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- 22:25 Feraligatr: alright buddy guide me thru what u don't like
- 22:26 Monoseul: nuh uh
- 22:27 Monoseul: actually ok im too lazy to post mods
- 22:28 Monoseul: 00:30:748 (30748|0,30898|0,31085|0,31273|0,31423|0,31610|0,31723|0,31910|0) -
- 22:28 Feraligatr: ahahahaahahahaaha
- 22:29 Monoseul: i know why this exists but the change between 1/4 or 1/8 is FUCKEDD it's not that great to play, i think it'd work better if they had a more uniform snap since the synth is vague
- 22:29 Monoseul: also I think it's made worse with this 00:31:610 (31610|0,31648|2,31648|1,31723|0) this is so weird to play
- 22:29 Monoseul: oops ok hyperlink
- 22:30 Monoseul: but yea players wont tell what's going on here it'll just come off weird i think
- 22:31 Feraligatr: synth goes up -> hit ; synth goes down -> release
- 22:32 Feraligatr: tbh I think it's fine - it's more that I don't think ppl are holding down 00:31:648 (31648|1) - long enough
- 22:35 Monoseul: hmmm
- 22:36 Monoseul: ig it's fine but i still think 00:31:610 (31610|0,31648|1,31723|0) is srsly mindblock material for the left hand
- 22:36 Monoseul: mainly due to 00:31:648 (31648|2) -
- 22:37 Monoseul: i was thinking at least 00:31:610 (31610|0) - could be a 1/4 LN instead so it flows better but that's just me
- 22:38 Feraligatr: oh wait
- 22:38 Feraligatr: I needed to extend 00:31:648 - by 1/4 LMAO
- 22:38 Feraligatr: realized they're only 3/4 not 1/1
- 22:39 Monoseul: gg
- 22:40 Feraligatr: aye
- 22:40 Feraligatr: slightly extending them to 00:31:948 - makes it less visually jarring
- 22:43 Monoseul: i trust that :'
- 22:43 Monoseul: wow you really love using the left hand here
- 22:44 Feraligatr: where is h e r e
- 22:44 Monoseul: EVERYWHERE
- 22:44 Monoseul: anyways
- 22:45 Monoseul: 00:46:798 - 00:52:798 - left hand eating good
- 22:45 Feraligatr: as if the right wasn't at 00:45:823 - 00:47:023 -
- 22:46 Monoseul: fair
- 22:48 Monoseul: prob just me but the way the jacks play out on the left hand at 00:56:098 - 00:57:298 - is a little wonky to me. I think it's mainlu to do with the 1st col anchor and how the jacks all fall on the left hand in the middle of it
- 22:49 Feraligatr: I can just move 00:57:523 - to col 2
- 22:50 Monoseul: 01:15:874 (75874|3) - mmmm short ln
- 22:50 Feraligatr: fnuuy ln
- 22:50 Monoseul: ye sounds good
- 22:50 Feraligatr: I also went ahead and made the LNs at 01:16:932 - to have equal gap sizes
- 22:50 Feraligatr: idk why I didn't notice them till now but they bothered me
- 22:50 Feraligatr: now they no longer bother me
- 22:51 Monoseul: i was JUST about to get to that
- 22:51 Monoseul: xd
- 22:53 Monoseul: Not sure if intentional but 01:27:991 - are you missing an LN here\
- 22:53 Feraligatr: yea LOL
- 22:53 Feraligatr: idk where it went
- 22:54 Feraligatr: I now made it reappear
- 22:54 Monoseul: yippeeeeeeee
- 22:55 Monoseul: 01:41:226 (101226|3,101285|3) - jumpscare
- 22:55 Feraligatr: that jack is awesome
- 22:59 Monoseul: 02:36:229 - Missed smth here?
- 23:00 Feraligatr:
- 23:01 Monoseul: oopsie daisies
- 23:06 Monoseul: Littleee nitpicky but the transition from the inverse to 03:12:979 (192979|2,192979|1,193054|1,193054|0) - is a little iffy on the left hand imo, feel like it'd play better if 03:13:054 (193054|0) - was moved to col 4
- 23:06 Monoseul: think it has to do with the reverse shield from 03:12:754 (192754|0,193054|0) - that makes it feel off imo
- 23:06 Monoseul: also bcuz the patterns right after also favor the left for a bit
- 23:09 Feraligatr: I really don't like how that single note plays on col 4
- 23:11 Monoseul: womp womp
- 23:14 Monoseul: looks like that's it from me
- 23:14 Feraligatr: swoogity swaggity
- 23:14 Monoseul: yippee for ending spike being handled well i felt the grey hairs disappear from my head
- 23:15 Monoseul: just checking file stuff to make sure nothing somehow death'd
- 23:15 Feraligatr: just updated soo
- 23:16 Monoseul: booooo
- 23:18 Feraligatr: u should save this igc
- 23:18 Feraligatr: would be very wise of you
- 23:19 Monoseul: what is igc help
- 23:19 Feraligatr: in game chat
- 23:20 Monoseul: i should
- 23:20 Monoseul: posting for the world to see
- 23:20 Feraligatr: I forgor how
- 23:20 Feraligatr: it's been like 4 years since I was a bn
- 23:21 Monoseul: be bn again you'll find ur answer there
- 23:21 Feraligatr: no I'm graduating after next semester LMAO
- 23:22 Monoseul: what the helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
- 23:25 Feraligatr: yippee !!
- 23:25 Monoseul: anyways everything looks fine
- 23:25 Feraligatr: I nudged mystic but if u want to go ahead and nom u can
- 23:26 Monoseul: mayb u could add "gftb owc2022gftb" to tags since u know abbreviations never hurt anoyne and more searchabilkityyyy!!!
- 23:27 Monoseul: thats the only thing i have to say
- 23:27 Monoseul: and then nom
- 23:27 Monoseul: also like three ranked maps of this song has that
- 23:28 Feraligatr: ough
- 23:28 Feraligatr: also it's really funny the two favs on the map are both protos LMFAO
- 23:30 Monoseul: oh wtf LMAO
- 23:32 Monoseul: oke yey
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