
The Fun Gang Go Camping!

Jul 10th, 2019
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  1. The Fun Gang Go Camping! (Requested by Anonymous)
  6. >A few months after having brought Ralsei into the Light World, The Fun Gang were now preparing for their first ever camping trip together.
  7. >Although it would be Susie and Ralsei's first time, Kris was the one who did all the preparation and planning, since he and his family had gone camping plenty of times before they split.
  8. >They had prepared quite well for the trip, more so than what was probably necessary. But better safe than sorry.
  9. >It had been a while since Kris has gone camping, but he still remembered the basics.
  10. >"Ugh… finally!" Susie groaned, stretching obnoxiously as the truck they were all in parked.
  11. >Around them was a small makeshift parking lot, with a few other vehicles around. Kris had borrowed his dad's pickup truck for the weekend in order to better transport all the gear they got.
  12. >"Oooh… this forest looks almost as dense as the one back in the Dark World!" Ralsei said enthusiastically, stepping out of the truck with his friends and adjusting his sun hat.
  13. >"Not as pretty but… still nice. Susie, help me unpack?"
  14. >"Well we don't plan on leaving all our shit here and going in there with just the clothes on our backs." She rolled her eyes and followed Kris to the back of the truck, grabbing their separate packs and other items.
  15. >"Thank you Kris." Ralsei smiled as he was handed his pack, which he adjusted onto his back with a little huff.
  16. >"I-it is quite heavy… uhm, how long is the hike again?"
  17. >"About 7 miles. No steep hills or anything. Should be a relatively smooth path." Kris responded, closing up the back of the truck.
  18. >"Near where the lake is, yeah?" Susie asked as they began to follow the track leading into the forest.
  19. >"Yes. It should be empty there. The lake is apparently filled to the brim with cod though."
  20. >"Heh. Nice. I can cook us up a mean fillet after we catch a couple then."
  21. >"That explains the sudden last minute addition of a spice pack I suppose…" Kris muttered as he examined the map he brought along, double checking the trails in case.
  22. >"Hey, talk all the shit you want, but I can cook a mean fillet. Thanks to my brother."
  23. >"Oh, I've never had seafood before! A-aside from that one time I had the uh… sriracha shrimp from the diner, hehe…"
  24. >"It really wasn't that hot, Rals." Susie muted.
  25. >"I-it was to me! I've never had anything like that before!"
  26. >"Sriracha sauce is pretty mild, Ralsei." Kris added, the slightest hint of a smirk on his face, "but I won't hold it against ya."
  27. >Ralsei pouted a little, making Susie chuckle as they continued onwards.
  28. >As the trio hiked, they made sure to stop at certain landmarks and take a moment to enjoy the scenery, stopping every now and then to have a quick break to drink water and have a snack.
  29. >Thankfully the trail mix Asriel made for them was not only filling, but tasted good as well.
  30. >"Mm… might wanna ask your bro to make more for us next time Kris." Susie said mid chew as she leaned against a tree, looking over a cliffside that lead to a beautiful view of the deeper forest that they've yet to be in.
  31. >"Didn't think you'd be such a fan of it." Kris responder as he handed the bag over to Ralsei so he can have his share.
  32. >"It all looks so beautiful…" Ralsei smiled softly as he admired the view, sitting against a rock and taking it all in, while he nibbled on the raisins and peanut butter M&Ms from the trail mix bag.
  33. >"I missed coming here. I almost forgot how amazing it all looked honestly." Kris smiled a little.
  34. >"Kris, would it be possible for all three of us to take a picture here?" He asked, setting the bag beside him and looking up at the human.
  35. >"Sure. I was gonna ask the same thing, actually."
  36. >Kris turned to Susie, who rolled her eyes and sighed a bit, "Fine. But just because I want to show Lancer what it's like."
  37. >"...wish he could've come with us."
  38. >"Aw, we all feel the same, Susie! He just has a kingdom to maintain right now is all… but he did promise for next time!" Ralsei reassured.
  39. >"Yeah… suppose you're right, toothpaste boy." Susie smiled a little, revealing her eyes as she did.
  40. >And with that, Susie and Ralsei stood behind Kris, smiling and putting up peace signs as Kria lifted up the camera on his phone and took a selfie of the three of them, happily posed over the dense, beautiful forest and mountains.
  41. >"...god I need a new hairstyle." Susie muttered as she and the other two examined the picture they took.
  42. >"I could help you with that!" Interjected Ralsei with a bright smile.
  43. >"For the last time Rals, I don't want my hair braided!"
  44. >Ralsei couldn't help but giggle at her response, which prompted Susie to chuckle a bit in return, all while Kris smiled softly at his two friends and saved the picture on his phone.
  45. >And with that, the two continue on their trip towards the lake, their weekend at the forest just beginning.
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