neon, nothing really there or happening. That is until it came. A giant meteor blaze above the city, almost hit the giant X and a certain Blimp. It landed as I said, ten miles away from Neon. Police and Government workers going to see it. And when they did, three words were sent out. "Call For Metas"
  2. 00:35 Breakdown sails through the Neon City skies aboard the trusty Grappelin. Ever vigilant on the search for crime. For when it came to his hometown, danger or adventure could arise at any minu--*FWOOOOOSH* "Wwwhat the flickin' Whizbang!?" Break called out in surprise after the ball of fire streaked past the port-side of his ship...
  3. 00:36 Breakdown Not minutes later, an alert came over his radio. The City was calling out. And so, with a mighty roll of his ship's wheel, Break brought the ship about on the path of the Meteor. Breakdown will be on this scene.
  4. 00:52 McGoFuckYourself The call went out. When word of something big and heavy hitting Neon- or still within Neon's jurisdiction- and the primary channels were ringing off the hook, Darwin Hall picked up the phone. Decisions were made, positions were checked, and Dispatch made the notification. Just as it so happened, there were a couple of Evolutionaries patrolling the northern suburbs on the edge of town. Send...
  5. 00:52 McGoFuckYourself a couple now, scramble the rest, and then wait and see if the situation needed more heroes.
  6. 00:52 McGoFuckYourself But for now, it was just the two of them. Only a few minutes after the call was made, the large indigo van with the bright Evo logo pulled up to the crash site, side door sliding open and ejecting one other than Roxanne. She started trotting towards the site, giving a brief wave to the elderly driver. He nodded, and drove off. Better collect more capes, just in case it got hairy around here....
  7. 00:52 McGoFuckYourself ...Meanwhile, Roxanne was on the scene.
  8. 00:53 Sylum A man in a army uniform ran up to Roxanne "Thank you for coming miss, you are a part of Xenon Correct?"
  9. 00:54 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhh, technically, yeah, sure."
  10. 00:56 Sylum "good good, follow me, hopefully more Metas will arrive"
  11. 01:02 Breakdown brings The Grappelin to a hover over the impact sight with a whine of the ship's engines. With that done, he descended to the ground on a line from the ship's side, riding in like something out of an Erol Flynn movie. Break then began taking inventory of the situation while off-handedly retracting the ship's line via a small remote.
  12. 01:04 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne shrugs, and follows the man.
  13. 01:05 Sylum "You sir, what is your name!" He calls out to Breakdown
  14. 01:08 Breakdown "Breakdown, sir. Just here to do what I can." He replies, giving a short, but respectful, salute
  15. 01:11 Sylum He salutes back. "I'm Private Mcee, I was assined to take any Meta's to the general, so if you please follow me"
  16. 01:14 Breakdown "Very good." He agrees with a nod, ready to follow the Private.
  17. 01:14 McGoFuckYourself "Aight."
  18. 01:18 Sylum after a bit they meet up with a general, big bushy handlebar mustache and all that. "A good, Metas, here, I need you to sign this" He hands them each a clipboard with a pen, a contract on both
  19. 01:18 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne raises an eyebrow, looking down at it. "What's this now?"
  20. 01:19 Breakdown "A waiver? Some kind of Non-disclosure agreement?" Break idly asked as he read through the document
  21. 01:21 Sylum "A contract, we don't want word of this, thing getting out. We want the puplic knowing this wasn't just a meteor"
  22. 01:21 Sylum we dont*
  23. 01:23 Breakdown shot his goggles up from the contract toward the General "It's a lifeform?" He spouted, his interest piqued. "Is it still alive?"
  24. 01:26 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhh." Eyebrow crinkled. Or as much as a metal brow could. "What if we don't sign? I'm under like, six different contracts already, and Legal gets pissed if I sign anything without their say-so."
  25. 01:27 Sylum "Its not alive, from what we can tell. Yet it somehow it sent out the signal for any Metas to come here. And you'll be asked to leave. If you dont you will be forced to"
  26. 01:30 Breakdown "Fascinating. If it knows there are augmented humans here and it's sought us out, we should probably keep our distance until we're sure of it's vitals. Or intentions, failing that."
  27. 01:32 *** Eri quit (Quit: Leaving)
  28. 01:34 Sylum "We've tried that, so far its just solid metal, sign the contracts and lets see what you can do."
  29. 01:39 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhhh." She keeps flipping through it, trying to catch any stipulations and shit that might get her out of it. She's no lawyer, but she's gone through her fair few of them in her time with the Evos.
  30. 01:43 Sylum "miss?"
  31. 01:43 McGoFuckYourself "Hrm?"
  32. 01:45 Breakdown took another spin around this contract. "uh-huh, uh-huuuuuh, full discretion, yadda yadda, punishable, ipso facto, ...treason, Guantanamo?" Before shrugging and scribbling out a signature at the bottom. Whatever the good the signature of a masked superhero with a secret identity will do. Finally, he returned his contract.
  33. 01:46 Sylum "Thank you. And please sign it, we don't have all day" The General seemed a bit stressed from the whole meteor thing
  34. 01:49 McGoFuckYourself "Don't the Evos or Xenon or /someone/ have some kind of pre-existing deal or some shit to cover this bull? Could lose my fucking job if I saunter back to base and tell them that I signed some NDA and can't tell them what the hell I was doing on company time."
  35. 01:51 Sylum "I wouldn't know Ma'am, we don't team up with Xenon very often"
  36. 01:51 Breakdown "What if I take responsibility? I'll put my neck out there so you don't have to."
  37. 01:56 McGoFuckYourself "Long as I don't have to sign /another/ goddamn janky-ass contract I don't care."
  38. 01:59 Sylum "Alright, that is taken care of,just follow Private Mcee"
  39. 02:03 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne nods, and follows. "Fucking finally."
  40. 02:05 Sylum The man lead Roxanne and Break to the meteor. the thing was gigantic, 50, 60 feet tall and wide, the silver glazes in the sunset, this thing was metal, perfectly smooth even though it fell through the atmosphere. Men with guns were all around it
  41. 02:11 McGoFuckYourself "Welp. That's a fucking thing. So you're saying /that's/ what called us here?"
  42. 02:13 Sylum "Apperently Ma'am. We dont know why or even how" Mcee seemed in awe
  43. 02:14 Breakdown "Hard to believe this thing is... or /was/ alive. Looks more like a vessel to me.'
  44. 02:15 Sylum "You think this is a crash?"
  45. 02:16 Breakdown "Well it's certainly less than a landing."
  46. 02:18 McGoFuckYourself "Christ."
  47. 02:20 Sylum "Have ither of you seen anything like it in Neon?"
  48. 02:20 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  49. 02:21 MGFY "So is it doing anything else? Emitting weird-ass radiation? Giving people strange dreams? Local wildlife acting weird?"
  50. 02:21 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  51. 02:22 Breakdown "I can count the times I've encountered Aliens on one hand. Judging by those times, I'd prefer it didn't take two."
  52. 02:28 Sylum Private Mcee kept staring at the metal ball, "Its amazing up close...Oh, uh. no, nothing. Just the Signal"
  53. 02:35 Sylum "Well, I'm gonna get going then, god luck'' Mcee left
  54. 02:37 McGoFuckYourself "So......Now what?"
  55. 02:38 Elise_ The impact of the flaming ball of... whatever hadn't been the BEST wakeup call after an all-nighter of fire and smoke. Drug busts were hard. Drug busts ON drugs were harder. In the alley that she fell asleep in, within the dumpster that she thought would be comfortable to lay in, she rose. Like a great trash shark, she rose out of the dumpster, pushing on the lid with her head. "I have to go." She stated to the nearby trash-sifting
  56. 02:38 Elise_ raccoon. The raccoon's nose twitched, as if it understood. He gave his blessing, and Elise started off on foot, not toward the crash-site but to a supply stash to grab some things. Her fancy new telescopic baton, her combat vest and her dirty black duffel bag. Surprisingly heavy as she slung it over her shoulder and began to run. It was only a few moments before she was a bit puffed, curse these curves, but she made her way to the
  57. 02:38 Elise_ authorities surrounding the site in due time. "Yo, bitcheeees. What the hell happened here?" She inquired to the nearest officer.
  58. 02:39 Breakdown "I can't say what they expect us to do with this thing. Didn't exactly cover that in the contract. Used up to much space detailing how we'd be punished for that, I bet."
  59. 02:40 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne laughed at the Elise spectacle, and waved. "Heyooo. 'lise, wasn't it?"
  60. 02:41 Sylum "I'm afraid I'm not aloud to say ma'm"
  61. 02:43 Elise_ took down her shades and squinted, "You ain't allowed to say that we got hit by a space rock? G-Men really gotta lock it up /THAT/ tight, now?"
  62. 02:43 Elise_ She then waved to Roxanne and Breakdown, "Sup, playas. Nice to see ya again, [Fe]-Male."
  63. 02:45 Breakdown nods back to Elise with a smile. "Good to meet you. The more the merrier when it comes to Unidentified Space Slag."
  64. 02:47 Sylum The general tapped Elise's shoulder. "Miss, unless you're a mea who signed the contract, I have to ask you to leave"
  65. 02:48 McGoFuckYourself "She's with us." Wave of the hand.
  66. 02:49 Sylum "Oh, well. Alright then"
  67. 02:49 *** The-Haze joined #covenger_rp
  68. 02:49 Elise_ "What contract, I'm not sellin' out to the G." She brushed off her shoulder. "I need to sign shit to be be shit now?" She laughed before looking over at the crash site. "Did we get bombarded? The Ruskies throwin' shit now or somethin'?"
  69. 02:52 Breakdown "I'll extend her the same courtesy, if it's all the same to you, Private Mcee."
  70. 02:53 Sylum Private Mcee was next to the general, giving a thmbs up
  71. 02:54 Sylum The general spoke up. "So, why do you think it wants Metas like you three?"
  72. 02:57 Breakdown "Could be any number of things. Scouting or Absorbing our abilities, General study, Maybe it came from a world like ours? Maybe Metas have encountered it before and it wants revenge? Maybe it needed help? Hard to say if it isn't communicating anymore. We might have to try to get into this thing."
  73. 02:58 Sylum "Your hero name is breakdown,think you can get into this thing?"
  74. 02:58 McGoFuckYourself "Hey man, I'd want me too, if I was a giant fucking rock."
  75. 02:59 Elise_ scoffs. "/Ore/ nawwww, Steelix. Ore naw."
  76. 03:02 Breakdown "Theoretically. I can give it a try." Break replied, rubbing his hands together as he turned to take in the meteor once again. "I'm one for adventure and whatnot, but I'm open to other ideas if we've got 'em."
  77. 03:03 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne shrugged. "I ain't got shit, brah.
  78. 03:03 McGoFuckYourself "
  79. 03:04 Elise_ toted her bag with a smile. "I might have a backup plan in my magic sack, but you go ahead."
  80. 03:08 Breakdown nodded once more and turned back to the orb, reaching his hands out towards it. It was at this point he recalled a phrase oft spoken in the circus he used to travel with. "Off we go, testing Death again." he said with a sigh before grabbing onto the metallic shell, and exerting his influence upon it to try and crack it open.
  81. 03:16 Sylum The second he touched it clamps closed around his fingers and hand, tubing almost melting out of it as it surrounded his arm always an half inch away. Then hot pain in the palm of his hand, as if something was drilling into it. The giant metal orb gained a slow heart beat that while everyone might not heard, they all felt it as grew faster and faster
  82. 03:17 McGoFuckYourself "Aw fuck. This is where shit usually hits the fan."
  83. 03:21 Breakdown "Tell me about it!" Break gritted through his teeth, groaning out lowly as the orb seared his palms. He was worried something in this ballpark might happen. If he didn't act fast, this thing could eat him alive. With that, he focused his energies onto weakening the clamps around his hand, draining the fortitude from them as fast as he could muster...
  84. 03:22 The-Haze sighed deepy, his hands on the wheel of his car as he drove outside of the city limits. He had been made aware of the crash, but only just now had he actually thought to go check it out. Noticing the group he pulled up next to them and stopped the car, stepping out, probably a poor decision considering he had no idea what he was getting into. "...Nothing important going on, right?"
  85. 03:23 Breakdown If he even could. "Let go of my hands, you Steamfloggin' thing from beyond the moon!" He roared while attempting to pull his hands free
  86. 03:24 Sylum Private Mcree and the general were gone, Haze got lucky as he didn't need to sign anything
  87. 03:26 Sylum As if on comand, the machine let Break go. Blue light travaling across the orb, it was opening up
  88. 03:27 McGoFuckYourself She took a breath, and bent her knees a bit, stretching her lengthy legs. "Best turn off your safeties, boys." A stretch, and she cracked her back and neck. "Fucking hell, this city gets weirder and weirder every day."
  89. 03:27 The-Haze shut the car door behind him, making sure to lock it in the process "Some serious bullshit's going down, isn't it? I fucking knew it."
  90. 03:32 Sylum The giant Machine opened, it was a bluer and blacker metal on the inside, 4 large arms, 2 kinda stubby legs, And one giant red eye. The back was shifted, looking like it came off a giant robot armadillo, along with th back of he arms, its as it the thing could roll up and spin dash away
  91. 03:36 Sylum It looked down at them with its one huge eye
  92. 03:38 Sylum >NAME
  93. 03:40 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne looks it in the Eye.
  94. 03:40 McGoFuckYourself She raised her right fist, middle claw extended.
  95. 03:40 McGoFuckYourself "Bitchtits Hotass."
  96. 03:41 The-Haze shrugged, deciding not even to give it his real name. I mean why would you give a robot your name? Shit's dumb.
  97. 03:41 The-Haze "Captain King."
  98. 03:42 Breakdown "Packed Nicely."
  99. 03:42 Elise_ became so startled that she actually fell back onto her behind. "Well shit, looks like we've got ourselves a real hoedown now." She pushed her shades up and readied herself like a cowboy in a standoff. "Call me... shit you took mine, shiny. Uh, call me Amanda Hugandkiss."
  100. 03:43 Sylum The machine slammed one of its fists into the ground
  101. 03:43 Sylum >NAME
  102. 03:43 The-Haze "Are you fucking deaf?"
  103. 03:43 The-Haze "The name is 'Captain King'"
  104. 03:43 Elise_ cupped her hands around her mouth. "Ur gay!"
  105. 03:44 McGoFuckYourself "BITCHTITS. HOTASS."
  106. 03:44 Breakdown "Captain McGoFuckYourself"
  107. 03:44 Elise_ [neat]
  108. 03:46 Sylum The bot grabbed a chunk of earth.
  109. 03:46 Sylum >NAME
  110. 03:46 The-Haze "Revolver Ocelot."
  111. 03:47 Breakdown "Ohhhh-hohoho. I think I get it." Break said, knocking himself on the head lightly. "It wants to know where it is, not who we are."
  112. 03:48 Breakdown "So... who wants to name the Planet for an intergalactic stage?"
  113. 03:51 McGoFuckYourself "Welcome to Planet DickPunch." She laughed.
  114. 03:52 Sylum >CITIZENS OF DICKPUNCH
  115. 03:52 Breakdown "Amazing..." He snickered
  116. 03:52 Sylum >YOU ARE IMPURE
  117. 03:52 The-Haze "It's customary on Planet Dickpunch to let us punch newcomers to death. You're a newcomer, get the idea?"
  118. 03:52 McGoFuckYourself "Welp." She crossed her arms. "That made my day."
  119. 03:53 Sylum >YOU SHALL BE DESTROYED
  120. 03:53 *** Sylum is now known as THE-PURIFIER
  121. 03:54 The-Haze "Really? This again? Didn't we fight a robot just a week ago?"
  122. 03:56 THE-PURIFIER The machine brought its fist down trying to hit Haze
  124. 03:58 The-Haze sunk back down into his own shadow waiting for the fist to raise back up before reemerging
  125. 04:03 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne ran over and jumped. Arms spread wide, she slammed into the robot wrist, trying to dig her claws into it for a good grip. Did she bite it? maybe
  126. 04:05 Breakdown "If it isn't Robots, its Supervillains. Or Supervillain Robots." Break replied as he sprung into action, leaping onto the automaton's back and attempting to pin one of its excess of arms behind it while draining what strength he could from it.
  129. 04:06 Breakdown "On whose authority?"
  131. 04:07 The-Haze shrugged "Guess we're just going to beat it to death, huh? Always did hate robots." he stated aloud, holding his palm out, shadow oozing around his fingers to form a single, very sharp point at the end of his hand. Hoping to catch it off guard he leaped, aiming to impale it on his hand. "So why were you guys hanging around this asshole robot anyways?"
  132. 04:12 THE-PURIFIER The bots back was smooth, thankfully it was also like an armadillo's. giving break a way to hold on. Roxanne was having less luck, the leg was barely being scratched and much like Roxanne, the bot didn't feel, damn space metal, tit would take more to break through
  133. 04:12 McGoFuckYourself (She was going for the wrist, after it slammed its fist into the ground.)
  134. 04:13 THE-PURIFIER [ah, sorry. replace leg with wrist then]
  135. 04:13 McGoFuckYourself (But she's still holding on, yes?)
  136. 04:15 THE-PURIFIER [yeah, just not getting through it, this thing is made to survive falling to the planet from space,mostly the outside but still strong inside]
  137. 04:17 THE-PURIFIER Breakdown was having better luck, he might be able to get through the arm with enough time
  138. 04:18 The-Haze [Hello?]
  139. 04:21 THE-PURIFIER The Purifier raised its hand as Haze jumped. Haze gave a deadly high five, as it managed to get through by a few inches
  140. 04:22 McGoFuckYourself (How's it raising its arm like? How far, how close to its body?)
  141. 04:24 Elise_ shook her head. Shit, did she zone again? Well fuck, robot was attacking? Time to get to work then. "Motherfucker, I'm gonna smack your shit so hard." She said as she slid her baton out and charged. She was gonna whack the fucker.
  142. 04:25 THE-PURIFIER [sorry] The arm was of the higher pair, raising up to the glowing eye. Looking at them, it did what anyone would do, start shacking its hand back and forth
  143. 04:26 The-Haze He pulled his hand out, attempting to repeatedly stab at it with the same hand, maybe with a lot of time and effort he'd be able to eventually form a small hole in the thing as he held on with his other arm. "Anyone see any weak spots on this stupid fucking robot?"
  144. 04:30 *** Breakdown quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  145. 04:34 THE-PURIFIER The bot continued shaking not noticing Elise running up
  146. 04:36 Elise_ "I'm gonna say its fuckin' eye is the weak point. Usually works like that." She thwacked her baton against the robot's exterior to no effect, but she wasn't stupid. "Time for some 'plastique surgery'. Hehehehe." She opened her bag and pulled out a rectangular object, slapping it into the foot of the robot and flicking something on it before booking it to dive behind cover. "I suggest y'all back away from the foot!"
  147. 04:38 McGoFuckYourself "Yeeeep! Friend of mine kept playing this one game." Up and down, timing the shakes carefully. "Something about climbing giant fuckoff monsters! There was a horse at some point, I think. Had cool fucking music, too."
  148. 04:38 McGoFuckYourself Just at the apex of its arc, she released. Flew through the air, and latched straight onto its face. Right next to the giant red eye.
  149. 04:38 McGoFuckYourself "Holy fuck, this actually fucking worked!" Just gotta maneuver towards that Eye, now.
  150. 04:40 THE-PURIFIER The robot trned its head to see Rox, not seeing anyone since she was on his head he continued to shake Haze, who was safe from the blast, sadly the blast was enough to make the bot fall backwords, dwn they went
  151. 04:44 The-Haze He tried to force his other hand into the hole, attempting to brace it with the shadow and tear the small "hole" open even wider. Digging into it with the sharp points should hopefully prove useful in doing what he was attempting to do "Just hit the goddamn eye."
  153. 04:47 Elise_ "Woop woop! That's the sound of the Elise~!" She cheered, jumping out of her cover in triumph. She had 5 more of those to go around, after raiding that one Horizon compound. That and one or two other surprises in her bag. "Guys, I think he said he wants us to his the eye!"
  154. 04:52 McGoFuckYourself She crawled over, a bit easier to move now that the thing was on the ground. "That's what it fucking sounded like to me!" And that's her knee. And it's Eye. And her /sharp/ /metal/ knee."
  155. 04:55 The-Haze He stopped trying to rend the metal apart as he reach over, now that each hand was covered in shadow he began trying to dig his hands into the robot. He'd keep doing this, trying to slowly climb up and over to where the eye was, if he could at all. "So who else thinks this thing is going to explode once we kill it?"
  156. 04:58 THE-PURIFIER The knee went through, something gushed from the eye, shit was organic under some glass.
  157. 04:58 THE-PURIFIER >OUCH
  158. 05:04 Elise_ "I hope so, it'd be great!" She said, moving back up to the fallen robot and looking for an exposed joint. Like the knee! Was the knee exposed?
  159. 05:05 THE-PURIFIER the knee was exposed
  160. 05:07 The-Haze "...Thinking now, I think if anything's left I'm going to have to take it in for research... orr just to sell." he said, reaching over and feeling around to see if there was any seamlines in the armor that he could use to tear the plating off. Is there? That'd be useful. Just rip it the fuck off.
  161. 05:08 McGoFuckYourself And a /fist/ goes into the eye.
  162. 05:09 McGoFuckYourself "Also reminds me of some anime he was watching. Robots what weren't really robots. Or something. I don't fucking know, it was mostly some kid crying and a buncha religious symbolism. I think."
  163. 05:09 Elise_ went like a bolt, vaulting over one of the legs to plant a pack of plastique in each knee joint. That leaves her with 3 packs of explosive left. She would trigger the explosives when there was no one to be hit by the explosion.
  164. 05:10 THE-PURIFIER Another long beep. Also some metal were haze was stabbing could be ripped out
  165. 05:12 The-Haze "Oh, I know what you mean. Evil... Jelly On? Enrique John? Every Telly is On? Bit of an odd name, but it IS Japanese." he said, tearing off plating so he could get at and rip apart whatever was buried underneath "I'm sure there's some good shit though, not that I care enough to look."
  166. 05:15 THE-PURIFIER There were wires, metal, muscles, nothing too special
  167. 05:15 The-Haze Even if it isn't special, that shit is getting ripped and torn the fuck out.
  169. 05:18 Elise_ triggered the explosives with a snorting giggle, intending to blow the bot's legs clean off.
  170. 05:19 The-Haze "Maybe you should just sit back and die already so I can stop then." he stated, pulling and tearing things out and pulling off more plating when he ran out of things he could reach to tear out. Either way if he found something of particular interest he was going to pocket it "This thing is dumb as hell."
  171. 05:20 THE-PURIFIER While the legs weren'tblasted off, he wasn't about to walk again. The eye moved franticly side to side.
  173. 05:27 The-Haze "Shut up already." he said, plunging the spike formed around his hand into it, impaling whatever seemed to be important parts repeatedly. "Is anyone going to just start killing the shit out of this already?"
  174. 05:27 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne sat down on its face, right by its eye. "And what if we do? Why should we? You gonna promise not to murder the fuck out of us?"
  175. 05:28 Elise_ "Awww man. What a gip." Elise said, pocketing the detonator for a moment. She shouted out to Roxanne and Haze. "Tell it to give us the space money and we'll stop!"
  176. 05:29 THE-PURIFIER The eye tried to look at Roxanne
  177. 05:30 The-Haze "Sounds good. Alright, eye, if you fuck off forever and give us a bunch of money, technology and cool useful shit we'll let you go. How do you feel about that?"
  179. 05:30 The-Haze "I'm pure though, right?"
  180. 05:31 Elise_ "That doesn't sound like a space swiss bank account!"
  181. 05:31 THE-PURIFIER The eye looked at haze.
  183. 05:32 Elise_ "Burn."
  185. 05:34 The-Haze "We're not letting you eject unless you give us all your stuff."
  186. 05:34 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah. When I was born, the docs flat out called me a genetic impurity." She stood up. "I think we're done here."
  188. 05:35 THE-PURIFIER >10
  189. 05:35 The-Haze "Alright so..."
  190. 05:35 THE-PURIFIER >9
  191. 05:35 The-Haze "GET IN THE FUCKING CAR."
  192. 05:35 THE-PURIFIER >8
  193. 05:35 The-Haze he leaped off of the thing, quickly running into his car as he put the key into the ignition and started trying to rev this fucker up "Come on already!"
  194. 05:36 Elise_ "You slippery motherfucker." She went into her bag as she ran, she had one last thing to use. RPG-7. Just had to FUCKING SET IT UP. WHILST RUNNING TO THE CAR.
  195. 05:36 THE-PURIFIER >7
  196. 05:36 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne gave it a powerful stomp, right in the eye. Then turned and ran toards the car.
  197. 05:37 THE-PURIFIER >6
  198. 05:37 The-Haze "We don't have much time, tell me when you're all in. So I know when to fuck off."
  199. 05:37 THE-PURIFIER >5
  200. 05:38 Elise_ got in the passenger seat with RPG in tow, rolling down the window. "When you take off, gimme a clear shot."
  201. 05:38 THE-PURIFIER >$
  202. 05:39 THE-PURIFIER >4*
  203. 05:39 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne dove through a window into the back seat, not evven bothering with opening the door.
  204. 05:40 THE-PURIFIER >3
  205. 05:40 Elise_ "Drive, you shady bastard!"
  206. 05:40 THE-PURIFIER >2
  207. 05:40 The-Haze stepped on the pedal, speeding off making sure that window was facing the eye
  208. 05:41 THE-PURIFIER >1
  209. 05:41 The-Haze He held the pedal right to the floorboard, making sure the car was accelerating as quickly as it could. It was obvious this thing was going to explode, so getting out of the blast radius was the first priority
  210. 05:41 THE-PURIFIER >0
  211. 05:42 Elise_ took aim while hanging out of the window and fired off an RPG, aiming for the thing's head or whatever remained.
  212. 05:43 THE-PURIFIER *BOOM*
  213. 05:47 THE-PURIFIER The body was destroyed, blasting outwards as bits and peices of the body fell from the sky, only thing left was the original silver parts, all which could be put togther to form the perfect sphere once more
  214. 05:49 Elise_ "That was a ball."
  215. 05:49 The-Haze "No technology... no money..."
  216. 05:49 The-Haze "Really blue balled us there, eh?"
  217. 05:50 McGoFuckYourself "Oh, hardy har fucking har." She righted herself on the seat
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