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Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. Aphelios preseason guide:
  3. Aphelios is a pretty good champ with lots of unique things to know about him but here's what matters.
  5. Starting with abilities his W just switches between your main and passive weapon and he has no E ability. That clears up a lot of confusion already.
  7. Every weapon Aphelios has comes with a passive when it's on his offhand/showing up where E would normally.
  9. Instead of leveling up his abilities when he levels up from jungle camps or minions he levels up his Armor Penetration/ Attack Damage/ Attack Speed. Don't worry about which one's you get too much as you'll get all of them at level 18.
  11. What I do and I recommend people do while playing aphelios is to cycle through weapons until he gets to the sniper rifle that gives him +100 range. When you get the sniper rifle, switch to his offhand weapon because the sniper rifle's passive is by far the best. It gives +100 range and gives the ability to mark someone when you auto attack them, after you mark someone and auto attack them again you get a boost in damage.
  13. Aphelios' boomerang or lifesteal weapon gives the passive of low scaling lifesteal on his auto attacks - the ult while having this weapon equipped in his offhand is that when he uses it he gains 100 - 200 - 300 health depending on level. The Q on this ability creates a circle around him(based on attack range) which will continuously attack enemies around him based on attack damage.
  15. His chakram or glaive weapon has a passive ability that he throws his weapon like a boomerang and when the chakram leaves Aphelios and comes back to him he can immediately auto attack again. The Q on the chakram is a turret that marks enemies it's shooting, if Aphelios attacks the same target as the turret, he gains more damage on that auto attack. The ult on this ability makes it so when the turret Aphelios had placed down or when Aphelios auto attacks he sends out 3 mini chakrams that also attack that enemy.
  17. The shotgun or flamethrower is most definently the best mainhand weapon for Aphelios to use it a majority of situations. The passive of the shotgun is that when he auto attacks an enemy a tiny spray of bullets comes out of the back of the target aphelios has hit. The Q on this ability sends out a couple shots in front of aphelios to hurt enemies and mark them with the sniper rifles passive. When Aphelios uses his R with this weapon it does a bit of extra damage and sends all of Aphelios' weapons to attack the same target without wasting ammo on any of them.
  19. The last of Aphelios' weapons is called gravitum. This weapon's passive is that whenever Aphelios auto attacks an enemy, he slows them by 30%. The q on this weapon is when Aphelios auto attacks an enemy he marks them to be hit by his Q, his Q makes all enemies marked by gravitum to be rooted for a second or so. When he ults with this weapon, he slows the enemy hit by 99%. This weapon is the only bit of survivability Aphelios has on his kit besides when he uses his ultimate with the lifesteal weapon which gives him base health. When building runnans hurricane and using gravitum, he hits multiple enemies and can root any of them with his Q.
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