
Alola Girls Ch. 35 (BBW, WG)

Nov 21st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Chapter 35
  3. Two weeks had passed since Jack’s first session with Marnie. A number of developments had happened, he’d finished the paperwork involved with buying the Paniola Ranch, he’d enjoyed the company of a number of beautiful, overweight women on Akala, and he’d made a plan to deal with Aether and most of all, Oleana.
  5. It was very early in the morning and he was driving extremely fast down the freeway to the outskirts of town to the HeaHea airport. He pulled off on the exit ramp to a mostly deserted two lane highway. It wasn’t very well lit, so he turned onto the highway slowly in his rental car. However, before he began accelerating, he noticed a flash of strange pink light in front of the car’s path on the highway.
  7. “The fuck?” Jack said aloud, coming to a quick halt. Pokemon usually didn’t go near the highways, but there was always a chance. He grabbed a Poke Ball from his belt, containing his newly evolved Swampert and readied himself, getting out of the car slowly.
  9. Ahead of him was a pink object, floating a few feet above the ground. He took a step out of the car and noticed another light coming from just beneath him. “Idiot.” He muttered about himself, and grabbed for his necklace containing the Z-Crystal Kukui had given him not too long ago. Sure enough, it had begun to glow very brightly.
  11. “So... Tapu Lele.” Jack said, and as he got closer, he noted the pictures were very accurate. The Guardian Deity of Akala Island had a pink dress that looked like an egg. The upper body not covered by the pink egg-dress was hard to make out in the early morning darkness, but it’s blue eyes glowed almost threateningly.
  13. Jack held out the golden, glowing, Z-Crystal in his hand as he took a few more steps before coming to a halt. Tapu Lele then began to float closer to Jack, coming about 15 feet away before it stopped. The creature let out an otherworldly cry, then quickly zoomed upwards and over the tops of the roadside trees.
  15. “And what was the point of that, again?” Jack asked, shaking his head and putting Swampert’s Poke Ball back on his belt, and fitting the now dim Z-Crystal under his shirt. He slowly got back into his car and took a couple breaths to calm himself. He’d heard enough stories about the Tapus destroying cars, houses, and other large property. Leaving an encounter with one unscathed was not always certain. Suddenly he heard a car honk its horn loudly behind. “Shit.” Jack cursed, remembering why he was driving to the Heahea airport at 5:30 in the morning and hopped in the rental car, flooring it.
  17. Ten minutes later he was walking quickly to the baggage claim area of the Heahea airport. His nerves about what was to come continued to make his stomach flutter, or maybe it was because he was finally going to see someone he desperately missed in a very short time. When he walked through the automatic sliding doors, he immediately bee-lined for the “arrivals” video board and saw the Castelia flight was in fact on time, and had just landed. An enormous sense of relief washed over him. “I never thought two and a half weeks could feel so long.” He muttered to himself. It wasn’t even 6 in the morning, so the terminal wasn’t crowded much at all. He found the escalator the arriving passengers would be taking and waited eagerly, unable to prevent an enormous grin spread across his face.
  19. It took a a good ten minutes before a rush of people came down the escalator, and judging by the accents, they were from Unova. He pumped his fist with anticipation.
  21. Another minute of eager scouring of the top of the escalator finally bore fruit: Jack saw the familiar face and outfit of his beloved assistant Hilda, coming down with her signature hat, ponytail, and blue jean short-shorts. She began waving furiously as they made eye contact and started laughing uncontrollably.
  23. Jack moved as close to the escalator as he could get without blocking other passegners’ paths, and Hilda shuffled her nearly 260 pound body over to him and they embraced, kissing, laughing, and holding each other with more passion than most could dream.
  25. “I’ve missed you so much, boss.” Hilda said, gleeful tears in her eyes.
  27. “I’ve missed you more.” Jack said squeezing her fiercely around her upper body, but careful to avoid her pregnant belly.
  29. “So what’s the plan?” Hilda said.
  31. Jack smiled. “This time, just trust me.”
  33. Hilda gave him a kiss, then looked at him skeptically. “You realize it was my job to never do that, right?”
  35. Jack chuckled. “Haven’t missed a beat.”
  37. Hilda shrugged. “Gonna take more than a few weeks to dull this mind.”
  39. “Good. Let’s go.”
  41. ***
  43. “So I’m not checking in here?” Hilda said as Jack pulled up to a hotel carport of the Tide Song Hotel.
  45. “No. You’re with me at Hano.”
  47. “But Rosa and Nessa...”
  49. “Nessa’s mine now, and Rosa is so drunk she’ll barely remember you’re there. She won’t be informing Oleana about anything I’m doing anymore.” Jack explained.
  51. Hilda sighed. “You’ve become rather competent in the two weeks since I left... Where was this during the prior months?”
  53. Jack smiled. “Necessity breeds growth, or something like that.”
  55. Hilda took a look down at her belly and gave it a quick rub. “Pretty sure that’s not the only thing breeding and growing right now...”
  57. A few minutes later, the couple was on the third floor corridor, and Jack found the room he was looking for.
  59. “So who’s here?” Hilda said, yawning. “And up this early?”
  61. “I told you to trust me.” Jack said, giving the door a quick knock.
  63. A few moments later, Olivia, the Akala Island Kahuna swung the door open in her over 450 pound glory. “Good morning Mr. Cobal... And?”
  65. “My most trusted companion, Hilda.” Jack said.
  67. Hilda smiled approvingly. “Nice to meet you Ms. ...?”
  69. “Olivia.” The deep voiced woman replied. The 450 pound woman caused Jack’s half-chub to grow alarmingly fast, Olivia was still wearing quite a skimpy, eye catching outfit.
  71. “She doesn’t like saying it, but she’s the Kahuna of Akala.” Jack explained.
  73. Hilda turned to Jack and nodded with approval.
  75. “So this secret...” Olivia said.
  77. Jack led Hilda in and shut the door. “The object is what we thought, a Z-Crystal, but unlike anything ever seen.”
  79. Olivia grimaced. “Of course.”
  81. “Burnett, Sonia, and Gloria can’t hard link it to Necrozma, but that’s because there’s nothing we have that proves Necrozma exists except for legends many centuries ago...” Jack paused, remembering the night of drunken sex with Gloria where she gave him the initial test results just a few days prior. “... But there’s nothing else it could really be.”
  83. Olivia’s chins quivered as she “Hmmm’d” aloud. “There’s always the Tapus. They’re rather abnormal...”
  85. Jack shrugged, then reached under his shirt, pulling out the Z-Crystal Kukui had given him recently. “I think this is more relevant to the Tapus actually.” He held it out and Olivia gasped.
  87. “Where did you get this?”
  89. “My father gave it to Kukui for safekeeping before he died... Kukui gave it to me not too long ago.” Jack said.
  91. Olivia shook her head in disbelief. “Kukui had this the whole time?" Olivia said, some hurt in her voice. She took a deep breath and collected herself before continuing. “The Tapu’s symbol on the crystal... I never thought I’d see the day.” She pondered. “Then that other Crystal... It must be what they say it is. This Z-Crystal you have looks exactly like the Tapunium-Z is described as in the Kahuna journals.”
  93. Jack then remembered the bizarre encounter he’d had with Tapu Lele, and described that and the Tapu Koko encounter to Olivia.
  95. “And that crystal glowed both times?” Olivia said.
  97. “Yeah. Bright as a light bulb.” Jack said.
  99. Olivia nodded, still deep in thought. “Well, you must be something important for two Tapus to recognize you.”
  101. “I think it’s just-” He gave the chain around the crystal a shake. “this.”
  103. “Not sure.” Olivia said. “One day, when things aren’t so weird, I’m going to want to test it out with Tapu Lele, if you wouldn’t mind.”
  105. “Yeah, but not right now.” Jack said.
  107. “Of course.” Olivia nodded. “So what about this other Z-Crystal then?”
  109. “Well, I’m going to need your help with something, Ms. Olivia. I’ve been getting really paranoid about things recently...” Jack began.
  111. “And what kind of help do you require?” Olivia replied, distaste in her voice.
  113. “I’m supposed to be picking up the Necrozium-Z Crystal today from the DR Lab...” Jack began
  115. ***
  117. A few minutes later, Jack had explained the plan, to which Olivia had nodded. Hilda looked at him with disbelief “You seem to be doing just fine actually. No reason for me to be here.”
  119. Jack smiled confidently. “I had a great assistant to teach me to do things well.”
  121. Hilda smiled. “Ugh, you’re too fucking good for me.” She said, rubbing her belly.
  123. Olivia eyed the two of them oddly. “What, are you two not a... thing?”
  125. Jack shrugged. “She’s a member of my harem, pregnant with one of my kids. What’s up?”
  127. Even through Olivia’s dark skin, Jack could tell the dark-skinned Kahuna had blushed. “N-nothing...” She said, looking rather uncomfortable.
  129. Hilda then elbowed Jack in the side. “Y’know, it’s been a while since I got to see anything live.” She said, hinting at some rather amorous activity.
  131. Jack looked at her skeptically. “That was fast... And quite an assumption.”
  133. “Olivia...” Hilda said, waddling over to a chair in the corner of the hotel room. “...Would you mind fucking my baby daddy’s brains out? I’m afraid your bountiful beauty is getting rather distracting.”
  135. Olivia gasped. “Er, uh, Hilda... I...”
  137. Jack eyed Olivia, scantily clad, blubbery, and beautiful and smiled lasciviously.
  139. Olivia closed her eyes and nodded. “My precondition for helping was going to be a night at the Hano Grand Resort, some great food, and a very special night just the two of us... But I can add this on to the list of demands.”
  141. Hilda pumped her fist with delight. “Something about meeting at your hotel room had me suspicious.”
  143. Jack smiled, ecstatic to fuck the 450+ pound beauty. “Your skills and responsibilities are still quite heavily needed, Hilda.”
  145. Hilda smiled, putting a hand down her shorts as Jack and Olivia disrobed. “The need for them is getting heavier by the day...”
  147. ***
  149. The blinds were drawn in the office, and the only light was that of the computer’s screen. Oleana sat at the work desk in front of the computer with a grimace. She reached into the party sized bag of potato chips conveniently next to her, grabbing a handful of chips and shoving them into her mouth, crunching down on the pile that had made it into her gaping maw, and chewed loudly. Crumbs made their way onto her clothing, but she paid them no mind. They were lost amongst the many other remnants of her previous snacks cloaking her lab coat and red dress. She continued browsing through the endless paperwork and forms listlessly.
  151. In the two weeks since Bea’s injury, Oleana had mostly stayed in the office snacking, often opting to sleep on the couch. She’d started working remotely, and her many duties as an important member of the company had piled up, giving her a number of stress-related migraines. That was not even mentioning the continual resistance of the accursed Cobal brat, who had gone and bought some nearly bankrupt ranch on Akala Island. Not to mention Rosa had stopped sending her regular updates. Plus when they were sent, they were often filled with typos and nonsense.
  153. She rarely left except for bathroom breaks, and she shrugged indifferently when she remembered the day she was so bloated and apathetic she actually relieved herself on the chair. The Dawn girl probably got a sick thrill at cleaning up the older woman’s urine, or so Oleana thought.
  155. Oleana realized only crumbs were left. She grunted and brought the opening of the bag up to her lips, then poured the salty remnants of the seasoned potato chips into her mouth, not caring how many crumbs and particles got onto her face. She gulped down the particles greedily and reached for another bag of potato chips, but failing to reach one. She turned her head and glared at the last remaining pair of party sized chip bags just out of reach and her grimace tightened. She could just roll the wheels a bit over to the far corner of the desk and reach both of them. “But that’s too much effort for someone as busy as myself.” She thought in her head. She instead opted to grab her phone and texted Serena.
  157. Oleana: More chips and sodas
  159. A minute later a knock on the door was heard and Oleana grunted her consent to Serena entering the room. The door swung open, bringing light into the dim office and she heard Serena clear her throat. Oleana smirked. “The poor girl has no restraint.” She thought to herself.
  161. Yes, Oleana had refused to shower since her arrival since she wasn’t sure if there were hidden cameras in the bathrooms, and she hadn’t had time to change her clothes in the past few days, her stress and indigestion had made her so apathetic she hadn’t gone to her room for quite some time. So yes, she probably smelled a bit... unpleasant. “But the hired help should be able to restrain themselves more easily.” Oleana thought to herself as Serena’s figure emerge in her peripheral vision, placing a clutch of bags of chips and a six pack of sodas next to her.
  163. “And Serena...” Oleana said lazily. “Grab those two bags in the corner and put them closer.” Oleana turned to look at the 160 pound kitchen assistant, noticing Serena’s fingers were squeezing her nostrils together.
  165. “Y-yes...” Serena stuttered out, her voice changing with her nasal passage blocked. Serena did as told and scurried out as quickly as she could, slamming the door behind her.
  167. Oleana thought about thanking the shallow girl, but opted not to. “It was too much work, and Serena could’ve at least composed herself more professionally.” Oleana mused. “After all, Dawn had worse to do, she’d had to clean up after my-” Oleana’s eyes bolted open with surprise as she realized her little accident had occurred three days ago, and she’d neglected to change her clothes even after the incident due to nearly going in the pool to wash off.
  169. “Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t be too hard on her...” Oleana continued to ponder aloud. Once she finished this batch of reviews, she’d go change. Until then, her hands went right for another bag of chips and opened a can of soda. After a long guzzle of soda to wash the salty flavor, she belched loudly. Her stomach gurgled with carbonation, and Oleana moved her hand to rub it, but was surprised by the crumbs all over the front of her shirt, but also at how much farther her belly stuck out. She looked down in alarm, realizing that yes, she’d grown a little bit of paunch during her downtime.
  171. “Fucking Alola.” She grunted. “Fucking brat, should’ve dealt with him before any of this shit started. Missed my chance last time before he got the money.” She muttered to no one. She checked her phone and began typing up a message to Rosa, all while emptying her bags of chips while she did.
  173. ***
  175. Jack and Hilda arrived at the DR Lab lobby with Jack taking extra time to admire the enormous blonde beauty at the front desk, Elesa. He couldn’t see her lower body, but her gut, breasts, and chins got his loins going. Hilda gave him a nudge and winked.
  177. “Real looker that one.” Hilda commented lowly.
  179. Jack nodded. It didn’t take long to get through the security checkpoint, and soon Jack as leading Hilda into Burnet’s office, and she had a visitor he hadn’t expected.
  181. “Oh hey there Jack!” Professor Kukui said, turning around with a big grin on his face.
  183. “Kukui, it’s great to see you!” Jack said, giving him a big hug. “Wasn’t expecting you here.” Jack said with a wink. He’d been the one to tip him off about Burnet’s immense weight gain.
  185. “Well when the lovely Dr. Burnet calls me in to consult on something, I have nothing else to say but yes.” Kukui said, turning to Hilda. “And Hilda, nice to see you again.”
  187. Hilda smiled and shook his hand. “Likewise.”
  189. Kukui then turned back to Burnet, and Hilda leaned in close to Jack and whispered “he’s got a boner” in his ear.
  191. Burnet cleared her throat, smiling gleefully. “Well, Professor Kukui, you are at the forefront of Z-Crystal research, it was a no brainer to ask for your help.” She said, trying to keep things professional, but the blush on her face kept her real feelings.
  193. Not long after, Olivia, Sonia, and Gloria waddled into Burnet’s office, which had become rather small feeling thanks to the over 1,500 pounds of flab on the five women alone in the office.
  195. Sonia shut the door and took a seat next to Olivia on the couch, both women still breathing heavily from the walk to the office. Gloria saw Hilda and beelined for her.
  197. “So yoor won of 'is pals then?” Gloria said directly to Hilda.
  199. Hilda gave Gloria a look, and Jack realized he hadn’t given Hilda a heads up on the strangely accented Galarian woman he’d been hooking up with every so often while on Akala.
  201. “Yeah, Gloria, this is my assistant, Hilda.” Jack said, trying to diffuse things.
  203. “Charmed.” Hilda said, her voice rising in pitch, letting Jack know she was faking a bit.
  205. Gloria grimaced. “Yoo don’ ‘ave to git all besom-y on meh.”
  207. Hilda smiled uneasily. “What?”
  209. Jack gave Hilda’s pregnant tummy a rub. “Gloria, this is one of my...”
  211. The lightbulb went off in Gloria’s head. “Oooh, mah apologies, lassie. Should’ve said yoo was one ov his-”
  213. “Staff members.” Hilda finished the sentence before things got awkward. “Thanks for looking after this lunk while I’ve been away.” Hilda said, then leaned over to Gloria’s ear and whispered in Gloria’s ear something that caused Gloria’s cheeks to blush bright red. Gloria chuckled and smiled widely in response.
  215. “Yoo gah yoorself a deal, lassie.” Gloria said aloud.
  217. The rest of the introductions went smoothly, and Kukui and Burnet took over, reporting most of their findings. Kukui had confirmed the thought that the anomaly was a Z-Crystal due to it’s similar energy readings. He went to say that all Z-Crystals appeared around the same time in Alola, but this Necrozium-Z was from way further back. So far back he couldn’t get a good reading.
  219. “I have a theory that Z-Crystals have something to do with Necrozma, or maybe even come from it.” Kukui began. “The Z-Crystals all come from around the same time, around the same time as King Kameha, the legendary king who fought Necrozma-”
  221. “Yeah, I know.” Jack said. Hilda gave him a playful punch,
  223. “I don’t.” Hilda said.
  225. “Aye, same.” Gloria said, agreeing with Hilda and giving her a slap on the toosh.
  227. “Anyways...” Kukui went on. “Necrozma hasn’t been seen since. Part of me thinks it may be sleeping somewhere in the Ten Carat Hill. I know Lusamine talked about something cataclysmic, it could be Necrozma’s re-awakening.”
  229. Jack nodded. “Sounds likely.”
  231. “We have no idea how it would re-awaken, if it ever does...” Kukui said.
  233. “Perhaps Aether knows?” Jack chimed in.
  235. Kukui folded his arms, a little peeved.
  237. “Mr. Cobal...” Burnet said. “Let him finish.”
  239. “Shit, sorry.” Jack replied.
  241. “Thank you Bur- I mean professor Burnet.” Kukui said nervously.
  243. “Burnet is fine. Technically we’re still married.” Burnet said, unable to hide a gleeful smile.
  245. “Oh yeah...” Kukui said, getting nervous as well. “Anyways back to it, this could be the key to it’s re-awakening. Just a guess on my part, no hard evidence to back it up.”
  247. Burnet nodded her head in agreement, causing her double chin to wobble. “I’d say that’s not unrealistic. We need to be prepared.”
  249. “Shouldn’t this be destroyed then?” Hilda said aloud.
  251. The whole room looked at her.
  253. “If there’s some cataclysm...” Hilda said, taking a peak at her gut. “Couldn’t it be averted by making sure Necrozma never awakens?”
  255. Jack shrugged. “Not a bad idea... But I think we need more certainty before going there. Maybe it’s the thing that saves us all if it does awaken.”
  257. Hilda bit her tongue. “Okay, yeah, that makes sense...”
  259. “I like where your head’s at.” Olivia said. Sonia nodded her head in agreement.
  261. “So where’s this going in the meantime?” Burnet asked.
  263. “I’d like to have Aether examine it... If they can prove they’re trustworthy.” Jack said. “Maybe they know the missing pieces we don’t.”
  265. “And how long would this take?” Burnet asked.
  267. “No more than a few days.” Jack replied.
  269. “And what are you going to do to test them?” Kukui asked.
  271. Burnet cleared her throat. “I think he’s got a handle on things.” Burnet said with a wink to Jack. “Anything else we need to do?”
  273. “Not really.” Olivia said.
  275. “Well, then, food at the Sea House on me!” Jack declared ecstatically.
  277. “I’ve been hearing so much about this place. Can’t wait to try it!” Hilda said, the 270 pound woman pumping her fast happily.
  279. ***
  281. Back at Oleana’s office, she was snoring loudly as the door creaked open. The 165 pound Serena, 440 pound Lillie, and 179 pound Dawn each squeezed their nostrils tight as the smell emitting from the room hit them. Each of them carried disinfectant sprays or de-odorizers.
  283. “Oh goodness, I can taste it.” Serena said.
  285. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” Lillie said.
  287. Dawn shrugged. “At least you didn’t have to wipe up her piss.”
  289. An odd buzz came from behind the trio of girls, and Lillie recognized it as Nebby. “Shhhh, Nebby.” She told the multi-colored floating tuft.
  291. “Now!” Serena commanded in a whisper.
  293. The girls began spraying the de-odorizer into the air to combat smell.
  295. “I think it’s even worse now.” Dawn said. Nebby buzzed more uncomfortably in agreement.
  297. “How long has it been since she changed clothes?” Lillie asked.
  299. Dawn shook her head. “She’s asked me to bring her a change of clothes each time she’s done it, and it’s been almost four days since the last time. Eeew...”
  301. “I love that she’s starting to really get a paunch.” Serena said. “Can’t wait until she’s as fat as we are.”
  303. Dawn scoffed. “Well, I know I’ve grown a bit but I’m not fat yet, and besidees, she’s still much skinnier than us.”
  305. “Yeah...” Lillie said, looking at her enormous, 440+ bound body.
  307. “Don’t worry Lillie.” Dawn said. “When Master Jack comes back, I’m sure he’ll make her the fattest person here by a long shot.”
  309. Lillie got an excited smile. “Yeah, I like that.”
  311. “If he ever comes back...” Serena said skeptically.
  313. Lillie shook her head angrily. “I know he will!” She declared loudly.
  315. Serena and Dawn both covered their mouths and glared at Lillie.
  317. Oleana began to stir at this point, and she opened her eyes. “What the FUCK is going on here?” She barked aloud.
  319. “Ooops.” Lillie said mousily.
  321. “You stupid fucking bitches!” Oleana barked, getting out of the chair, smelling as ripe as anyone had smelled in any of the girls’ experiences, charging at Lillie and the girls.
  323. “Ms. Oleana we-” Dawn began.
  325. “Get OUT!” Oleana screamed, face contorted into something terrifying at Lillie.
  327. Suddenly a glow came from the entryway illuminated the room, and all four of the women turned and saw Nebby, the little Cosmog glowing brightly.
  329. “Nebby!” Lillie cried out.
  331. The other women began to scream as the glowing orb that was Nebby began to float to the ceiling, and then blinding beams of light erupted from the glowing tuft. It took a few more moments, but then the light subsided, and Nebby appeared, but quite different. The multi-colored, night-sky looking tuft still remained, but encased in a golden shell. Nebby sank back to the ground, hitting it with a loud THUD, causing an indent in the flooring where it’s bottom struck the ground.
  333. “Nebby, what happened!” Lillie cried out, tears in her eyes.
  335. “Lillie...” Dawn began, but unsure of what to say. Lillie went over to the newly transformed Nebby, crying. The being had shrunk surprisingly, but judging by the indent on the ground, had become incredibly heavy.
  337. Oleana took a deep breath. “Ladies, what the fuck are you doing in here in the first place?”
  339. Serena, Dawn, and Lillie all looked at each other with a panicked look. “Uh...” Serena began.
  341. Dawn cleared her throat and spoke up. “We wanted to perform our jobs as maids and clean this room.” Serena gave Dawn a sour look.
  343. Oleana walked up to Dawn, an increasingly ripe smell emanating from the woman who had turned into a disgusting being. Dawn noticed how her growing paunch pressed against her grimey shirt and did her best not to look at it. “Ladies, what made you think this room needed a cleaning?”
  345. The girls looked at each other, daring each other to speak, yet none did. Lillie had begun to tear up as she was next to Nebby, who had stopped moving.
  347. The girls looked at each other, daring each other to speak, yet none did. Lillie had begun to tear up as she was next to Nebby, who had stopped moving.
  349. “Well, then there’s no reason you were here then. No matter, I’ll punish you three lightly.” Oleana began. “Fetch me some fresh clothes, and some sheets you can hold up and cover me so I can change in the backyard without exposing myself to that brat’s accursed cameras.
  351. “Y-yes, right away Miss Oleana.” Dawn stammered.
  353. Oleana eyed her up and down and shrugged. “Maybe one day you’ll be alright.” Oleana said, then strutted out of the room.
  355. Lillie’s tears began to flow as she checked on Nebby. “Dawn, Nebby isn’t moving...”
  357. “Maybe Nebby is just tired from using all of that energy.” Serena said aloud, trying to console Lillie.
  359. “We’re going to need an expert on this.” Dawn said. “Maybe we can try to move it?”
  361. Serena leaned over, showing her paunch and full figure, she put a hand on Nebby’s shell and went to lift but quickly found she was unable to. “This thing’s really heavy.”
  363. Dawn went to Nebby and leaned over, giving a little push. “Yeah we’re not moving that.” She said to herself. “Well, let’s get Oleana’s stuff, and tell Misty to call Kukui. He’s nearby, right? He might know.”
  365. Lillie nodded through the tears. “Okay...”
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