
Come on and SLAM (Complete) NSFW

Sep 30th, 2016
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  1. >The squeak of sneakers on a basketball court echoing through the gym put you at ease.
  2. >As long as you've been here you had no Idea the ponies had basketball.
  3. >It seemed as tho buckball was their only sport
  4. >But this was straight up basketball!
  5. >The personal fouls, the fast breaks the rimjobs , the slam dunks, it all felt so familiar.
  6. >"hey, anon!" calls Ponk. She swishes from half court while maintaining eye contact.
  7. >U-unf
  8. >"ya ready to get dunked on?"
  9. >You may be a bit rusty, but you can teach these horses a thing or two.
  10. >These horses are teaching you a thing or two, like how easy it is to steal the ball from you due to your height.
  11. >They're also teaching you that an 8 ft goal don't mean a damn thing to an earth pony
  12. "Holy shit you mares can jump"
  13. >But that didn't stop you from swatting down most of Pinkies layups.
  14. >Her pouts were too much
  15. >When you finally did keep the ball you crossed apple jack into the shadow realm.
  16. >Pones aren't built to move sideways on all fours it turns out, good to know.
  17. >Now that you're clear, it's time for your first dunk
  18. >You explode down the court, and jump as high you could.
  19. >You arch your back and throw both arms behind you and slam it into the hoop with a roar.
  20. >The glass backboard shatters ans showers you with sparkling fragments.
  21. >At least that's how it went in your head.
  22. >You try to slam it Jordan style with your tongue hanging out, but you end up banging your wrist on the rim and falling flat on your ass.
  23. >You didn't know your wrist had a funny bone.
  24. >Bounce Pass, your team mare asks if you're hurt.
  25. "Just my pride really" you say waiting for the pins and needles to leave your clutched wrist.
  26. >"You still made the shot if it makes you feel any better"
  27. >It kinda does.
  28. >She helps you to your feet and over to the bench.
  29. >Pinkie ally-oops it to the stallion with a bowl cut the her team wins.
  30. >The pink mare pops party favors in celebration.
  32. >Ponko struts over with that smug, shit-eating grin of hers.
  33. "Don't rub it in too hard"
  34. >"I'll be gentle nonny"
  35. >This mare
  36. >"shame you dinged your foreho-arm back there, it would have made a great dunk."
  37. "Yeah I'm guess I'm just used to higher hoops"
  38. >"nice hoof work too, you crossed the buck out of AJ"
  39. >"Ah'll git em next time" Aj cut in, "Ah just never gaurded the like of 'im before."
  40. "Maybe a one on one could settle the score."
  41. >"Perhaps it would"
  42. >"And I could teach ya how to dunk' Pinkie added.
  43. "how about tomorrow? I'll be off work.
  44. >"It's a date" they both say in unison.
  45. >The two make their way to the showers and you head home.
  46. >Basketball in horse land.
  47. >Who knew?
  49. >The game is intense
  50. >Two on one is almost unfair, for them
  51. >You have to get a bit lower than normal to keep them from going between your legs.
  52. >Not that you minded too much, Pinkie's rump kept her from slipping under you very easily and you were certain AJ's last tail flick was intentional.
  53. >Lewd thoughts like those are not meant for basketball shorts however.
  54. >To keep your composure you had to think that fucking horses was somehow a bad thing.
  55. >You were able to intercept some of their passes with your superior reach.
  56. >If only the ball was small enough to palm, you would destroy this game.
  57. "you gotta back me up to the hoop Ponko"
  58. >"I thought this was a rematch"
  59. "It wont be fun if theirs no challenge"
  60. >"alright you asked for it"
  61. >The bouncy mare bumped you with her plush posterior and ducked around your guard.
  62. >You you could barely keep up with her down the lane.
  63. >She bounces it off the glass and AJ slams it in your face.
  64. "And that's how ya dunk sugarcube" she tips her hat triumphantly and slaps the ball to you with her tail.
  65. >Oh, it's on.
  66. "I crossed you once, I'll do it again"
  67. >And so you did.
  68. >She made the mistake of standing on her hind legs this time.
  69. >You bounced the ball off of her chest and spun past her, she was too busy regaining her balance to chase you.
  70. >This time was for sure.
  71. >Only pinkie stood in your way.
  72. >run fuckit.exe as administrator
  73. >You jumped from the free throw line and it through off her timing
  74. >By the time she was up there with you it was too late, she got a face full of crotch
  75. >You Dunked it hard enough to shake the whole post and you leave both elbows in the hoop
  77. >you drop with a super hero landing and AJ and Ponk share the hype with you
  78. >"Taaarnation anon!"
  79. >"Wowie wow that was amazing"
  80. >Damn right it was
  82. >"Looks like nonny's more gifted than we thought"
  83. >"Yeah, but Ah think ye overdid it there sugarcube" She motions her head to the cracked back board.
  84. >Looks like you'll have to play half court for a while.....worth it
  85. "How long will that take to fix?"
  86. "Till that pinhed janitor gets off his backside and zaps it."
  87. >Oh yeah, magic.
  88. "In that case, I think now is a good time to pack it in. Hit the showers ladies"
  89. >You get a synchronized "aww".
  90. >You could use a shower yourself, there was no way you were walking home like this.
  91. >You sigh in relief as the water hit's your action figure like pecs and chiseled abs.
  92. >Since you arrived you ate a vegetarian diet and it payed off.
  93. >Maybe vegan gains wasn't completely full of shit.
  94. >Wait.
  95. >You get the sudden feeling that you're being watched, you turn to hall abck at the lockers and see a flash of color duck behind a row of lockers.
  96. >You swear if another stallion want's to see your "Monkey chode" you'll be livid.
  97. >It's not even a chode! It's just thicker in the center than it is at the tip. the opposite of fat headed thin-
  98. >Oh hey it's apple jack, you guess this is better than a dude. She's not wearing her hat either
  99. >l-lewd
  100. >Tracking her eyes tells you that she's looking for something to hang her hat on.
  101. "My eye's are up here AJ"
  102. >"g-gimme a sec"
  103. >How does the whole nudity thing work here? You were sure that she wouldn't care if you were naked, or maybe your unique dingus has her in a trance.
  104. >This could be interesting.
  105. >you give you hips a shake to snap her out of her daze, her eyes simply follow you peen and her tail lifts slightly.
  106. >See somethin ya like lil' missy
  107. >she nods slowly before snapping back to reality
  108. >"Oh, well A-ah was just wondrin' the nature of a creature s-such as yourself-"
  109. "Uhuh."
  110. >she tried her best to keep looking up at you, but her best wasn't good enough.
  111. >"And seein as ya ain't a pony but still a feller I got to thinkin er uh-"
  112. "Uhuh."
  113. >"An' pinkie told me that you seem to to-to protrude thicker than the average-"
  114. "Turn around." you finally say.
  116. >"O-ok" she says with a squeak.
  117. >She about faces and you get your first good look at horsepussy, not bad.
  118. >Her clit can't seem to decide weather to be exposed or not, you figure it's a horse thing.
  119. >"I-it aint' polite ta stare ya knoOOO~"
  120. >You dug your fingers into her spasming gash. The benis stirrs as she massages your fingers with her depths.
  121. >"he-heehaaa~", her attempt at speach devolves into heavy breathing.
  122. >It's so cute that she's trying to talk, but no.
  123. >You quickly remove your fingers, causing her to squeak again.
  124. >You brush the tip of your member against her sodden folds and she bends down to give you a better angle.
  125. >Now that you're properly lubricated, you push into her inviting marevag.
  126. >She pushes back against you to get you as deep as possible.
  127. >You elicit moans from AJ when begin to rock slowly
  128. >"Fffaster" she moans into the floor.
  129. >That's your que to grab her tail and rutt her for all she's worth.
  130. >The room is filled with the wet slapping of your nethers, and moans of pleasure
  131. >"HEY", a disgruntled voice calls out. "You better not be BUCKIN' in there again"
  132. >You and AJ now had a firm understanding of the word feargasm.
  133. >"I swear if you shit dicks Buck in here one more time I-" The unicorn janitor AJ mentioned earlier must have heard you while doing his rounds. Now he's standing here with his face as read as a stoplight.
  134. >"I-i'll come back later" he stammers before high tailing it out of the locker room.
  135. "looks like we're done here Jack"
  136. >AJ's hind legs give in and she plops onto the floor.
  137. >Aww she's all tuckered out.
  138. >you wash her off and carry her home.
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