
Über Jason nanoant guiding

Oct 31st, 2023
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  1. He turned away from the dead thing, still scrubbing scraps of flesh against itself, and kicked the door out of the frame and into the hallway.
  3. Stepping out, he looked one way and then the other, mildly surprised to find no humans coming at him with weapons, the way they usually did in hallways. Not that it mattered, although he was actually tired of always finding himself in one of these stupid hallways. Didn't any of them go outside any more?
  5. He turned left, obeying a vague sense that said he would come to elevators or stairs, which would allow him to get around this place and find some live humans to kill. After which he could find his way out and find some more live humans to kill.
  7. It was an especially long hallway, and there was another door to kick down before the end of it. Only after he got through the second door did he finally notice the continuous screaming and ringing and buzzing of alarms.
  9. He reached a bank of elevators to find one of them already waiting for him with its doors open. Almost as if it really was there for him... or for those things inside of him. Something in his awareness told him that this was, in fact, exactly right. That was also those things inside of him, telling him things that he had never had to care about before.
  11. Jason stepped into the elevator and waited as it performed its functions. Just as it started to ascend, however, he felt a sudden and extremely powerful shock, both physical and yet at the same time completely intangible.
  13. It made him lift his hand and reach out to press one of the buttons on the elevator, and then told him where to go when the elevator stopped.
  15. Jason X: The Experiment, chapter 21
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