
Twilight's Journey: Willow Moon

Dec 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Seven hours.
  2. >Seven hours and you haven't found anything. How can this be? The Canterlot archives have every bit of knowledge available to an Equestrian... don't they?
  3. >You close yet another file and let out a sigh, rubbing your face with a hoof.
  4. "I'm sorry."
  5. >Only Applejack is awake with you now. The other girls are taking a nap in various places. You thought you saw Pinkie snoozing on one of the shelves earlier.
  6. >She turns towards you with a frown on her face, "C'mon Twi, ya can't give up yet. We came out here for Anon, remember?"
  7. "I know, it's just... I feel like I'm wasting your time. You can't even remember him, and I know I did the memory spell, but I've been wondering if I'm going a bit crazy or not. You all followed me out here, trusting me to find something, anything that would give us a lead, and... here we are, nothing."
  8. >When she doesn't respond you figure your words got to her, but they're true.
  9. >Just when you start thinking about telling them to go back to Ponyville while you follow Anon's trail by yourself, she hits you on the back of the head.
  10. >You frown.
  11. "Ow, what was..."
  12. >"Now the Twi I know don't just give up like that. Think about it for a mite, maybe we're just lookin' for the wrong thing is all."
  13. "But I..."
  14. >You pause. Perhaps she is right. This entire time you've been searching the guards' records to see if there had been any strange disappearances with ponies forgetting others. Maybe you have to think outside the box a little bit. Instead of looking for strange disappearances in the records you should look for reports that had been dropped due to no progress.
  15. >If someone disappears without leaving a memory of themselves, and only a few or one can remember them, then the cases would be dropped and wouldn't be filed under the unsolved designation.
  16. "Applejack."
  17. >"What is it?"
  18. >You throw your hooves around her.
  19. "You're a genius!"
  20. >"W... well I wouldn't say that."
  21. >It doesn't take you that long to find the dropped cases. They're right on the other side of the shelf. It's a lot less organized this time around, but now you know what you're doing. You and Applejack set to work, pulling down random boxes and shuffling through the disorganized paper.
  22. >You get lucky, and it only takes you twenty minutes to find what you need.
  23. "Look at this one."
  24. >You float the open manilla folder closer to your face, your eyes narrowing.
  25. "Wow... it's thirty years old."
  26. >"Thirty years? That's longer'n any of us have been alive."
  27. "Look, it has a name. Willow Moon... and an address!"
  28. >"I'll go with ya."
  29. "No."
  30. >"Huh?"
  31. "If the others wake up before we get back they could get worried."
  32. >"We'll just leave a note on the door. Can't take all that long to find this fella, after all."
  33. "I... okay. I'll write up a quick note for the others. Let's go have a chat with Mr. Moon."
  34. -------
  35. >When you leave the library the sky is already turning a light shade of orange and the sun is on the horizon. Sometimes it's hard to believe how long it takes to find just a bit of info like that. As you walk down the street with Applejack, heading towards the edge of the city, you lament that it can be quite the task looking up just a bit of information.
  36. >If you had the... what did Anon call it? Internite?
  37. >No, that isn't it.
  38. >"Ya alright Twi?"
  39. >You stop walking and turn to your friend.
  40. "Um... yeah, yeah I'm alright."
  41. >"Yer awful quiet."
  42. "Just... thinking about Anon."
  43. >The two of you resume the trip, but Applejack trots to your side, frowning, "Is it botherin' you that much? How close were you?"
  44. "He was... he was part of our group Applejack. Losing him is just as bad as losing one of you. I would still be following an invisible trail if one of you had gone missing like this."
  45. >"Yeah, I get that he was part o' the group, it's why I'm here right now. I ain't one to leave a friend hangin'. That's not what I'm asking, though."
  46. "Then what are you asking?"
  47. >"Er... how to put this delicate-like... were ya'll dating?"
  48. >You're pretty sure your face is on fire at this point.
  49. "That wasn't very delicate Applejack!"
  50. >"I'm just sayin' you seem awful fond of him is all."
  51. "Brutally honest as always. No we were not dating."
  52. >"So does he butter yer bread then?"
  53. "C... can we just concentrate on the task at hand? We need to find Willow Moon, maybe he knows something about how Anon disappeared."
  54. >"Now yer just avoidin' the subject."
  55. "It's not anything worth talking about."
  56. >You can hear the smirk in her voice, "I think it is."
  57. "Why are you being so persistant about this? I would expect something like this from Rarity, not you. Since when have you been all snout-deep in romance?"
  58. >"Soooo there is something goin' on."
  59. "UGH! I'm done. This is hopeless."
  60. >Before she can say anything else you feel a slight pressure on your chest and look down. It looks like you walked right into one of the railings on the edge of the city. Huh... good thing there's a railing there. Who knows how many Earth ponies and unicorns would plummet to their death for not paying attention.
  61. >You glare at Applejack.
  62. "Gee, thanks for the warning."
  63. >Her ears droop, "Hehe... uh... you can fly an' all."
  64. >Oh yeah, you keep forgetting about tha... HEY WAIT A MINUTE.
  65. "Quit trying to pull a fast one on me, you were just as oblivious as I was."
  66. >She gestures a hoof to her right, "But look, we're here... safe an' sound. I was at least payin' attention to the street we were on."
  67. >You look to where she is pointing and see a rather downtrodden house. It's only two stories, and there's no door, just a hole. The paint is chipping from the outside and one of the windows is broken. It's hard to imagine someone living in a place like this.
  68. "Well, the file was outdated, maybe it's abandoned."
  69. >"Nuh uh. Section 13-B of the property law indicates that if someone up an' leaves their house and doesn't come back for ten years then it gets demolished to make room fer other property."
  70. >You raise an eyebrow.
  71. >"What are ya lookin' at? I'm a land owner. I gotta know this stuff."
  72. "Ten years, right? It could still be abandoned then, but it also means he lived here for at least nineteen."
  73. >You step forward, cautiously. If someone lives in this you're afraid of disturbing them. For all you know they could be an unhinged lunatic. What kind of pony subjects themselves to this? You can only imagine how bad the inside of the house is if the upkeep out here is in shambles.
  74. >"Careful Twi. Could be squatters in there."
  75. >A booming voice comes from the house, "No squatters here Madam."
  76. >Applejack raises a brow, "I'll have ya know I'm still on the good side o' twenty-two stranger."
  77. >So much for caution.
  78. >"Apologies. I did not mean to offend." You hear the sound of hooves on wood, and a tall male unicorn appears in the doorway. He's at least sixty years old, with a short beard and mustache. His mane is completely grey, and there are many wrinkles on his face. "I am not meaning to call you old... Applejack was it? It is simply how I refer to lady's I have yet to introduce myself to."
  79. "Are you... Willow Moon?"
  80. >"Haven't heard that name in a long time. Forgive me if I don't rush out to introduce myself. I am blind, you see."
  81. >When you look closer, you notice that his eyes are indeed a glassy color.
  82. >"What brings two country girl's like yourselves to my old house?"
  83. >Applejack steps forward, "We got questions, an' lot's of 'em."
  84. >He smiles lightly and nods his head. "I've always enjoyed the latent curiosity of the young. Come inside. I may not have your answers, but I'll do my best to give you what you need."
  85. >You turn to Applejack and give her a questioning look. She throws out her right hoof in a shrugging motion and gestures to the front door. You sigh, walking towards the house as she follows you. After a short walk up the deck's stairs you're inside the house.
  86. >It's a lot more clean than you thought it would be. The living room seems to be attached to the kitchen, and the furniture, especially the two couches, have an antique feel about them. There is a single hallway leading out to the left, which you assume also houses a set of stairs.
  87. >The most mess you can see is a used coffee cup on a small mantle by one of the couches.
  88. >It smells of oak and lemons.
  89. "Why is the outside of your house in such disrepair?"
  90. >The old man laughs, making his way slowly towards his kitchen, "Forgot what it looks like. Can't work on it myself and I haven't the slightest inclination to pay a stranger hundreds of bits to fix it. Do you like your tea hot or cold?"
  91. "Um... hot please."
  92. >After a few minutes of waiting and a loud whistling noise, he returns with two cups of tea and sets them down on the small table by the couches. "Come," he says, "Sit, no reason for my guests to stand the entire time they're here."
  93. >Applejack opts for the couch, but you approach the table and sit on your hindquarters, floating one of the tea cups towards you.
  94. >You take a sip, and it's pretty damn good.
  95. "This is delicious."
  96. >"Used to grow my own leaves," he says, "Now I just have to find the the right ones at the market."
  97. >A moment of silence passes, and Applejack starts to drink her tea, holding the cup with both hooves.
  98. >"So," says Willow, "Something tells me you didn't just come here to keep an old blind man company. Did you come here looking for something? Or someone?"
  99. "My friend has gone missing."
  100. >"And she's the only one that can remember him. Ya gotta help."
  101. "I found your file in the Canterlot archives. You came forward to report a disappearance. The only problem was that no one knew who it was you were talking about. They searched for a week, but eventually it was decided that the case was a fluke."
  102. >Willow goes quiet, a frown on his face. Then he slowly shakes his head, "Seems like I can't get away from this no matter how hard I try. Lily Bloom went missing from my life. I woke up and she was gone."
  103. >You gasp.
  104. "She was..."
  105. >"My wife, yes. After the guards dropped the case I was swept under the rug."
  106. "Couldn't you have gone to Celestia?"
  107. >"I tried, but the guards wouldn't let me. Said I'd be wasting her time."
  108. "But that's... that can't..."
  109. >How dare they? To just turn away a citizen like that.
  110. >"Happens all the time. With all the things she has to accomplish day to day I'm surprised I even managed to get through the requesting process."
  111. "But she has an open door policy, that doesn't..."
  112. >"On paper she does. In reality, there are only a handful of ponies that could walk into the palace without a request. From how surprised you sound I'm going to venture a guess that you're one of them. What's your name?"
  113. "Twilight... Twilight Sparkle."
  114. >His breath hitches, "Heh... I... I'll be damned. First my wife, now a princess' friend."
  115. "Please, just call me Twilight. In place of Princess Celestia I will personally review your case. Consider your request processed and approved."
  116. >"It's been thirty years," he mumbles.
  117. >You set the tea down on the table and stand, approaching the old unicorn with a smile on your face.
  118. "You're right. It has been thirty years. That's too long of a time to wait. My friend has only been missing for a couple of days now. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for you. Willow Moon. I swear on my life I will find your wife, and I will find my friend. Please, we need information. Where did you last see your wife?"
  119. >He sighs, "We were on vacation... in Manehattan. We were staying at the Horseshoe Hotel on Main Street. I don't know what you can find there. Maybe some residual magic... I don't know. I couldn't feel anything after she was gone. I just woke up and she wasn't there. Then again, I was young back then, and less experienced in the magical arts than I am now. I learned quite a bit while looking for her."
  120. "I see."
  121. >"TWILIGHT!"
  122. >You turn towards the voice and see Rarity in the doorway of the house.
  123. "Wh... what's wrong?"
  124. >"Our bits, they're all gone. Rainbow Dash went after the thief but..."
  125. "Where did they go?"
  126. >"I don't know. Oh dear, what do we do?"
  127. "Applejack, you're with me. Rarity, I need you to head back to the archives and make sure nothing else happens. Where's the rest of our stuff?"
  128. >"Everypony else stayed behind to watch it," says Rarity.
  129. "Alright. Let's go catch a thief."
  130. >Before you leave with Applejack, you turn to Willow, who looks rather lost in thought, "Hmmm. it really does seem like I can't escape. Princess Twilight... be cautious."
  131. "Cautious? I don't..."
  132. >"We don't got any time for this!" shouts Applejack, "The longer we sit here askin' questions the more chance that thief has ta get away!"
  133. >Reluctantly, you leave without asking anything further.
  134. >Rarity departs and you turn to face Applejack.
  135. "Listen. I need you to head to the market square. Start asking around for lilies. If you get a strange reaction I want you to stay put if you can, remember who reacts to it. I'll come and find you whether or not we catch the thief."
  136. >"But Twi, what am I..."
  137. >You smirk.
  138. "No time for questions, remember?"
  139. >With that you take to the sky, searching the high spires of Canterlot for a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane.
  140. >It's harder than it sounds. Considering how much she stands out you think you would be able to find her no problem, but between all the buildings and the setting sun reflecting on everything in the vicinity, it's really hard to spot certain colors.
  141. >For all you know she could be on the ground by now.
  142. >Then you hear it...
  143. >The sound barrier being broken.
  144. >Ah, there she is.
  145. -Two Months Ago-
  146. "As my new royal escort, it is your duty to follow me around at all times."
  147. >"Even if the places I'm following you into seem rather... questionable?"
  148. "Especially if they seem questionable."
  149. >Anonymous is currently trailing behind you, popping his knuckles every once in a while out of nervousness. You hate it when he does that. It's a bad habit for humans. You're both walking down the market street of Canterlot in the dead of night.
  150. >"I don't know Twi. Streets like this back home... they weren't exactly places you would wanna be at night."
  151. "This isn't "back home" Anon. I'm telling you, you'll be perfectly fine. We're here to see an old friend of mine."
  152. >"Thought you didn't make friends in Canterlot."
  153. >You roll your eyes and sigh, "You'll be fine. don't be such a baby."
  154. >"I resent that remark. Who was the one who saved your ass back in the Everfree a week ago, huh? Oh, and don't forget that creepy castle."
  155. "It's not creepy anymore, we rebuilt it."
  156. >"It's still creepy."
  157. "Look, you're here because I need you."
  158. >"Ah, so that's how it is. Do my devilish good looks comfort you?"
  159. >There you go with the blushing again.
  160. "Listen. I'm telling you, you'll like this. There are, in fact, a few places you shouldn't go at night, but trust me when I say this isn't one of them. We'll be completely fine."
  161. >Anon falls silent, and the two of you walk for a few more blocks before stumbling upon what looks like a small fountain. There's a singular pony standing by it, dressed in a black cloke with the hood pulled over their face. As you approach the pony tenses up to turn to you, but then relaxes after they get a good look. "Oh, it's just you... Twilight," her voice is dripping with just the tiniest amount of venom.
  162. "Hello, Sunset."
  163. >She removes the hood with her magic and smirks, "I see you brought your little pet. Wanna explain to me why you're calling me out so soon after I get back?"
  164. "Well, it's not to gloat or anything, trust me."
  165. >"Pretty wings you've got there. I bet your boytoy likes them."
  166. >Anon clears his throat.
  167. "Alright Sunset, cut the act. We're friends whether you like it or not, and I need your help."
  168. >"Oooo, so forceful. My new guild COULD help you I suppose. What exactly do you need help with?"
  169. "The minotaurs are coming in a week's time, and I need you to help me prevent... incidents."
  170. >Sunset sighs and scuffs the ground with her hoof. "Alright, alright. I'll help you out, but only because friendship and making me open up and blah blah blah. Listen Sparkle, this better not be some suicide run. What exactly are we up against?"
  171. "I don't know, but political tensions are high. Refreshing the treaty ten years ago was easy enough when the Minotaurs wanted peace, but I don't know how it will go this time. Their new king... he leaves a lot to be desired."
  172. >"Hold up," says Anon, stepping forward, "You didn't tell me about this. He seemed perfectly civil when I met him, so why would you think somethings going on? I mean, compared to where I come from politics seem pretty straightforward and you can trust a lot more people."
  173. "I don't honestly know. He's annexing territory for expanding the capital, and he started a draft. There hasn't been a draft in two-hundred years."
  174. >Anon brings a hand to his face and frowns, "Hmm. Well let's get through the meeting before we start hiring assassins and stuff."
  175. >Sunset growls, "I am not a..."
  176. >You hold up a hoof.
  177. "I can see where you're coming from, Anon. Let's go to the meeting and ask him about it. Sunset, talk to your... guild. I want you on standby still."
  178. >"Thank you," says Anon, "For all we know they could just be getting threats or something. I mean, they aren't exactly the most talkative bunch when it comes to their politics."
  179. >"Let me come too," says Sunset.
  180. "But..."
  181. >"No. I'm coming. I'm tired of being out of the loop, Sparkle. If you want my help I need to be at that meeting. Make something up for the form, make me a representative for my guild or something."
  182. >You sigh and bring a hoof to your face. Sunset has always been tough to deal with, but now that she actually likes you (you think) she's even more difficult.
  183. "With friends like these..."
  184. >Sunset smirks, "What was that, Sparkle?"
  185. >You grit your teeth.
  186. "Nothing. Anyways Anon, I'm sure Sunset is itching to show us what she's accomplished since our little trip into the alternate world."
  187. >"Oh, am I ever. Come on you two, I want you to meet a couple of friends of mine.
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