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a guest
Apr 25th, 2019
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text 38.02 KB | None | 0 0
  1. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/kingpommes/starwars/deathstar/sky_chasm_white.mdl)
  2. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/kingpommes/starwars/deathstar/sky_chasm_white.mdl)
  3. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/kingpommes/starwars/deathstar/sky_chasm_white.mdl)
  4. ....................................................................
  5. [title]........... Arivia
  6. [build]........... v2.0.2
  7. [released]........ July 14, 2016
  8. [author].......... Richard
  9. [website].........
  10. [documentation]...
  11. [owner]........... 76561198856329692
  12. [server ip].......
  13. ....................................................................
  14. Atlas chat version 2.4.1 has loaded!
  15. Initializing Darkrp Bodygroups Manager
  16. Loading Arizard's bodyGroupr
  17. [Conquest] Loading config file
  18. Darken217's SciFi Weapons, Update 17 'Obsidian Skies' (v17.1.0)
  19. @SciFiWeapons : !Error; Engine not running on required DirectX backend. Update your graphics drivers.
  20. Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: models/kingpommes/starwars/deathstar/white)
  21. [GmodAdminSuite] [================================ GmodAdminSuite =================================]
  22. [GmodAdminSuite] [ Version: v1 ]
  23. [GmodAdminSuite] [ ]
  24. [GmodAdminSuite] [ [INFO] Loading configs... ]
  25. [GmodAdminSuite] [ [INFO] Config successfully loaded ]
  26. [GmodAdminSuite] [ [INFO] Lua functions successfully loaded ]
  27. [GmodAdminSuite] [ [INFO] MySQL config successfully loaded ]
  28. [GmodAdminSuite] [=====================================================================================]
  29. [GmodAdminSuite]
  30. [GmodAdminSuite] [=================================== Database ====================================]
  31. [GmodAdminSuite] [ [INFO] MySQL disabled, using local server database ]
  32. [GmodAdminSuite] [Server] Server (1)
  33. [GmodAdminSuite] [=====================================================================================]
  34. [GmodAdminSuite]
  35. [GmodAdminSuite] [==================================== Modules ====================================]
  36. [GmodAdminSuite] [ = Command Manager ]
  37. [GmodAdminSuite] [ X FPS Booster ]
  38. [GmodAdminSuite] [ = Billy's Whitelist ]
  39. [GmodAdminSuite] [ = Billy's Logs ]
  40. [GmodAdminSuite] [ X Player Database ]
  41. [GmodAdminSuite] [ = Secondary Usergroups ]
  42. [GmodAdminSuite] [=====================================================================================]
  43. [GmodAdminSuite] [JobWhitelist] Waiting for DarkRP...
  44. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Initializing SQLite database...
  45. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Waiting for server ID...
  46. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Deleting old damage logs...
  47. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Initializing auto increments...
  48. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Initializing deep storage...
  49. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Getting class IDs...
  50. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Getting log counts...
  51. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Waiting for modules...
  52. Loading 'mediaplayer' addon...
  53. _____ _____ _ _
  54. | |___ ___ ___| _ |___ ___ _____|_|___ ___|_|___ ___ ___
  55. | | | . | -_| | __| -_| _| | |_ -|_ -| | . | |_ -|
  56. |_____| _|___|_|_|__| |___|_| |_|_|_|_|___|___|_|___|_|_|___|
  57. |_|
  58. [=================================================================]
  59. [ Version: v1.0 ]
  60. [ ]
  61. [=================================================================]
  62. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  63. || ||
  64. || Loading Prometheus ||
  65. || ||
  66. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  67. || ||
  68. || MySQLoo 9 loaded ||
  69. || ||
  70. || loaded succesfully ||
  71. || ||
  72. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  73. Darken217's SciFi Weapons, Update 17 'Obsidian Skies' (v17.1.0)
  74. @SciFiWeapons : !Error; Engine not running on required DirectX backend. Update your graphics drivers.
  75. [Tank Trooper Playermodel Pack] lua/autorun/tank_trooper_playermodels.lua:3: invalid escape sequence near '"models'
  76. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/tank_trooper_playermodels.lua:0
  77. ///////////////////////////////
  78. // Ulysses Library //
  79. ///////////////////////////////
  80. // Loading... //
  81. // shared/defines.lua //
  82. // shared/misc.lua //
  83. // shared/util.lua //
  84. // shared/hook.lua //
  85. // shared/table.lua //
  86. // shared/player.lua //
  87. // server/player.lua //
  88. // shared/messages.lua //
  89. // shared/commands.lua //
  90. // server/concommand.lua //
  91. // server/util.lua //
  92. // shared/sh_ucl.lua //
  93. // server/ucl.lua //
  94. // server/phys.lua //
  95. // server/player_ext.lua //
  96. // server/entity_ext.lua //
  97. // shared/plugin.lua //
  98. // shared/cami_global.lua //
  99. // shared/cami_ulib.lua //
  100. // Load Complete! //
  101. ///////////////////////////////
  102. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
  103. ///////////////////////////////
  104. // ULX Admin Mod //
  105. ///////////////////////////////
  106. // Loading... //
  107. // sh_defines.lua //
  108. // lib.lua //
  109. // base.lua //
  110. // sh_base.lua //
  111. // log.lua //
  112. // MODULE: slots.lua //
  113. // MODULE: urs_server.lua //
  114. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  115. // MODULE: votemap.lua //
  116. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  117. ///////////////////////////////
  118. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  119. ///////////////////////////////
  120. // Adding Main Modules.. //
  121. // bans.lua //
  122. // commands.lua //
  123. // groups.lua //
  124. // maps.lua //
  125. // settings.lua //
  126. // Adding Setting Modules.. //
  127. // cl_urs_gui.lua //
  128. // client.lua //
  129. // server.lua //
  130. // Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
  131. // sandbox.lua //
  132. // Loading Server Modules.. //
  133. // sv_bans.lua //
  134. // sv_groups.lua //
  135. // sv_maps.lua //
  136. // sv_sandbox.lua //
  137. // sv_settings.lua //
  138. // sv_urs_gui.lua //
  139. // XGUI modules added! //
  140. ///////////////////////////////
  141. // MODULE: atags_priv.lua //
  142. // MODULE: azacomms.lua //
  143. // MODULE: cc_chat.lua //
  144. // MODULE: cc_commandtable.lua//
  145. // MODULE: cc_cvars.lua //
  146. // MODULE: cc_effects.lua //
  147. // MODULE: cc_fun.lua //
  148. // MODULE: cc_hook.lua //
  149. // MODULE: cc_menus.lua //
  150. // MODULE: cc_notepad.lua //
  151. // MODULE: cc_pgag.lua //
  152. // MODULE: cc_rcon.lua //
  153. // MODULE: cc_soundlist.lua //
  154. // MODULE: cc_teleport.lua //
  155. // MODULE: cc_util.lua //
  156. // MODULE: cc_voting.lua //
  157. // MODULE: chat.lua //
  158. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  159. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  160. // MODULE: rcon.lua //
  161. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  162. // MODULE: urs_cmds.lua //
  163. // MODULE: user.lua //
  164. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  165. // MODULE: util.lua //
  166. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  167. // end.lua //
  168. // Load Complete! //
  169. ///////////////////////////////
  170. [wOS] Successfully mounted wiltOS Animation Base
  171. [wOS] Successfully mounted animation extension: Blade Symphony
  172. [wOS] Successfully mounted animation extension: Day of Defeat
  173. [wOS] Successfully mounted animation extension: Experimental
  174. [wOS] Successfully mounted animation extension: Riddick
  175. [wOS] Registered new Hold Type: Magna Staff
  176. [wOS] Registered new Hold Type: Melee Combination
  177. [XEON] [INFO] Running/updating XEON...
  178. [XEON] [SUCCESS] XEON v1.8.2 loaded
  179. [ACD] Successfully initialize.
  180. [Simple Hitmarkers loaded...]
  181. Couldn't include file 'autorun/server/start.lua' (File not found) (<nowhere>)
  182. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_settings.lua)
  183. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sql.lua)
  184. ServerLog: AWarn: Loading module (awarn_sqlite.lua)
  185. [CNotify]: Loaded custom notification style.
  186. ---------------------------------
  187. | Loading ServerSide PermaProps |
  188. ---------------------------------
  189. permaprops/sv_lib.lua
  190. permaprops/sv_menu.lua
  191. permaprops/sv_permissions.lua
  192. permaprops/sv_specialfcn.lua
  193. permaprops/sv_sql.lua
  194. | Loading Shared PermaProps |
  195. -----------------------------
  196. ---------------------------------
  197. | Loading ClientSide PermaProps |
  198. ---------------------------------
  199. permaprops/cl_drawent.lua
  200. permaprops/cl_menu.lua
  201. -------------------------------
  202. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  203. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  204. Couldn't include file 'sh_roll.lua' (File not found) (@lua/darkrp_modules/roll_cmd/sv_roll.lua (line 1))
  205. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  206. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  207. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  208. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  209. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  210. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  211. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  212. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  213. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  214. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  215. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  216. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  217. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  218. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  219. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  220. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  221. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  222. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  223. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  224. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  225. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  226. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  227. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  228. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  229. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  230. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  231. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  232. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  233. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  234. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  235. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  236. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  237. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  238. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  239. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  240. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  241. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  242. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  243. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  244. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  245. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  246. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  247. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  248. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  249. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  250. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  251. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  252. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  253. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  254. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  255. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  256. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  257. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  258. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  259. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  260. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  261. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  262. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  263. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  264. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  265. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  266. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  267. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  268. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  269. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  270. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  271. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  272. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  273. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  274. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  275. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_03_body_cs.vmt
  276. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  277. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  278. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  279. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  280. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  281. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_02_body_cs.vmt
  282. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  283. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  284. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  285. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  286. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  287. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_gloves_05_black_cs.vmt
  288. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  289. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  290. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  291. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  292. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  293. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/enlisted/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  294. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  295. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  296. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  297. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  298. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  299. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_helmet_cs.vmt
  300. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  301. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  302. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  303. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  304. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  305. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs.vmt
  306. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  307. Error! Variable "$envmap" is multiply defined in material "worthy/inquistor_shared/t_l_assault_preq_01_visor_cs"!
  308. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  309. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  310. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  311. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  312. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/face.vmt
  313. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  314. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  315. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  316. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  317. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  318. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_r.vmt
  319. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  320. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  321. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  322. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  323. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  324. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/inquistor_shared/eye_l.vmt
  325. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  326. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  327. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  328. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  329. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  330. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  331. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  332. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  333. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  334. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  335. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  336. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  337. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  338. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  339. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  340. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  341. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  342. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  343. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  344. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  345. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  346. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  347. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  348. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  349. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  350. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  351. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  352. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  353. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  354. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  355. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  356. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  357. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  358. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  359. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  360. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/senior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  361. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  362. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  363. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  364. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  365. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  366. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  367. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  368. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  369. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  370. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  371. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  372. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  373. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  374. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  375. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  376. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  377. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  378. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  379. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  380. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  381. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  382. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  383. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  384. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  385. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  386. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  387. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  388. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  389. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  390. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  391. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  392. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  393. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  394. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  395. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  396. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/junior_nco/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  397. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  398. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  399. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  400. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  401. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  402. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  403. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  404. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  405. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  406. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  407. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  408. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  409. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  410. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  411. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  412. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  413. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  414. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  415. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  416. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  417. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  418. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  419. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  420. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  421. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  422. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  423. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  424. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  425. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  426. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  427. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  428. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  429. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  430. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  431. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  432. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/officer/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  433. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  434. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  435. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  436. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  437. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  438. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  439. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  440. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  441. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  442. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  443. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  444. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  445. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  446. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  447. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  448. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  449. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  450. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  451. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  452. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  453. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  454. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  455. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  456. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_assault_preq_01_body_cs.vmt
  457. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  458. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  459. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  460. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  461. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  462. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_heavy_preq_01_cs.vmt
  463. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  464. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  465. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  466. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  467. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  468. KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/worthy/commander/t_l_pauldron_preq_01_cs.vmt
  469. (*VertexLitGeneric*),
  470. [GmodAdminSuite] [JobWhitelist] DarkRP Ready
  471. Flip!
  472. [TextScreens/2] lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/dtextscreen.lua:24: attempt to index local 'DLib' (a nil value)
  473. 1. unknown - lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/dtextscreen.lua:24
  474. 2. include - [C]:-1
  475. 3. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/stool.lua:139
  476. 4. include - [C]:-1
  477. 5. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/shared.lua:334
  478. 6. include - [C]:-1
  479. 7. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/init.lua:10
  480. Couldn't include file 'ai_translations.lua' (File not found) (@lua/weapons/leafy_base/init.lua (line 2))
  481. [AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'shared.lua' (@lua/weapons/tfa_e11_b.lua (line 2))
  482. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_wos_dual from non existant SWEP wos_adv_dual_lightsaber_base!
  483. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_dynamic_demo from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  484. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_dh17 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  485. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_t21 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  486. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_bot from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  487. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_dlt20a from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  488. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_a280 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  489. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_wos_forced from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  490. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_da_demo from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  491. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_icefuse_demo from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  492. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_fp_dual from non existant SWEP wos_adv_dual_lightsaber_base!
  493. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_fp from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  494. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_reverse from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  495. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_corrupted from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  496. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_adept_demo from non existant SWEP wos_adv_dual_lightsaber_base!
  497. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightasber_wos_warrior from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  498. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_scoutblaster from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  499. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_wos_demo2 from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  500. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_dlt19 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  501. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_rt97c from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  502. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_dl44 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  503. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_wos from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  504. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_personal from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  505. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_e11 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  506. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_ee3 from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  507. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon ttt_realistic_hook from non existant SWEP weapon_tttbase!
  508. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon weapon_lightsaber_relent_demo from non existant SWEP wos_adv_single_lightsaber_base!
  509. ERROR: Trying to derive weapon npc_weapon_752bf3_se14c from non existant SWEP swep_battlefront_base!
  510. [TextScreens/2] lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/shared.lua:23: attempt to index local 'NORMAL_SIZE' (a number value)
  511. 1. unknown - lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/shared.lua:23
  512. 2. include - [C]:-1
  513. 3. unknown - lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/init.lua:20
  514. [TextScreens/2] lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/init.lua:25: attempt to index global 'DLib' (a nil value)
  515. 1. unknown - lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/init.lua:25
  516. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  517. ServerLog: AWarn: Warning Table Exists
  518. ServerLog: AWarn: Player Data Table Exists
  519. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Data Table Exists
  520. [GmodAdminSuite] Gamemode initialized
  521. [GmodAdminSuite] [JobWhitelist] Factions initialized
  522. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Getting module IDs...
  523. [GmodAdminSuite] [bLogs] Loaded successfully!
  524. Making workshop map available for client download
  525. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  526. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_crowbar"
  527. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_crowbar"
  528. Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick"
  529. Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick"
  530. Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
  531. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  532. ERROR!: Can't create physics object for models/kingpommes/starwars/deathstar/vadermed_seat.mdl
  533. [BLUES DECALS] No map data found for decals. Please place some and do !savedecals to create the data.
  534. Chat command "thirdperson" is defined but not declared!
  535. [GmodAdminSuite] [INFO] Populating team identification...
  536. [GmodAdminSuite] [INFO] Initialized team identification
  537. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_ban_threshold) set to 5
  538. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_ban_time) set to 30
  539. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_kick) set to 1
  540. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_decay_rate) set to 30
  541. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_kick_threshold) set to 3
  542. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_decay) set to 1
  543. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_ban) set to 1
  544. ServerLog: AWarn: Server Setting (awarn_reasonrequired) set to 1
  545. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  546. mdlkeyvalue,
  547. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  548. mdlkeyvalue,
  549. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  550. mdlkeyvalue,
  551. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  552. mdlkeyvalue,
  553. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  554. mdlkeyvalue,
  555. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  556. mdlkeyvalue,
  557. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  558. mdlkeyvalue,
  559. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  560. mdlkeyvalue,
  561. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  562. mdlkeyvalue,
  563. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  564. mdlkeyvalue,
  565. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  566. mdlkeyvalue,
  567. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  568. mdlkeyvalue,
  569. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  570. mdlkeyvalue,
  571. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  572. mdlkeyvalue,
  573. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  574. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
  575. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  576. 'banned_ip.cfg' not present; not executing.
  577. 'banned_user.cfg' not present; not executing.
  578. [XEON] [INFO] [6016 [GAS] Billy's Logs] Getting payload...
  579. [XEON] [INFO] [6017 [GAS] Billy's Whitelist] Getting payload...
  580. [Prometheus] DB Connection succesful
  581. Connection to Steam servers successful.
  582. Public IP is
  583. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:3805948928(12417)].
  584. VAC secure mode is activated.
  585. [wOS-ALCS] Successfully found addon path! addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/
  586. [wOS-ALCS] Addon Path successfully set to: addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/
  587. [wOS-ALCS] Initializing ALCS loader..
  588. [wOS-ALCS] Fetching latest version..
  589. [wOS-ALCS] Preparing to load files..
  590. [TextScreens/2] lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/init.lua:25: attempt to index global 'DLib' (a nil value)
  591. 1. unknown - lua/entities/dbot_textscreen/init.lua:25
  592. Timer Failed! [wOS.ALCS.Loader][@addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/autorun/server/wos_alcs_drmconfig.lua (line 48)]
  593. [Arivia] All scripts will be getting an official update soon, keep checking for a release of this script.
  594. [XEON] [INFO] [6016 [GAS] Billy's Logs] Decoding payload...
  595. [XEON] [SUCCESS] [6016 [GAS] Billy's Logs] Payload received successfully!
  596. [XEON] [INFO] [6017 [GAS] Billy's Whitelist] Decoding payload...
  597. [XEON] [SUCCESS] [6017 [GAS] Billy's Whitelist] Payload received successfully!
  598. Client "Pixit" connected (
  599. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  600. mdlkeyvalue,
  601. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  602. mdlkeyvalue,
  603. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  604. mdlkeyvalue,
  605. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  606. mdlkeyvalue,
  607. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  608. mdlkeyvalue,
  609. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  610. mdlkeyvalue,
  611. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  612. mdlkeyvalue,
  613. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  614. mdlkeyvalue,
  615. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  616. mdlkeyvalue,
  617. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  618. mdlkeyvalue,
  619. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  620. mdlkeyvalue,
  621. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file models/cire992/props4/couch05_a.mdl
  622. mdlkeyvalue,
  623. ServerLog: AWarn: Your server info has been updated to the online statistics tracking
  624. Your server is using the latest mysqloo9 version
  625. [3D2D Textscreens] Spawning textscreens...
  626. [3D2D Textscreens] Spawned 0 textscreens for map rp_deathstar
  627. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Pixit (STEAM_0:1:26929632) is Authed
  628. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Pixit (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Spawned for the first time
  629. syncing
  630. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Spawned
  631. Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "radio/radio_plastic"!
  632. Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "radio/holes"!
  633. Error! Variable "$ambientocclusion" is multiply defined in material "radio/plastic_2"!
  634. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a tfa_e11_extended
  635. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a tfa_dh17_extended
  636. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a wep_jack_job_drpradio
  637. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a re_hands
  638. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a salute
  639. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a surrender
  640. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a wos_inventory
  641. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a weapon_physgun
  642. ServerLog: [FAdmin] Lord Vader (STEAM_0:1:26929632) Attempted to pick up a gmod_tool
  643. [Pixit|2|STEAM_0:1:26929632] Lua Error:
  644. [ULib] addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386: attempt to index field 'Lightsabers' (a nil value)
  645. 1. fn - addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386
  646. 2. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  647. [Pixit|2|STEAM_0:1:26929632] Lua Error:
  648. [ULib] addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386: attempt to index field 'Lightsabers' (a nil value)
  649. 1. fn - addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386
  650. 2. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  651. [Pixit|2|STEAM_0:1:26929632] Lua Error:
  652. [ULib] addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386: attempt to index field 'Lightsabers' (a nil value)
  653. 1. fn - addons/wos-lightsaberaddon-vort/lua/wos/advswl/robot-boy/cl_rb655_lightsaber.lua:386
  654. 2. unknown - lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  655. [Pixit|2|STEAM_0:1:26929632] Lua Error:
  656. [Tank Trooper Playermodel Pack] lua/autorun/tank_trooper_playermodels.lua:3: invalid escape sequence near '"models'
  657. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/tank_trooper_playermodels.lua:0
  658. [Pixit|2|STEAM_0:1:26929632] Lua Error:
  659. [TextScreens/2] lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/dtextscreen.lua:24: attempt to index local 'DLib' (a nil value)
  660. 1. unknown - lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/dtextscreen.lua:24
  661. 2. include - [C]:-1
  662. 3. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/stool.lua:139
  663. 4. include - [C]:-1
  664. 5. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/shared.lua:334
  665. 6. include - [C]:-1
  666. 7. unknown - gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/cl_init.lua:11
  667. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.
  668. [ACD] Successful cleaning decals on the map.
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