

Oct 6th, 2016
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  1. 1. In battle, you can now see other Arthur card targeted to
  2. -Now enemy parts have number, ex: Body => 1, Left Part => 2, Right Part => 3, and so on if enemy have more than 2 parts
  3. -When you throw an attack cards, you will see a number below your Faction Icon card, that number is where you target your cards to boss part
  4. -When you throw a buff or rec buff cards, you will see another faction icon below your faction icon card, that icon is where you target your cards to your ally
  6. 2. Implementation of Follow . Follower system
  7. -Friend system now become Follow and Follower system
  8. -From ver. 4.6.0 onward, you can now rent other arthurs deck by just following them without them to approve friend request
  9. -If you follow random Arthurs, and they follow you it will become "Mutual Follow". When you create room, if you check the "Friend only" requirement, your room can be see by them even if they're not in your friend list
  10. -You can check Follow . Follower list in the main menu
  11. -You can follow up to 150 Arthurs regardless of level
  12. -Your Friend List on Ver. 4.5.0, after Ver. 4.6.0 update they will automatically become "Mutual Follow"
  14. 3. Quest Clear Deck browsing and How to obtain cards info
  15. -Other arthurs now can check the deck that was used to clear quest and copy them
  16. -"Party Clear Deck" button have been added to "Uasaha Hint". You can view the deck that your last party used.
  17. -The cards that you don't own will be displayed as "Non-possession". You can press and hold the cards to see the info and how to obtain it (You will see a button on the right side)
  18. -If you press the button you will see a list that show which quest give that card
  20. 4. Quest Clear Ranking
  21. -"Yesterday Clear Ranking" button have been added to "Uasaha Hint"
  22. -When you tap the button you can see the ranking order that have cleared the quest
  23. -you can follow other Arthur's that is displayed on the ranking
  25. 5. Other changes and bug fixes
  26. -When you login for the first time of the day, the "News" page will be displayed automatically
  27. -The number of Rent Deck has been increased from 1 to 10 (you can rent multiple Arthur deck)
  28. -"EX Skill" have been added to card display list
  29. -"Already Obtained" mark that doesn't appear when you see Lineup on Select Gacha have been fixed
  30. -In "Follow . Follower List", Reader card that overlap have been fixed
  31. -Adjusting some UI
  32. -Other minor bug fixes
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