

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. MeteorD: Message me here if you need anything while I'm building it
  2. Prismbreak85: Ok
  3. Prismbreak85: Um who are you using on this team
  4. MeteorD: The same Pokemon as you did, just with Sylveon instead of Flareon
  5. Prismbreak85: Ok
  6. Prismbreak85: Are you done
  7. MeteorD: No, it takes some time
  8. Prismbreak85: Ok
  9. Prismbreak85: if your the cutest why don't YOU have a boyfriend
  10. MeteorD: Because you can be cute while still having trouble talking to people in real life
  11. MeteorD: It's not like having good looks makes you instantly good at socializing
  12. Prismbreak85: Ok that's nice
  13. MeteorD: This is going to end up a Baton Passing Eeeveelution team, I hope you don't mind that
  14. Prismbreak85: It ok sweetie
  15. Prismbreak85: Are you done yet
  16. MeteorD: Almost
  17. Prismbreak85: This team must be really special
  18. Prismbreak85: This better be a good team
  19. Prismbreak85: Did you know I made 53 teams
  20. MeteorD: That's neat
  21. Prismbreak85: Yeah there is a lot to choose but I only use the teams that have only one a battle
  22. Prismbreak85: like team 9 46 and 22
  23. Prismbreak85: Are you done I starving and got to eat
  24. MeteorD: Yeah, I'm just naming them
  25. Prismbreak85: What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. MeteorD:
  27. MeteorD: Here's the team
  28. Prismbreak85: Ok
  29. Prismbreak85: Thank you
  30. Prismbreak85: but sly eon
  31. MeteorD: What about Sylveon?
  32. Prismbreak85: but slyveon and leaveon have no grass or fairy type moves
  33. MeteorD: Sylveon's ability makes Hyper Voice into a Fairy type move
  34. MeteorD: and Leafeon isn't good
  35. Prismbreak85: Pk
  36. Prismbreak85: So how do I use them
  37. MeteorD: I can show you if you have time
  38. Prismbreak85: I have time for you to show me
  39. MeteorD: Didn't you have to go eat?
  40. Prismbreak85: Yes I'm done
  41. Prismbreak85: I just had soup
  42. Prismbreak85: and beans
  43. Prismbreak85: thats not hard
  44. MeteorD: So?
  45. Prismbreak85: Ok I go to high school I'm in 9 grade I like all food (except Lima beans) I like girls pokemon I have no friends and I am looking for a girlfreind
  46. MeteorD: That's the kind of description you'd put up on a profile or something
  47. MeteorD: What I mean is like
  48. MeteorD: I haven't actually gotten to know you as a person
  49. MeteorD: You can't enter a relationship when all you know is just a summary of how that person is
  50. Prismbreak85: Ok I am cool popular I am nice cool and friendly I am looking for a girl that likes me that's is nice enough I will not cheat on her and love and take care ok her
  51. Prismbreak85: So????
  52. MeteorD: Sorry, battling so it might take a while to respond
  53. MeteorD: I mean, all those things are great and all
  54. Prismbreak85: And
  55. MeteorD: But it takes time for someone to start liking another person
  56. MeteorD: You can't honestly say that you're already in love with me
  57. Prismbreak85: I love you your a good friend nice
  58. Prismbreak85: You still there
  59. MeteorD: Sorry, didn't notice your message
  60. Prismbreak85: Oh
  61. MeteorD: It's different to love someone as a friend, and to love someone properly
  62. Prismbreak85: Ok so I guess I have to go back on the streets looking for a another girlfriend
  63. MeteorD: I told you that you shouldn't give up so quickly
  64. Prismbreak85: Why you don't like me
  65. MeteorD: How do you think the world would be if everyone just gave up on trying to get the person they like?
  66. MeteorD: I like you as a friend, I just don't have romantic feelings for you yet because I barely know yu
  67. MeteorD: you*
  68. Prismbreak85: You what
  69. Prismbreak85: Ok I look for a new girlfriend then
  70. Prismbreak85: I am sorry
  71. MeteorD: Sorry for what?
  72. Prismbreak85: That I wasted your time trying for you to like me
  73. MeteorD: Did you really expect me to like you in less than an hour?
  74. Prismbreak85: Yeah that's how I met my x but we broke up
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