
Skript Tutorial #23 Wands skript af!

Oct 8th, 2018
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  1. #Als je de coding in je video gebruikt, zet dan het volgende in je beschrijving (kopieer en plak):
  2. # Gemaakt door: Zeldaboy111/Tom Pampiermole
  3. # YouTube kanaal van de maker:
  6. options:
  7. {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%arg 3%}
  8. {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%}
  9. {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%arg 3%}
  10. {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%}
  12. {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%}
  13. {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} = {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%}
  15. {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} = {IceWandS::Spells::%loop-player%}
  17. {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%player%} = {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%}
  18. {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%player%} =- {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%}
  20. {Test1::%player%} = {Test1::%loop-player%}
  21. {Test2::%player%} = {Test2::%loop-player%}
  22. {Test3::%player%} = {Test3::%loop-player%}
  23. {Test4::%player%} = {Test4::%loop-player%}
  26. on join:
  27. if {IceWandS::Spells:%player%} is not set:
  28. set {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} to 0
  30. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} is not set:
  31. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} to 0
  32. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} is not set:
  33. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} to 0
  35. if {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%player%} is not set:
  36. set {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%player%} to 0
  37. if {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%player%} is not set:
  38. set {iceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%player%} to 0
  40. command /wand [<text>] [<text>] [<offline player>] [<number>]:
  41. trigger:
  42. if player has permission "wand.*" OR "wand.getwand":
  43. if arg 1 is "help":
  44. send "&e=======<&6Wands Help&e>======="
  45. send "&e/wand help &6Krijg meer informatie over de commands."
  46. send "&e/wand info &6Krijg meer informatie over de skript."
  47. send "&e/wand list &6Krijg een lijst met alle wands."
  48. send "&e/wand reset [spell/wand] &6Reset de spellpoints van een spell of wand"
  49. send "&e/wand set [spell/wand] [speler] [nummer] &6Zet de spellpoints naar een bepaald nummer"
  50. send "&e======<&6Pagina 1/1&e>======"
  51. stop
  52. if arg 1 is "info":
  53. send "&e=======<&6Wands info&e>======="
  54. send "&eMaker: &6&lZeldaboy111"
  55. send "&eVersie: &6&l1.0"
  56. send "&e=======<&6Wands info&e>======="
  57. stop
  58. if arg 1 is "list":
  59. send "&e=======<&6Wands info&e>======="
  60. send "&eWand: &6&lIce"
  61. send "&e=======<&6Wands info&e>======="
  62. stop
  63. if arg 1 is "ice":
  64. give player 1 stick named "&b&lIceWand" with lore "&kl"
  65. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Veel plezier met je &e&lIcewand&6!"
  66. stop
  67. if arg 1 is "reset":
  68. if arg 2 is "icespark":
  69. if arg 3 is set:
  70. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spell: &eIceSpark &6gereset bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  71. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%arg 3%} to 0
  72. stop
  73. else:
  74. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spell: &eIceSpark &6gereset."
  75. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} to 0
  76. stop
  77. if arg 2 is "iceexplosion":
  78. if arg 3 is set:
  79. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spell: &eIceExplosion &6gereset bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  80. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%arg 3%} to 0
  81. stop
  83. else:
  84. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spell: &eIceExplosion &6gereset."
  85. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} to 0
  86. stop
  88. if arg 2 is "IceWand" OR "Ice":
  89. if arg 3 is set:
  90. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de wand: &eIceWand &6gereset bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  91. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%arg 3%} to 0
  92. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%arg 3%} to 0
  93. stop
  94. else:
  95. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de wand: &eIceWand &6gereset."
  96. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} to 0
  97. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} to 0
  98. stop
  101. else:
  102. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Dit is geen bestaande spell of wand."
  103. stop
  105. if arg 1 is "set":
  106. if arg 2 is "IceWand" OR "Ice":
  107. if arg 3 is set:
  108. if arg 4 is set:
  109. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt van de wand: &eIceWand &6de spellpoints gezet naar: &e%arg 4% &6gezet, bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  110. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%arg 3%} to arg 4
  111. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%arg 3%} to arg 4
  112. stop
  113. if arg 2 is "IceSpark":
  114. if arg 3 is set:
  115. if arg 4 is set:
  116. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spellpoints van: &eIceSpark &6naar: &e%arg 4% &6gezet, bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  117. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%arg 3%} to arg 4
  118. stop
  119. if arg 2 is "IceExplosion":
  120. if arg 3 is set:
  121. if arg 4 is set:
  122. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &6Je hebt de spellpoints van: &eIceExplosion &6naar: &e%arg 4% &6gezet, bij: &e%arg 3%&6."
  123. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%arg 3%} to arg 4
  124. stop
  126. else:
  127. if arg 3 is set:
  128. if arg 4 is not set:
  129. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Je moet nog een nummer invoeren."
  130. stop
  131. else:
  132. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Je hebt waarschijnlijk de verkeerde volgorde, doe &c/wand help &4of &c/wand set [spell/wand] [speler] [nummer]&4."
  133. stop
  135. else:
  136. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Dit is geen bestaande spell of wand."
  137. stop
  141. else:
  142. if arg 1 is set:
  143. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Deze command &cbestaat niet&4, doe &c/wand help &4voor meer informatie."
  144. stop
  145. else:
  146. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Doe &c/wand help &4voor meer informatie."
  147. stop
  148. else:
  149. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Je hebt &convoldoende permissies &4om deze command uit te voeren."
  150. stop
  153. on rightclick:
  154. if player is holding a stick named "&b&lIceWand" with lore "&kl":
  155. if player has permission "wand.*" OR "wand.use.IceWand" OR "wand.use.icewand":
  156. if {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} is 0:
  157. send "&e<&6SpellSelected&e> &6&lIceSpark"
  158. set {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} to 1
  159. stop
  161. if {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} is 1:
  162. send "&e<&6SpellSelected&e> &6&lIceExplosion"
  163. set {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} to 0
  164. stop
  167. else:
  168. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Je hebt &convoldoende permissies &4om deze wand te gebruiken."
  169. stop
  171. on leftclick:
  172. if player is holding a stick named "&b&lIceWand" with lore "&kl":
  173. if player has permission "wand.*" OR "wand.use.IceWand" OR "wand.use.icewand":
  174. set {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::Needed} to 10
  175. set {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::Needed} to 10
  176. if {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} is 1:
  177. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%} is more than 9:
  178. set {IceWandT::IceSparkSpell::TargetedBlock::%player%} to location 1 meter above the targeted block of player
  179. #show 10 "fireworks_spark" particles at location of {IceWandT::IceSparkSpell::TargetedBlock::%player%} for player offset by 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
  180. set targeted block to ice
  181. damage targeted entity by 2 hearts
  183. else:
  184. chance of 10%:
  185. add 1 to {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%}
  186. send "&e<&6SpellPoints&e> &6Je hebt een SpellPoint erbij voor de spell: &eIceSpark"
  188. if {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%player%} is 0:
  189. send "&e<&6IceSpark&e> &6Je hebt nog &e%{IceWandPA::IceSparkSpell::Needed}-{IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%player%}% &6SpellPoints nodig."
  190. set {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%player%} to 10
  191. stop
  193. if {IceWandS::Spells::%player%} is 0:
  194. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%} is more than 9:
  195. wait 2 tick
  196. loop blocks between the block at the player and the block at targeted block:
  197. show 10 "fireworks_spark" particles at location of loop-block for player offset by 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
  198. loop blocks in radius 5 around targeted block:
  199. set loop-block to air
  200. set loop-block to fire
  203. else:
  204. chance of 5%:
  205. add 1 to {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%}
  206. send "&e<&6SpellPoints&e> &6Je hebt een SpellPoint erbij voor de spell: &eIceExplosion"
  208. if {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%player%} is 0:
  209. send "&e<&6IceExplosion&e> &6Je hebt nog &e%{IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::Needed}-{IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%player%}% &6SpellPoints nodig."
  210. set {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%player%} to 10
  211. stop
  213. else:
  214. send "&e<&6Wands&e> &4Je hebt &convoldoende permissies &4om deze wand te gebruiken."
  215. stop
  217. every 1 tick:
  218. loop all players:
  219. if loop-player has permission "wand.*" OR "wand.use.IceWand" OR "wand.use.icewand":
  220. if loop-player is holding a stick named "&b&lIceWand" with lore "&kl":
  221. if {IceWandS::Spells::%loop-player%} is 1:
  222. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 0:
  223. show actionbar from "&b::::::::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  224. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 1:
  225. show actionbar from "&3::&b::::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  226. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 2:
  227. show actionbar from "&3::::&b::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  228. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 3:
  229. show actionbar from "&3::::::&b::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  230. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 4:
  231. show actionbar from "&3::::::::&b::::::::::::" to loop-player
  232. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 5:
  233. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::&b::::::::::" to loop-player
  234. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 6:
  235. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::&b::::::::" to loop-player
  236. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 7:
  237. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::&b::::::" to loop-player
  238. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 8:
  239. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::::&b::::" to loop-player
  240. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is 9:
  241. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::::::&b::" to loop-player
  242. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is more than 9:
  243. show actionbar from "&3&lIceSpark" to loop-player
  246. if {IceWandS::Spells::%loop-player%} is 0:
  247. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 0:
  248. show actionbar from "&b::::::::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  249. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 1:
  250. show actionbar from "&3::&b::::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  251. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 2:
  252. show actionbar from "&3::::&b::::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  253. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 3:
  254. show actionbar from "&3::::::&b::::::::::::::" to loop-player
  255. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 4:
  256. show actionbar from "&3::::::::&b::::::::::::" to loop-player
  257. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 5:
  258. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::&b::::::::::" to loop-player
  259. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 6:
  260. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::&b::::::::" to loop-player
  261. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 7:
  262. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::&b::::::" to loop-player
  263. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 8:
  264. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::::&b::::" to loop-player
  265. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is 9:
  266. show actionbar from "&3::::::::::::::::::&b::" to loop-player
  267. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is more than 9:
  268. show actionbar from "&3&lIceExplosion" to loop-player
  270. every 1 second:
  271. loop all players:
  272. if {IceWandP::IceSparkSpell::%loop-player%} is less than 10:
  273. if {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%} is not 0:
  274. remove 1 from {IceWandS::IceSparkSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%}
  275. stop
  276. if {IceWandP::IceExplosionSpell::%loop-player%} is less than 10:
  277. if {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%} is not 0:
  278. remove 1 from {IceWandS::IceExplosionSpell::cooldown::%loop-player%}
  279. stop
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