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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. Across the pond in France, Bruno Latour, an heir to the esteemed Latourian wine making tradition, is tackling the question of technophilia vs. technophobia in an entirely different way. Latour sees the development of science up unto this point as if progressing through a large maze. At each juncture, once a decision is made, and a path taken, all doors behind the navigator are slammed shut, never to be reopened or questioned, nor are any other paths to ever be taken. Entirely dissatisfied with this notion of scientific fact as indefagitable, Latour has set himself to the task of prying open each of the sealed entrances that have been slammed shut throughout the maze, so as to understand why science really is what it is. As a scientist himself, in a certain regard, it seems decidedly strange to find Latour at war in his pages, battling tooth and nail to tear down the carefully hung tapestries that science has erected around what he calls β€œblack boxes,” in order to keep away those who might question that which has been hitherto deemed fact.
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