
Clan Wars (An Explanation)

Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. DDoS wars are easy and usually provide more profit than any other method in the game (more than missions, collecting virus money, and stealing money). But that epic profit is only guaranteed when you control both ends of the war. There is a way to do this and that way is fairly easy to do, in this tutorial I will show you that way so you can start making tons of money with ease, let’s get started. First you will need to make a fake clan and fake user to be the owner of the clan.To so this logout of your main account in Hacker Experience and make a new account, use a username that’s easy to remember like FakeClanAcc1. Then use a disposable email address service to verify your account via email. (You can find one of these via google). Once you verify the fake clans email. Go through the tutorial and when you finish it use the bitcoins you acquire and the money from the mission to create a new clan. After you create this clan make sure you get all the certificates up to the last one, you won’t need this one. Next you need to write down the IP of this new accounts server, the IP of the new accounts clan server, and the new accounts bitcoin address. Once you do this go ahead and login in to your main account or the one you normally use. Once you’re logged in go to the Hacked Database tab in Hacker Experience and go to the tab labeled DDoS, then select all the IP’s from the list of IPs you have installed a DDoS virus onto, save these IP’s to notepad or something. Then you need to visit the third puzzle (here’s it’s IP:, once logged into it (and after you’ve cleared the logs) download the basic breaker which is a 1.0 breaker and download the 1.0 DDoS virus. You then need to go to the IP of the alt account’s server (not the clan server, the IP of the player server) once there upload the basic breaker and the DDoS virus (do not install the DDoS virus!) and then clear the logs. Now before you logout of your main account send some money (at least $10,000) to the fake accounts bitcoin wallet for later. Once you do this logout of your main account and log back in to the fake account, you should notice a 1.0 breaker and a uninstalled level 1.0 DDoS virus in the fake accounts storage and some bitcoins in the fake account’s bitcoin wallet. If you don’t then you did something wrong and you need to retrace your steps to figure out what went wrong. If you do see these things you’re doing good so far and you’re almost done. The next step is to install at least 3 DDoS viruses so the fake account can send out a DDoS attack (this is important, as without it you cannot start the clan war). To do this go to the IP’s you wrote down earlier from your main account and go through them and attempt to install DDoS viruses on each one until you have 3 DDoS viruses installed in total. Once done you need to install a basic cracker on the fake clan server by uploading the fake accounts cracker to the server itself. Then you need to go to your main account and backup all your software on to your external hard drive (or XDD) Then delete all the software on your hard drive EXCEPT for the level 1.0 basic breaker. Now you are ready to start the war. First start and IP reset on your main account then start a DDoS attack going to the fake clan servers IP. Then you need to logout of your main account and login in to your fake clan account. On this account start a IP reset, then start a DDoS attack targeting your main accounts server IP. Stay on the fake clan account until the attack is done and then complete it. Before you do ANYTHING else complete the IP reset on the fake account and then start another IP reset another attack to the same target. Then once those two tasks are going logout and go to your main account. Then complete the DDoS attack and the IP reset in the same order (order is always complete DDoS attack then complete IP reset). Once you do this. Start another IP reset another attack. Then logout and go to the fake clan account and complete the tasks again in the same order. Now go to the fake clan server and upgrade the CPU using a $99 upgrade. Do this every time you complete a DDoS attack on the main account that is targeting the fake clan server. Then compete the tasks on the fake clan account (in the same order). At this point a clan war has been started so any attacks made to the fake clan server will generate money. Now you only need to attack the fake clan server using the main account. Though remember to upgrade the fake clan servers CPU after every attack and remember to complete the tasks in the order taught here.
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