
GSiE (1): Taking out a loan

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. >”Ma'am, I don't want to harm you, but I will do what I must to survive. Please put the money in the bag, and I'll be on my horse and out of Tuscon in...”You pull out your pocket watch and check” 3 minutes, 52 seconds.”
  2. >Tipping your hat low enough to cover your eyes, you puff your cigar and let out a small smile.
  3. >She looks at you, at your golden watch, at your revolver, then back at you.
  4. >”Ma'am, please.” You gently nudge the bag towards her.
  5. >You see her expression.
  6. >You know what she is about to do.
  7. >Why are these things never easy?
  9. >God damnit.
  10. >You hop over the counter, cocking the hammer of your Colt 45.
  11. >Grabbing her by the front of her dress, you pull her down under the counter as a flurry of bullets fly above your head..
  12. >Jesus, these guys wasted no time.
  13. >Then again, this lovely little town was never known for its hospitality towards bank robbers.
  14. >Seriously. Robbing Tuscon was a terrible decision.
  15. >Why are you doing this again?
  16. >You pull what is left of the old register to the ground, the drawer popping open as a ton of cash spills out
  17. >Ah, that's why.
  18. >Staring into the bank-teller’s eyes, your voice is barely a whisper.
  19. >”You just couldn’t put the money in the bag, could you, you hussy.”
  20. >She is terrified, her sobs barely audible above the volley of gunfire.
  22. >You continue stuffing the money into the bag.
  23. >If you were gonna die, you're gonna die guns blazing, and with a bag cash in your hand.
  24. >You look up, and see the safe.
  25. >Big metal door. Completely bulletproof.
  26. >And you'd have no exit, Anon.
  27. >You're right brain. Now I know why I keep you around.
  28. >And if you were to get rid of me, you'd cease to exist.
  29. >That too.
  30. >That thick metal door will help you with this part of your plan
  31. >You grab a stick of dynamite from your inside coat pocket, and light it on the end of your cigar.
  32. >Probably not safe, but dynamite hardly ever is.
  33. >As soon as the fuse starts sparking, you throw it full force into the safe, and dive to the side, grabbing the teller before your roll.
  34. >Using your body to shield the innocent from any potential shrapnel, you wait for the explosion.
  36. >And you wait
  37. >And wait.
  38. >Seriously, where was the-
  39. KA-BOOM!
  40. >Ah, there it is.
  41. >There appears to be a ceasefire.
  42. >You peek your eyes above the counter, holding your other hand over the girl's mouth.
  43. >Everyone is either KO'd, stunned from the explosion, or reloading.
  44. >Good enough for you.
  45. >You leap over the counter, shooting towards the attackers.
  46. >Most take cover, others are too stunned to realize they're getting shot at.
  47. >Bursting out of the saloon style doors, you look side to side looking for your horse.
  48. >Ah, there's M.
  49. >You run towards him, vaulting over the hitching post, and hopping in the saddle.
  50. >”HYAH!” You dig your heels into the horse's sides, and take off like a bolt of lighting down the main road.
  51. >As you leave the edge of this trainstop town, you hear “Anon” “Wanted” and “Kill”
  52. >You have been a part of many robberies in your day. You can tell by the bullets flying above your head and the angry shouting behind you that this isn't going to end peacefully.
  54. >While still running, you open the bag of cash.
  55. >After grabbing a fistful of dollars and shoving them into your tan duster, you grab a small flask you have latched to the side of M.
  56. >The first time you tried this, you lit yourself and your horse on fire.
  57. >You and M still have the scars from it.
  58. >But after a few dozen tries, you have gotten good.
  59. >You dump the contents of the flask into the bag, and hastily shove the flask back into its holster.
  60. >You didn't notice that some of the liquid had managed to splash onto you and your coat.
  61. >You pull a match from your coat pocket, and strike it against your hat.
  62. >Dropping the match into satchel, you wait for it to igni-
  64. >The fire trails up the bag and onto your coat sleeve.
  66. >You frantically wave your arm around, dropping the bag.
  67. >Must be quite a sight, really.
  68. >Half the town is chasing after you, bullets are flying above your head, and you just dropped a bag of burning money because your right half is now on fire.
  69. >A realization hits you like a slug from a 45.
  70. >Wait...
  71. >Your right half is on fire...
  72. >That's where you keep your dynamite.
  73. >In an effort to prevent a grisly demise, you try to grab the stick of dynamite and throw it away from you.
  74. >As it leaves your fingers, your vision burns orange for a second and your ears ring.
  75. >Then, darkness.
  77. >Pain shoots through your body as you jolt upright
  78. >Of course you're in pain. A death stick just went boom not a foot from your face.
  79. >Thanks for the analysis, brain.
  80. >Opening your eyes, you see trees everywhere.
  81. >This isn't where you parked your horse.
  82. >You slowly rise, and pat your body down.
  83. >Your jacket has some burn marks on it, but everything else about it is fine.
  84. >Well, everything except for the fact you are feeling nothing but pain.
  85. >Not a sharp pain. It's more like the pain you feel after working the fields all day.
  86. >Good honest work for good honest folk.
  87. >And an honest to goodness pain on your fit form.
  88. >You hobble towards a tree, using it for support
  89. >”Damn, this hurts.”
  90. >”You feeling okay, Anon?”
  91. >”Not really. I'm really achi-” Wait...
  92. >Drawing your revolver, you point it at the bush that seems to be talking to you
  93. >”Who's there?! Show yourself!” You quietly check the drum.
  94. >Good,it's still loaded.
  95. >”Wait, you can understand me?” The voice says again.
  96. >”Of course I can understand you, you're speaking perfectly good English. Now tell me who you are before I start shooting!”
  97. >Silence falls.
  98. >After an eternity of a moment, the voice speaks again.
  99. >”Anon, you really wouldn't shoot your only friend in the world, would you?”
  100. >You pause for a moment before responding.
  101. >”Momma?”
  103. >”2 things wrong with that guess. Firstly, I'm a male, you damn fool. Second, your momma died when you were born.”
  104. >Well this person clearly knows about your past.
  105. >”Why dontcha come outta those bushes and reveal yourself, friend.” you say, revolver still aimed at the foliage.
  106. >”Put the revolver away, and I’ll come out..”
  107. >Holstering your revolver, you see a still saddled M walk through the bushes.
  108. >He looks different though. His face is more...face-y. And he seems more vividly colored.
  109. >”Get out from behind my horse, you yellow bellied son of a bitch” you draw your revolver and point it towards M.
  110. >You like your horse. You'll be damned if some boot licking snake is gonna use him as cover.
  111. >M turns around to look behind him, effectively turning around in place.
  112. >Always a smart horse.
  113. >”There's no one there, Anon. I think that dynamite hit yer head harder than you thought.” M looks back to you, clearly speaking.
  114. >”Yeah... I think so too.” you put your revolver back into the holster, and lightly grab your head.
  115. >”Are you feelin ok Anon?” M cocks his head, staring at you with his comically large eyes.
  116. >You simply stare at his moving lips.
  117. >His lips move because he is speaking, Anon
  119. >He doesn't have a bit in his mouth. He probably couldn't speak if he had a bit in.
  120. >SHUT. UP. BRAIN.
  121. >”Nope. Not ok in the slightest.”
  122. >Your legs fail you, and you crumple to the floor.
  123. >You're unconscious before you hit the ground
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