

Aug 15th, 2018
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  1. Camas once ruled the world with his brothers and sisters, until one day new-age gods came wanting earth for themselves. A war lasting aeons followed, but it finally seemed like Camas and his kind were winning. In fear, new-age gods decided to trick them. They made them go onto a planet thinking they were going to encounter the gods in a fair duel, but instead the planet got launched thousands of light years away. With no hope of coming back they knew the war was lost, but they refused to give up. They decided to use the gods' own creation against them', sl the little energy they had was used to send Camas close enough to the world so that he could interact with humans. The rest of the gods went into slumber, only to be awoken once they have a way back to their world. Camas himself grew an ironic admiration for humans, and unlike his brothers and sisters who assumed groteque and deformed forms he simply looks like an unnaturally tall, bald, pale man who, despite his height, could easily be mistaken for an actual human. The skin however was a mere deception, as behind it there was emptiness, hence why every futile attempt to kill the being was met with no results.
  3. As he came to earth his cult spread like a disease, some of them thinking they're working for a greater good, some of them joining for personal gain and everything in between. He branded a lot of the people who worked for him in a painful process, giving them a large black dot on their back. The dot was a sort of filtering mechanism, he gave his power to anyone with the dot may they ever need it in a ritual, but the branding as well as the rituals themselves made the cult members slowly lose sanity and morals, making them put the cult before everything else. Pretty much, he gifted people who helped him genereously, but fed of their morals and sanity, making them even more susceptible to his rule. Still, most of the cult members became respectable figures (keeping their cult identity a secret, of course).
  5. But now, after this many years of waiting, the cult's purpose is about to be fulfilled. In the last preperations for the coming of his kind Camas gave birth to his only child, Joseph and tasked him with preparing the ritual.
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