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Caroline Story

a guest
Sep 17th, 2014
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  1. Caroline,
  2. Beggins was born on the tenth of December, in 1970. She was born in Liberty City, The golden city of United States of America, truly a haven and land of opportunity. Her father was a werewolf but she was never informed, leaving her to believe he was merely another person, just the same as anyone else. He was her role model, being a bit more present in her life, rather than her mother, he showed her many things and molded her mind as well, adding on to the developing ethics in the young mind of Caroline. Her father already treated her much more maturely than she was physically, her mind being something growing and becoming much more developed with the aid he provided to her, even before she reached age six. But Caroline had something special, she said her first word when She was one and half years old.
  3. January fifth, 1975. She was merely four, and still fairly young, spending some quality time with her father, only to hear a vicious sort of sound, something animalistic and raw, that to this date still echoes freshly into her mind. It was something she really couldn't understand, regardless of what happened, her father always made sure to say goodbye, whether it was verbal, or done in the form of physical affection, like a hug or a simple kiss. She didn't get anything. The rest of the day's gloomy mood was something you could physically see, A heavy storm took over the city and let rain pour down, accompanied with loud cracks of thunder. Her mother was the only company she had, and she was eagerly waiting for her daughter to return as he did every evening, it was the only way where she agreed to sleep peacefully. She adored her father. Giving up as the day dragged on, she grew far too tired to remain awake, and finally went to bed, and took a dreamless night of sleep.
  5. Waking up happily, hoping to find the familar coat her father wore, or hear the heavy sound of his footsteps within the home, she was unfortunately disappointed. When she asked her mom about her father, She was only told that 'He left for a Job Interview early in the morning' and she was in no place to argue with the word of her mother. Her mother herself wasn't aware of what had really happened, so they both shared whatever little information they were given, and held onto it with hope. The storm having lightened up slightly, they both set out towards the nearby park, close to their home and went within it, dark tall trees riddling the landscape. The next sight was something that churned and twisted her insides, her father's injured and limp body lying beside the trunk of a tree, motionless. Time seemed to come to a halt as she ran over towards him, and dropped to her knees seeing the skin that covered his neck broken and torn, as if something had torn away the flesh from it.
  7. She felt numb all over, and wasn't sure what to feel, or what to display, so she did nothing. Her father had taught her to be tough, and to work past whatever sadness had afflicted her in this life, but.. how was she to do it when he wasn't there to tell her? Much easier said than done, she lied there until the authorities came by, and took a brief survey of the area, finding little to no evidence of foul play aside from the wound on his neck, which seemed of beastly origins. So there were her mother, Widowed and fatherless, abandoned and cold. Such feelings were something not too easily ignored, but the feeling of emptiness that the warm and cheerful man who her father was, overwhelmed them. They couldn't cope with it properly, so instead of grieving they neglected the thought and pushed it away, to isolate everything inside of them. Her mother was something useless without her father, Caroline was left to cook and clean, and fend for herself while he mother was just there.. doing nothing. She took to drinking, and became someone Caroline couldn't recognize, Finding wine and bottles of alcohol littering their home, all her mother's. Watching television one evening, her mother came back drunk and began to yell at Caroline, tossing nasty words in her direction, even to the point where she blamed her father's death on her. As if that didn't sting enough, Her mother slapped her, only to add more fuel to the flame of pain which was lighted within Caroline's well being. Locking herself in her room, she cried and sobbed into her pillow, which would be one of the many nights to come, of emptiness and even more intense isolation.
  9. Reaching eight years of age, Her mother remarried a new man, this one was someone who would never size up to her father. He reeked of beer, and smoke, and was one of the most vile people she'd ever met, and she put the beatings her mother gave her to shame. Her mother would allow the foreign man to lay his hands on Caroline, and beat her time and time again, only to show how much she was rejected by this make-shift family which would soon fall apart. Having enough at a point, she began to scrounge up money, and try to leave her home, gathering enough money for a bus ticket, one headed away, far far away from the place where she once called him, with only her clothing and a picture of her father to keep her company, her mother removed from the photo with a pair of scissors.
  11. Wandering amongst the streets of Palomino Creek, a small town in the country far away from her home, practically orphaned as her father was gone, and although she wasn't deceased, her mother was gone from her life as well. A stretch stopped beside the road one evening, an older couple being in the seat while a driver conducted the vehicle, windows rolling down as the lady and gentleman spoke to the young Caroline. Offering her a place to sleep for the night, and shelter from the rain which had wet her clothing, she happily accepted and spent the night with them, and then another, and another.. gradually becoming much more familiar with these people who'd she met on such a dark night. Maybe her luck was finally turning? Both of them were sterile, and unable to have children, so Caroline was to fill the void for them, as the role of offspring, and have the family which she had lost so long ago. She got everything she could ask for, Money, Clothing, Cars, Jewelry. She was spoiled plenty over the years, but the void that her parents had left in her heart could not be filled or bought with money, and remained there, aching as she spent the nights looking at the photo of her father and her.
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