

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. --[X] 4 Art Club. Mel needs supervision.: (Gnarker, Xicree, Van Ropen, BFldyq)
  2. ----[X] 1 Go meet with someone.: (kinglugia)
  3. [X] 2 Go the the Library. Knowledge is power, even when you don't through massive tomes at people.: (Gnarker, Sarek)
  4. --[X] 1 Go the the Library. Knowledge is power, even when you don't through massive tomes at people.: (BFldyq)
  5. ---[X] 5 Go the the Library. Knowledge is power, even when you don't through massive tomes at people.: (Fellgar, Graig, Xicree, Van Ropen, kinglugia)
  6. [X] 1 Go the the Library. Knowledge is power, even when you don't throw massive tomes at people.: (DarkLight140)
  7. ----[X] 1 Go the the Library. Knowledge is power, even when you don't throw massive tomes at people.: (eyythr)
  8. [X] 2 Head back to your room.: (Sarek, DarkLight140)
  9. ----[X] 1 Head back to your room.: (eyythr)
  10. --[X] 1 Keep working on Improved Encoding (51/180): (DarkLight140)
  11. ----------[X] 12 Keep working on Improved Encoding (51/180): (Fellgar, Fellgar, Graig, Graig, Gnarker, Gnarker, Xicree, Sarek, Van Ropen, kinglugia, eyythr, BFldyq)
  12. ----[X] 2 Nope!: (Sarek, eyythr)
  13. ----[X] 9 Obviously (-1 Willpower per Research action): (Fellgar, Graig, Xicree, Sarek, Van Ropen, kinglugia, eyythr, BFldyq, DarkLight140)
  14. ---[X] 1 Or possibly someone... Mel will pass off her undoubtedly bizarre erotic artwork of Mia as ours, will she? Nothing can substitute for the genuine article!: (DarkLight140)
  15. --[X] 1 Paint. Surely something will come to mind.: (DarkLight140)
  16. ----------[X] 1 Professor Koslov. He's a cool dude.: (kinglugia)
  17. ----[X] 3 Shop Club. You have money, why not spend it?: (Fellgar, Graig, eyythr)
  18. [X] 1 Study Hydromancy: (Sarek)
  19. ---[X] 1 Study Hydromancy: (Van Ropen)
  20. ----------[X] 3 Study Multithreading (36/120): (Xicree, kinglugia, BFldyq)
  21. ----------[X] 4 Take Mia out for something to eat when club time is over, she's adorable and you want to get to know her better.: (Gnarker, Xicree, Van Ropen, BFldyq)
  22. --[X] 1 You have a commission.: (DarkLight140)
  23. ----------[X] 2 You have a commission.: (Sarek, eyythr)
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