

Jan 27th, 2018
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  4. 1. In terms of politics, the 1850s were noteworthy because they witnessed the
  5. Correct Answer: dissolution of national political parties over sectional concerns.
  6. 2. Southern critics of slavery most often asserted that
  7. Correct Answer: the plantation economy made the South a colony of the North.
  8. 3. American interests and priorities with regard to Asia in the 1840s and 1850s primarily centered around
  9. Correct Answer: trade and commerce.
  10. 4. What became the most controversial element of the Compromise of 1850?
  11. Correct Answer: The Fugitive Slave Act
  12. 5. The term “redemption” as used in the Reconstruction era refers to
  13. Correct Answer: the post-Reconstruction return of the South to white rule.
  14. 6. As a result of the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852,
  15. Correct Answer: abolitionism gained ground in the North.
  16. 7. The primary focus of women’s reform movements in the fifty years after the Civil War was the struggle for
  17. Correct Answer: suffrage.
  18. 8. The logic and reasoning employed by Southerners in seceding from the Union borrowed heavily from the
  19. Correct Answer: Declaration of Independence.
  20. 9. Which of the following was NOT a result or consequence of the Dred Scott decision of 1857?
  21. Correct Answer: The Fugitive Slave Act was repealed.
  22. 10. The Wilmot Proviso
  23. Correct Answer: called for American annexation of lands conquered from Mexico as free territory.
  24. 11. The Republican Party campaign platform of 1860 called for
  25. Correct Answer: the restriction of slavery from the territories.
  26. 12. All of the following were major elements of the Union strategy for victory in the Civil War EXCEPT
  27. Correct Answer: impressing ex-slaves into the Union army.
  28. 13. The faction of Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War became known as the
  29. Correct Answer: Copperheads.
  30. 14. Which of the following was NOT a cause of increased American settlement of the West after the Civil War?
  31. Correct Answer: Sharp increases in urban food prices
  32. 15. President Andrew Johnson was impeached as a result of his
  33. Correct Answer: violation of the Tenure of Office Act.
  34. 16. The belief that the United States had a special mission to expand over the entire North American continent was known as
  35. Correct Answer: Manifest Destiny.
  36. 17. A central element in the conquest and submission of the American Indians of the West was the
  37. Correct Answer: destruction of the buffalo herds.
  38. 18. The Emancipation Proclamation had which of the following effects?
  39. Correct Answer: It prevented England and France from joining the conflict.
  40. 19. The ultimate consequence of the sharecropping system for the South was
  41. Correct Answer: an increase in poverty for both blacks and whites.
  42. 20. The theory that individual states do not necessarily have to carry out any federal laws with which they disagree is known as
  43. Correct Answer: nullification.
  44. 21. At the outset of the war, which of the following was the greatest advantage possessed by the Confederacy?
  45. Correct Answer: Superior military leadership
  46. 22. In the 19th century, Southerners used all of the following arguments to justify slavery EXCEPT
  47. Correct Answer: the international slave trade was highly profitable for all regions of the country.
  48. 23. Who advocated for the immediate and uncompensated release of all slaves held in the United States?
  49. Correct Answer: William Lloyd Garrison
  50. 24. In Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court ruled that
  51. Correct Answer: separate but equal public facilities for blacks and whites were legal.
  52. 25. Which of the following was the MOST important reason why immigrants tended to cluster in ethnic communities in urban areas during the antebellum period?
  53. Correct Answer: It allowed immigrants to retain their languages and customs to a greater degree.
  54. 26. The American or “Know-Nothing” Party of the 1850s
  55. Correct Answer: sought to limit the rights of immigrants.
  56. 27. Which of the following statements best explains why the Mormons migrated west?
  57. Correct Answer: They were seeking out their own new promised land.
  58. 28. Which of the following refers to the Southern culture of segregation that existed for almost a century after the Civil War?
  59. Correct Answer: Jim Crow
  60. 29. With regard to the Oregon Territory, in 1846, the United States
  61. Correct Answer: hammered out a compromise agreement with the British Empire.
  62. 30. As whites moved westward into Indian territories in the last half of the 19th century,
  63. Correct Answer: the American Indians themselves were often blamed for the troubles that ensued.
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