
Explaining Pathfinder

Apr 4th, 2017
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  1. “Haven’t gotten a chance to test it much, yet, but it seems to work like…well, exactly like it does in games. I can bring up a window that lists my unfinished quests and underneath each is a list of completed objectives and a line telling me what to do next.” I said, bring up said window. “For example…”
  3. Underneath the Grimm quest was a list of the major Grimm I’d slain and a depressingly large number that were outstanding. When I’d clicked it to test, my map had popped up with a huge number of Grimm markers, scattered across Remnant’s land and sea. I assumed those were common locations for the different species? I’d have to check, but if so even just that could be invaluable information.
  5. Below my other quest, however…
  7. “The quest I got from the White Fang says I need to get into the good graces of Mistral’s heads,” I said, looking at the two with symbols floating about them. “Any idea how I could do that?”
  9. Cynosarges snorted, but rubbed his chin contemplatively.
  11. “What’s this quest for exactly?” He asked.
  13. “Building the power of the White Fang in Mistral, it seems,” I said. “And building my power in the White Fang, too, I guess. It’s a bit weird, but…”
  15. The two Hunters shared a glance, something passing between them quickly. This wasn’t new information to my grandmother, but she seemed contemplative now.
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